Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Wow, This Faction Name Is Going To Make Things Confusing (Dominion's Hex Dominion of Ventooine)

Shorarri had had enough of these Sith. He turned to resume his hunt when he was approached by a familiar face. One Allyson Halle. Her long brown hair was tied back. She had green eyes and rather soft facial features. Her body looked taught and fit. She was tall as far as humans were concerned.[Greetings Friend!] Shorarri called out to his old friend. [Care to join me in on this hunt?] Shorarri asked. [The beast I am hunting is tall and covered in spikes, with poisonous fangs]

[member="Alyson Halle"]
[member="Honos Strakh"] [member="Grace Darkson"]
Post ??/??
Objective 2

"Honos Strakh," the Bith inclined his head once the human joined them in person. A tall man bearing the scars of battle in spite of his relative youth. He stood proud yet not arrogant. His presence in the Force was both Light and Dark.

"I'm Dune Rhur," he said to the man of balance "I also find my current allies most interesting."

His lips twitched into a hint of a smile as he looked at the young woman and the Mando'a. Not mocking by any means. Just bemused by the unusual circumstances. Most unusual indeed.

"As you may know, our current opposition comes from local farmers less inclined to allow the refugees to take up their place here. I believe we can settle things without bloodshed."
"Why yes i heard, i did my research before arriving. We should probably get going, who knows where this thing is, it could be anywhere but we can probably figure it out by talking to the residents and getting an idea on where they attacked, then we can use that to narrow the area down from literally anywehre on the planet to somewhere nearby." She said

"So we should probably go and talk to some of the villagers, you lead the way, i have little knowledge of the area."

She then waited for the wookie to lead her ahead, hopefully he knew his way around town, if he didn't then she would be in a rather bad situation that would need to get rectified rather quickly.


Tyberius Fel

Rightful Galactic Emperor
The differences were subtle.

Vorian did not massacre innocents while cackling manically, nor did he relish in the bloodshed of his foes. Instead, there was a certain sickly malaise to his countenace. Black veins pulsated at his temples and while he was still noble and unbowed in his gait, each step betrayed a unfathomable agony.

His lips drew away at the sight of Cedric Grayson.

"I have answered your call."
Shorarri nodded then led the way forward. As they entered the dense forest Shorarri began to smell something funny on the wind. It was the stench of rot and decay. The forest was thick with dried brush. The foliage in the trees had begun to die with the coming of fall and now the leaves littered the ground. The wind whistled through the branches and the sound sent a chill up Shorarri's spine. As he walked the soft crunch of leaves beneath his feet could be heard and he reprimanded himself. He took a more mindful pace and the noise began to dim until all that could be heard was the howl of the wind.

As Shorarri walked on he spotted large foot prints. The trees had become scattered and many limbs were broken. [Tread carefully, we near the beast] Shorarri readied his bow caster and reached into his satchel. He withdrew a few cartridges from the satchel and loaded them into his bow caster.

[member="Alyson Halle"]

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
Location: Trian
Objective: 4
Allies: Dominion
Enemies: Unknown
Post: 12/38

"This is far more expensive than on Kaeshana: I have no idea why the Atrisian refugees asked for such expensive options" the project's accountant told Dunames.

"Remember, on Kaeshana we had to build highways, too, whereas this is not the case here on Trian" Dunames told the project's accountant before boarding the colonial administration's speeder.

The speeder in which Dunames boarded was one of the speeders used by the colonial administration to go from and to critical infrastructure, in this case, transportation. It seemed that the administration was aware of how Dunames related to the First Order's transportation infrastructure, building several spaceports in FO space, including, but not limited to, the much-reviled Kaeshana and Hoth locations. But here the duties of transportation was more like policing the colony's airspace, so the colonial administrator took Dunames to the nexus of traffic monitoring. The trip took about 15 minutes in a speeder, with the official driving at the speed limit enforced throughout the colony, and, due to the low population density of the colony at this stage, little trouble was expected and few heavy vehicles were expected by the same token. Some Ocktors, much like those sold by Ringovinda Motors, and other speeder trucks sold by other manufacturers were all over the place, busy delivering materials for the vast construction site that was the Atrisian refugee colony.
Alyson had a bow on her for this mission. The arrows were coated in the most potent poisions she could find, they could kill a rancor in one shot, though a terentatek would be much harder to kill. Her blade would be used as a last resort, she did not want to get that close to the beast, it would be deadly and a threat to her continued existence to get that close. The bow was a long bow and it could shoot well over 500 yards with a good amount of accuracy, however it was rather large which would be a problem..

"The beast seems larger than average, it might be a problem." she whispered
[member="Vorian Adasca"]

He was wrong.

The Arkanian had succumbed to the promises of the Bogan, a decision that left Cedric feeling conflicted. He had no disdain in his heart for those that chose such a path, but seeing someone he had begun to consider as a friend of sorts fall made him He did not like the sickening twist in his gut when he thought of a change. He did not enjoy the thunder that hailed Vorian's presence within the force long before he physically arrived. He did not like the way the former Jedi looked at him now.

Even still, he had called for the Arkanian nonetheless.

"Took you long enough," Cedric mused, a hint of humor lacing his words. He stood upon the precipice of a great cavern near the equator of Neelgaimon. Beyond lingered a presence that was neither light nor dark - it lacked quality. It was not lost to the force, but a void.

"Do you feel that?"
Shorarri looked to the women once more and noticed her bow. “RAHAHAH,” The Wookiee laughed. Should they run into the Terentatek he doubted her bow would do much. But while Shorarri was laughing a great rumbling began. Shorarri heard the snapping of large trees and then something hit him from the side. Shorarri went flying. His laughter was cut off by screams of sheer terror. [HELP ME!!!!] Shorarri cried out while mid air. He landed with a thud and the wind was knocked out of his breath. Shorarri peered up from the ground and saw the terrible beast that had attacked him. It had a large head with spikes all over it’s back. Large fangs sprouted from its mouth and they dripped saliva. Claws like large machetes adorned it hands. [By the force!] Shorarri whispered vehemently.

[member="Alyson Halle"]

Tyberius Fel

Rightful Galactic Emperor
Vorian saw flicker within the youth's eyes. Was it pity or disgust? It didn't matter now. The Arkanian slipped into that dark pit not for the promise of power nor out of some misguided hatred for the tenants of the light. There was no melodramatic madness driving him into the wretched shadow, only the acknowledge of one, simple truth:

History required the virtuous to don the weighty cloak of villain so that the true monsters would be denied a opportunity to.

Vorian peered ahead to the abyss.

"Emptiness." Said the fallen Jedi to the young conqueror.

He wasn't referring to the void.

[member="Cedric Grayson"]
[member="Dune Rhur"] | [member="Grace Darkson"]

Objective: 2
Post: 2
Location: Ventooine
Allies: The Dominion

The seeming Gray Force wielder nodded to his Jedi compatriot. "I agree. Diplomacy as our first route. But I say we prepare, just in case. Not everyone can be reasoned with as easily.” He reached and placed his helmet back on, the blank gaze of an honorable centurion formed over the faceplate. He scanned his view around the nearby area. He once again turned to the others.

"My suggestion is to head toward the nearest encampment of our opposition. Master Jedi, may I request that you come forth and up front. Jedi are better known to negotiate and keep things at ease.” He looked over to the Sith woman and their third companion, "I also place the suggestion that the Sith and the Mandalorian stay off to our side. Hidden, perhaps. It is my experience Sith and Mandalorians are often viewed as tyrants and conquerors. Upfront confrontation might rouse negativity, yet their combative prowess will be needed should the situation turn against us. Are we agreed?”

The warrior stood before the rest of them, cloak swaying some in the wind. He wanted to devise a plan that would make everyone effective.

A certain sadness laced Cedric's words, and it was not for the void that lay beyond. A pale hand rose to clasp upon Vorian's shoulder. The fingers squeezed. Despite the man's changes and his choice of allegiance, Cedric would still accept him. There was an understanding in that touch - a promise of brotherhood not limited to the ties of dogma and theology. The youth offered his father's friend a thin smile that was trying its damnedest to be warm, and turned to the cave beyond.

"Just make sure you don't trip. I'm not carrying you back if you break your ankle."

A mag-light was held up by pale fingers. Its powerful white light pierced the darkness of the cave, revealing a long cavern made of solid steel. The walls and floors were sleek, and single vaulted door emblazoned by runic symbols obstructed their path.

"I wasn't expecting this," Cedric found, "Runes of a people long passed."

[member="Vorian Adasca"]
Location: Ventooine
Objective: Smooth over the refugee transfer, annoy the Jedi
Allies: [member="Zaz Tal'Verda"], [member="Drox Fuga"], [member="Dune Rhur"], [member="Honos Strakh"]
Enemy: Still farmers
Posts: 7

A small frown crossed Grace's face at the Bith's words. Sarcasm seemed lost on the man, and she wondered how much he knew about her history with the Dominion. Whether or not he did, she figured she'd give him some little victory here. "I think it was Bane, although I'm pretty sure the former Sith'ari is a good person for a Jedi to be quoting." Her eyes flicked to the skies, watching the approaching starfighter. More people? She'd figured three would be plenty. Maybe not, though.

As the tall, armored figure approached, she wrinkled her nose. His aura, neither light, nor dark, flowed over her. She could stand the dullness of a mundane soul like Zaz. She could tolerate the Jedi's aura of light, mostly from her studies showing that such was difficult to maintain. But a grey? It just felt like watching someone balancing on the edge of a precipice, holding one foot out over the edge and refusing to step away. The twisted part of her wondered how long until he succumbed to the dark side. She listened to his words, quiet as a stone. "So, tell me." A hand lazily moved to her hip, and yellowing eyes flickered between the two. "Are you all biased against me from personal experience, or is it just the dogmas you grew up with?"

Tyberius Fel

Rightful Galactic Emperor
Vorian met Cedric's eyes and recognized the show of solidary. For a moment, he was tempted to reconsider his course.

There is no greater weakness than diverting from a path set in stone.

Vorian immersed his willowy figure within the bellowing confines of his cloak and together with Grayson, strode towards the cavern. Greeting the two, was a formidable metallic gate which were enscribed with runes of a language that was unknown even to the analytical mind of the Arkanian, though he had a conjecture of their origin.

"Potentially Satab design." Vorian murmured deferentially to Cedric. "Do you have any local auxiliaries versed enough in the dialect to confirm?"

[member="Cedric Grayson"]
"I'd be lying if I said that I did." Cedric murmured, his brow furrowing as he examined the gate. It was of an older make, the material some form of steel that was not native to this world. He couldn't parse its origin, even as he touched its surface and felt the materials beneath his calloused fingertips. This object was foreign to Neelgaimon, and whatever lingered beyond it was even more so. Frowning, the youth pressed a palm to the circle of runes and looked over to his friend.

"It reacts to the Great Ocean. It is like an island within its waves. I can feel this gate as if it were a person." The Archlord explained, a hint of distress finding its way into his tone. It was obvious - this door was making Cedric rather uncomfortable.

"We need to see what lies beyond," he continued as he closed his eyes. He allowed a semblance of his power to flow into the runes, and they began to glow a dull shade of purple. They only needed to be empowered, or so it seemed.

"Help me with this."

[member="Vorian Adasca"]

Tyberius Fel

Rightful Galactic Emperor
"As you wish." And with that, Vorian splayed out his palm and allowed the bogan energy that he now learned to tap into it flow into the runes. The fallen Jedi Consular was well versed in the utilization of the force, which flowed potently into the doors. The runes reacted to it instantly, flaring up to a burning glow. With a metallic grinding like the screech of a widow, the gate tore itself from the ground and receded open. Vorian had scarcely seen a object react to the force in such a manner. The conclusion came naturally.

"The architects were indubitably skilled in shaping with the force." Arkanians could see well into the infrared spectrum and thus had no issues strolling further into the dark cavern with only the illumination of Cedric's mag-light.

[member="Cedric Grayson"]
The screams of a thousand foes roared from the depths of the cavern.

Cedric bolted upright, a hand falling to the shattergun at his belt. He knew such a weapon would have little effect upon the daemons of the endless dark, but the motion was a natural one. Gritting his teeth, the red-cloaked lord stepped forward, his senses extending to the very bedrock of the cavern. Below, he felt the void stir. It was like a monstrous creature come alive after a thousand eons of endless sleep. Whatever awaited them had stirred due to the tampering of the duo.

"This is a place of the Netherworld. It must be purged."

Without another word, Cedric descended down a long chasm of stairs. At the end stood a massive temple carved into an even larger cavern a few stories below the earth. The runes of before were carved into its great walls, and halls leading into gods knew were loomed.

"What do you make of this?"

[member="Vorian Adasca"]

Tyberius Fel

Rightful Galactic Emperor
"Make sure you don't trip. I'm not carrying you back if you do." Came with the echo with the slightest of sardonic smirks.

With the slightest twitch of the wrist, Vorian's lightsaber hilt slipped into his grasp. Vorian flourished it into ignition, illuminating the room with a flood iridescent Tyrian light from it's shimmering beam.

Devoid of fear, the Arkanian stepped to the second rune carved door, offering a cooperative nod to his companion.

"I am ready when you are."

[member="Cedric Grayson"]
"I could have you put in prison for being a smartass." Cedric grumbled, "Well, technically I cannot, but I could come up with a reason." The words carried no true threat. The click of Cedric's shattergun could be heard echoing through the cavern. Something stirred from within the temple, though it was hard to tell as to what. If nothing else, whatever lingered beyond most certainly sounded big. Cedric met it with little fear, intent on delving into the temple's depths and plundering its secrets.

He stepped forward first, his shattergun raised at the ready. Nothing jumped out to assault him as he marched through the temple's entrance, so he supposed that was a good start. The distinct smell of sulfur lingered in the air, making the Archlord wrinkle his nose in distaste.

"Not very ornate," he muttered, gesturing to the rather plain architecture of the walls and floors. The only thing of any interest was the mass of runes scrawled across them.

"You come into my lair?"

Cedric tensed.

"Into my home? Foolish mortals." The voice was like smoke and ash. "You walk into your demisre, though I thank you for opening the door."

"Explain yourself."

"I am god."

The voice disappeared, nothing remaining in the central chamber save for the two men and silence.

[member="Vorian Adasca"]
Shorarri picked himself off the ground and leveled his bowcaster. He fired at the Terrentatek and the blast had little impact on the beast. In fact it just seemed to anger the creature. It reared its head back and roared. The monster charged Shorarri and the wook dove out of the way. The Terrentatek rammed into the tree that Shorarri had been in front of. This time around Shorarri began to charge his bow caster.

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