Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Wild Huntresses

"Well, I try my best." Laira struck a pose playfully, arching her back slightly to make her rear stick out a little and straighten her legs, glancing over her shoulder with her index finger to her chin. "I'll have to work a little harder if I want to win prettiest girl with you sticking around, though." She giggled to herself, thinking of how absurd they were being with each other. She liked it, this kind of banter and behavior could continue if she had her way. Eventually she would have to tell Elpsis the truth about her lineage, but thoughts of that were deep down. Right now she was focused on killing a beastie so she could get back to seeing if the princess and the firebrand could nurture that spark into fireworks.

"I don't mind taking the harpoon gun. Its, really, heavy. But the salesman said it could puncture a rancor's skull at medium range, not including the explosive tip. Looks like I have a binder net too." The redhead bent over at the waist, keeping her legs straight to pluck a single harpoon out of the case that had two spools of razor wire near the tip. Despite knowing her companion could not see her, at least not completely, Laira felt as though continuing to act as though she could would be best for both their sakes. It would allow the empath to feel how comfortable and natural Laira felt flirting with her, and would let Laira be herself without having to worry. She would just also have to allow for some physical contact in the near future. She rose slowly from her position, with a mischievous grin on her face. "The lance is good if you jab them hard enough too."

She slipped the harpoon and quiver over her shoulder, feeling the weight instantly. The weapon was probably only a little less than half Laira's weight, which meant carrying it over long distances on the ground was right out. Luckily in the water, it would be a little easier but still not a weapon she'd be quick on the draw with given its sheer size. Power required weight, and this was a coilgun meant to be used on Sando Aqua Monsters and Exogorths. She quickly tied her hair back into a tail out of the way and behind her, took out a small pocket rebreather and goggles. "I think we are good then. I've got the gun and my spear, which is about a toothpick but better than nothing. You got the hunting lance, and here," She kicked a box, "Are about half a dozen cryoban grenades and a bait bomb." She didn't keep glitter bombs for the sole purpose of not wanting to have one explode and her be permanently covered in small pieces of body glitter.

[member="Elpsis Elaris"]
[member="Laira Vereen"]

"Try? There is no try," Elpsis said in her best Yoda parody, then laughed. "Or so some green dude said. Dunno what his name was. I'd say you're succeeding." Laira's thoughts about her illustrious heritage were deep down, so the other redhead's empathy would not pick up on them.

Especially since she was focused on killing a beastie. So with a nod she picked up the lance and the box of cryoban and glitter goodness, after likewise getting her paws on a rebreather and a pair of googles. "Good to go. Let's move. Stay close to me and don't play hero, 'kay?" This was probably a bit hypocritical of Elpsis to say given her own penchant for rushing in without thinking because it seemed like the right thing to do, but she really didn't want Laira to get hurt.
"Well, we do pretty good then." The redheaded princess grinned, as she turned to head out back they way they'd come, back to the beach.

"I'll stay kinda close, but no promises on the playing hero thing." They were two peas in a pod, both of their instincts to run towards the sounds of chaos but both of them loathsome to lead others into the messes and disasters they frequented. Perhaps that was where Laira's fears of becoming queen were rooted? Hard to say without thinking about it and Laira was thoroughly distracted by thoughts of killing a beastie and trying to connect on an emotional level with Elpsis, rather than solely physical. Should be easy given her being a blind Empath, there wasn't much else they could rely on for a connection.

"So, I guess I'll hit it with a tranqarest. You close in and use some Cryoban on it, and then we will hammer it with Coin Shot to its vital organs all while dodging electrical discharges, teeth, claws, and tail fighting it on its home turf. Could be worse I guess. It could fly." She laughed, sliding into the saddle of a simple speeder bike and patting the banana seat behind her indicating for Elpsis to join her so they could make quick time back to the beach.

[member="Elpsis Elaris"]
[member="Laira Vereen"]

"Or be Vong-shaped and Force Dead," Elpsis laughed. That would really suck since she would not be able to see it. This is totally not foreshadowing about which beast they'd have to go up against in their next adventure. Not at all. Muhahaha.

Anyhow, since it would probably cause issues with the local constabulary if she walked around with a hunting lance and a bunch of grenades, Elpsis stuffed them into a duffel bag. Then she planted her shapely butt in the speeder bike's banana, sitting down next to Laira.

And so off they went to embark upon their noble quest to protect the innocents and slay a baby leviathan. Thanks to the bike, it did not take them long to reach the beach. By the time they arrived, it had become quite crowded.

There were several ambulances, EMTs were gathering up injured beach goers and there was plenty of security. Some of the security types were Selkath, others were humans or other aliens. Fortunately, none of them wore emblems showing the Hammer and Sickle, the face of Lasedri or Hadrix.

"So much for just slipping into the water and saving the day," Elpsis muttered. "I guess we could...," unfortunately she was unable to finish her sentence because they were quickly accosted by a few uniformed fellows with blasters.

"Stop right there. This area is under lockdown for security reasons. Please turn away and leave the beach for our own safety," one of them said in a polite, but very firm voice. He was a Selkath, which meant it took him ages to finish his sentence.

It was time persuasive. "We're with Firemane. We're here to help with situation," Elpsis declared.

The Selkath looked dubious. "Firemane? This isn't a hair salon! Young lady, don't play games with me."

"They're some sort of PMC," one of the guards interjected. He was a Duros.

"With a name like that? And they employ kids in swimsuits? Human female, unless my supervisor says otherwise, you must go now."

"Your supervisor has cleared us. We have permission to be here. You will let us past," Elpsis insisted firmly, waving her hand in a vague gesture as she pulled at the strands of the Force. She did not like resorting to a mind trick, but it cut through the bullchit. To strengthen the illusion, she presented a piece of paper, which was not even remotely official.

"My supervisor has cleared you. You have permission to be here. You may pass."
When they approached the beach again Laira realized how under-dressed she must seem to the security personnel attempting to contain the situation and see to the wounded and traumatized. Nothing but a Sky Blue bikini and blazing red hair with a large rifle in the saddle bags and a similarly dressed redheaded teenage girl with her. While technically it was practical considering armor would weigh them down and wouldn't protect them very much from the large beast, it didn't look it as the guards looked at the skimpy outfits, or more likely the women wearing them.

Elpsis used her mind tricks on the one holding them up and Laira grinned as they let the two girls past. "That's pretty slick there hotstuff." The princess purred with delight at seeing how easy it had been. As a smuggler and part time slicer that would be a phenomenal tool to have on her belt down the road if she felt like learning it.

Once they were past, Laira spurred the little speeder bike onward to the water's edge. Blood washed up into the sand of the shore, red mixing with the sea foam. The baby leviathan had been forced away by the increased activity, but the signs of its passing were fairly obvious. Disturbed sand and the smear of red leading out to open water indicated its direction of travel. Her voice was one of reluctance, as though she had some sense of ominous danger or dread building within her, or just that she was bummed her fun time got interrupted. "I guess we will have to swim for it from here on out. Do try and be careful, hun. I like whole Elpsis a lot and want her to stay that way." And she wasn't sure she was in a place to like parts of Elpsis without the rest of her, you know attached.

With that she killed the engine and pulled on the very heavy coilgun she carried in the saddle bags. "Let's get this thing."

[member="Elpsis Elaris"]
[member="Laira Vereen"]

"Fish dude has a point. Firemane is kind of a weird name. I gotta tell Auntie Sio someone thought she runs a hair salon," Elpsis declared, laughing a bit. "She'll be sooo huffy." And presumably rant about malelings and fish people. Sio rants were always fun - and vaguely comical. At least one of the guards from the checkpoint was probably appreciating the two girls' curvaceous forms in rather brief swimsuits, but no one else troubled them on the way, so Elpsis ignored the looks. The moment of levity had passed, now her mind was focused on the hunt as they approached the beach.

The blue waters were deserted, blood had washed up on the shore. The same applied to some fleshy bits the terror from the deep had not devoured. All in all, it was a moderately macabre scene. The scent of death permeated the air and invaded Elpsis' nostrils. The empath steeled herself against the sensation. The baby leviathan was gone, but she could still feel it. The primal feeling of anger, dread and terror was faint, but still there. She gave Laira a look after the other redhead had spoken, patting her on the shoulder.

"Same goes for you, 'kay. We kill this thing together, then go party. I got your back, you got back mine." She planted a brief kiss on Laira's cheek, then climbed out of the speeder, removed the lance, cryoban grenades and glitter they'd brought with them. Taking a deep breath, she stepped into the cerulean waters that no longer seemed welcoming to her.
Laira giggled, "I was pleasantly surprised they jumped straight to hair salon instead of anything more insulting."After all they were two attractive redhead teenagers on a beach in swimwear, hair salon wasn't the worst assumption the fish person could have jumped to, plus hair salon came with the implied compliment that he thought their hair looked nice which was good enough for Laira.

Elpsis's lips touched the princess's cheek gingerly and were gone again almost as soon as they had touched her skin, causing Laira to blush deep crimson in her cheeks. She'd not expected it, but appreciate the sign of affection and closeness. Her first real crush was developing and she'd have to find a better time and place to talk about it. Her feet touched the sand beneath the gentle waves lapping up against her legs, now twinged with red trailing out to open waters.

"I'm not seeing it anywhere on my scanner." She dropped the hand held device back on the speeder bike and left it, if it wasn't going to be of use it might as well not take up space on her person with the lack of pockets and all. She tucked the rebreather into her mouth and breathed through it easily for a moment to make sure it worked and clipped the goggles on to cover her eyes from the sea water so she could see without her eyes getting irritated.

With one last shrug, she slipped into the water and started swimming, the miniature little repulsor helping push her along through the water. Now she could speak, albeit muffled to her red haired, fine haunched compatriot through the rebreather. "I guess you lead the way to it."

[member="Elpsis Elaris"]
[member="Laira Vereen"]

Off into the ocean our two heroines went. With each passing moment, the water carried them further from the beach and the safety that civilisation offered. Soon the beach, the guards and ambulances had vanished from their gaze as they swam further and further into the deep.

The little repulsors helped push them along the water. Elpsis was on edge, but trying her best not to make it show. "We're getting closer," Elpsis said quietly. Due to the rebreather, her speech was a bit muffled. "It's angry - and still hungry." It seemed that she was trying to do her best to win the Captain Obvious Award this season.

The terror from the deep's primal hunger, rage and anger were like a beacon in the Force, guiding her towards it, as if she were drawn to its presence like a moth to a flame. The redhead winced as she felt the sensation intensify. They were closing in on their target.

Her Force senses prickled, then her danger senses flared. "Feth, Laira!" she called just before, a powerful surge of electricity heralded the coming of the beast. What did electricity not go well together with? That's right, dear, reader water! Elpsis had barely enough time to gather the Force inside her to shield herself, but given the rapidity of the attack her efforts were more than a little insufficient. Besides, they were deep in water and very wet by now.

Her entire body shook when the powerful electrical current surged through it. There was pain, and she felt like her limbs had gone numb. It took all her willpower to force herself to remain conscious and not go the way of the beach goers who'd been devoured earlier. Unfortunately, the lance had fallen out of her grasp and the beast surged towards them, opening its massive mouth.

Elpsis had been thrown into a daze and her head was spinning while she drifted through the water, but the loud noise generated by the beast snapped her back to reality. Her limbs felt like jellie, but with glacial slowness she managed to raise a shaky hand. Her attack was more instincual than calculated, and so blinding, blazing light emanated from her shock-scarred palm.
The water around them roiled and surged at the sudden presence of the adolescent leviathan of the deeps, the electrical surge charging the water like a lightning strike in an instant. Elpsis's split second warning bought Laira enough time to dive deeper, missing the worst of the burst of energy. Her legs felt like someone had burned them, searing pain shooting through her muscles and making her movements sluggish and jerky as she attempted to swim through the troubled waters. Laira's inner monologue desperately wanted a leg and foot massage when she was done, and to make sure her poor legs weren't permanently scarred. She more listed than swam, turning to see the approaching beast, zipping through the water like a torpedo propelled by fin-like tail.

The beast was clearly very upset, its territory even as newly claimed as it was, had been impeded upon by the beings that lived there and it was not having it. What's more, two lone girls had followed it. Blue and ivory colored hood spread from the creature's neck in a dominance display to show the two heroines that it would not be intimidated in its house. Evolution had bred it to be the apex predator of the seas, adults being difficult for even creatures the size of Sando Aqua Monsters to subdue, perfectly suited for combat beneath the waves. However, its size was also a weakness. Something that big was hard to miss once you could put cross-hairs on it.

Blinding light tore from her beautiful companion's hand, water boiling around her and light flashing through Laira's cornea's causing her to turn her head away and close her eyes, a sizzling heat wave of water surging past the redhead. Better a nice ocean hot-tub than a freezing arctic sea she supposed. She grunted from the uncomfortable heat and tried her best to blink the blurriness from her eyes.

The redhead twisted painfully, feeling muscles spasm in her thighs and waist as she turned the harpoon rifle to fire. Coils along the barrel activated and propelled the first harpoon from the barrel at blinding speed, spending the broadhead bolt into the thick hide of the beast's chest. As soon as it made contact the harpoon expanded to lock its place within the scales of the predator, several smaller darts launching from it to begin wrapping around the creature several times before digging into its skin themselves, each little dart connected to the harpoon by a high-tension razor cable to ensnare the beast's arms and legs.

[member="Elpsis Elaris"]
[member="Laira Vereen"]

What happens when you decide to do the heroic thing and hunt a baby leviathan that's eating people? That's right, dear reader, you get freaking electrocuted. That hurts! Yeah, Captain Obvious moment. Suffice to say searing pain had surged through Elpsis' limbs. Her movements were still sluggish and terribly slow. But her mind had recovered enough. The blinding light seemed to have given the beast pause. Little did Elpsis know that it was one of the creature's weak spots.

Taking advantage of the brief interval, Laira unleashed her harpoon. As it locked into place, several darts were launched and wrapped themselves around the beast, doing their part to restrain it. Already hurt by the blaze of light, the beast roared and thrashed angrily. Her body ached and muscles spasmed in her thighs, but Elpsis did not remain passive.

A shaky hand reached for the cryoban grenade, trying to grip it, while she concentrated. Her attack was an insidious one, directed against the mind of the creature. Ensnaring it in a web of deceit and lies, she sought to craft the image of a giant predator approaching. The illusion was basic, but she was dealing with an animal and she only needed it to work for a moment or two.

In the mind of the baby leviathan, a giant kraken would be coming its way, moving to attack. If all went well, this would make the predator panic and cause it to flee, but it would get all tangled up in Laira's cables, making it easy prey. "Gonna toss the cryoban," she called to her friend.
Laira groaned as the muscles in her legs began to ache and bunch into painful cramps. The snares wouldn't hold the baby leviathan forever, but it would take it a painful moment or so to break out of and would dig into the beast's flesh and skin the whole time it struggled against the razor cables while attempting to snap them. And with it being distracted by illusions, it was no longer focusing on the two redheaded teenage bombshells, which would do wonders for keeping the beautiful and alive. "Good. That should buy us some time to injure it and slow it down."

The redhead's hair floated loosely around her, strands listing in different directions beneath the waves as she continued to attempt to force her body to continue reacting despite the Aquadon's bioelectromagnetic pulses. Any other time she would have enjoyed swimming these tropical waters and been much more observant of her companion, whom she still was unsure whether she had a crush on or not. Her hands began cycling the gun, letting the coils stop so the weapon could be loaded again and pulling a heavier harpoon from her quiver, one with a bit more oomph than the last one. This one had two large caliber secondary charges filled with a powerful tranquilizer. The box said it could put a rancor under in five minutes or less and could keep a Jedi Knight unconscious for days. Five minutes was a long time in combat, but they didn't need to put the thing to sleep. They just needed to slow it down enough that either one of them could get a good jab into its throat with a trauma charge.

With the coils spun down, Laira loaded the next harpoon, sinking slowly as she fought with her legs to keep treading water with limited success. She was going to need a massage after this hunt at the very least, but perhaps Elpsis would be willing to trade foot and leg massages between each other. That could be a good reward worth fighting for if nothing else. The harpoon locked into place and the weapon began to spin up again, though it would be a moment longer before she could fire.

[member="Elpsis Elaris"]
[member="Laira Vereen"]

Yep, Elpsis would be so down for a massage after all this was over. Maybe Laira would even let her get to second base? Staying afloat in the water, whilst dealing with the beast's electromagnetic pulses and the fact that she was in a good deal of pain was a queen. She needed a real vacation after this. On the bright side, so far they'd only endured bruises and scars, but had not lost any limbs.

The illusions did its part to distract the leviathan a bit. In its mind, the giant kraken was moving right towards it, ready to attack with its huge tentacles. The reprieve would be brief, but Elpsis took full advantage of it. And so she hurled the cryoban grenade towards the baby leviathan. The small ball of icy goodness sailed through the air. There was a splash when it landed into the water and detonated.

Then things cooled down. A lot. Even at this distance, Elpsis shivered as a cool chin ran down her spine. She reckoned she was doing better than the maddened, now rather rapidly freezing beast. Judging by its enraged roar, it was pissed off. Layers of ice had formed, making it more difficult for the beast to get away. As the beast roared and thrashed, Elpsis drove her mind further into it, planting the image that the huge kraken had begun to strike it. The pain would not be real, but for a short moment it would appear so for the giant sea creature.
Part of Laira was somewhat annoyed at the slow cycle up rate of the harpoon gun she was using. While it had excellent stopping power and significant range if not for the limitations of iron sights, it took a long time before it was ready to fire bolt number two. Considering most of the game her father had designed these weapons to hunt were massive she wondered why he hadn't made them easier to use.

The rush of cold water surrounded the young redhead, causing a prolonged shiver to escape down her spine and spasm through her entire body as she adjusted to the cold. Through the Force she began to regulate her internal temperature, not a lot. Just enough that she wasn't shivering and chattering her teeth together. The angry creature was roaring and sputtering with rage as parts of it froze and its skin was sliced open in places by the razor wire, seemingly taking a defensive posture at Elpsis's illusion kraken.

The redhead felt as though she was owed some kolto, a warm bed, and probably an expenses paid trip somewhere that horrible monsters didn't live, not that she really expected the Selkath to pay for her assistance with this creature, but maybe she could still drag her pretty redhead friend somewhere tropical and safe.

She cleared her mind of the simple thoughts and desires for the time begin, taking aim once the weapon had cycled on and was primed to fire again. She pulled the trigger and let the harpoon fly towards the baby leviathan.

[member="Elpsis Elaris"]
[member="Laira Vereen"]

Yes, yes, a kolto, a warm bed and some pampering would do the redhead a world of good. Elpsis was, all things considered, not particularly girly...despite Auntie Tegaea's best attempts to turn her into a princess. However, given the circumstances, she felt like she could make an exception and appreciate a spa day.

Maybe she'd finally get to third base, too? A girl could hope. Anyhow, first they had to deal with the huge monster. Cold water surrounded her. A cold shiver ran down her spine as her entire body experienced a strong chill. Luckily, she was a pyromancer. This did not make her immune to the cold, but better at dealing with it. Rather than be oppressive, it turned into a mild annoyance.

The same could not be said for the fact that her body was in a lot of pain. Word was that just about any Sith could feed on their pain and become stronger for it. Elpsis had never understood how that worked. A broken rib was a broken rib. Ouch. Luckily, the beast was doing a lot worse.

It was time to finish this. "Laira, when it opens its mouth, ram the harpoon into it. Go for its brain," she ordered. Despite the bitter cold, she was baked in sweat as she pulled upon the tangled web of power that was the Force. The illusionary kraken attacked, assaulting the partly frozen, angrily thrashing creature with all its tentacular might. As far as the baby leviathan was concerned, a giant mass of tentacles with enough force to rip a man's limbs off were coming at it. Suffice to say the terror from the deep was not into tentacle porn. Pushing herself even further, Elpsis manifested a mental javelin and hurled it with all her might into the creature's mind. The pain was horrific and, as the beast began to hemorrhage, it roared loudly.
As the second harpoon struck it delivered two heavy doses of tranquilizer directly into the beast's bloodstream, designed to fog its mind and slow its movements, prevent the production of adrenaline and slow the beast's heart rate. Those kinds of things took time, but it was combined with a puncture wound and numerous small lacerations from razorwire, being partially frozen in cryoban, and having its mind assaulted by her compatriot.

The beast roared angrily in the water, tremors of sound-waves reverberated through the icy waters as it recoiled from the illusionary tentacles. Laira grimaced, losing feeling in her toes and fingers as they numbed in the cold water. What was it she had learned in the winter? Something like less than five minutes in cold water can kickstart hypothermia. Granted it would take longer for them and the warm tropical current was already combating the sudden chill, but it was a good excuse for Laira to cuddle her breathtaking redheaded companion all the way back to the hotel room.

The Alderaani princess began cycling the weapon again, grabbing for the much more damaging harpoon loaded with large mass-reactive bolter rounds instead of things like razorwire or tranquilizer. Those were the killing weapons, the others were just to slow and restrain the creature to make it easy to get off a good shot to the weakspot. With her companion doing all the hard work of distracting and keeping the creature's attention, Laira was left with the simple task of staying focused and shooting their one and only gun.

The weapon began the process of cycling up and bringing the magnetic coils to speed, the instrument on the side showing the charge until one hundred percent. Laira assumed she could fire it lethally with anything over eighty, and so began leveling the heavy weapon, aiming down the iron sight at the beast's head.

Her breathing was still painful, air filtering into her lungs was cold and damp, making it rapid and short. Her heart was pounding in her chest, rapid beats from the cold and anxiety of the hunt. She never felt these things in a cockpit, holding the stick to a ship she was piloting. Even in the thickest part of a dogfight, she remained calm, not like right now.

Her finger, tensed along the trigger, waiting for her moment. The leviathan snapped at an invisible foe, jaws opening wide to ward off its predator with rows upon rows of razor sharp fangs. The trigger clicked, accelerating the missile and displacing the water as it sped away from the princess towards the creature's open maw.

[member="Elpsis Elaris"]
[member="Laira Vereen"]

This really had not been the baby leviathan's day. Honestly, all it had wanted to do was to protect its territory and fill its belly with those who had been trespassing on its land! It was clearly in the right here. Instead, it had been frozen, stabbed with harpoons, mind raped and subjected to tentacular horrors.

The harpoon missile sped into the creature's giant maw and tore through its brain. At the same time, Elpsis' last mental javelin struck. One last, blood-curdling roar emanated from the behemoth, then it was dead. The massive, bloated carcasse floated in the partly frozen water. Undoubtedly someone would try to feast on it.

Elpsis took a deep breath. Despite the cold, her body was baked in sweat. Her breathing was painful. Indeed her body was a mass of pain and really in need of some TLC. But she could at least breathe freely now that their quest had been successful.

"Well, that went...better than I thought." As far as witty comments went, this one was most uninspired, but she was kinda tired. She glanced towards her red-maned companion. "We're so badarse." Then began she was so caught up in the moment and not thinking about the dangers of being exposed to hypothermia in the cold waters, she pulled Laira into a deep kiss.
Laira ached. Her legs hurt like she had arthritis in every join below her waist suddenly and it was aggravated, her breathing was sharp and the crisp air making it to her lungs was starting to warm up and become tropical again. One of the mistakes she had made was not bothering to change into proper diving gear as that would have helped with the cold.

When she heard Elpsis exclaim that it had been a better result than expected the redhead furrowed her brow quizzically. "Really? I was hoping for no permanent injuries to either of us. Looks like I got my wish." Well, no scars or injuries she could see, but Elpsis might have some. Laira grinned at her blind companion, glad their adventure together had worked out so well for the pair and happy to have gone hunting in unfamiliar territory with an unfamiliar but welcome stranger.

"Yeah we-" Laira was surprised, cut off mid-sentence by Elpsis's lips pressing against her own. Not exactly what she had expected from the firemaned beauty, but pretty much what she had wanted from her. Laira slipped into the passionate embrace with a certain amount of natural grace, letting her hands slip around the redhead's waist and hug her tight against herself. At least that way Elpsis's sense of touch could feel that she was unharmed and perhaps take better notice of her curves than whatever her Force Sight provided.

It took a moment, but eventually Laira pulled away from the redheaded masterpiece she was developing a crush on, speaking with a soft whisper. "We should probably get out of the water. A body floating with a lot of blood will attract other predators and I'm not in the mood to fight a school of sharks." She was in a different mood that required a shower, pajamas, and a very soft bed. Along with a certain redhead, even if only to get to the first couple of bases.

[member="Elpsis Elaris"]
[member="Laira Vereen"]

There was no better place for a heated makeout than increasingly freezing water. Especially if your limbs were aching with pain, you'd suffered electrical burns and had trouble breathing. Suffice to say Elpsis definitely noticed Laira's ample curves. Being up close and personal made it difficult to miss them. Almost criminal. Alas, the passionate lip lock could not last. For one, at some point both ladies needed to fill their lungs with oxygen, which necessitated using their mouths for other thing. Moreover, given the aforementioned injuries and the water's low temperature, this was not the best time or place.

Still, there had definitely been tongue. This one is arbitrarily calling that hit. If Laira's writer likes this post, then it obviously happened. Regardless, Elpsis pouted slightly, but realised that the other redhead had a point. "Yeah. And it's getting cold," she shivered slightly. "I could use a shower, and a massage. More than one. C'mon, babe. Fish guys better give us a reward."

Was it racist to refer to the Selkath as 'fish guys'? Eh, whatever. They took ages to finish a sentence. Her limbs felt like crap, but she managed to will them to carry her to the sandy shore By now, all the injured or paralysed beach goers were recovering in a hospital, but there was still a good deal of commotion there, since security had locked the beach down tight.
Laira could accept that there had been tongue from both participants of that kiss, she was developing a bit of a crush on Elpsis and it made sense for her to take advantage of the situation for her own personal gain.

Achy and in pain, Laira's legs carried her back towards the shore alongside her flame haired companion until they returned to the artificial beach with sand beneath her toes. She couldn't tell how grateful she was to be back on land, even fake land compared to the open water they had fought the baby leviathan in. Her arms were tired from swimming and her legs had shooting nerve pain spiking up from her heels to her hips.

Several of the selkath approached them as they arrived in the surf, carrying medical equipment and hurriedly ushering them up from the water. "We got it. You are welcome. We'll take our just desserts now." Laira said, exhaustion leaking into her normally honeyed voice. Even her posture was slumped over much more than usual, shoulders sagging instead of her normal chin up, shoulders back. The selkath began trying to usher them towards some form of ambulance, but laira waved them off, "Just some good pain killers and a spa day will be more than enough. Thank you."

Her stormy grey eyes turned towards Elpsis, looking for signs of fatigue and pain to ensure that the other woman wasn't in need of serious medical attention before propositioning her, arms wrapping around the smaller redhead and leaning against her some. "And I suppose I should thank you too. How about your place? I need a shower and want to relax. We could watch a movie or something." Netflix and make out didn't sound too bad an option, even if Laira would have to turn down chill on the first date.

[member="Elpsis Elaris"]
[member="Laira Vereen"]​

"Uh, yeah, what she said. You could pay for our expenses and stuff. That would be nice. No statue, please. My ego's not as big as Auntie Sio's. And breeding requests. I mean, nothing against you guys...but no." Maybe Elpsis was confusing Manaan with Tuchanka. Either way, the Selkath did not seem to have any desire to find out what human-fish babies looked like. They were clearly not into Deep Ones.

The firemaned empath was achy, in a lot of pain and rather tired at this point. Somehow, she managed to avoid falling over herself and crashing into the beach, though she almost did so when she stumbled over a bottle of beer a beach goer seemed to have left lying around. Probably when the big sea monster started eating everyone. That would make anyone forget environmental regulations.

Regaining her balance, her milky white eyes met the stormy ones of Laira. "Sounds good! We can order in. Let's go. I'm, like, about to crash," she admitted. "And I need a freaking shower." Presumably Elpsis still would not get a fade to black scene, but cuddling and making out while watching a movie would be ok, right? Then again, given her state of exhaustion, it was doubtful she'd have the stamina for wild bedroom action anyway. Technically Elpsis would be unable to actually see the movie, but she didn't want to rain on Laira's fun. Moreover, she'd still be able to hear what was going on.

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