Resistance Epidermis
Armed With:
Synthetic Crystal Lightsaber (Violet Blade)
The Battalion
Maple Harte
(Darth Strelok)
Nuetralizer Model 1 (007)
Objective: Enjoy the festivities
House Io had been invited, but they would not arrive by ship, but by the power of The Brain Demon.
A churning, roiling portal of pure darkness would split open in the central hull at the edge of the party.
Out of that boiling portal of evil would step out all that remained of a Jedi who rebelled against her own order out of disgust, but ended up continuing to fight them out of a disgust that had eventually morphed into pure hatred, and faith in her own cause.
She had been so reluctant at first, so in denial. But eventually, the Cult had won her over
The people in this chamber would never know the story of how she reached this point. They were all Sith. At the very least, the Narrator is fairly certain
their writers could fill in the blanks.
The point is, she was here,
now. The Matriarch of House Io...and with her was her Consort, now Matriarch of the
Cult of the Brain Demon, though the Woman who had once been Darth Xiphos, now
The Parliament was it's unquestioned Champion, the herald of all it embodied.
The Parliament looked like a perfect, unmarred version of her mortal self, still with that snow-pale skin tone and raven hair, her eyes two orbs of sulphur yellow, with no discernable pupils. She wore her Master's catsuit, flesh toned, save for the gloves and boots. Behind her followed the confidant stride of the Battalion, wearing her own
Catsuit. Following behind
her was a sullen, young looking woman with pale skin and sulphur eyes, clad in black biker leathers, along with seven of the most feared Model 1's in House Io, their metal Skeletons colored purple. They were infamous sadists who had mastered the art of being a Murderer AND a Troll at the same time. A Murder-Troll, if you will. They each carried a captured Jedi Padawan with them, each with their arms and legs
The Parliament looked around, smirking at the stares of suspicion and curiosity she got, yawned and stretched her arms out.
"Where's the bar on this canoe?" she asked out loud. (It's BILLY ZANE!: 700 XP)
She spotted a Sith Lord holding a martini (Shaken, not Stirred).
"Never mind..." The Parliament said, waltzing to the sith and daintily plucking his drink out of his hand.
"Thanks." she said, downing it in one gulp and handing it back to his shock and outrage.
Fether..." the Sith said to himself as The Parliament casually walked off after handing him back the Martini glass.
The Battalion casually strode through the crowd, hands folded behind her back. Darth Strelok headed over to the bar, noticing
Gerwald Lechner
in the distance, tilted her head in curiosity, and then shrugged. She had rescued his sister Alwine from certain death once, long ago. She doubted he remembered. She
herself had almost forgotten about it.
The Parliament casually snatched a small snack from the plate of a Sith who had been about to grab it herself, pissing off the Sith at the sheer audacity of it, given pause however, at the horrible, rotting Dark Side Aura that permeated the former Darth Xiphos.
Her senses were alive as she watched Jedi Captives get sacrificed to the pit of flame, burning alive and screaming.
c'mon..." The Parliament whined obnoxiously. "Seriously? Just flames?
Just flames?! Where's the
extensive suffering? The
humiliation? The
The Parliament whispered
hidious curses upon the Jedi that amplified their pain
and prevented the fire from killing them. Screams of nightmarish pure
agony erupted from the pit, the Jedi unable to die, and their terrible pain amplified to such a level that it could be felt clearly by every Sith in the room.
The Parliament clenched her hand into a fist and pulled one of the still burning, screaming Jedi out with the Dark Side whispering curses that made his body jerk around unnaturally like a puppet. She silenced his cries by breaking his jaw as she forced him to walk towards her. He was in shock, eyes fluttering in his head from the agony, burned skin dripping on the ground.
("The Nutcracker Suite" plays OOC)
The Parliament seized a butcher knife from a table that had a shatual roast, ramming it into the Jedi's ribcage, making him convulse even as her dark magic amplified the pain from the wound, refusing to let him die, refusing to let him have bodily autonomy as she forced him to dance with her.
"See folks. When you
draw out their suffering, the Dark Side is
glorified. Strengthened." The Parliament explained to the audience as she danced with her victim, pulling the butcher knife out of his ribcage, him in a muffled scream due to his broken jaw, and ramming it into his spine, and he was still forced to dance, his suffering increasing by the second, amplifying the presence of the Dark Side in the grand chamber. The Battalion plucked an apple from a tray as she sat at the bar, eating as she watched her wife educate the crowd.
"You should
never just stop at simple
flames, my fellow Sith..." The Parliament explained, catching her victim mid twirl and breaking his neck. He shuddered everywhere, still unable to die as his head was twisted one hundred eighty degrees as she continued waltzing with him a few seconds more, his agony like a signal flare to every Sith present. A few more whispered curses from The Battalion and the fatally tortured Jedi's suffering began to be transmitted and amplified to the other burning Jedi still suffering in the pit, now forced to experience everything her victim had, looped again and again as if they had been the ones to suffer it.
Her victim in his agony, began to feel real, genuine hatred and rage towards his tormenter, and
that was when she kicked him into the pit to continue suffering, and eventually die, his hatred now corrupting the other victims of the pit, including any who would be thrown in after.
"It's not
hard to do a proper sacrifice to the Bogan, folks..." The Parliament said earnestly. "You just have to be willing to put a little
elbow grease into it..."
The Parliament then headed over to the appetizer table and plucked a sweetroll, eating it as her mechanical sons tossed the captured Padawans into the flames.
"When it comes to the Dark Side, you get only what you put into it..." The Parliament said, chuckling as she watched the Padawan catch fire, screaming in horror and rage as the flames and her black magic prolonged their suffering.
The Parliament went over to the bar to join The Battalion and Strelok, the terrified Bartender asking what they wanted.
"Put your blood in some vodka and we'll be good..." The Parliament assured, handing him a ritual knife.
The terrified Bartender took it, cutting his arm open, bleeding it into three martini glasses and and pouring vodka into the mixture. He tried to bandage his wound only for The Parliament to stop him.
"Did I
say you could heal yourself?" she asked in a friendly manner.
The scared man shook his head, forced to work with a bleeding arm as he continued preparing drinks.
Darth Carnifex
Darth Empyrean
Saryn Zambrano
Lirka Ka
Darth Malum of House Marr
Omon Kaa / Darth Diem
Lady Venge
Ishani Dinn