Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Wild Huntresses

Elpsis's ability to function so well in society despite her disability was one of the reason's Laira suggested watching a movie. Part was so the Netflix and Chill joke could be set up properly, not that Laira intended on paying much attention to what was going on in the background. Her goal was primarily to having something playing while she got comfortable with Elpsis, which was a fair stretch on the first date compared to what the Princess was used to.

"Awesome. I guess you can take the first shower, and I'll get food ordered." The statement may have been the clear indicator of how far Elpsis was going to get tonight, but Laira was still clinging to her redheaded companion affectionately. Even looking forward to getting fed and comfortable on her couch. The Selkath seemed content to let the two redheads go with just a few tablets of a pain-killer and a small injection of kolto. Not enough to spike them up or get either of them on some sort of high, but enough to help dull the aches and pains. Laira was anxious to return to the comfort of Elpsis's luxury suite, to get to a place where the two of them could finally relax and cut loose after the ordeals they had been through with the leviathan on the beach and in the ocean, and so her pace was a little hurried. Plus she was ready to take charge of her situation as it were.

Upon arriving, Laira placed two things for delivery. First, food for the two of them. She ordered one of her father's favorite dishes for herself: Nerf Filet Mignon, Shrimp Parmesan, a loaded backed potato, and a side of steamed vegetables with the intent to split the feast fit for a near three hundred pound brick of mandalorian muscle between the two petite redheads. It was one of the things she had eaten only on rare occasion, normally some form of celebration on Alderaan and knew better than to assume she could eat it by herself. Along with the main course she ordered a sampler platter of different gumbos, chowders, and jambalayas so that they could try a few different types of local cuisine. Second, she ordered her droid to bring her something comfortable to change into after her shower, simply short shorts and tank top would suffice.

[member="Elpsis Elaris"]
[member="Laira Vereen"]

Shower sounded very, very good. So while Laira kept herself busy with ordering delicious food, Elpsis hit the shower. Unsurprisingly, it was located in a luxurious bathroom and large enough to comfortably accommodate more than one person.

Presumably Auntie Siobhan, knowing about her niece's proclivities and her desire to, ahem, share all the warm water, had made sure of that. In this particular case the point was moot since Elpsis was alone, as opposed to enjoying the aforementioned warm water with a companion...and potentially doing other things. As much as the suite's opulence made her uncomfortable, the young empath relished the chance to wash today's tribulations.

There would be scars and bruises to remind her of the struggle with the baby leviathan, but she did not mind those. In the family she came from, battle scars were worn like a badge of honour, mementos that showed you'd gotten where you were by fighting instead of having things handed to you. Time passed, but eventually she stepped out of the shower, wanting to rejoin her flame haired companion.

Her firemane was still damp when she emerged and carried a pleasant scent from her shampoo. A rather brief towel was wrapped around her waist. It concealed what needed to be concealed to keep the censors from having a stroke, and that was it. Elpsis had never been big on modesty, and the whole concept seemed more than a little strange to her since she was blind anyway. Her bare feet made little noise on the carpet.

"Hey, there. Ordered something nice? Shower's free. I'm gonna go get changed," she said cheerfully. Her ethereal eyes spied Laira, just after the other redhead had completed her order and given her droid an errand.
The Princess was physically exhausted. Her feet ached and legs had shooting pain drive up from her toes on occasion, she had bruises on what would otherwise be tanned and toned legs that would hopefully fade. She was vain enough to have any permanent marks removed one way or another if need be, though she didn't mind seeing her companions battle scars when Elpsis returned from the shower. "Thank you, love." Her voice was soft and smooth, betraying her weariness but she smiled happily at the crimson haired woman nonetheless, taking her time to observe the woman's form and appreciate it. After a moment of silence, not responding as Laira's focus was elsewhere, she answered Elpsis's query, "Yes, ordered up some surf and turf with a few sides and a surprise for dessert. I'll only be a few minutes, trying to beat the food and get some quality time in before it arrives."

She made her way quickly into the opulent bath; taking only a moment to notice how nice it was, and how spacious the tub was, before taking her own swift shower. Laira took only long enough to get the scent and feel of salt water from her body leaving the pleasant scent of roses in her hair. She assumed her and Elpsis would be spending a good deal of time close to one another and didn't want to have an offending odor. First impressions may be over and satisfying, but second impressions were equally important in order to keep the spark growing.

Once she was out, Laira dried her hair in front of the mirror while she waited on her droid to arrive. She enjoyed having the silk and feathery feel in her deep red locks that required it be dried quickly, combed and brushed often. Despite being a warrior and huntress, she was a princess as well. Vain, brash, coy, stubborn, and prideful could all easily describe the young woman and she would consider them all compliments. There was nothing wrong in taking care of one's image and how they were perceived. Eventually she was pleased with her hair and her clothes arrived for her to change into before returning to very pleasant company.

"Hey sweetie. Join me on the couch when you are done changing." She flipped on the television, not bothering to pay it any attention. The background noise didn't seem to be offending or loud and distracting, so it was good enough.

[member="Elpsis Elaris"]
[member="Laira Vereen"]

Laira's pretty princess tendencies might be a good basis for her getting on with Auntie Siobhan. Unlike her aunt, Elpsis was considerably more tomboyish. Sure she liked to look nice and compliments about her beauty were nice, but were less of a big deal for her.

Besides, admiring yourself in the mirror or spending lots of time doing your hair was a bit silly when you could not really see your handiwork. It had taken her a long time until she adjusted to performing an act so simple as brushing her hair without sight. Besides, sounded criminal to waste her time doing that when she could be instead spending it on the couch with Laira. Opportunity costs were a thing, y'know.

So when she emerged from the bedroom, she'd slipped on a pair of shorts and a tank top. No need to hide those long, toned legs or athletic arms, after all. Her hair was not wet anymore, but still fairly wild and a bit tousled. Taming the firemane was more difficult than taming its owner. Her bare feet made little noise on the expensive carpet when she crossed the distance.

The television was on, but she did really pay attention. "Hey, wanna continue where we left off?" Elpsis asked cheerfully, joining Laira on the very comfortable looking couch. "You're so cute, babe." Snuggling up to the slightly shorter princess, she ran her hand through the other girl's flaming red hair, while pulling her into a sweet kiss.
Laira wasn't paying much attention to the television either, more just wanting to have background noise while becoming better acquainted with Elpsis. The Alderaani had questions for her wild firemaned companion, simple things like favorite food, favorite activity, so on and so forth but those would have to wait until after the desire for physical contact had subsided. She had read and been told that often times after combat warriors would seek companionship, especially if they had been injured or suffered a near death experience however Laira felt this was a bit different. Less a primal desire to feel alive and more a sensation of freedom she'd been developing before their lives had been endangered.

Laira's eyes took in the long legs as best she could before Elpsis settled in beside her on the couch. Laira's own legs were currently folded beneath her, but they were no worse for wear given the day's events. Black shorts and tank top herself, the pair matched pretty well. Elpsis was a little taller than Laira and with a bit more junk in the trunk compared to Laira who was a bit more muscular and on the top heavy side of things. Well enough for Laira to wonder what the odds of two redheads to meet on the same planet, both Force sensitive, both now wearing matching outfits and intent on spending some quality time with each other were. Perhaps the Force just worked in mysterious ways and was looking out for the Princess. "Impressions are important. I don't want you to think I'm not at my best."

Elpsis ran a hand through her hair, prompting Laira to sit up so that she could meet her snuggling counterpart letting herself drift off into the serene milk white eyes looking back at her. Leaning into her fellow redhead's embrace Laira willingly slipped into the sweet kiss her companion provided, pressing her tender lips against those of the blind temptress. Eyes closed, body relaxed, Laira had no intentions of breaking contact or pulling away from Elpsis anytime soon, calling her own hit by adding more than a little tongue to the spectacle between the two flame haired beauties.

For Laira, this arrangement could work out well enough until their food arrived.

[member="Elpsis Elaris"]
[member="Laira Vereen"]

Elpsis was very, very ok with Laira scoring an auto-hit. Their lips met, and their tongues touched, dancing to a tune of passion. It was not a wild battle for dominance. The blind seer was happy to keep things passionate, yet sweet and gentle.

She could have remained in the soft embrace for a long time, enjoying the feeling of the other redhead curled up against her. At least until she really needed to break off because of need for oxygen. Alas, at some point there was a knock on the door. At first she ignored it, but then she heard it again.

"Sodding bad timing," she grumbled, and then looked embarrassed when her stomach made itself heard. Reluctantly, she looked up at the door. Feeling lazy, she opened it by waving her hand instead of getting up. So the door opened, and a droid trotted inside.

"Greetings, esteemed guests. I have brought your meal," the automaton said in a dull monotone.

"Yeah, thanks. Put it...over there," Elpsis said distractedly, pointing to where she was sure the table was.

"As you wish, Miss." Obediently the machine put the tray down. However, rather than leaving, it lingered. "Are you feeling alright, Miss? I am detecting an anomalous amount of heat emanating from your body. Would you like some cold mineral water?"

" I'm fine. You can go now," annoyance rolled off Elpsis' tongue. Was the robot trolling her?
"Not that bad, babe." Laira said through ragged breath, her cheeks a little rosy and blushed when Elpsis finally separated from her kiss. She batted her eyelashes, adding sweetness to her voice teasingly, "I'm pretty hungry, you wouldn't want me to waste away and starve?" While true the slow, quiet rumbling in her stomach had already began she was far from wasting away.

Mostly she was just glad to have the opportunity to act sweetly towards her firemaned companion. Laira had a plan to show a softer, less physical side of herself for a while, or at least a concept of what she wanted to do. In honesty she had not been doing much thinking for the past few minutes, relaxing instead into the passion and heat building between the two redheads.

She stretched her back, raising her arms over her head and interlocking her fingers, leaning back as far as she could which incidentally was quite a ways for the limber young warrior-woman. Then she leaned forward until her chest touched her knees, sighing with contentment. She stood to the side as the droid made its way into the room, setting a try with several covered dishes upon the table. The princess could already smell the subdued aroma of the food beneath the cloche upon the try, causing her stomach to rumble slightly in anticipation.

At the droid's remark she stiffled a laugh, giggling under her breath behind the droid. She almost suggested Elpsis try a mixed drink instead, cranberry juice-peach schnapps-krauterlikor mix but in the back of her mind it might send a bit more of a mixed signal than she really wanted to imply. "Yes, please excuse us. I'll see to her health, you can be sure of that." Laira turned her attention to the food, opening the container and beginning to cut the cut of meat into bite sized pieces. Since she had only ordered a single, but very large meal she had the intent to serve it in a manner that might help demonstrate Laira was not just a pretty face... and body. "Why don't you sit Elpsis, I'll bring it over in a sec."

[member="Elpsis Elaris"]
[member="Laira Vereen"]

"Very well, Miss. Both of you look like you could use some rest. I would suggest refraining from any physically stressful activities tonight," the droid responded in a dull monotone, trotting back towards the exit.

"Yeah, whatever, close the door behind you," Elpsis grumbled. She was quite certain the robot was trolling her and that was just plain wrong. It did not escape her attention that Laira had been giggling beneath her breath. That was wrong as well, but she was too cute to be cross with.

"Your friend is very temperamental," the robot commented, before quickly departing the room and closing the door behind it. Before Elpsis could get them into trouble by frying it with a thermic lance. Fortunately for him, he was quick!

"Annoying bots," Elpsis muttered, but then her stomach reminded her that she was hungry, too. Besides, Laira was getting the food out. That cheered her up. The young empath stretched her muscles a bit. They were less pronounced than Laira's, but she was still toned and fit. While Laira opened the container and got the food out, Elpsis caught a whiff of the meat's scent. "Come over here. Food smells great. What did you get?"
"I've got one of my own, they can be funny sometimes." Laira smirked, thinking of all the repetitive conversations she had with her droid since she had left Alderaan and all the awkward silences. Even recently the Droid was notorious for waiting around corners or right outside doors in order to catch her by surprise. "At least that one noticed how hot you were." Even Laira had some flush in her cheeks and was probably radiating a little more heat than usual because of her and Elpsis's extra-circular activities.

"I was a little heavy on the proteins." the resplendent redhead pulled the tray table over beside the couch, light from the Holoscreen reflecting off the dishes and glasses. "A nerf filet mignon, shellfish covered in a type of melted cheese, a few sample sized orders of seafood gumbos, jumbalaya, and chowder though just enough to get the taste of each. Sided with steamed vegetables and a loaded tuber baked to softness." The scent was filling her nostrils and causing her stomach to rumble in anticipation. She hadn't thought to order any dessert, sure that this would be more than enough food for the two of them and also Laira had a can of spray cool-whip if they felt like sharing that after dinner.

"Here, why don't we sit together," the princess really meant together and intended to do so unless stopped by the blind pyromancer, not side by side but facing her flame-haired companion practically in her lap with legs wrapped around her waist comfortably. "And we can eat, make a little game of getting to know one another. I'll feed you and tell you about myself, then you feed me and tell me about yourself. We can go back and forth like that, or," She trailed off bashfully, her cheeks blushing as her head sunk and eyes turned away from Elpsis. "Or, if you are too hungry for that we can just eat quickly and get back to cuddling on the couch." Perhaps not someone she should consider introducing to her mother anytime soon given how very not princess-like her thoughts were regarding the flaming starbird.

[member="Elpsis Elaris"]
[member="Laira Vereen"]

Laira's comment about the droid noticing how hot she was caused a girlish giggle to escape Elpsis throat. "Hahaha. That's true! Droids just weird me out. They got no Force presence, so I can't really see them well. They're background noise I gotta focus on. I can just sense the heat from the oil. And I'm used to being able to feel emotions. There's none of that with robots."

Though that did not prevent a certain Iron Knight called [member="HK-36"] from acting like a space diva, when she thought about it. He was also mean enough to take advantage of her blindness by pulling pranks. Such a meanie!

Pulling her thoughts away from her trouble with bots, Elpsis smirked. "Besides, he failed to mention that you're looking hot, too," she pointed out. Bad bot! Her stomach rumbled slightly when the food's delicious scents invaded her nose.

"Sure, come over here and let's play feed and get to know the hot redhead. Fair warning: My hands will be roaming over you. A lot." This was probably no surprise to anyone. Suffice to say Elpsis did not stop the other redhead from getting up close and personal and making herself comfortable in the process. Good thing they'd washed away the smell of sea water. That would have been a major mood killer. Her own legs met Laira's hand, while her hand stroked across her back. "You start."
"Oh, he did? I must have been a little too distracted to notice. That's the problem with eyes, sometimes you just get caught up looking." And she was looking, noticing the differences between herself and Elpsis at the time, taking notice of the subtle scars that all had a story behind them and the curves the woman had.

"Alright, I don't mind a little contact." Laira grinned, pleased with herself and Elpsis's willingness to get to know each other. Laira wasn't interested in meaningless physical relationships, even if she wasn't out looking for 'the one'. She knew from her parents that dating and caring about someone, having a connection between someone, wasn't exclusive to an individual being in the whole galaxy.

She felt her redhead friend's hands slip around her back, comfortably resting in the curve of her body. Laira used a fork and speared a piece of nerf meat, holding it out just in front of Elpsis's lips for her to eat. The aroma of cooked meat and sweet roses from her hair were indeed far better than seawater brine, and the two scents mingled in her nostrils. "This is the nerf steak," she said softly, not wanting to surprise her blind companion each bite.

"Let's see, I like long walks on the beach, I always thought I would prefer pectorals muscles to legs but recently discovered I like them both." The redhead giggled, laughing at herself teasing with her beautiful companion. She'd never really been in a relationship and other than knowing what she disliked, Laira had only vague senses of what she preferred. "In all seriousness, I've always hated the machismo-type. I was born on Bothawui, but my father moved us to OP space when they started fighting with the CIS so he could serve with the Protectorate forces. So many soldiers and sons of soldiers ruined my appetite for the large-and-in-charge type." Not completely untrue as the Princess was raised around a large number of Knights and Mandalorians who had that mentality. It wasn't something she ever had to look very far for, and repetition had made it a point of disinterest. The princess continued stabbing small pieces of meat with her fork as Elpsis needed while she told her story. "Did most of my school in the Protectorate, but after Netherworld we moved back to Bothawui where I finished classes a couple of months ago. It never much felt like home, and my folks passed away about a year ago, so I set off on my own. I'm sure you've heard some stories like it, its not very original I know. But it is my life. I get away with it because I'm cute and it makes it seem more interesting than it is."

[member="Elpsis Elaris"]
[member="Laira Vereen"]

"OP, huh? My aunties used to run it. Auntie Sio still likes to brag about her 'glory days'," Elpsis rolled her eyes at that. She was not sure about the Battle of Gehenna and similar events being suitable bedtime stories for her little cousins. Her lips met Laira's fork and swallowed the delicious meat. "I'm sorry about your parents. Maybe this isn't the life they'd have picked for you, but I'm sure they'd be proud. You are kind of a hero - and cute," she said feelingly. Did she suspect there was something off about the story? Maybe, maybe not. Right now she had little incentive to question the Laira Darkhold identity.

Now it was her turn. Being unable to really see the food in front of her, Elpsis had to rely on touch and smell to make her pick. She ended up serving Laira some shell fish, specifically prawns. " turn. Hmm. I like butts and I cannot lie," she said cornily and giggled.

"I'm with the Order of Fire and I'm a knight errant...I guess. I go where the Force and my goddess lead me, beat up bad guys, meet cute chicks, get into trouble," she said with a self-deprecating chuckle. However, then she frowned slightly. "I, uh, grew up with adoptive parents. Got sent off to the Jedi when I started moving things with my mind. Ran away before I hit Padawan. Didn't get to know my real mother until a year ago. She used to be a Jedi." This was all true, but extremely edited and sanitised. Her life had not been a walk in the park. There were a number of things she felt guilty of. Or she feared might be a mood killer.
"This certainly isn't what they would have expected of me, smuggling and all that." Her mother certainly not, though they were fairly supportive of her finding herself and exploring the galaxy exploring walk-about even if she was the Heir-Apparent to the throne as the oldest child.

"Well, if you like butts I have bad news for you if you haven't already noticed." Laira chuckled, amused with herself at the comment. In truth she was toned, but her chest was much more developed than her butt was, if Elpsis hadn't noticed with her wandering hands already. Likely she'd put some of the puzzle pieces together. "But that's okay, because I like butts and your's is good enough for the both of us." This time she spoke with a little added honey in her words, silver tongue hard at work attempting to enamor the lovely seer she was sitting on.

Laira ate the shellfish, taking it from Elpsis's fingers one bite at a time, licking her lips and enjoying the taste of everything she was offered as well as getting to lick Elpsis's fingers every now and then. She was being a little coy with the young woman, probably more so than would technically be proper by the standards she was raised, but she was a miscreant by those standards anyway. Laira's hands found a comfortable spot between Elpsis's shirt and the small of the woman's back, which let her get pretty close to the other redhead on the couch.

The redheaded princess listened to her friend's tale, nodding to herself while she gripped the blind seer's hips tightly between her knees. "Well, I'm glad you didn't stay with the Jedi." The story was a stark reminder that some people had difficult lives, even if it was the clean version. Even Elpsis's cleaned up version was more difficult and challenging than Laira's fake story. Her real story was mostly living in a palace or in the best boarding school money could buy.

"How are your real parents? Is it at least fun getting to spend time with them and getting to know them?" Alright, she actually cared about hearing Elpsis's story even if she was starting to get a little distracted and warm in the cheeks.

[member="Elpsis Elaris"]
[member="Laira Vereen"]

"Well, I haven't had the chance to really inspect it yet," Elpsis waggled her eyebrows at Laira. "But I'm sure it'll be just round and firm enough. 'sides, I'm a breast girl, too." It was always good if you had varied tastes. She sighed in contentment when Laira licked her fingers, going so far as so stick them into the other redhead's mouth. Laira was being the exact opposite of a proper noblelady, but Elpsis would not have cared even if she'd known about the girl's illustrious background.

Besides, she'd attended and actively participated in the parties of Countess Tarai. By those standards, Laira was awfully prim and proper and her own chaperone. Leaning forward, she nuzzled the other redhead's neck, enjoying the closeness.

"Mummy's pretty cool, yeah. Not at all what I expected. She's real kind and wise. Dedicated her entire life to healing and helping people in need, instead of being sanctimonious, stuckup dick like so many Jedi. I really wanna make her proud." There might have been a note of insecurity in her tone. She might formally be a Master, but she was also barely out of her teens.

No mention was made of a father. Presumably she had one, unlike that dude from Tatooine whose mother was knocked up by the Force - or an evil Muun using space magic, but this one digresses. Maybe she'd never known him, he was dead or a jackarse she didn't want to talk about. "What about you? What were your folks like? Do you have any brothers, sisters?" Tasty vegetables found their way into her hand.
"I'd say you're making her proud. You're first instincts are to help people you don't even know, that has to count for something." It certainly did for Laira, who had first thought of getting her pretty friend to safety rather than the other innocent civilians that had been around them. "And I'm glad you're not a Jedi."

"Well, my mother was kind. She was always helping and trying to make sure I turned into a proper lady. She had hopes of responsibility for me and wanted me to be able to handle politics and all that, and that is all terribly boring. Which was odd, because she wasn't very lady-like or responsible around father. She had these boots that were very unlady-like in a closet she claimed she never wore, but I've seen them in the floor of our kitchen the morning after Father's birthday." The memory was funny, though she had been a little disgusted at the time. The couple had always been very passionate with each other, which had rubbed off on Laira to an extent. The young redhead had grown distasteful of the machismo common to the men around her and instead preferred the quieter type that would put effort, like candles, dancing, poetry, and all that into winning her affections.

Laira grinned when Elpsis nuzzled her neck, squeezing her companion just a little tighter as her cheeks flushed a deeper color of red. "I disinfected the whole place before putting food on the counter again. My mother was good to me though, always supportive, always making sure I had everything I needed and that I didn't feel like I wasn't good enough. She made sure I felt loved and provided for. She helped me understand my father and made me empathetic to others."

"I guess that was a good thing since Father had very high expectations of his little girl. Lots of being dumped out in the mountains with nothing but a jacket and told to be home by dinner, weapons training where I spent more time with my face in the dirt than smiling, and learning how to survive with nothing more than the clothes on my back. He even took me to Vendaxa for my sixteenth birthday with only clothes and a pocket knife." The tales about her treatment from her father were all too true, Draco had seen to it that the twins could survive on their own in an unforgiving galaxy and had all the tools available to carve out their own destiny. However, he was not a heartless monster creating weapons, but a father raising children that would be in danger most of their lives, intent that they would not rely on others to protect them. "But, he was completely different at home. It was like he flipped a switch, and could be loving and kind. Larger than life even. He would play board games with us, help us with homework, tell us stories about how he and my mother met. He even taught us about dating responsibly and all that."

"I think I'm done eating for tonight." The redhead's voice was a whisper, a roguish grin on her face with her chin dipped low.

[member="Elpsis Elaris"]
[member="Laira Vereen"]

Elpsis giggled. She'd walked in on her mother and Kaida once. Her Mum had been mortified. Kaida had kicked the young redhead out. "Your dad sounds fun, and your mum seems very sweet. You gotta be loving with kids, but also make sure they got what it takes to survive and handle danger on their own. Being a 'proper lady' wouldn't be anything for me either. I'd rather be out and about instead of strutting around in a frilly dress and heels," a rather comical look of distaste crossed her features.

"I'm glad you had people like that in your life. I'm not really at home that much these days. Being in one place for a long time isn't really me. But I call regularly and when they need help, I come." There was also...tension and awkwardness at home. Tension with Auntie Sio, mild awkwardness with [member="Tempest"], but she did not mention that. Elpsis leaned back. "Yeah, think I'm full, too."

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