Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Would You Rather?

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Love tea with honey and lemon.
I try to use a little bit of honey in some of my grilling barbecue style. I make some awesome ribs on the grill.
Can't over do it with honey though..just enough to hint of it in cooking.

Grilled steaks or grilled pork ribs?
Steaks, definitly! But preferebly not pork. Beef-steak is my thing.

Im not much a cook personaly, I know how to make a home-baked pizza vith fresh ingridents, or to grill fish, or fry a basic steak, but thats about it. Evrything else i order from outsyde. Oh, and make pancakes. Since i love pancakes, I maked it a point to learn to make them good. Heh, my bf is actualy a beter cook then me, vhen it comes to number of dishes. But those few I know to make, I know to make REAL GOOD.

Power-down a MTB trail on a cheap department-store MTB, or take a trip around the vorld in a Yugo? :p

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
A Yugo?
I don't think they were able to even make it across state lines, much less across Still, I'd like to take a gamble and try to see how far I could get that car to go before it goes :D

Ferrari or Lamborghini?
Hehe, actualy one used to see thoze things around here at evry corner, back in the 90's, during and after the war, vhen I vas a kid. And kompared to other kinds of crap around back then (Trabant, Fiat126, varius old Soviet cars), Yugos wer like Rolls Royces. And yea, they wer pretty crap, but... they wer one of the less crap things in the pile, and they did the job. Actualy had a very fuel-eficient engine, as I recal from reading somevhere. I vas reminded of them yesterday, vhen i seen one, and in very good kondition... after not seeing any for at lest 8 years.

Hmm... Lambo. Ferrari is too pretentius for my taste. Plus i think they just look beter, and are more all-rounded cars then Ferraris. But my fave mode of transport wil always be bikes and motorcycles.

Dirt bike, enduro, cruiser, or sport bike?

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
They are one seat off road vehicles. It's like a motorized big dirt bike, only it has 4 off road tires on it.
I love riding mine in the snow as it has 4 wheel drive on demand. It's illegal in my town to ride them in the streets, unless they are covered with snow. Yes, I get a good day of fun before the roads are all plowed. :D

Apple or Microsoft?
THATS NOT A BIKE! Cheater! Grrr. 2 wheels only! :p


Wel i only have expirience vith PCs, so... Microsoft. I just hope Gates didnt come up vith that name in referense to the size of his cock XD
Yea... I culd over-look the ekuipment size in favor of a guys net worth XD . If i needed to. But since i'm prety wel-off my-self, I dont need to. :)

Actualy I like both... but ofc, pineapple wins!

White or Blue fish?

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
White, as I love non-oily fish. Blue fish are oily, but I've eaten them. Not my fav though. White fish win every time.

Oh by the way, I didn't answer your inquiry as to what I meant by 'Pig Out'.
It means eating like a pig...eating everything. We mostly say that in the States when we mean eating something we like and in quantity. :D

Fried or grilled fish? yea, yea, I know you love grilling. But really which one tastes better?

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Ooh, that's a tough one.
I would more like very small meals/snack than eat big meals on a daily basis.
Love big meals during Holidays though.

Chicken or Turkey dinner?

Say, we here in the States have traditionally made turkey during one of our Holidays like Thanksgiving. It dates back to the pilgrims know the first colonists here in the States. Then of course we can make Turkey dinner during X-mas and even New Year's day. But Thanksgiving which is coming up next month is Turkey day for us. :D
Nooo... I'm a simple woman, i like simple stuff - chicken dinner. Ok... and the fakt I have no idea how to properly make turkey, vhile I can fry a couple chicken ribs, no problem, and some french fries, easy. Nice big bowl of letuce or onions (idealy both), a quater of corn bread, LOTS of pineaple juice to vash it down vith, and i'm gold! Bf likes it too (tho he drinks wine vith it), vhen i'm in a mood to make it for 2.

And sory, not too familjar vith USA holidays. But I have heard of that 1. Mostly from movies XD

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Ah yes, most of the movies involving Holidays in the US are about right. Turkey is mostly shown. Love good corn bread, by the way...freshly baked.
So...what's like a traditional holiday dinner from across your side of the pond?

baked potato or baked Yam (sweet potato)?
No specific one, at lest not here in Croatia. Chicken, turkey, turn some lamb on a stake, grill some beef, depends on each house-hold and vhat they like to eat. Down at the coast, fish is traditional. Long as its tasty and grandioze. Since I dont celebrate Xmas, i dont realy make anithing special that day, unles i'm enterteining guests. Even then, half of it is ordered from outsyde, since making grand meals isnt my thing.

But yea, baked potatos are a must! I just vish I culd make them right. I can only fry them, I dont know how to bake them, for that, i enlist my couzin (yea, she has her uses asyde from ranting XD ). I dont like sweet potatos tho.

Apples or Oranges?
Do I have to sleep on the ants every night, or is it a one time deal? Cause I'd rather take the ants.

Would you rather stay in for the night with a good book, or go out for a night in town with a few friends?
Depends vhat book, and vhich frends. :p I dont read much, but vhat interests me, i can easyli spend a night vith it. On the other hand, partying all-night in a club is fun too... choises choises.

Live the rest of ur life in a sewer, eating rats and crap... or spend the next day in a luxury hotel pamperd and vanting for nothing - but knowing you wuld be tortured slowly the day after, then burned alive at the end?

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Ok, if I can pass on the crap, then I think I can do the sewers. these rats. Are they like raw or you know, cooked by a master exotic chef to make them taste like chicken? Cause...maybe...just maybe, I can do chicken flavored rats after a twoo week starvation holdout. MAYBE!

Eat cooked rat or cooked snails? :p
Yea, back to escargot..hahaha :D

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