Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Wild Huntresses

"Oh, don't be that way sweetie." Laira could tell the woman was being modest, either by habit or because she didn't like to be considered part of that group of Force warriors. The princess could respect that aspect, that desire to be recognized for oneself rather than for their relatives or comrades. It was the whole reason she took up the persona of Laira Darkhold and didn't tell people who her mother or father were. Then people would see her, but automatically compare her to them in their minds. They would not respect her as an individual. That and the responsibility that came with a title and prestige was more than the redhead was willing to put forth at the time. "You are pretty great yourself, you don't need to worry about how you measure up to them. I've never met them anyway, and as far as I'm concerned, you are my favorite." Laira let a little honey seep into her tone, her voice ring with sweetness and her words spoken deliberately.

The flame haired princess blushed slightly, red filling her cheeks. "Well, I would be more subtle, but I'm afraid you'd miss it and that would defeat the purpose." She grinned roguishly and slipped a hand around her companion's waist to help guide the woman through the busy streets and to be a little more physically close to the woman. She didn't mind the light touches of Elpsis' finger tips on her arm, partially because she was blind and needed to touch in order to properly 'see' someone, and partially because it was innocent. No harmful intent or malicious desire in her movements. "Thank you. I work hard enough for them, someone I like might as well get to notice them."

Laira lead them the short distance down the stairs and across a few streets until they came to the tourist beach. The rich, high society tourist beach. A stretch of white sand about a kilometer long and maybe one hundred meters across with cabanas, large parasols, a handful of repulsor hammocks, a few life guard towers, and a pier to either side. Rich people, mostly non-natives dotted the area in small groups or laying out alone in peace. Some trophy wives and husbands lounged in the area. This part had a toll to use, which the richer people were willing to pay to keep away from the crowds that flooded the other beaches, and Laira was willing to pay if she had to for the same reason. She wanted to relax, not share a beach with thousands of other people who would be loud and obnoxious. When they came to the toll, Laira dropped the coins in the waiting droid's hand and they continued through without pausing. "Seems like a nice enough place. Where first, sun on the beach or get in the water?"

[member="Elpsis Elaris"]
[member="Laira Vereen"]

"Oh, I'm definitely noticing them," the flame curtained girl leaned close to her companion when the latter wrapped an arm around her waist, basking in their physical closeness. Generally Elpsis went for older women. She could make exceptions though. "Between you and me, I really like girls with muscles."

It did not take them long before they'd reached the beach, the one reserved for high society. So it was predictably posh and filled with the affluent and their hangers-on. As much as most of these people would probably annoy Elpsis in one way or another, she appreciated the privacy it offered. Public beaches meant crowds and crowds meant ear splitting heaches from hell. She might have become better at controlling her empathy, but it could still be unpleasant.

It went without saying that two beautiful, well-built redheads acquired their share of looks, some of them of the leecherous variety. Elpsis paid the stares little mind. "I feel like getting wet and stretching my legs a bit. Been sitting around most of the day. Let's go for a swim and sub bathe after. I got sunscreen" she grinned. Like every good Girl Scout, she was prepared. Yeah, totally.

So without further ado she removed her leather jacket and stuffed it into her rucksack, then deposited her stuff at a suitable beach chair once they'd found an appropriate spot. She would wait for Laira, then head towards the blue water. "Come on, babe. So you're a Forcer, too?" she added conversationally as she took her first steps into the water.
Laira grinned, more of her own amusement than for the benefit of her company as Elpsis mirrored her own moves and wrapped an arm around her waist, holding each other together as they made their way along the beach. "Good. I'd hate to come all this way and be disappointed. Don't get the wrong idea though, I'll make you work for it." Laira assumed she would know when and if she was ready for any kind of intimate relationship, and so she couldn't quite say what she required from another person, only that she was quick to flirt and hit doubles, but stayed there a while.

For the most part she ignored the looks and glances they recieved. She didn't know anyone on this beach and wasn't looking to hook up or attract anyone else to her so she didn't bother acknowledging them beyond ensuring her gait was alluring as she walked. "Swimming it is, and glad one of us came prepared." The flame haired princess said in agreement, more than willing to relax by floating in the cool waters of Manaan with her new companion. Tossing her own leather jacket on the beach chair, Laira made ready to enter the ocean. She wasn't an olympic swimmer by any means, but she did well enough in water.

She took her first steps out into the water, the cool white sand beneath her feet giving way as she stepped through the gentle waves and seafoam that lapped up on the beach and into the shallows proper, water rising up to her knees then her thighs. "Yes I am. I've had a little training here and there, nothing too formal. It helps here and there with gauging people, flying, and the like. Nothing special." She shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly. "I can get hints and some intuition about people and their intentions if I concentrate. Probably why I liked you right away." The princess batted her eyelashes bashfully and unthinkingly bit her lower lip. She did like Elpsis. "I'm just glad my aura was as attractive as you are otherwise I'd still be eating all by my lonesome."

[member="Elpsis Elaris"]
[member="Laira Vereen"]

In that regard Elpsis was Laira's opposite, since she, let's be honest, slept around a lot. However, she was also reticient about entering a proper relationship unless she trusted someone a lot. A certain ex-Primeval Inquisitor was doing a good job stealing her heart though!

Regardless, Elpsis giggled a bit as she stepped through the shallow waters and entered the sea proper. She did not mind the idea of working for it! Of course, there was the risk that the redhead might believe that Laira was willing to go further than she actually was. Fortunately, Elpsis had enough grace and sense to know that, yes, no meant no!

"Oh, it's very attractive and glows real hot," Elpsis quipped. She liked her corny quips. "I'm self-taught mostly. Was a Jedi way back when I was a kid. That sucked. I ran off." That was a very brief summary, but this was not the time to get into complicated history stuff.

"It's mostly fire and some mental stuff. I'm a natural at empathy because of my mum. Maybe I could show you some stuff," she added gently. The water rose up past her thighs, she savoured the feeling as it kissed her skin and broke into a swam once they were far enough.
Laira stepped out a little further into the water and then relaxed, slipping downward and letting the gentle currents lift her body so she could float around on her back at the surface of the water. "Well, at least we are two of a kind then, boo. Hopefully this won't be a one time thing." The redhead grinned, also liking Elpsis' quips as the water took her hair and made it flow around her head.

"You are right about Jedi, they are boring. My mother always loved the idea of them when i was growing up but I don't like the idea of giving up so much of life, you know. Plus, sometimes a little bad does a lot of good." She meant her lifestyle of smuggling which was sometimes illegal but could help innocents in the right circumstances, but Laira was certain there were other examples of when the Jedi code restricted someone so much they couldn't act when they needed to.

"Oh, I'd love that!" The fire haired princess got excited at the prospect of being taught about the Force, or just anything in general. She had a strong thirst for knowledge and loved getting to learn new and exciting things about life, the Force, the galaxy in general. She stopped herself, getting a little bit of a handle over her excitement. "I mean, I'd be happy to take a look at anything you wanted to show me." Laira grinned roguishly from laying on her back in the water, reaching out a hand to try and keep a hold of Elpsis.

"I mostly do physical enhancment. Speed, reflexes, strength. I do a little bit of Fire and Earth shaping, which is my favorite Force stuff to play with." Which was kind of useless in the water, but her other skills worked just fine no matter where she was.

[member="Elpsis Elaris"]
[member="Laira Vereen"]

"Sooo true. 'sides, the average Jedi is just a preachey dick with a stick of sanctimominy up his arse. They don't even really respect the Force. So happy my mother and I dumped them," Elpsis made her opinion very clear. In her experience, Jedi were either ineffectual peaceniks more concerned about their halo than helping people or hypocritical, intolerant knights templars. Of course, this might also say a lot about her.

Regardless, the conversation turned to something more pleasant. Elpsis grinned broadly, reaching out to take Laira's outstretched hand while she laid back in the warm water, lessing it embrace her skin, wet her hair and carry her.

"You're so cute right now. I'd be totally down to show you some stuff. I know some healing and I'm all about fire," she gushed, grinning cornily. Elpsis, Taryc and Laira pyra squad, here we come! Maybe they could even rope Joza in. Small world, huh? The hotness might be too much for this universe to handle.

Briefly, Elpsis perceived a feeling of unease. It obviously was not something emanating from Laira, but something vague in the air. Something she would have paid more attention to if she were not focused on having a good time in general and with the nice redhead in particular. As soon as she felt it, the feeling was gone and she shook it off. What were the odds that they'd have to fight a massive sea monster? The odds were totally negligble.
Laira pulled Elpsis close to her so she could wrap her arm around her fellow redhead, feeling the warmth of Elpsis' skin in stark contrast to the ocean water of Manaan they floated in. "I do try to be cute. Specially cause I really like you, so you get my a game." Laira could see the possibility of a budding relationship, though she would have to heavily consider whether she was ready to try for something serious or not. She was young and the whole reason she had left Alderaan was because she was trying to escape the monotonous dating scene. Oh well, thoughts for tomorrow as far as she was concerned.

"I can see that you are all about fire. Blazing red hair, fiery and passionate personality, hot as can be, bright red aura. I'm pretty sure you've got blood red cheeks from blushing after all these compliments. I'm shocked you're single, but maybe we can change that." Laira blushed heavily, being not so subtle with her advance. Her father had always taught her to be upfront about what she wanted.

"I mean, if your up for getting to know one another right." Laira's Force senses weren't that great, and considering her focus was laser targeted on her companion she couldn't feel the primal sense of disdain and anger from afar, coming closer to the beach. Not unnatural for the Apprentice with only limited experience to miss such a thing, but it was indeed coming. Oblivious, the redhead leaned closer to her companion, intent on seeing how a kiss felt to her, if there was any real spark between the two girls or if it was just physical attraction and the shower of compliments and flirting flying between them.

[member="Elpsis Elaris"]
[member="Laira Vereen"]

Things were and steamy in the warm, blue waters. When Laira pulled her close, Elpsis returned the embrace, soaking up the warmth of the other woman's skin while they floated through the sea. Elpsis felt perfectly content and jolly.

Her own relationship status was both simple and mildly complicated. The thing between her and Tempest was pretty much over. Both girls had probably been more in love with the idea of being in love than actually in love with one another, if that made sense. She was at the start of something new and very real with [member="Taryc Ap'Irae"]. Well, she was certain she was!

Besides, she liked to spread the love a bit. Laira's kind, enticing words made her giggle a bit. She was also blushing an awful lot. "Oh, you're such a sweettalker, Laira. I like you, too. You're very nice, genuine and fun. And I'm so up for getting to know your fire. Now come over here and kiss me,"

Laira leaned in close, and instead of speaking more, Elpsis took the initiative, capturing her lips in a deep, loving kiss. Elpsis kissed the way she fought: Unrestrained, pure passion, nothing held back. She pressed her body against Laira's, while her hand threaded through her beautiful red hair. Maybe they'd acquired an audience, but she did not care. Right now she was solely focused on kind, gourgeous Laira.

At least until it hit her. Ouch.

The primal wave of anger, disdain and hunger that was coming from afar. It hit her mind like a brick wall. In the far distance, screams could be heard. Throwing out of her daze, she pulled away, shaking. "Laira....get back to the beach. Now," she exclaimed, breathing heavily, with a strong sense of urgency in her voice.
Laira leaned into the kiss with Elpsis, closing her eyes while gripping the woman around the waist tightly to her, fingers pressing into Elpsis' flesh. Laira had tried to make sure that she left enough room that Elpsis could reject the advance without too much awkwardness, though she was sure she had read the situation properly.

And apparently she had as the other redhead seized the opportunity that Laira presented and clung to her lips with much more passion and zeal than Laira had been expecting. So much so that Laira relaxed in the embrace, feeling her hair being teased with contentedness and oozing comfort and pleasure. Yes, this she could get used to indeed. Laira willed herself to try to match her companion's intensity, unsure and awkward, not so much from lack of emotion or feeling but from lack of experience.

Elpsis suddenly jerked away from her, visibly shaken and uneasy. "I'm sorry-" Laira was cut off by the heavy breathing from her lovely companion, sensing the urgency and distraction in her much more experienced counterpart. Something was wrong and it was obvious it was not that Laira had crossed some sort of line. "Alright, come on." The redhead tugged at Elpsis' arm moving back towards the beach. Her senses no longer focused on a single individual she could feel fear. Lots of things were very suddenly afraid nearby.

And then she could feel the primal, territorial anger. It felt similar to the emotions of a man defending his home, but on a much grander, much more savage scale. It was at that point the surf was struck by a powerful electrical shock about one hundred meters to the girls left, leaving about a dozen beach goers in a daze. Some slumped into the water listing with the currents, others screamed in sudden pain. Even those out of the water seemed to jerk away as though the wet sand had suddenly become filled with static, while the girls themselves were outside the pulse of energy's area of effect.

[member="Elpsis Elaris"]
[member="Laira Vereen"]

The moment had been so sweet. Enough to make syrup taste sour. There had been butterflies. Alas, the two lovely redheads were kiss-blocked by the terror from the deep. They could not yet see the sea monster that had risen from the depths of the ocean to strike terror and fear into the hearts of man. But they could feel the primal, territorial and savage anger that drove it.

Then there was a surge of pain when the the powerful eletrical shock struck various beach goers. Some slumped in the water, others screamed in agony. Many who were outside of the water jerked away or turned tail and ran. For now, the girls themselves were unaffected, but this would change soon.

The empathic backlash made Elpsis wince in pain. Since she'd been very distracted by a certain comely redhead, she had not taken the precaution of keeping her mental walls strong. After all, she had not wanted to blot out the positive vibes emanating from Laira. Now she paid for it when the pain, fear and terror of various beach goers hit her like a tempest. Ouch.

"Aaargh." She was completely wiped and sent sprawling into the water, struggling to regain focus and keep herself from being swept away by the flood of negative, foreign emotions. As she established some measure of control, she breathed heavily. Around them, various people in the waters were not doing well.

"I gotta help them," she declared, probably still not entirely herself. Seeing a little kid floating around in a daze, she bravely - and probably foolishly - dashed towards it.
Without weapons, Laira wasn't the most helpful person in a battle. In a bikini, on a beach, unarmed, and caught unaware she was little more than a trained teenage girl that was fun to look at in a situation like this. Her mind was racing, trying to figure out what was the best solution to solve their current predicament. Run was the first thing that popped into her head, run to go get any kind of weapon they could use. But all she had on the beach was a hold out blaster for emergencies. She didn't even have pants here.

Elpsis grunted and Laira did her best to help her remain upright, her own empathic abilities were barely existent, limited to focus on her immediate surrounding or an individual so she wasn't in pain at the moment, though she could feel the fear of others. Her flame haired compatriot took off towards the line of fire. "We have to get out of here Elpsis!" She called, still taking steps towards the beach trying to coax her companion to follow her. Laira liked Elpsis a lot and wasn't keen on losing her new interest so soon, but she also wasn't prepared to make a stand just yet.

A wave, the surge of water indicating something moving just beneath the surface of the water formed just out past the breakers heading towards the beach at a rapid pace. It wasn't the largest wave, but it certainly indicated a very large creature. Bright blue crackles of energy followed the wave like static sparking in the air. The primal sensation of loathing moved with it, Laira's danger sense pulsed hard, making the back of her head hurt.

The Force churned in her muscles as her eyes widened, urging her forward and past Elpsis as fast as her body could carry her to the closest stunned individual she could get to. It was Laira's nature to help people, even if she wanted to act like she was in it for herself or a hardened woman from the Outer Rim, she had the Organa need to help those in danger or oppressed. Scooping up the young girl beside the young boy Elpsis had her eyes on, Laira turned for the beach without looking back. No use now.

Behind her the crash of a creature breaching the surface caused seafoam to spray in all directions, the bright blue coloration of a twenty meter long monster from the depths emerging from the ocean with a roar. If a zoologist had been observing the beast, they would recognize it as an adolescent Azure Aquadon, probably very recently having nested in local waters. Since the adolescents were forced to fend for themselves and often chased out of their mother's territory they often roamed the most of the species. Being an aggressive and territorial creature, this one likely only recently nested nearby and was scouting its new patch of ocean when it came across Ahto City and its heavy traffic.

[member="Elpsis Elaris"]
[member="Laira Vereen"]

What was the best way to throw a pyromancer off her game? Exactly, confront her in an environment where her fire powers would be useless. For instance, in the middle of the ocean. Bit like putting a cryomancer in a desert or inside a volcano.

Moreover, she was unarmed and only wearing a bikini. So the situation kind of sucked. Stil, she was Chaotic Good, so she had to suck it up like a good trooper and help. At least that was where her thinking went after she overcame her shock. A wave swept towards the beach at breakneck speed, Laira grabbed a little girl, while Elpsis seized a little boy.

Then she quickly dashed towards the beach while the surge of water came sweeping towards them. She made the mistake of looking back when she heard screams. Said screams came from a poor, unfortunate swimmer who ended up being pulled into the water and vanished inside the gullet of the majestic beast that emerged from the deep. Blood intermixed with the blue water, while sparks of electricity travelled throughout it, shocking swimmers.

"Feth," she cursed, beholding the twenty metre long monster. She tried to reach out with her empathy, but she was rebuffed and then the massive roar broke her concentration. The little boy in her arms cried and she made haste to the beach, just as more water came slamming towards her. "Looks like someone's pissed about trespassers. You got a...big harpoon somewhere?" she had to shout to make herself heard amidst the cacophony of screams.
The wave crashed upon the flame haired girl, staggering her in the shallows as she scooped her charge up and began running for the dry sand of the beach. Sparks crackled and electricity pulsed through the air behind her, followed by primeval roars of some terrible leviathan from the deep. People were screaming and running from the beach, blaring of horns could be heard in the distance. "Yeah, I got some big game gear on my ship." Laira called back as she turned.

Chest heaving from the overexertion of using her powers for so long continuously, she leaned over placing her hands on her knees. The creature seemed most interested in grabbing as many of the people caught in the shallows as possible rather than advancing on the beach for the moment, but by the size of it, its hunger wouldn't be sated by just a handful of victims.

"We got to get off this beach, boo. Security will be in bound, and I don't know how concerned they will be with civilians." Depended on if it was the selkath or remnants of the disgraced Galactic Republic, and likely how much damage the creature was causing to the city itself and Laira's primary concern was Elpsis and herself for the time being. She was a helper at heart, but she couldn't much help if she was dead. The good news was Laira had spent every winter she could remember hunting big game with her father in the mountains, oceans, and woodlands of Alderaan and out in the Utegetu Nebula, so it wasn't exactly uncharted territory for her.

[member="Elpsis Elaris"]
[member="Laira Vereen"]

Electrical sparks in the air, enraged roars from some primeval monstrosity from the deep, screams, cries of pain and sirens - all in all, it was very loud and chaotic. The auditory onslaught conspired with the empathic backlash generated by the surge of emotions to give Elpsis a headache. Hearing the screams, she felt a stab of guilt about running away, but though the pull was strong, she persisted.

Finally, they were on the beach and safe for the time being. But she doubted the massive beast would be satisfied with merely devouring a few swimmers. But they could not do anything right now. Elpsis' reservoir of power was bigger than that of Laira, but she still panted from the exertion.

"Force help Ahto if it's Pubs," Elpsis muttered after Laira had spoken. Between Contruum, Manaan, Roche and Atrisia, she wasn't a fan of anything that had to do with the Republic. Once more, she turned her sightless eyes towards the ocean, where blue waters intermixed with ruby blood. The little boy in her arms whimpered and cried, and she hugged him close to her. "Shh, it's ok. You're safe now," she said gently.

She could hear sirens in the distance, getting closer. Ambulances were on the way. Doubtless security types would follow. Elpsis wanted to be away from the beach before the latter showed up. "Yeah. Let's get the kids to an ambulance. Then go to your ship and grab your gear," she decided. Elpsis had some experience hunting beasts on Dahomey and Tygara, though nothing this big. Fire would be no use in the ocean. Would mental tricks work? Probably, but that would require her to have time to focus - and avoid being struck by electrical shocks or torn to shreds by the beast's teeth.
"Okay," Laira panted between breaths. The creature was still smashing the shallows, not dragging itself onto the beach but did not seem like a happy camper to Laira. The pair started moving towards the sound of sirens with the little children "Listen, Elpsis. I like you and I'd rather not see you get hurt on the first date, you know." She was having a bit of trouble talking while carrying the little girl she had nabbed, especially about possibly romantic feelings she had for her flame haired counterpart. "I mean, I'd rather not see you hurt at all." Her voice stammered and she seemed to trip over what she was trying to say.

Laira looked her companion over once more now that they were back out of the water. The glistening sheen of water covered Elpsis' skin causing her to sparkle in the light, curves about her rump and chest that complimented her shape well, her pretty redhair draped around her face, the milky white eyes seemed less disconcerting and more like pearls set into the statue of some form of goddess made by the greatest sculptor alive. Yeah, Laira had some serious attraction to Elpsis she needed to consider and contemplate. She was quite smitten or head over heels in love, but the potential was there if she chose to tend to those feelings and cultivate that relationship. After today, Laira would have ask herself if she wanted to be in a relationship, especially considering she had never been in one before. Given that she was just realizing all these feelings and was in close proximity to an empath, Elpsis was probably at least somewhat aware of what Laira was thinking about.

"I'm just saying, we don't have to do this ourselves if you don't want to. If you do though, then we do it together." Laira enjoyed helping people, but she didn't enjoy putting people she was attached to at risk. This situation had the moral conundrum of forcing her to either leave the Selkath to deal with it themselves or go to a place where Elpsis would be in mortal peril. In the end, she had to understand and convince herself that Elpsis was a big girl like her and could make her own decisions on whether she wanted to kill it. That the much more powerful young redhead didn't need to be protected or shielded from danger, and that in fact Laira was the one that needed to be looked after. In all likelihood Elpsis would be in more danger trying to keep Laira safe.

The redhead waved at an ambulance to summon it over, passing the little girl in her arms over to the EMT who leaped out of the speeder to grab the little ones. Laira waved off the man as he tried to do the valiant thing and check on Laira. "Alright, we better hurry." The creature roared, but was back in water deep enough for it to swim around, chasing stragglers.

[member="Elpsis Elaris"]
[member="Laira Vereen"]

Oh, Force, what have I gotten myself into? Elpsis wondered when she felt the surge of emotions emanating from Laira. The firemane could not look deep inside the other woman's mind, but it was quite evident that Laira was rather attracted to her. Sadly, Elpsis could not admire her looks, but her aura showed a beautiful, brave and kind spirit. However, Elpsis felt very strongly about a certain Ms. Ap'Irae.

But, there was no time to focus on such matters now. "I'm a big girl. I can handle this. People are in danger, I gotta help and put this thing down," Elpsis insisted firmly. She had a bit of a dame in shining armour complex. Or rather chronic hero syndrome.

"Can't ask you to come with me. But if you wanna help, I'd be very grateful, hun. Just don't play hero and do anything rash, ok? I don't want you to get hurt, or worse." Her last words were probably rather hypocritical, but they were borne out of concern, as was reflected in her tone. An ambulance stopped close to them and while Laira handed the girl to an EMT, Elpsis did the same with the little boy in her arms.

"Let's go. We need a plan. Fire's not gonna do any good here," she spoke as the EMTs picked up other wounded. Thank you, White Wolf. You know, a vision would have been nice. Something along the lines of 'by the way, your day at the beach with the sweet, lovely redhead will be interrupted by a freaking sea monster. Even a good amazon like Elpsis got grumpy with her deity sometimes.
"You don't have to ask, sweetie." Laira grinned at her compatriot. She was similar to Elpsis in that people were in trouble and needed help, this redhead felt the same sense of duty about using her skills. She had been raised by House Organa after all, where she had a responsibility to help those in need if she was able to. And she always felt warm and fuzzy inside whether she got thanked or not afterwards. So relaxing swimming at resting at the beach got turned into a hunting trip for the pair. Not the worst first date she'd been on, but it certainly had room for improvement as far as Laira was concerned. There could be more booze and more kissing if she was being honest with herself.

"Alright, my ship is parked in the closest space port." She pointed in the appropriate direction and lead the way towards her ship. "I know I've got some weaponry for big game, but I'm not sure about wetsuits. Plus a data terminal so we can look up what in the Nine Hells it is." The Princess also had a speeder bike and rebreathers, but not full on deep sea diving equipment. Wetsuits weren't really in abundance on her ship either. Why would she need two of them? Not that it really mattered too much. For a creature that size anything short of beskar plate might as well be a string bikini if it swatted or bit you, and beskar plate might help from a glance but would be heavy and restrict their movement. "Repulsor packs. I have those so we don't have to try and out swim a sea serpent."

"Normally with big game you wanna slow it down and get it bleeding. Blood-loss combined with some heavy tranqs will at least make it sluggish." Of course that might also attract the mythical, but always present, bigger fish in the ocean. "After that its going for its weak spot. Heart, brain, major blood vessels. It has was dumping electricity into the water pretty hard, fire is out. How about Cold? You any good with Ice?" Laira was certain she had at least two or three Cryoban grenades on board once they arrived, even if she wasn't any good at Ice Shaping. Of course [member="Theo Vereen"] wasn't here to help, her twin brother was great at that. If they were lucky they could use a cryoban grenade to partially trap the creature in a small iceberg for a time.

"And once we kill this thing we pick up where we left off, right?" Despite their hurry, Laira's voice was jovial for this as though she wanted to make sure the promise of more was still on the table.

[member="Elpsis Elaris"]
[member="Laira Vereen"]

Yay! Laira was gonna help her on her quest to save innocents and take down the big beastie. That made Elpsis feel happy. Regardless, now that this had been settled, they had to arm themselves for this noble venture. "Ok, sounds good," she said, nodding along while Laira spoke of the gear and the need to find out what this creature was. Elpsis might be impulsive and more than a little rash, but she was not stupid. Sometimes she thought things through. Making the creature bleed and then hitting its weak spots made sense to. Laira might not have a Force aura as potent as hers yet, but she clearly knew her stuff when it came to big game hunting, so Elpsis was fine with following her lead.

She shook her head when Laira brought up ice. "Nah, I got zero talent for ice shaping. That's my Step-Mum's arena. She's also got the personality of an icy glacier," she could not help snarking. For some reason, her mother, [member="Coryth Elaris"], seemed to love the ice elf. Elpsis was still scarred from that one time she'd walked in on them doing...stuff with ice you so were not supposed to do.

"But we could dump a cryoban on it if you got any with you. What I can do is try and mind frak the beastie a bit. Maybe distract it. Could give us an opening to make it bleed and keep it from eating us," she added thoughtfully.

"And don't worry, we're totally gonna pick up where we left off after we've been all heroic. Girl Scout's honour," she managed to sound jovial despite the situation and planted a quick kiss on Laira's cheek as they left the beach.
This redhead could be distracting for poor Laira, kissing her while she was trying to be a good girl and formulate a plan. How was she supposed to think about killing something when Elpsis was distracting her? Difficultly was the answer. The redheaded duo headed off from the beach, hearing the occasional scream in the background and the occasional loud roar and crackle of static as they left the beach behind. If it were not for the innocent's in harms way and the clear danger presented by the beast, Laira would have went for Elpsis' hotel room and stayed there for a while. "I'm sure I've got some Cryoban Grenades in a tote somewhere. Might have to do some digging around to find them."

Instead they were off, running through the streets to the closest spaceport. The streets weren't as packed as they had been before, a lot of people had left to watch the news upon hearing the warning sirens in this section of the city, so the pair was able to make decent time. When they arrived at the dock, there sat her little beauty. A sleek Mandal Hypernautics designed Rekali-class Fighter that had been stripped of several weapons and systems, had a fairly cramped YT style Living Module stuffed into it that had only a table a booth seating with doors to either side and a ladder going up to the dorsal turret. Not the prettiest looking thing with gun metal grey and only a few symbols denoting it as the Far Runner owned by Laira Darkhold were nothing crazy or really unique. Just a phoenix painted onto the left side of the cockpit and a few kill tallies on the right side. "Don't mind the mess." The redhead said between ragged breaths as the ramp lowered, revealing the interior which had a number of boxes and tools set about the place in an organized, but cluttered pattern along with a stack of folded clothes.

There was a box on the table with a handful of false identification cards, and one legitimate one, but Laira didn't think anything of it. Trying to conceal it now would only draw attention to it and her companion was blind, it wasn't as though she was going to catch a sideways glance at them. Worrying about it was more likely to draw the attention of the empath than leaving it out. "Okay, so I have a harpoon gun, a few hunting lances, and a spare repulsor pack so we don't have to try and outswim and sea monster." She started dropping weapons onto the floor along with a few munitions out on the floor. No wetsuits though, she would need to add those to a list. Not that it was so important, the Princess had once liked a comic book featuring a redheaded warrior princess who slew monsters in little more than a bikini, so they would follow in Red Sonya's footsteps.

"Which do you like the most, sweet-thang?" The princess let just a little of her draw come out for her own amusement. She might as well have fun while hunting the monster, right? No point in starving Elpsis for attention until afterwards.

[member="Elpsis Elaris"]
[member="Laira Vereen"]

The false - and in one case accurate - identification cards went unnoticed. Elpsis was a wee bit distracted! Moreover, she would be conveniently unable to read their contents anyway. Yeah, she could not read anymore. This had gotten very awkward because a bunch of her friends had become cross when she failed to reply to their holomail or messages on Spacebook. It had taken a while for them to realise that she legitimately could not read them.

Since Laira was not giving off any vibes that would have given Elpsis cause to focus on the paper stuff in the first place, she could turn her attention towards the shiny weapons the young woman had dropped in front of her.

"Both seem sexy. Not as much as you though," Elpsis replied with a smile. Hey, even the appearance of a baby leviathan and imminent danger was not reason enough to quit flirting a bit. She'd be a pure professional once they actually began their hunt.

Bending down, she examined the weapons. "Gosh, that's heavy. Bet it hits real hard," she commented when she picked up the harpoon. She could lift and probably aim with the weapon and shoot it, but she was hardly the strongest. She scrutinised the weapon some more, getting a feeling for it before she loaded it. Putting it down, she picked up and scrutinised a hunting lance. "Think I'll take a lance. You're probably better with the harpoon gun."

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