Hehe, actualy one used to see thoze things around here at evry corner, back in the 90's, during and after the war, vhen I vas a kid. And kompared to other kinds of crap around back then (Trabant, Fiat126, varius old Soviet cars), Yugos wer like Rolls Royces. And yea, they wer pretty crap, but... they wer one of the less crap things in the pile, and they did the job. Actualy had a very fuel-eficient engine, as I recal from reading somevhere. I vas reminded of them yesterday, vhen i seen one, and in very good kondition... after not seeing any for at lest 8 years.
Hmm... Lambo. Ferrari is too pretentius for my taste. Plus i think they just look beter, and are more all-rounded cars then Ferraris. But my fave mode of transport wil always be bikes and motorcycles.
Dirt bike, enduro, cruiser, or sport bike?