Xi Rel
Dark Blade
Slave to a Hutt. Id be free in less then a day. I mean, if Leia culd choke out Jabba that easy vith a half-assed chain-vrap (and it vas the most pathetic chain-vrap i ever seen), and she had about as much muscle in her arm as I got in my thumb, i culd probly rip a Hutts head off vith my bare hands. If we go by vhat we seen in Ep VI. Now... lets do it realisticly-like... stil a Hutt slave. More chance to escape then out of a Republic prizon. Less dignifyed ofc, but i wuld be free sooner. Hutt security is sloppy.
Spend a night vith a Nightsister witch, or spend a Night in a rancor pit?
Slave to a Hutt. Id be free in less then a day. I mean, if Leia culd choke out Jabba that easy vith a half-assed chain-vrap (and it vas the most pathetic chain-vrap i ever seen), and she had about as much muscle in her arm as I got in my thumb, i culd probly rip a Hutts head off vith my bare hands. If we go by vhat we seen in Ep VI. Now... lets do it realisticly-like... stil a Hutt slave. More chance to escape then out of a Republic prizon. Less dignifyed ofc, but i wuld be free sooner. Hutt security is sloppy.
Spend a night vith a Nightsister witch, or spend a Night in a rancor pit?