Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Yacht Club [Sith Order and Friends]

"Might we perhaps discuss that at a later date?” Malum said, whispering back, a slight nod to in front of him referring to Adeline as the reason for such a desire.

Venge knew when to take a hint, so after nodding her head silently in consent, she turned to move back into the crowd.

"Best of luck, young man," she said with a chuckle.

Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua
Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

"It is a failing of the generation beyond mine, spilled over to be our problem to solve. They let the young have their minds rot through hubris, encouraging them to not think of themselves - but of what they could do for a singular being. When that being failed, the veil was undone, but they have none of the foundation to move forward with this new found freedom.", he said with a growing sneer.​
He motioned to Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex in his burning ceremony and continued;​
"More than anyone here, it is his fault for this - as Dark Lord he refused to build the Order, catering to his vain hopes of eternal life and personal ambition. Though in my strength, they now blame me for it as well. Some even believe I was a leader of the Sith Empire, despite only a very brief governorship I held with them."​
He shook his head at the assumption, annoyed at it. Even the Mandalorians had made such a guess, failing to understand even the basic histories of Sith politics and dynamics. Now that brain rot of thought had infected even the youth, unable to look into simple histories to understand. A shame, really, but what could he do now to fix such a thing.​
"Outbursts and direct confrontation of their betters. They have no depth, no understanding of long term ramifications of their actions. They do before they think, they are little better than the soldiers we send to die. Until they change, the next generation of Sith will damn our Order to decades of incompetent rule.", he finished.​
"So we will simply have to give them a lesson in what not to do, Gerwald. Again, and again until they learn what dangers come from stupidity.", he said, finally motioning with the force to Lady Venge Lady Venge .​
"Her. She must be made an example of. I do not care they want me dead, that is their right as Sith and I encourage it. I do care if they show the same aptitude for leading as a toddler. Break her, and then we will find others to spread this message."​

Wearing: Resistance Epidermis

Armed With: Synthetic Crystal Lightsaber (Violet Blade)

With: The Battalion The Battalion

Maple Harte Maple Harte (Darth Strelok)

Nuetralizer Model 1 (007)

Objective: Enjoy the festivities

House Io had been invited, but they would not arrive by ship, but by the power of The Brain Demon.

A churning, roiling portal of pure darkness would split open in the central hull at the edge of the party.

Out of that boiling portal of evil would step out all that remained of a Jedi who rebelled against her own order out of disgust, but ended up continuing to fight them out of a disgust that had eventually morphed into pure hatred, and faith in her own cause.

She had been so reluctant at first, so in denial. But eventually, the Cult had won her over completely.

The people in this chamber would never know the story of how she reached this point. They were all Sith. At the very least, the Narrator is fairly certain their writers could fill in the blanks.

The point is, she was here, now. The Matriarch of House Io...and with her was her Consort, now Matriarch of the Cult of the Brain Demon, though the Woman who had once been Darth Xiphos, now The Parliament was it's unquestioned Champion, the herald of all it embodied.

The Parliament looked like a perfect, unmarred version of her mortal self, still with that snow-pale skin tone and raven hair, her eyes two orbs of sulphur yellow, with no discernable pupils. She wore her Master's catsuit, flesh toned, save for the gloves and boots. Behind her followed the confidant stride of the Battalion, wearing her own Catsuit. Following behind her was a sullen, young looking woman with pale skin and sulphur eyes, clad in black biker leathers, along with seven of the most feared Model 1's in House Io, their metal Skeletons colored purple. They were infamous sadists who had mastered the art of being a Murderer AND a Troll at the same time. A Murder-Troll, if you will. They each carried a captured Jedi Padawan with them, each with their arms and legs severed.

The Parliament looked around, smirking at the stares of suspicion and curiosity she got, yawned and stretched her arms out.

"Where's the bar on this canoe?" she asked out loud. (It's BILLY ZANE!: 700 XP)

She spotted a Sith Lord holding a martini (Shaken, not Stirred).

"Never mind..." The Parliament said, waltzing to the sith and daintily plucking his drink out of his hand.

"Thanks." she said, downing it in one gulp and handing it back to his shock and outrage.

"Mother Fether..." the Sith said to himself as The Parliament casually walked off after handing him back the Martini glass.

The Battalion casually strode through the crowd, hands folded behind her back. Darth Strelok headed over to the bar, noticing Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner in the distance, tilted her head in curiosity, and then shrugged. She had rescued his sister Alwine from certain death once, long ago. She doubted he remembered. She herself had almost forgotten about it.

The Parliament casually snatched a small snack from the plate of a Sith who had been about to grab it herself, pissing off the Sith at the sheer audacity of it, given pause however, at the horrible, rotting Dark Side Aura that permeated the former Darth Xiphos.

Her senses were alive as she watched Jedi Captives get sacrificed to the pit of flame, burning alive and screaming.

"Oh c'mon..." The Parliament whined obnoxiously. "Seriously? Just flames? Just flames?! Where's the extensive suffering? The humiliation? The trolling?..."

The Parliament whispered hidious curses upon the Jedi that amplified their pain and prevented the fire from killing them. Screams of nightmarish pure agony erupted from the pit, the Jedi unable to die, and their terrible pain amplified to such a level that it could be felt clearly by every Sith in the room.

The Parliament clenched her hand into a fist and pulled one of the still burning, screaming Jedi out with the Dark Side whispering curses that made his body jerk around unnaturally like a puppet. She silenced his cries by breaking his jaw as she forced him to walk towards her. He was in shock, eyes fluttering in his head from the agony, burned skin dripping on the ground.

("The Nutcracker Suite" plays OOC)

The Parliament seized a butcher knife from a table that had a shatual roast, ramming it into the Jedi's ribcage, making him convulse even as her dark magic amplified the pain from the wound, refusing to let him die, refusing to let him have bodily autonomy as she forced him to dance with her.

"See folks. When you draw out their suffering, the Dark Side is glorified. Strengthened." The Parliament explained to the audience as she danced with her victim, pulling the butcher knife out of his ribcage, him in a muffled scream due to his broken jaw, and ramming it into his spine, and he was still forced to dance, his suffering increasing by the second, amplifying the presence of the Dark Side in the grand chamber. The Battalion plucked an apple from a tray as she sat at the bar, eating as she watched her wife educate the crowd.

"You should never just stop at simple flames, my fellow Sith..." The Parliament explained, catching her victim mid twirl and breaking his neck. He shuddered everywhere, still unable to die as his head was twisted one hundred eighty degrees as she continued waltzing with him a few seconds more, his agony like a signal flare to every Sith present. A few more whispered curses from The Battalion and the fatally tortured Jedi's suffering began to be transmitted and amplified to the other burning Jedi still suffering in the pit, now forced to experience everything her victim had, looped again and again as if they had been the ones to suffer it.

Her victim in his agony, began to feel real, genuine hatred and rage towards his tormenter, and that was when she kicked him into the pit to continue suffering, and eventually die, his hatred now corrupting the other victims of the pit, including any who would be thrown in after.

"It's not hard to do a proper sacrifice to the Bogan, folks..." The Parliament said earnestly. "You just have to be willing to put a little elbow grease into it..."

The Parliament then headed over to the appetizer table and plucked a sweetroll, eating it as her mechanical sons tossed the captured Padawans into the flames.

"When it comes to the Dark Side, you get only what you put into it..." The Parliament said, chuckling as she watched the Padawan catch fire, screaming in horror and rage as the flames and her black magic prolonged their suffering.

The Parliament went over to the bar to join The Battalion and Strelok, the terrified Bartender asking what they wanted.

"Put your blood in some vodka and we'll be good..." The Parliament assured, handing him a ritual knife.

The terrified Bartender took it, cutting his arm open, bleeding it into three martini glasses and and pouring vodka into the mixture. He tried to bandage his wound only for The Parliament to stop him.

"Did I say you could heal yourself?" she asked in a friendly manner.

The scared man shook his head, forced to work with a bleeding arm as he continued preparing drinks.

Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex

Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean

Saryn Zambrano Saryn Zambrano

Lirka Ka Lirka Ka

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

Omon Kaa / Darth Diem Omon Kaa / Darth Diem

Lady Venge Lady Venge

Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn
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Empyrean watched the overzealous and less than socially aware Io perform dramatics that only served to scare people away from her presence. The Sith lord, despite his altered mind and body, couldn't help but press a finger to his forehead in annoyance. His voice was resigned in that as he spoke;​
"Another example of this continued failure.", he said, again.​
"What purpose did that serve? To impress us? To look scarier for the people we are trying to reassure with normalcy? Where besides very specific instances does torture of that degree mean anything?"​
"This is the cancer that needs to be exercised from the Order. A surgical sense must be reintroduced to their applications of the Dark Side... not whatever this is."​
It was common knowledge the Eternalists and their doctrine often spread that insane Sith must be put down and that the applicable uses of the Dark Side needed to be carefully considered. Evil for the sake of evil did nothing for the Sith, only wasting their strength on aggrandized displays that stroked their own ego like an addict. He needed to get ahold of the youth's mind sooner than he imagined at this rate.​

Attire: xxx
Tags: Arcturus Dinn Arcturus Dinn Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean Darth Strosius Darth Strosius Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru Saryn Zambrano Saryn Zambrano Lady Venge Lady Venge Omon Kaa / Darth Diem Omon Kaa / Darth Diem Darth Moskvin Darth Moskvin Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Lirka Ka Lirka Ka

"But I will definitely agree with Lady Rhiannon, about new blood. We, the new blood, will either do greater things then our elders and predecessors, or we should all collapse into nothingness...or at least I think this while a bit tipsy. I'm not sure what will be my opinion tomorrow. I got my planet, I got my ship, I got my men. I will do whatever I must, or I will collapse in to nothingness, no?"

Rhi was admittedly not paying Omon much attention, having become distracted by the arrival of Laertia Io Laertia Io , aka Darth Xiphos, aka The Parliament. She watched as the woman appeared suddenly from a portal in the middle of the ship, accompanied by a retinue of women with supermodel good looks and a set of imposing droid bodyguards, then proceeded to tell Carnifex himself how to properly sacrifice the Jedi captives.

Wow,” Rhi remarked, smirking a bit. She turned back to Omon, but he was talking to Lirka now.

Glancing over at Alisteri and Alina, before she could say anything to them she got a sudden bad feeling from the Force. Something was about to go down. Believing the matter with Venge had been resolved, she assumed Carni was about to start chit with Laertia over getting disrespected, so her gaze remained fixed on them.


| main area |

Tag: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean | Arcturus Dinn Arcturus Dinn | Laertia Io Laertia Io | Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner
Open Tag: Free, for anyone else that might want to interact.


It was ironic to sail through the galaxy on ship called the Jewel of Panatha.

Panatha, most recently, held more in common with a festering crater than a jewel of any kind.

The wife of Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean rarely ever arrived late. Rather, only when she deigned to. At the very least that was the impression she tended to give with an aristocratic head held high and far above the licentious crowd. There was no fanfare to announce her arrival. No trumpets, no singing, no announcement of titles that were wholly unnecessary—At her request. She understood the import of presenting oneself from a position of perceived power, however, that was entirely redundant.

If anyone in attendance hadn't at the very least heard of her, even historically, they simply weren't high enough on the food chain to matter.

It was a well-known fact that she loathed gatherings of this ilk. Not because of the "display of decadence" or "credits wasted" on such an affair but because she was the least social creature among them. It would have been easier for her to engage in physical combat with the guests she passed versus offering them a mercurial stare that would send fear and nervousness down the strongest of spines. It was all that she could manage in lieu of a false smile. The Order was different, now. It was growing. Those in attendance would do well to understand that they were more than just a few Sith lingering namelessly, helplessly, and without merit in the shadows. Not even worthy of the air they breathed because all they could manage, alone, without their brethren to pave the way, was a marvelous load of nothing. So small, they became in their ignorance.

All talk, and so very, very small.

This gathering was a necessary show of strength. The information gathered and shared at such a function was far more valuable than what could be attained by maintaining their distance in grave little hovels in the arse-end of the universe. The opulence? Window dressing. The decadence? The lure to bring all the brainless, buzzing, curious flies, into the web at the very same time.

Afterall, regardless of their derision, those who sought to complain, rather loudly, had still played their part exactly as intended. They'd shown up.

Even Srina, woefully, inept at politics Srina—Knew that. What was their excuse?

Thus far she minded not the loud, mouth-breathing ingrate, nor the ( Darth Moskvin Darth Moskvin ) angry heathen fighting? She couldn't quite see. Surely, someone would take care of…That. Whatever that was. It seemed that the younger members of the congregation also had the situation with Lady Venge Lady Venge well in hand. A distraction here or there. A little sympathizing, to promote unity among naysayers, and diffusion among the disillusioned. It was all very…Droll. Quaint, even. The display of Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr also placed Saryn Zambrano Saryn Zambrano in a rather questionable predicament.

Malum of House Marr had implicated, rather brazenly, that their gracious host could not train nor control their house before the eyes of the Triumverate and the entirety of the Order. Despite the thoughts of the disenfranchised youth—Appearances mattered. Fully.

She paused briefly to observe the ritual sacrifice that Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex began. Her expression gave away nothing but emptiness, however, the Sith Lord would know the truth. Srina did not shy from blood or chaos in the slightest but that didn't mean she drew any enjoyment from it. Just like the gathering itself—The rituals were necessary. It was as deeply ingrained in Sith culture as shying away from hope and light. No matter how she despised it. She cared not for who the tattooed sacrifices had been. Civilian or otherwise…She would have still felt the same. While she passed the flames and headed toward her husband, silver orbs did linger on the back of Arcturus Dinn Arcturus Dinn . He seemed distraught enough already and very much so distracted with their host.

He was a son of Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean whom she had never met.

Another time, then.

She might have made it to her destination in relative peace were it not for the arrival of vaguely familiar members of House Io. She could recall the trouble they had oft caused under the guise of "doing the right thing" while at the same time leaving an even larger mess for the rest of the galaxy to sweep up. The urge to roll her eyes heavenward was suppressed by a sense of mild irritation that someone dared to appear by invitation no less and start bleeding the staff. Again. Srina did not care that this was not her yacht, technically, not her gathering. She'd been present for minutes and already found the actions of children with access to the Dark Side unacceptable.

"It would be better if you said nothing at all."

Her voice and mannerisms toward the Parliament ( Laertia Io Laertia Io ) were cold as she approached. Etched, in ice. She did not need to purposefully exude the oppressive presence of the darkside in order to grandstand or prove that she was better than anyone else. Whether that was true or not hardly mattered, nor, would she bother wasting precious energy on a small-minded psychopath that just so-happened to have the wherewithal to tote around preposterous technology and commune with the Force. Srina moved behind bar as few guests would have done and picked up the bottle of vodka that had been recently poured and set it down before House Io. "You will serve yourselves for the rest of the evening from this bottle. If you want a garnish of blood? Slit your own wrist. When it is gone—So shall you be."

The fingers of her right hand extended to the frightened bartender and she gestured the domestic staff forward. He seemed hesitant. Everything about her screamed that she was one of the people he ought to serve. What was she doing behind the bar? Coming to his defense? It made him stammer quite thoroughly but training brought him forward. Srina took the injured arm that had already bled all over the bar and eyed it. It was deep and his skin was already white. Shock now, fainting soon.

She sighed.

Delicate fingers wove a web through the darkside and she pressed energy into the wound. The bartender yelped and tried to pull his arm away, but there was no escaping her. Srina could not heal as one with the light but she could sew flesh. Cause it to knit back together, painfully, and against it's will. It was unnatural for a human body to regenerate that quickly. He would feel her sting for days.

But he would live.

"The bartender, the staff, and the guests are not your playthings. They are not yours at all. He will remain intact throughout his service and you will ask nothing of him.", she continued on as if she didn't have hold of a squirming man, doing his best, not to scream. When Srina released him, he wound find that nothing was left of the injury but a silver scar that radiated cold in her wake. Silvery orbs fixed themselves on the members of House Io once again, particularly, the Parliament, and her pale lips flattened into something that could have been a smile.

Could have been.

"Act accordingly, House Io. If you cannot manage that—I will see you removed from this vessel and your invitation revoked. I'm certain that you would survive and perhaps even enjoy being spaced…", Srina trailed off quietly, moving, to pick up one of the spare towels to begin removing blood from the counter. It was the job of a servant or a slave…But had not many of them come from humble beginnings? Or were they all too drunk on their own glory to recognize that this was the act of fools. "But at least you would no longer be here."

Disrespect would be met with disrespect. Pure and simple.

When she was done, Srina had no interest in continuing the conversation. There were only two ways forward. House Io would heed her warning, or, they would not. The white-haired woman turned around and washed her hands in the small sink. Dried them, patiently.

And quietly walked away—As if she had never been.
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Post: 4

Saryn smiled warmly at Arcturus. "I'd be delighted to talk with you. Infact I was about to approach you myself after I'd finished speaking with your father, until that...little incident disrupted our conversation.", he said, gesturing towards Darth Empyrean briefly. "I'd noticed you'd taken that young noble boy from Eliad under your stewardship. You've a good heart. I'm sure you'll make sure he prospers amongst our order. That's why I wanted to make a proposal to you. I would like to make you his official guardian and steward of his household until the day when he comes of age and is ready to carry out his duties properly.", Saryn said with a smile, sipping his wine once more.

"In return for your aid in looking after the boy, I would quite happily grant you and your lovely wife titles and land of your own on Eliad. Given we removed quite a few traitorous noble houses from existance, their holdings, people and wealth are mine to redistribute, and I am eager to place Sith with good sense into such positions. I trust such would interest you both?", he said, referring to both Arcturus and Rhiannon. He also briefly turned to wave at his beloved master, Carnifex, inviting him over to come and join them at the bar if he wished.

Arcturus Dinn Arcturus Dinn
Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn
Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex
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While the Dark Lady was not the most sociable, she made certain she sent her kind regards, as well as a cadre of eyes and ears to pick up on the party gossip. This was a duty that had fallen to Iash'arha. Blending in with the crew was easy, as she had done it before. A lethan rarely had trouble securing service work, and Iasha already had contacts here.

This time, however, she was not clad in an embarrassing bunny suit.

"Go rest your hand Khurt."

As the recently wounded and recently healed bartender was escorted back to the servants quarters to rest his still stinging pouring hand, and later dishwashig duty, Iasha stepped in to fill his spot at the bar. She looked to the back of Srina as she wiped the blood from the counter. The knife, she tucked under the bar for later safe-keeping.

She was not a known face among the Sith, having been trained within Ophidia's more secret facilities. Additionally, make-up covered her most visible sith tattoos and a hidden talisman obscured her presence in the Force.

Yet, Iasha recognised one face in the crowd and stifled a sigh.

Alina. Alina always saw through this.
The Parliament grinned savagely at Srina Talon Srina Talon 's icy display of authority, watching her tend to the Bartender's wounds, trying to pretend she was humane when their was a sacrificial pit of burning Jedi not ten meters away.

"How pathetic..." The Parliament sneered openly and loudly as she watched Srina heal him. She laughed as Srina then proceeded to give her orders.


"Who are you kidding? They're all playthings..." The Parliament chuckled. "Bartender probably figured it out when he saw motherfethers get dumped in a burning pit. He probably understands who everyone in this room is better than your actual enemies do...hell, he probably understands who you all are better than you do..." she argued as the wounded bartender was escorted away, replaced by Iasha Rha Iasha Rha .

"And last I recall, I don't answer to you. I mean, how have you even been important since the CIS fell? On your watch?"

The Parliament teleported right in front on Srina's path.

"You think the Dark Side favors you? How can it? You're as flaccid as the rest of these Sith, especially in your supreme blasphemy in using the Dark Side to heal another... Do you think that makes you the wiser Sith? Do you think that impressed the others? All it shows is why you belong in the wayside, plotting instead of doing. Such a one will never be reborn in the Darkness, perfected. The Dark Side wasn't even paying attention to the Jedi's suffering until I gave it something to pay attention to."

She spared a quick glance at the others, sweeping her hand at the burning pit.

"My underlings in the Cult would consider this tepid 'sacrifice' an insult to the Dark Side. An insult! Grievous and sinful! Walking around in your fine garb, with your expensive liquors still hot in your mouth, trying to appease the darkness with mere morsels of the suffering by which it is strengthened and exalted as the mightiest power in the universe! That you would dare to give orders to me is nothing less than hilarious." The Parliament said, genuinely amused by her hubris.

Darth Strelok took a swig of Vodka.

"You, whose precious CIS fled the Galactic Scene like cowards rather than fight and gain strength from conflict, only to be undone by the Unmaker at Naboo with barely a shot fired." The Parliament sneered in open hatred and disgust. "You stand there, with your little self satisfied smirk, pretending you're still relevant. I fight the Jedi Order and their hated ways every day, by hook or by crook. My Cult devours the souls of the wretched weaklings they protect. I break Jedi, and torment them until they turn or die. I make others actually wish to worship the Darkness. My agents destroyed the Silver Rest, and killed hundreds and hundreds of their personnel, and continue to do so daily. What have you done for the Bogan lately, how have you exalted it, that I should obey your absurd command?" The Parliament asked, her inhuman all yellow orbs for eyes reflecting Srina's face.

Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex

Saryn Zambrano Saryn Zambrano

Omon Kaa / Darth Diem Omon Kaa / Darth Diem

Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner

Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean

Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn

His infinite gaze, built on the backs of those dead and tortured that remained in the Jin'jinsa of his eyes, peered towards the arrival of his Wife and Soulmate. She moved with a grace becoming of her position, making no missteps or hesitations as she coldly passed through the crowd. Many recognized her - she was, afterall, the face of one of the greatest governmental entities to ever live, even if Darth Metus Darth Metus was the one truly controlling it.​
Even as she moved to heal the hurt man, told this self assured Io the rules of this engagement, and the consequences of misbehavior. She spoke to her like a juvenile delinquent, and he found it apt given her careless demonstrations of strength before the gathering. Io was upsetting the guests, and insulting the Sith, afterall.​
He would have let it die in that regard as well, let the Io lick a small tongue lashing in peace, but the problematic Jedi turned problematic Sith chose to feed into their baser instincts. Against another, he may have sent someone to try and break up the argument - but against his wife, he would accept no slander. There was a brief moment of considering just letting Srina handle it, but his rage got the better of him.​
Just as Laertia had teleported into the path of Dread Queen, the Dead God snapped into existence only a few inches behind her. He was taller than both of them, and without his throne his presence was like a gravity magnified - pressing down in its full glory. Some of the nearest guests almost buckled under the pressure, quickly moving away to form a circle around the gathering.​
Those who watched him saw that instead of the one arm of muddled grey flesh like he usually had, he now had two - but the other was built of the pure black cloud that rolled in his chest. It yearned, struggled, begged for a release - but he kept it still in the shape of a black hand that carried his will. He rested it gently on Laertia's shoulder, a biting cold ripping through fabric like an osmotic strain.​
"No, that isn't how you speak to my wife. Think carefully. Try again.", he said, quiet and deliberate in his tone. Metal eyes did not have a way to tell where they were looking, but they dug deep into the back of her head.​
"You were allowed into this Order by my grace, and by my grace I will fix that mistake if need be. I will suffer no rabid dogs in my house.", he reminded her, constantly deliberate in tone.​
"Make it right. Apologize to her, and to those you have upset here tonight. Do it quickly, Laertia - Do it now."​

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"You act shamefully in the presence of your host."

Carnifex's voice rang out, but it came not from the Dark Lord seated upon the palanquin throne, but from another. This individual, draped in shadow, was just as tall as the Dark Lord, but his body more lithe and wiry. A lightsaber reeking of Nightsister magic hung freely from the sash sinched around his waist. Metal bracers were clasped around each forearm, inscribed with geometric runes that pulsated with a dim indescribable glow. His eyes glowed with power, energized by the Dark Side of the Force.

Most of all, you act ignorantly. A deficit of knowledge plagues you, as it does many others who speak but do not comprehend, who act like wild animals rather than enlightened beings." Demiurge took a step forward, coming further into the light. The same face of the Dark Lord stared out at them, deprived of the ritual tattoo inscribed upon His forehead. "Your kind were permitted upon this ground as a courtesy, a pittance levied upon lesser creatures. To fool thyself into believing themself greater than their meager power allots them is a foolish decision, one you have grievously made known to many."

"The Lady Talon has made your position clear, her word is no less than law in this domain in which you find yourself. As Darth Empyrean has stated, think very carefully."

Relationship Status: It's Complicated

TAG: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean

A target had been identified. Gerwald's eyes moved to the one Empyrean had indicated. She, along with others around her, had been among those Gerwald just described as petty children.

To some there was this notion that being Sith meant being evil for the sake of being evil. Hubris often infected those quite early and young. Gerwald had the sense about him to understand that the greatest of Sith did not engage in what others would call evil because they were malicious or malevolent. They simply sought to establish their own legacy. Craving power was not about being dominant. It was about being dominant enough to accomplish a desired outcome.

Empyrean would leave his legacy, and Gerwald would help him with it simply because of who he was to Srina Talon Srina Talon . She commanded him even when she was silent.

Her arrival had not gone unnoticed to the Lupo, nor had the display from that of House Io. How could it? Even if Gerwald had wanted to ignore it, Empyrean had pointed it out as well. Was Carnifex to blame? Maybe to a degree one could make the argument his ways had made them all what they were. Gerwald could also argue the idea of a triumvirate gave hope to those seeking power that it was too easily attained.

It did not matter as Empyrean saw fit to attend to the insults made by the Parliament, ones which angered Gerwald greatly. Were his assignment not clear, House Io would lose one of theirs to a wolf that had not tasted raw flesh in quite some time. He moved to the shadows as he moved quietly toward his target. All that she needed was a lesson, but the wolf was certain another was going to be dealt entirely.

His movement was set towards Lady Venge Lady Venge . She would soon know his wrath and fury. Why? Because his emperor had commanded it.​
Venge sensed the most subtle twinge in the Force. Great....she'd been marked. Ok, what now? Well, better to face the threat head on, she decided. Turning around, she notices the hulking form of Gerwald Lechner approaching her.

"So...your Master sends you to beat up a woman for daring to have an opinion he doesn't like," Venge asked, keeping her eyes on Gerwald as he drew closer.

Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner

For too long the river had ran silent.

A stream of thought - of knowing and sensation - ran betwixt the alabaster woman and the one she called Master. Though he would turn an ear every now and again to the circumstances surrounding the Dread Queen, he was not the everlasting presence he once was. Was this due to a lack of care? Never. Was this due to a change in their relationship? Absolutely not. Was it due to his not wanting to hear the warm and fuzzy "moments" that occurred between a Dead God and his spouse?


But when someone talked out the side of their mouth, awareness reached the Sith Lord. The alabaster woman would find their bond alive with animosity...and a touch of amusement. His voice rang out as a telepathic echo within her mind. Srina would be able to tell he couldn't believe the bullchit the Sith woman spewed.

"Who the fu-" he began.

"Who is this chickenheaded dumb feth talkin mad chit? Who is this footnote on the backside of a bad smut novel talkin mad chit? Do I need to go there? Do I need to reconquer half this motherfethin Galaxy again? Don't make me come outta retirement, I'll fethin' do it. Srini, check this bit-" His string of profanities were punctuating by amused chuckles. "You should slap this witch clean in the mouth. Knock her teeth down her motherfethin throat. Do it, do it."

His bemused chuckles turned to near giggles as he lowered his tone.

"Dew it."​

Attire: Idk something nice
Tags: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Laertia Io Laertia Io Srina Talon Srina Talon Darth Metus Darth Metus

Percival was among the House Io Neutralizers that had accompanied the Parliament through the portal. Acting primarily as a bodyguard, the Chaplain had stood by while the Matriarch wreaked havoc upon the sacrifices and one unfortunate bartender.

He knew what was sure to come. One couldn't simply waltz into a party, abuse the staff, and disrespect the host without expecting some form of retribution. Especially not from the Sith. But he could do nothing to try and stop it.

Sure enough, a white-haired woman appeared, scolding his Mother for her treatment of the bartender in particular. Percival's databanks identified her as Srina Talon, a former high-ranking member of the late CIS—and the wife of Darth Empyrean, one of the guests of honor. He also sensed, given Mother's history with the CIS, that this disagreement could easily become personal.

The Parliament's retort was swift and vitriolic. Both Empyrean and one of Carnifex's lackeys leaped to Srina's defense, demanding an apology.

<<Do my ears deceive me, or are the Sith trying to keep things peaceful?>> One of Percival's brothers inquired via their technopathic link.

<<Can't this Echani defend herself?>> Another asked.

While the others kept their eyes on Empyrean, Demiurge, Metus, and anyone else who might dare to challenge the Matriarch, Percival studied Srina. He scanned her form, and scoured the Holonet for data. <<She usually wears more form-fitting dresses,>> he noted. <<Perhaps the Exarch has recently lost her figure.>>

He turned toward his Mother, his expression suggesting that they may have walked into a situation far more complex than they initially realized—in which case, the only sensible option was to apologize and avoid complicating matters further.
Appearing before the gathering of Dark Side users, the Ghost uncrosses his arms and surveys the area around him. The concentration of Force Power led him here, though he knew nothing of their purpose.

Refraining from igniting his lightsaber pike, the Ghost instead lifts it upward towards the nearest guest and in a placid manner commands them to speak.

"Tell me, you who claim to wield the knowledge of the Sith, what is the business of such a place as this one?"
It seemed rather serendipitous that Saryn wished to speak with him also. Arcturus took another step away from the bar and the frankly poor choice of conversation being had between its patrons, and returned the offered smile with one of his own. Little incident indeed... Arcturus wasn't sure if he was grateful for it, or peeved. Either way the moment had passed, and there were more pressing matters at hand.
"Well, that's actually what I was hoping to speak with you about" he stated at the initial mention of young Pharus, though he fast fell silent in order to allow their host to speak on the matter as it pertained to him.
During the wine break, Arcturus raised a slender brow. "It is like you are a mind reader, Darth Xyrah," he stated, "I have been watching over the boy since the meeting on Eliad, and was hoping to gain your permission to make it a more permanent position... To have him as my Ward." It was certainly much easier to have such a discussion when the other party was already looking to bring it up.
It was clear that Arcturus was not fishing for anything in return, merely looking to Saryn as the fresh faced Governor of Eliad for permission to watch over one of his subordinates, for the look of surprise which washed over his face with the in return addendum was impossible to fake. Titles, holdings, a home of their own and another child to keep watch over?
"You are most generous, My Lord," he stated, with an inclination of his head that spoke toward sincerity. Once upon a time he might have refused such, but he understood well the need inherent in having the Sith at least somewhat amicable. Father wished to see him gathering strength of his own, this would certainly work toward that end too. "But it would be wrong of me to have such discussions without my fiancée to speak her part."
Turning his head back toward Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn he gently nudged her through the Force, hoping to garner her attention.
When Saryn waved toward Carnifex, Arcturus followed the gesture and witnessed first hand the tension in the air beginning to thicken into a quagmire. Insults had been made, and the White Haired Woman was swiftly defended by more than one... Most notably, in his opinion, his Father. It wasn't until Empyrean referred to her as his wife that he pieced two and two together.
Srina. That was his Step-Mother... Or, well, he wasn't rightly sure what title she'd take. It wasn't as though he had a mother. Still with Empyrean now amidst the fray, and Carnifex speaking to further temper the Io, Arcturus could not help but feel drawn forward himself. Not for the spectacle, he wasn't the kind to rubberneck, but if things were going to go awry concerning his family he had to be on hand, didn't he? Certainly he wanted to be.
"Forgive me, Lord Saryn... I don't mean to be rude." He didn't walk away from the Queen of Eliad, but his focus was most definitely fixed upon the other grouping. No doubt Saryn's soon would be too, after all his lover had spoken against it too.


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Tag: Arcturus Dinn Arcturus Dinn | Percival Io Percival Io | Darth Metus Darth Metus | Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean | Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex | Laertia Io Laertia Io
Open Tag: Free, for anyone else that might want to interact.


The walk to Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean was simple. She was looking forward to seeing him—Even if it was just for a few moments before he had to cater to a politically minded crowd. The black throne and shock of crimson hair that she had come to know so well was more or less a straight shot. At least, it would have been, were it not for something very solid suddenly blocking her path. The abrupt and intense screeching caused the diminutive Echani to stop walking while her nose crinkled just slightly in vague annoyance. As if she’d smelled something rotten. Just when she thought Laertia Io Laertia Io had finished spouting drivel—It kept going.

And going.

Srina merely stepped to the side, ignoring the banshee fully, and would have carried on her way were it not for the sudden appearance of her husband. Apparently, her beloved had overheard. And Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex . Well, chit. The Echani had thought that she’d said all that needed to be said quite softly. This new subject matter was…Ineffective. Someone trying to box her ears over the Confederacy was hardly new. In fact—It was the oldest tactic that anyone seemed to know and had long since lost any efficacy. Not that it had ever had any to begin with. Her head tilted and she finally looked toward the Parliament with any degree of interest.

It was the same level that a scientist might observe an insect while it scurried beneath sealed glass.


Her Master had been notoriously quiet as of late, however, this seemed to have caught his attention. Her head shook slightly as if to clear the ringing from her ears and his rather excitable dialogue told her that the former Vicelord was not suited to retirement. Srina had long ago figured out that she and Darth Metus Darth Metus were very much the same. The quiet life was simply too…Quiet. Of course, he wanted to feel violence through her. Adrenaline. <<Be careful what you wish for.>>

It very well may come to that. Though, Srina would never phrase it his way.

Silver eyes lifted first toward Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean and then toward Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex . Both were bound to her in ways that none would truly understand. Both by choice, by promise, and neither would go back on their word. Srina couldn't think of anywhere safer in the galaxy, though, the swift responses were almost enough to make her chuckle. Almost.


The unassuming word that she issued held more authority than any string of insults she could have thrown. It was barbed with a singular spike of power, a kinetic blow, that would have certainly jostled anything away from Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean that was not nailed to the floor.

This included Laertia Io Laertia Io .

A mere warning shot across the bow.

“You’ve been following the tabloids I see. I wouldn’t accept an apology so please, spare us the indignation and don’t bother. Perhaps you can tell me what I’ve been doing since the fall of the Confederacy? Tell me, truly. I’m dying to know what I’ve been up to since you seem to have followed my career so closely.”

It was always a curious thing to hear rumors that had been perpetuated throughout the galaxy by those that had no idea what they were talking about. The partial smile that she had taken on when leaving the bar was not a smirk. The act of cordiality fell away like the tide rolling over the shore to erase leftover footprints. The former Exarch was blank. Empty, save the force of her gale. “All things die. People, nations...Even you. It is only a matter of how and when. You will do as I say because that is the only option you have.”

The pale-skinned woman shrugged bare shoulders lightly and let her hands fall to her sides. This was not entirely how she had planned to spend her evening, but she wasn’t opposed to it. Srina did not think herself better than everyone. Simply, better than her current opposition. Her force signature was pressed low for a purpose but it wasn’t weakness that kept it at bay. “Staff have a purpose. Sacrifices have a purpose. You—Have a purpose. They know what their place is.”

“Find your own,
now, or I will kill you.”

It was the furthest thing from an empty threat. Srina had killed…Hundreds. Thousands. More. The number was endless and had only kept growing since wedding Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean . The Parliament could be part of the Sith solution or she could become a statistic. It was her choice…And if for some reason the unhinged creature before Srina managed to best her, truly, death still awaited. Two-thirds of the Triumverate and her Master would beat her bloody corpse to the netherworld and back for the insult.

Either way—House Io could not win.
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Attire: xxx
Tags: Arcturus Dinn Arcturus Dinn Saryn Zambrano Saryn Zambrano

Rhi hadn’t actually moved from the bar. While all the drama was going down, she had stepped a little closer to Arc and ordered another drink from Iasha Rha Iasha Rha , who had come to replace the last bartender.

"In return for your aid in looking after the boy, I would quite happily grant you and your lovely wife titles and land of your own on Eliad. Given we removed quite a few traitorous noble houses from existence, their holdings, people and wealth are mine to redistribute, and I am eager to place Sith with good sense into such positions. I trust such would interest you both?"

Overhearing this, Rhi turned her head and stood on tiptoe, peeking at Xyrah over Arc’s shoulder before stepping out from behind him. “Hello there,” she drawled in greeting. “I am the lucky fiancee. Did I hear something about redistributing land and titles as well as giving us guardianship of Pharus? Of course we accept your offer!” She held out her hand, and should Darth Xyrah take it, she would shake it vigorously, grinning from ear to ear. “Thank you very much, Your Majesty!
A new figure entered the fray, turning her head slightly to acknowledge this Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn Lirka pondered her words for a few moments, the eternal dilemma playing along in her mind: how much to lie, and how much truth to reveal. Though regardless she had to take note of how many little revolutionaries there were among this batch of Sith soon following were the words of Omon Kaa / Darth Diem Omon Kaa / Darth Diem

When the words “not care” hit the audio receptors of her helmet disappointment filled her, apathy, a useless thing. But regardless she listened to and humored the young Sith, and then came the bait for Lirka to latch on to her own opinions, the one thing she valued more than anything else in the Galaxy.

“I am surprised the opinion of one detached from the Order would be so valued, how pleasant.”

Lirka is ultimately a tool of bureaucracy, outside of the realm of the Sith but forever intertwined in each step taken in their many conquests: the Kainate is built upon shackles after all.
“Is it not these Dark Lords grasping at their former glories that allow the Order to flourish? They reach out in grandiose gestures to stake their claim upon the Galaxy. But yet, neither of you are incorrect: the youth, the Sithlings, they are the bedrock of your Order. But the youth are foolish, arrogant, or simply…apathetic. They lack the wisdom of age and experience, the Triumvirate will guide their hand forward. You speak of unity being unnecessary, but without unity the Sith will descend on each other like rabid Akk Hounds..though…”

Lirka allowed herself to trail off as the other woman departed, looking around the growing rancor among the more prevalent partygoers.

“I suppose they already have.”

She returned back to Omon

“If your opinions are so swayed by alcohol perhaps they are not strong enough, to begin with. You talk of men, ships, and a planet. Physical things, materialistic. Are you nothing without these…meager, pathetic, things? I have lost all of that and more many a time in my many cycles, and yet, here I am.”

Now it was time to push, flowery prodding beginning to morph into blunt questioning: with, of course, a smidgen of inflating her own ego.

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