Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Wow, This Faction Name Is Going To Make Things Confusing (Dominion's Hex Dominion of Ventooine)

Location: Ventooine
Objective: 2
Allies: [member="Zaz Tal'Verda"] [member="Grace Darkson"]
Enemies: None

The Bith joined the Mandalorian and the Sith just a little late. He was fresh from the Conclave and had only gotten word of this after his arrival there. Dune had to admit he was glad of his taking this assignment. Seeing his companions made him fearful about the outcome of things without him.

Dune supposed that he shouldn't prejudge. Yet Mandalorians were not famous for their diplomacy. Certainly they were brave and often honourable but seldom diplomatic. Sith were another subject altogether.

His body still bore the scars of past dealings with them. He had his reservations about working with them so closely. But he would set them aside for the greater good. This particular situation was an example of just that with a chance to resettle Atrisian refugees.

Dune landed his shuttle near their own and his feet had barely touched the ground before he'd joined them. Ventooine was a pleasantly warm place that was well-suited for settlement. It was supposed to have bountiful harvests several times a year. A relative paradise for the Atrisians.

Except that certain local farmers weren't interested in sharing. So it was that they'd need to convince them. Peacefully. Hence why he was here.

"Such a pleasant world, don't you think," the Jedi Master began without preamble "It would be a true shame if the local farmers continue their resistance. So it behooves us to convince them to share with the Atrisians."

He smiled pleasantly as he looked between his unlikely fellows.

"We should talk with them. Convince them with peaceful means. Surely they are decent beings who simply are attached to their lands. Except a fair amount has lain fallow for some time. What lands they do farm produce far more than they'd ever need. We only have to point this out."
Post Count: 4
Location: The Chimaera.
Associates: [member="Lady Kay"].

"I'd like to think there'll come a day where your use of the Force won't be so necessary to keep a secret..." Veiere commented under his breath, his gaze diverting to the back of his shoulder that he might eye those who followed some few paces behind, out of earshot of their conversation and otherwise knowing better than to eavesdrop on Veiere's private affairs, "Though I know it keeps you safe to some extent, or atleast protects your position over Commenor, I do wonder how you might change your life should you not have to feel concerned about who you really are, both to me and to the Force itself...".

Entering the lift, Veiere raised a hand to stop the soldiers from joining them, soon waving it briefly and willing the doors to close before they could argue, a mechanical hiss sealing him and Kay within the elevator alone and able to breath peacefully without the eyes of others on them, the 501st and the few officers that had been with him could catch another ride up, it wasn't as though this was the only way to the bridge of the Chimaera.

"At the best of times I find myself conflicted around this position that I've gained. The amount of power I have over the Dominion can make and-or break lives, it's exactly why the Order used to urge us to steer clear of politics, those of the force not meant for such a position due to the Jedi's fear that we might abuse our powers to manipulate the senate and get our own way..." He leaned back against the wall as the shaft flew beyond the transparent walls of the lift. "Atrisia killed most of my faith in the Jedi of today...-So I suppose I gave up on following the old way. I wound up here because of a ghost of a man I thought of as a brother, relived through the recordings of a holocron. I'm not sure if it was foolish of me or not but the potential to help people now...-Following the dreams of a dead man, who I consistently debated on his methods...-I still question much of it. It's good to have you here...-Don't rush off unless you absolutely have too" He smiled faintly, hopeful and yet understanding should the time come.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Objective: 1
Post: 5

Kay sighed inwardly as [member="Veiere Arenais"] spoke of his desire for her to not hide her Force Sensitivity. But she had to. In her mind at least. Although Veiere knew more about her than others, there were still certain things that she kept from him. Fear was a big part of that. She was still working on healing from the trauma caused by her captivity. At least she was getting better when it came to the opening of doors. "Veiere....I have tried to break free from politics so that I didn't have to hide, but I get thrusted back into it again. And now....nowyou're involved in it too. You'll find that there will be many within political circles that will be biased against you for the simple reason that you are Force Sensitive. It doesn't matter to them if you are a good person or not, or that you only seek to help others. You'll be viewed as an evil person with an agenda, regardless."

She stepped into the lift, a little surprised that Veiere had them take the ride up alone, but not disappointed in that choice. She was as concerned for him and this new position as he was of her. This was not the kind of life that he was used to. Maybe this was why the Force brought them together. They needed eachother in so many ways, each with their own areas of expertise.

Kay took Veiere's hand in her own. "You are probably the best person for the job right now. Your friend saw that and seemed to have taken steps to ensure that what he was building was left in good hands. When they no longer need you, the Force will show you a way out. But for now this is where you belong. I'll help you where I can and maybe by the end of it all, we'll both become the kind of people that we want to be." She had Commenor though, and no successor, no plan in place should she be taken out of the picture. Up until now she had figured that she'd die on her throne. Now she wasn't so sure. Her priorities since she returned from her captivity had changed.

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
Location: In orbit over Trian
Objective: 4
Allies: Dominion
Enemies: Unknown
Post: 4/38

Whereas the Kaeshana spaceport had little timber, due to timber being scarce on that planet, on Trian use of local timber is a must for anyone wishing to do public works, and not just for the floors. Sure the wood harvested on Trian has nothing on the wroshyr harvested on Kashyyyk, but the most common hardwood species in the region where they have landed has properties similar to the kempas harvested on Lanteeb, at least according to the local construction workers on site. Whereas softwoods would be more akin to cedar, which were more practical for the building frame. As for the furniture, other lumber essences found on the planet would be used. Now that the construction team has assembled the construction documents, they are ready to open a channel to the construction permit authorities relevant for the refugee colony under construction on that world. Infrastructure was going to cost Star Tours quite a bit but this is less troublesome than to rely on publicly-managed infrastructure.

"Construction permit authority here: state the nature of your request"

"This is Star Tours: stand by for uploading of construction documents for a spaceport construction permit request"

"The construction permit request will be handled shortly"

"How much is this going to cost us Clarence?"

"A few thousand credits sir."

The Trade-Lord of Neelgaimon audibly groaned. His reps were speaking to the Archlord and his retinue; Dilbert could not be bothered. The deal had already been struck, and the matter of Neelgaimon joining the Dominion was less one of if's and more one of when's.

Right now, he was dealing with something else entirely. A rather large barge had busted an engine over Neelgaimon and was drifting erratically off into space. Aboard were a large number of rather expensive objects that Dilbert would rather not lose.

He would have to see to it personally.

"I need the intelligence aid. The other bothan, Strask! Bring him here, we'll get things running."

[member="Strask Ak'lya"]
Post 2

It was weird, being back on his feet.

He had taken the better part of two years off. He'd managed to find a nice little spot on Neelgaimon running a mine. He'd been able to relax, put his feet up. Nat had refused to leave him, acting as his secretary and usually, his bodyguard. Some days he missed being young, when it didn't hurt to stand and when he could still fight. A metal hand curled around the ball of his cane. The metal poll clicked on the ground as he walked, the sound echoing on the walls as he limped towards [member="Dilbert Zambino"]'s office. Nat followed close behind, he pushed the door open to look at the other Bothan. As much as Strask felt old, Dilbert had a solid ten years on him. The other bothan had the advantage of not having the wear of years in the field.

Tapping the cane's head on the door, he spoke. "You wanted to see me?"

[member="Dilbert Zambino"]

"That I did!" Dilbert boomed, a clawed hand waving about as he waved Strask in. The former intelligence operative was not all that much younger than Dilbert. They were both old Bothans by any stretch of the mind, but Dilbert had come to think of Strask as a little brother of sorts. The kind of little brother that had a few rather nasty friends and a particularly sketchy past you did not ask about, but a brother nonetheless.

"I've got a barge that's gone loose." Dilbert began to explain as he rose from his desk. "One of the engines died and she's floating free now. Doesn't look good. Probably gonna go try to solve the problem myself. I want you to come with me. You've got better eyes than me and an even sharper mind."

Zambino powered down his console and drew his coat up from the chair he had been sitting in. After a bit of particularly loud struggling, Dilbert managed to force the struggling leather around his rather rotund form. He'd never been one for exercise.

"We need it clocked down if these Dominion folks are going to take us seriously."

[member="Strask Ak'lya"]
Post 3

A small smile crossed Strask's face as the other Bothan waved him in, the clicks of the cane matching his stride. Dilbert had been more than kind to him, letting the old spymaster help here and there, and even leaving him to relax for the few moments he could between requests. The Trade Lord's hands-on approach was something that Strask could respect. Right now, however, he just wished he had the option to respect it from a distance. Or the option to say no.

They were both past their prime, after all, and there were so many things that could go wrong with this. "Why not ask the Dominion to help with this? I'm sure they have more resources to throw at it than we do." It took some effort to not smile as [member="Dilbert Zambino"] struggled with the coat. How much did the Trade Lord get out of his office?

Maybe that was a question best left unanswered.

"Ask them for help?!" Dilbert sounded absolutely mortified. he came to a full stop alongside Strask, his toothy maw of a mouth agape in dramatized horror. The trade-lord shook his head vigorously, his mane of unkempt gray hair billowing about as he did so.

"No Strask, no! We can't ask them for help. Neelgaimon needs to prove that we can stand on our own!" Dilbert finally stopped shaking his head, and instead reaching over to clasp Strask on the shoulder. "We've got enough to deal with it. Already have a few barges in space to put a stop to the spin. It's just going to take a few minutes for them to get a hold of it." Dilbert's hand fell to his side, and he took off at a brisk pace. That pace was little more than an average walk, but it counted as brisk for the aging and obese Bothan.

"I suspect foul-play Strask," the trade-lord muttered. "You've heard about those empires cropping up? The rump states?" Dilbert lofted a brow, his gaze never leaving for the former spymaster even as they marched onward. "I think they've got something to do with it."

[member="Strask Ak'lya"]
Post 4

As Dilbert gazed at him in horror, the first thing Strask thought was that this man wanted to prove himself to the new empire. He needed to validate his claim to control, and thus told himself that they could do this without help. No, that they had to do this without help. He remembered the feeling of needing to impress. It never ended well. Still, alliances that were meant to be equal had to be between equal partners. Simply calling on the Dominion's aid would weaken that standing.

As he walked alongside the Trade-lord, the cane clicking an even pace to match the older man, he listened to the paranoid words spewing from him. "Sabotage will always have a goal. What would they gain from this attack?"

[member="Dilbert Zambino"]

Arken Lussk

Thrills, Chills, and Kills
Post: [03/20]
Objective: 3
Proximity: [member="Darius Sedaire"], [member="Shorarri"], [member="Abraxas"], [member="Antherion"], [member="Dexen Yash"]

Too many things happened all at once. That thunderous roar's source had made its appearance in the form of some seemingly barbaric Sith Lord who bathed in the entrails of his enemies. Then a second made his appearance in the form of a speech regarding his Order and possibly sullying the name of an order who had waged chaotic war for thousands of years. Whatever their deal was, it was also apparently something pointless and abysmally small in the eyes of this particular Jedi padawan. He and Master Sedaire had far much more to deal with as opposed to getting involved with these Sith and their internal affairs.

When the black mist began to snake across the ground, angling towards [member="Abraxas"], Arken was quite apt to shed his shyness in an instant. It took him half a second to produce a heavy blaster pistol, one of the old variants that the great Han Solo had so favorited, flicking the safety off and aiming it straight at the head of [member="Antherion"]. Jarvis was just as fast, if not faster, in his own bearing of arms in the form of a heavy blaster rifle.

"Why don't you leave him alone?" Arken inquired, voice even. "My master and I were just about to have a chat with him, and you're more than welcome to join if you lay down your arms."

"Disrupting trade, weakening Neelgaimon and by extension the Dominion, trying to spread their own control," Dilbert waved a hand about. "It could be a dozen different motives Strask. The point is that we represent a rather juicy target out here."

The trade lord paused in his droning as they made their way to the hangers. A shuttle was already being prepared for the duo, along with a number of other vessels that would join them up in the planet's upper atmosphere. A young dark haired human jogged up to the trade lord, his chest rising and falling heavily.

"Your shuttle has been prepped."

"Thank you Clarence. What is the status of the barge?"

"No deaths, but she's still spinning. We're doing what we can, but things aren't looking good."

Dilbert winced. "Fine, just c'mon boy." Clarence nodded and jogged back to Dilbert's shuttle. The trade lord followed him aboard.

[member="Strask Ak'lya"]
Post 5

"Last I heard they only cared for their sacred worlds." The response was thoughtful, but restrained. He didn't have the network he once did. That sort of thing wasn't what he focused on these days. Sure, he could still do some bits of work, but overall, he didn't have access to as much on the galaxy at large anymore. Sometimes it pained him, but mostly, he was glad to be free of it all. He didn't have to worry about when one group would make a move to disrupt the balance of power, but mostly it felt good to be able to relax.

As the approached the ship, Nat looked to him with a quisitive gaze. While [member="Dilbert Zambino"] spoke to his aid, the red-haired woman turned to him "Should I..."

"I'd prefer if you stayed with us, seeing as we're both well past our prime." She nodded, smiling with a near-disappointed look in her eye. "What?"

"Didn't we agree you weren't going to do this anymore?" He shrugged, turning to the shuttle and following the Trade Lord onboard.

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
Location: In orbit over Trian
Objective: 4
Allies: Dominion
Enemies: Unknown
Post: 5/38

"As soon as the construction permits are issued, we order the lumber, the duracrete, the bricks, and all the other construction materials"

"Roger, roger"

Dunames had a look at the staggering list of items building the spaceport up to the local standards required: this list was just out of this galaxy. Luckily, out of the list she already had a few items: check-in counters, sensor arrays, tactical displays for a control tower, and other stuff that would normally be part of the avionics, or similar. That was going to be one long, exhausting drill, very similar to what the past few spaceports have been. And yet, while she was so far away from the headquarters in First Order space, she had no idea how to handle the problem. Merrily proceeds to order thousands of "2-by-4s", as potentially appropriate to build a spaceport terminal, planks in kempas floorings, hundreds of cubic meters of continuously-reinforced duracrete, all the while they are waiting on the construction permit issuing authorities.
[member="Strask Ak'lya"]


"Slow it down Clarence!"

"This is the regular speed sir!"

"I said slow it down boy! You're going to give me a heart attach!"

The vessel slowed as Dilbert instructed. It just barely broke from the planet's orbit, and Neelgaimon now looked to be a big ball of brown and green blotches broken up by cities. Above was the runaway barge, a massive thing that was on a straight tumble through space.

Dilbert winced.

"That doesn't look very good." He murmured as they pulled closer. A number of tugs were working on balancing the ship with tractor beams of varying power, and they seemed to be doing the job. Even still, the vessel looked more like it has been bombed rather than having served a system malfunction.

"How soon until the spin stalls."

"Ten minutes."

"Put on your docking boots Strask, we're going aboard."

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
Location: In orbit over Trian
Objective: 4
Allies: Dominion
Enemies: Unknown
Post: 6/38

"Boss, are you sure that your budget is realistic?" the Atrisian refugee asked.

"Any cost overruns is to be covered by Star Tours, not the local authorities"

"Have any idea how much it would cost?"

"I guess you have a point"

On this count the refugee was correct: it was true that infrastructure costs were being incurred all over the place, but it was hazardous business. Nevertheless, sometimes it seems that chance have more to do with cost overruns, especially the throes of the weather, than any skill, organization or morale problem, even though the engineering part is often the part that may be the riskiest because geological data is sparse at this point, but the structural load is not much heavier than a three-floor McMansion on Bimmisaari, which is a planet with similar geological composition in the region where the Atrisian colony is slated to be built. The spaceport is meant to be the entry point between the Atrisian colony and the rest of the galaxy: mouldings and other architectural components that would make a difference were ordered from artisans among the Atrisian refugees. The main difference here, between Kaeshana and Trian's Atrisian refugee colony, would be the roofing: whereas Kaeshana was quite flat, Trian would be much more hipped, with eaves and curved vertices.
As he and Nat watched the barge spin, the old Bothan shook his head. Some explosion had torn up the engines, and the ship's control were long since lost. The tugs were trying their best, but it didin't look like there was too much changing. He sighed, leaning towards the viewport to try and get a better look at the damage as it careened out of control. The blast was enough to take out of the engine, but not enough to destroy the ship itself. He'd guess it was a torpedo sized charge, but he couldn't be sure. After all, he couldn't see everything about the blast.

"What was it carrying?" His question escaped him as he continued to study the damage as best he could. Nat shook her head as they heard the Trade Lord's next command, and the old man simply smiled. The girl was too protective sometimes, but she was good at what she did. And right now, her main job was keeping him alive. Moving away from the view, the old spy started to prep for boarding, checking the holster at his side. Yep, still armed. That was good, espically if the saboteur was still aboard.

[member="Dilbert Zambino"]

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
Location: In orbit over Trian
Objective: 4
Allies: Dominion
Enemies: Unknown
Post: 7/38

In fact, the terminal would be about the size of a McMansion, if the passenger building on Kaeshana is any indication. The control tower, on the other hand, would be a five-level hexagonal pagoda, with the last level covered in glasteel windows and used as a cab for traffic control, and the level immediately underneath it housing a sensor array as appropriate for a minor spaceport's control tower. So there would be four or five buildings to build: a five-floor pagoda these refugees call a control tower, a hypermatter reservoir, a terminal as well as storage space for the utility vehicles (like those Bluth stair trucks). Understandably, that might complexify the construction permit request a little bit, so that might account for why it has been a little long.

"Status on the construction permits?"

"Still under review, I'm afraid"

"Kark it! This is a critical transportation infrastructure for the colony, and what's taking them so long?" Dunames asked, visibly becoming much more angry.

"Even with financial guarantees, I hope that this online shop is a good one"
The lightsaber hissed as it lost power.

Darius placed a hand over the barrel of Arken's rifle, guiding it downward. The Jedi Knight then stepped forward, a stalwart creature if there ever was one. he had no fear as he looked upon [member="Antherion"]. This was far from what he had expected of Neelgaimon, but then the force worked in particularly mysterious ways. This was just another trial for the young knight to find his way through. Just as rebuilding the order had been cast upon his shoulders, so had the fate of his former adversary.

"Stop that magic," Darius stated, his voice solid and resolute. "We're going to talk like adults. Too many conflicts come from people drawing swords rather than speaking rationally." The knight gestured to Abraxas. "Look at him. He's wounded terribly. He presents no threat to either of us, and," Darius turned to Abraxas. "I'll not have any foul play from you Abraxas. I know what you've done, and I had to strike you down for it in the past. That being said, I am willing to hear you out," he turned back to the Sith jailer, "Just as I am willing to hear you out my friend. Please don't force me into action. I don't think either of us want to hurt one another."

There was a compassion to Darius' voice that could not be faked. It was an honest thing, one that came from the bottom of his youthful heart. Some had called Darius an idealist in the past - said that he was too soft to wield a blade. In a way, they had been right, yet the runt of the order had thrived nonetheless.

Darius waved the hunter forward. "Come on out. These people won't harm you," he turned back toward some of the villagers. "Please bring me a healer. I'd rather not that Abraxas bleeds out before we can hear what he has to say." The villagers complied without recourse.

Darius offered the hunter a bow. "My name is Darius Sedaire, knight of the Jedi Order and...well, a couple other things. You already know Abraxas," he pointed to the mass of dying flesh on the ground between them. "The young man to my left is my padawan, Arken Lussk. The carpet to my right is Shorarri, he's a good guy."

The knight grinned. "Let's talk."

[member="Antherion"], [member="Abraxas"], [member="Arken Lussk"], [member="Shorarri"]
Post Count: 5
Location: The Chimaera.
Associates: [member="Lady Kay"]

"Cyril's holocron brought me into this all..." Veiere remarked with a hint of remorse, looking back to Kay with a half smile, uncertain of whether or not that was entirely a good thing; "He tried to tell me before he was killed that he felt I'd be in this position one day, he had this big idea that he could bring peace to the galaxy but bringing war to the Sith and the Jedi who had lost their way. Like violence would be the end-all of violence..." He shook his head slowly in obvious disagreement. "I tried to counsel him many times, though he was stubborn, determined to believe that he was in the right...-The man was my brother but the enemy of himself was himself. Every time I'd try to question these things that he believed he were capable of, he'd counter it with the state of the galaxy...-Chaos that I can't rightly argue with, it's all a mess out there..." he frowned, there were mixed emotions around the history between [member="Mephirium"] and himself. Veiere had always been far more the pacifist than his brother in arms, that need to fight to make everything right in his life again had resulted in Cyril going out there and getting himself killed on Atrisia. "You're not to blame for my becoming invested in the politics of The Dominion..." He continued, proceeding to explain something that he'd neglected to speak on before now; "I followed the instructions of his holocron out of guilt for our differences, my inability to steer him back towards the lightside of the Force and my allowing him to turn to death for absolution upon Atrisia...-My inaction and uncertainty added to his fall on that world, just like my inaction on Commenor may have gotten [member="Ryn'Dhal"] killed...-To what point of pacifism have I become the very thing that I argued against in Cyril's actions. Bringing war in the name of peace was a double negative...-Doing nothing to stop it, was my failure...".

"The Dominion is my attempt to atone for the death of a brother that I failed to help...".

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