Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Would You Rather?

Seriusly?! :p

Slave to a Hutt. Id be free in less then a day. I mean, if Leia culd choke out Jabba that easy vith a half-assed chain-vrap (and it vas the most pathetic chain-vrap i ever seen), and she had about as much muscle in her arm as I got in my thumb, i culd probly rip a Hutts head off vith my bare hands. If we go by vhat we seen in Ep VI. Now... lets do it realisticly-like... stil a Hutt slave. More chance to escape then out of a Republic prizon. Less dignifyed ofc, but i wuld be free sooner. Hutt security is sloppy.

Spend a night vith a Nightsister witch, or spend a Night in a rancor pit?
Obvius answer is "both". Both has its use in a fight, depending on the situetion. But if I had to pick one... brute force. It can be applyed more instiktivly, at a moments notice. And its more relyable, in my expirience. In a spontaneus situetion, the simpler the solution u got, the beter. Over-analizing poodoo is bad. And brute force is simple and efektive. Not to mention the intimidation faktor of it. Often thats enogh in it-self, to end a fight. Over the years, i trained both, starting vith Wing Chun vhen i vas a teen (vhich is all about finesse), thru varius other styles of Kung Fu (mix of finesse and force), and ending vith Sambo (basicly Russian MMA) and boxing (less finesse more force). It more or less matched the vay my body got stronger over the years. The stronger I got, the more appeal i found in hard-type fighting styles. Vhich of corse makes sense. You cant apply force if u dont have it. Thats not to say finesse is useless, far from it (if your weak, you dont have a option to use anithing but finesse, like i did vhen I started out), but IMO, it has to komplement brute force, not the other vay around.

I culd go on a page, i know alot about this stuff, i trained to fight over half my life, and evolved as time pased, but this is the short verzion. Aniway...

Drink yor own piss, or drink yor own blood?

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Would love to have a Groundhog Day for a year. :D So you know, in the book, that person lived out that day for thousands of days or years. Now that would drive me bonkers for sure...

Sailboat or speedboat
Ewww... wel i supose... idk what "escargot" is so I'l go vith what I know. Eel. I'l still hate it, but at lest I know vhat i'm puting in my stomak.

I dont like cooked food in general. Baked yes. Fryed, yes. Grilled - i adore it, I make it a point to vizit a local grill at lest once a week. But cooked... very few cooked foods that i like. Idk. Most cooked stuff just loses the taste, in my expirience.

Drink a full bottle of vodka at once, or drink a glass of gasoline?

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Lord... I am a horrid player in this game. Neither.
I know, I's just a game and I have to choose one of the less evil under the gun kind of thing. Just can't choose though. I'll pass it to the next player.

Anywho 'escargot' are cooked SNAILS...a delicacy in some parts of Europe. Yea, disgusting now that I am older and wiser. But yea, I actually ate both when I was in ITALY, believe it or not. Well, I was like very young...what did I know what those snails were really. Ok, I did know as they were still in their shells....
But now..Yuck! NEVER!

Drink a full bottle of vodka at once, or drink a glass of gasoline?
A-ah. Not this time, you litle wimp! Pass the kuestion agen! *evil grin*

Drink a full bottle of vodka at once, or drink a glass of gasoline?

Aniway yea, now that i know vhat those are, i'm even less inklined to try it. Ewww cooked snails...

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Ok, OK....A full nip bottle of Vodka and in one gulp if I don't choke on it.
Hehe...a full bottle, nip size is like one It's the tiny cute little bottles. Like, maybe 50ml.....hahaha... Yes, I can do the entire little bottle... hahaha.... :D
Woot, woot... Hahaha... Oh I'm so, smart. :p

Coke or Pepsi ?

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
I'll have to make up for the choices I passed on before.
Love kebab and grilled fish. Love gyros too. I can pig out on them when I get a chance to. lol

Yogurt dressing or mayonnaise?

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