Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Would You Rather?

:p Is it vorking? But no realy, I like spiders and scorpions. There is someting so elegant in there movements. In adition to my cat, I also have a terarijum vith a Tarantula spider in it (one sektion of it, the other kontains a iguana; i culdnt put them both in together or theyd eat each-other hehe).

I vas never to Egypt so I dont know vhats it like to be bitten by asp, but I cant imagine its fun. Wasps tho... there all over the place here in summer months especialy near market-places, i had my share of stings over the yers. Its not that painful, past those first few sec. You just put ice on it and wait a hour or so. Ofc i generaly dont get afekted by pain much so... but yea, wasp stings arent bad.

Run up-hill for 20 min vith a back-pack ful of rocks, or walk up-hill for a day?
Sand. If all I do is walk, sand wuld ofer more rezistance and at least give me some smal exercize.

Wuld you drink 4 liters of water all at one-time, or drink a smal glass of gasoline?
Shot. Ppl over-rate how dangerus firearms are. In truth, smal-caliber pistols are kuite survivable, long as they dont bulls-eye a vital. Plus, I'm kuite tough to begin vith, and I dont think it wuld go to-far in. On the other hand, being impaled by a properly sharp spear, that wuld go right thru my body, cuting thru multiple internal organs on the way, especialy if the spear-tip is broad. I dont see my-self surviving that.

Spend a night at the grave-yard, or let a tarantula spider crawel over your body?
Freaky... I like that!

Aniway... a arm. Id hate losing anithing, but Id rather make-do vith 1 arm, then be stuck in a wheel-chair the rest of my life.

Tight-rope walk w/o a net under, or enter a cage vith a hungry tiger?
Thats easy, wolves. Basicly wild dogs, a few good kicks and elbows wuld deal vith them, they wuldnt have the mass to tackle me. Id probably get bitted in a few places tho. No big deal, as long as I keep them from my throat. Unles one or both of them has rabies or something... A lion tho... thats a diferent story. Much biger, much more weigt and muscle in those paws... no. Not a chance. One good bash of that paw wuld take my head off, that thing wuldnt even have to bite me.

Hang up-side-down for five hours, or take five full-pwr kicks to the balls in sukcesion?

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