Kara Blackmoor
Winters Wraith
Kara saw the woman use the earth shaping abilities, she did not think anyone will be able to dodge that. Kara then saw as she started back pedaling towards something. She thought about it for a second, but then understood why she was doing that. This creature attacking them was strange, she had never seen or heard of anything like it, and the ability to fly? That was even stranger, he seemed to just be able to turn off the laws of physics at will. Even stranger than that were those energy balls he kept throwing at people, this was a strange ability, she had never seen anything like it.
Kara started following the woman, and started walking backwards away from the creature, occasionally looking back to make sure she does not hit a wall or anything, but for the most part keeping her eyes on the creature hoping she does not get hit by one of those energy balls.
[member="Lady Sovereign"]
[member="Evan Kenner"]
Kara started following the woman, and started walking backwards away from the creature, occasionally looking back to make sure she does not hit a wall or anything, but for the most part keeping her eyes on the creature hoping she does not get hit by one of those energy balls.
[member="Lady Sovereign"]
[member="Evan Kenner"]