Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Why Do Some People Do Stupid, Stupid Things With Their Characters?


Disney's Princess
If it ever gets that ridiculously stupid inside a thread I just tend to leave it. Generally alongside everyone else too. The other writer is usually more susceptible to listen to fair council or change their ways after everyone else walks away from them, kills the thread, and starts a new chapter without them. My inbox then adds "Hey why did the thread die?" and "Did you guys start a new thread without me?", to it's list of new messages.

If it is PvP, then I'd follow the 1. PM them -> 2. request RPJ, logic. Nothing fancy there.

As for a real reason why people do stupid stuff with their characters? Idk. ...Cause it was there... :D
I know when I want each of my characters to die. However, I don't know if they'll make it that far.
Strask, for example, has the issue of at least one, maybe two, FUs who want him dead. If they catch him, it will be hard to get out of it. Do I want him to die that way? No. But if [member="Alexandra Cinthra"] catches up to him, then I'm willing to let him die. As [member="Jared Ovmar"] said:
Jared Ovmar said:
IC decisions should have IC consequences.
You may be able to stop any damage to your character, but that shouldn't mean he's immortal. Know everyone's limits, and realize some people are just too powerful. Just look at any master.....
TL;DR: Use common sense and don't dodge anything.


Disney's Princess
Actually. Heh, now that I think about it. My favorite reason is the interpretation that Rank Titles are nothing more than suggestions. When you met that one Padawan or Knight who thinks he can duel a Master and win by default. But by the end of the thread that poor is suddenly realizing that he's been outclassed, out-equipped, and out-written in every way. Then they go: "Wait. Can you not kill me pls? I thought I was gonna win?"

Every. SIngle. Time. :D

Hevana Martin

Hair-triggered Super Soldier
I try to let bad things happen to my characters when it makes sense. I generally will avoid autohits because I do not feel such things should be encouraged, but if a well written attack occurs I usually try and take a hit. Otherwise I try and figure out what my characterwould aactually do in a situation good or bad. Hevana for instance once attempted suicide while going through a particularly bad time in her life. It's in her nature. She only survived because an ISB agent decided she'd be worth more alive and brainwashed her.

Lira Dajenn

Anyone of my characters is up for death at any time, provided said death makes sense and was reached in a goodly way over the course of a thread or two.

As a side note, it greatly love it when powerful Master Level Characters get killed off. I believe that each and every character should have an expiration date. Examples of deaths of powerful characters that greatly pleased me beyond all belief. Velok, Karin Dorn, Moridin(My own), and a few others that slip my mind. KILL OF YOUR MASTERS PEOPLE, AND YOU WILL GAIN MY RESPECT.
I still think there should be a caveat. You do X then X is going to happen. If I hold a thermal detonator without any protection then bye bye!

If I take [member="November Sinclair"] and attack the Mandalorians again then I know I will be hunted and either imprisoned or killed. End of story.

You make dumb choices, dumb things happen.
Nemene Talith said:
Anyone of my characters is up for death at any time, provided said death makes sense and was reached in a goodly way over the course of a thread or two.

As a side note, it greatly love it when powerful Master Level Characters get killed off. I believe that each and every character should have an expiration date. Examples of deaths of powerful characters that greatly pleased me beyond all belief. Velok, Karin Dorn, Moridin(My own), and a few others that slip my mind. KILL OF YOUR MASTERS PEOPLE, AND YOU WILL GAIN MY RESPECT.
Nemene Talith said:
Anyone of my characters is up for death at any time, provided said death makes sense and was reached in a goodly way over the course of a thread or two.

As a side note, it greatly love it when powerful Master Level Characters get killed off. I believe that each and every character should have an expiration date. Examples of deaths of powerful characters that greatly pleased me beyond all belief. Velok, Karin Dorn, Moridin(My own), and a few others that slip my mind. KILL OF YOUR MASTERS PEOPLE, AND YOU WILL GAIN MY RESPECT.
When specific story objectives are done....a beautiful death is what Aaralyn shall embrace.


Morality Policeman :)
Nemene Talith said:
I agree with you about there being too many all-powerful Masters out there and I wish they would just die. How many invasions can a character survive before his luck runs out? While your character progressively becomes more powerful as time goes on, the odds also increase drastically that your character won't make it out of the next war...

HOWEVER, there is no need to run your Master into the ground. A more pleasant solution for the folks who want to retire or decrease their character's presence would be for them to fade out into a quiet, drawn-out solitary life, like Shaak Ti or Yoda. And guess what? If someone steps on your character's lawn while he's retired, you can bring him back for another hoorah. :)

Lira Dajenn

I don't mean immediately kill them off when they're Masters obviously, but as [member="Beowoof"] said when they've been in 451461262 invasions and have grown to near god-tier status. Yeah its time. A good example would be Moridin and Velok, they were both considered to be superbly strong and a step above even other Masters.

Other Masters like Karin hadn't been in many invasions but through other threads had developed so far that it was just their time.

-shrugs- I just don't like people clinging to their powerful characters, because honestly it gets kind of tiresome.

Lilith Mae Lancaster

Nemene Talith said:
I don't mean immediately kill them off when they're Masters obviously, but as [member="Beowoof"] said when they've been in 451461262 invasions and have grown to near god-tier status. Yeah its time. A good example would be Moridin and Velok, they were both considered to be superbly strong and a step above even other Masters.

Other Masters like Karin hadn't been in many invasions but through other threads had developed so far that it was just their time.

-shrugs- I just don't like people clinging to their powerful characters, because honestly it gets kind of tiresome.
I was just being an exaggerative drama queen... :p

Darth Naomi

Error 404: title-not-found
I've come from a highly competitive RP site where Mods, an equivalent of your RPJs, do have the power to declare characters dead or posts voided in case of a dispute or breaking of rules. Without their intervention people can kill off each other's characters (usually by using a stat system that the site relies on to make their attacks land). The picture is that staff holds a lot of power both OOC and IC, much more compared to what I see here. Also, since a small misstep can get your character killed even if you did not try to 1v10, even if you just forgot to add Private and No Kill tags on your thread while being in an area occupied by criminal characters. This results in characters dying often, no hit taking unless it can't be avoided, the fights lasting mere seconds during which everyone buff up to max and go for one shots and a lot of borderline metagame.

Compared to that, this picture here is really not that bad. Of course, as most things, this requires a level of... I lack the word here... awareness/consciousness. There will always be people to skim the edge of what the rules allow, poke the surface. On this site it appears simply talking to people can solve most issues and involvement of RPJs can solve nearly all the rest. I really love it how the characters can only be killed by the writer, because it allows to play the characters without worrying about some random killing them because they felt like it, it allows to play their story instead of fighting for their survival. I certainly don't think you should sacrifice that for a few abusers now and then, when they can be dealt with by so many other ways you guys have already explained. I have run into people who simply don't take a hit, I am yet to meet someone who would think he's invincible. Then again, I am not all that long here and I have my own RP habits from the other site, so not entirely without faults either.
I do stupid things with my characters all the time. For example, track down a sith Master while still an initiate and tryand kill him - the result captured and tortured.

I do stupid things with my characters, mainly this one now that I think about it, simply because I LOVE them being in bad situations. The worse the situation, the better development I feel I get out of it. You don't know the characters limits unless you test them.
[member="Ayden Cater"]

I think certain threads, like event PVP threads, should have a warning that a player participates at their own risk, just like PvP in any other game. Of course people should come to their own terms in the case of dueling. (assuming they're trying to be sporting about it.)

[member="RC 212"]
Can't players dispute BS in the OOC threads? That's a shame you had to reitre your character. Seen a crazy guy get demodded before because he liked to crash threads with characters that were literally gods. Needless to say, my time on that particular board was short lived.

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
And look at her now! All grown up.

Mia Monroe said:
I do stupid things with my characters, mainly this one now that I think about it, simply because I LOVE them being in bad situations. The worse the situation, the better development I feel I get out of it.

Communication is key as well guys. Simply leaving a thread in some standofish fashion or even just dropping out of a thread isn't going to help the situation, in fact it might make it...worse.
An Example where communication helps understand the situation you're in: (Player A takes a throne room after a succesful invasion. Player B who helped build the room pms and says "Hey, traps, explosions, boom". Player A can either: 1 Choose to be killed by trap, 2 Totally ignore trap, 3.Take a hit and make himself look like a fool which is always fun, you know, taking hits. Now both player's continuities are accepted and no one has their feelings hurt. And nobody dies. Though death is important *sage nods*
Character warnings.

It's where another player gives an OOC warning that x action will most likely kill them.

Meaning that if they continue, they accept the fact of death and can't deny it.

Simple, right?
The angst and 'not-quite-naming-names' is strong here.

If you think a character is going Starkiller and escaping certain death report the thread and it will be looked into. Not saying it'll end in your favour, but that's the way to handle it.

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