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Public Yacht Club [Sith Order and Friends]


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Tag: Arcturus Dinn Arcturus Dinn | Percival Io Percival Io | Darth Metus Darth Metus | Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean | Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex | Laertia Io Laertia Io
Open Tag: Free, for anyone else that might want to interact. Even with the sudden fight going on.


Hearing voices, in some circles, was oft a sign of a troubled mind.

When the Force became involved, the truth was always a coin toss. Was the party in question insane? Or were otherworldly forces whispering to them in the dark? As silver eyes drew across the members of House Io with a certain sense of imperium—Srina decided, very quickly, that it was very likely both. The seemingly delicate Echani was shrewd. The poison-stained promises of obedience and empty apologies from Laertia Io Laertia Io were just that. Empty, poison.

The admission of such from the Parliament was a waste of breath.

The former Exarch held an interest in the Sith Order that was anchored by her husband. His desire to see the Sith succeed prompted her to exist in this sphere. That meant accepting all manner of things that very nearly drove her to cleave heads from shoulders, however, that never meant she was required to back down. Srina reacted with pragmatism.

Not mercy.

Her body turned away from the cyborg-abomination while Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean sought to remind the wayward pet of her place. Even as words continued to flow…Her own point had already been well made. Twice. She had no desire to waste breath bandying words with an unhinged spot of unpleasantness that they all knew had a penchant for producing a flashy show to cover for lack of prowess. Leaders, tested and true, did not lead their people blindly and pointlessly to slaughter.

"Play stupid games…", she spoke to the air, though, none would likely hear her in the commotion. They were too distracted by the need to peacock further. The rest of the phrase would be just as equally lost but it was more than apt. "...Win stupid prizes."

In truth—She could see the value of a simple duel to solve the issue. It would have been her preferred method if given the choice…But that was the Echani in her speaking. Not, the wife of someone that had been tasked to help a nation prevail rather than destroy it from within. Percival Io Percival Io was no doubt a worthwhile opponent against most foes. She didn't blink, however, because of what he was.

Because of what he wasn't.

So many power-playing children… The fire from the pit rose and Srina willed it to return back from whence it came. It obeyed—As all things would. They were on a ship in space and none of their guests had arrived with the intention of becoming a well-cooked entrée. There was no purple inferno. There was no command save her own when frost swept across the floor and turned flame to ice.

It felt like putting a cover over a light socket so a youngling wouldn't put their finger in it.

A gun going off would have caught the intention of anyone. Even those that had not been made aware of the debacle by an android being flung into a wall—Would pause. It was a universal sound for something that was going amiss and instinctively a leathery wing burst from her back. It was wreathed in shadow, flame, and a toughened hide that absorbed the overpowered shot from Maple Harte Maple Harte . The creature that it belonged to writhed in pain in her mind while it ate a hole through the softer bits. The protective wing withdrew, instantly. Rage. The Nocna Mora was angry, though, it remained under her control. The Sithspawn was just one more thing that she had absorbed as of late to safe keep her little stars. Just one more weapon, to her eternal arsenal.

Srina acknowledged that anger. Let is flow, though, controlling the funnel lest her wrath rise in totality. The normally unassailable Echani rose her hand and drew on the darkness that she had spent the majority of her life cultivating. She hadn't simply merged with a "city of witches" to steal their power, to borrow from their greatness, like some washed-out galactic parasite. She made her own way. Through trial and personal sacrifice.

Carving out one's own heart to lay on an altar would always grant more of a boon than sacrificing a random piece of filth. Anyone could kill. A housewife with piano wire, could kill.

That did not make them Sith.

That did not make them worthy.

The Dread Queen drew a deep breath and released a targeted sonic scream at the Neutralizer's that were dead set on cutting through as many Sith as possible. Iasha Rha Iasha Rha already had some of them wrapped in some sort of barrier. Srina, sought to do away with them completely. The banshee wail would be grating for the rest of the yacht to hear, not debilitating, but Srina was willing to bet that these units wouldn't fare so well. This wasn't her first rodeo with constructs made by Laertia Io Laertia Io or with any of the members of her House, thusly, it was a very, very educated bet.

Srina had been involved with the CIS, a veritable droid nation, with which these units were formerly affiliated. They had been utilized in several different wars that she'd been part of. Their design was NOT a mystery. She didn't need little whispers from the Dark to tell her secrets about her opponent that she shouldn't have known.

That was what experience was for.

But—Since House Io had a penchant for portals? For teleporting around like radioactive rabbits? Her hands moved and the pale woman opened several small circular breaches between this world and the nether beneath the robots. They held razor-sharp edges and devoured anything they touched. If the breach closed while part of the enemy was inside—That limb would be removed.

Finally, she opened a baleful, nigh-bladed rift, beneath Maple Harte Maple Harte . Certain, that she would dodge. Srina knew this one just about as well as she knew the Neutralizer Models. She was fast. Very, fast. With that in mind, Srina created another. And another. Placing them with disturbing accuracy as to where she estimated the woman might go. Echani eyes were keen and missed nothing.

They were all going to owe Saryn Zambrano Saryn Zambrano a new yacht.

Nupax nurin

Wearing: xx
Tag: Percival Io Percival Io Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean

nupax noticed Percival attempting to attack Empyrean she didn't care for the droid but knew the artificial being was signing its death order if she didn't step in. As Percival would feel what felt like a rancor hitting him with a massive sledgehammer of wind slam into him and throw him threw another wall as she stepped forward. Blocking his way towards Empyrean "your only making things worse step down or else this will end badly for you" she said she could sense the vong parts and this was going to make things interesting for her. It had been a while since she could fight someone or something she thought it was going to be a jedi but this droid was going to be a warm up for the ancient sith lord as she let her impressive force presence fill the room it was dwarfed by Empyrean and carnifex but still noticeable for someone who's body wasn't changed by the darkside like some. She awaited Percivals actions further the rest of the Sith had house lo dealt with she least she could do was to deal with the runt of their group.
"Oh, get in line, you rotting sack..." The Parliament hissed in dark glee her flesh distorting as she took his burst of Dark Side energy, greedily absorbing it due to a now near unshakable connection to the Bogan, anchored to it. It caused a most exquisite pain to her spirit that she also fed off of, though it still left a heavy burned scar on her stomach when it hit. Cosmetic damage. In the old days it would have done much worse.

This was not the old days.

With a practiced, ease, her Makashi training, allowed her to twirl dodge Omon Kaa / Darth Diem Omon Kaa / Darth Diem 's knife attack, while Percival Io Percival Io launched a literal SHORYUKEN! at Empyrean, only to be interfered with by Nupax nurin .

The Parliament fed off the death of each slain Sith, and their suffering, a black beacon in the Dark Side. She sneered openly as Srina Talon Srina Talon forced her little inferno back into the pit, then smiled.


A blink of the eye, her flesh shuddered as her enchanted flame, forced back into the pit, seeped instead into the very stone Srina Talon 's will frosted over as she walked. Deadly molecules fused to the stone by the Dark Side, concentrated at the edges of the chamber, where the battle lines were under savage attack from the Nuetralizers, cutting loose with every weapon in their built in chassis, even as the storm by his red staff was conjured she used her hate to stay in place, launching a powerful bolt of Force Lightning at him and Omon.

House Io were veterans as well, fighting in the most vicious battles of the Third Imperial Civil War, The Bryn'adul War, and a constant Blood Feud with the Jedi Order that persisted to this day.

They had fought outnumbered, out gunned a dozen times over. No less than four major powers wanted them dead, including the vicious Sith of the Maw, who the House considered it a national sport to torture or kill.

She had been forced to continually adapt, as had her house, to rapidly changing battlefield conditions. She had taught guerillas, Assassins, Droids. She had been forced to take a personal hand in designing some of the most devastating weapons and ships in their arsenal.

She had been tutored and mentored, cultivated, by those she considered among the most evil Sith in the Galaxy, who believed that the Dark Side should be taught to even the lowliest in society. That all society should choose it and only it for wisdom. Sith who sneered at a tired old corpse trying to make yet another empire. One that resembled the previous one in how it would stagnate.

She had, with the help of that Cult's Grandmaster, inflicted fatal damage on the reactor of the Super Weapon sent to destroy Csilla. A failure, save in the sense that the Maw had been without a superweapon a significant time after. That same Cult had appealed to the most Ancient spirits of Korriban to ravage the surface, which they had, killing almost countless personnel from those who had come to destroy it. Sarka, Danuta, Tython, inflicting the will of The Dark on those who foolishly sought the death of life and the Force. They had helped inflict near total Genocide on The Bryn'adul.

Know Your Place Empyrean had sneered at her. The Parliament did.

Her place was to spread the glory of The Dark Side, to wash every willing heart in its all knowing, all cleansing poison...

...and decidedly at the expense and consternation of Sith like Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean , Saryn Zambrano Saryn Zambrano , Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex , and Srina Talon . Fools! Fools trying to fight the previous war all over again as she had once been guilty of. Not realizing the game had changed. Not realizing the time for all their mouthings of subtlety and dignity were just that...mouthings...and that the time for them had passed.

The Galaxy was tired of their kind of Sith, who were forever obsessed with a large empire and armies of slaves, with mindless centralized control of a System and scheming the same tired schemes that their enemies now knew by rote.

Even if the evening had gone according to plan, she still would have decided to go full Starscream on 'em. Except she wouldn't have Starscream's awesome voice. Or the ability to turn into a Jet. And The Parliament's Narrator couldn't decide whether Empyrean or Carnifex was Megatron in this scenario. (What the hell did that make Srina? Devastator?)

Her targeted Force Scream answered that question right away. (Sound Wave! She's Sound Wave!)

The scream traveled, and four of the Nuetralizers, who just happened to be using the bodies of dead Sith as Shields, managed to get them in front of the scream itself, which demolished the bodies they were holding and significantly damaging them but leaving otherwise at significant operational capacity. Three however, were not so lucky, two being immediately destroyed, and one having his chassis crumpled.

But these Droids didn't fear death or shut down. Their brains had been fully backed up. They fought with a vicious focus, The Battalion whispering an ancient spell that covered the remaining Model 1's still in play in strange shadows that allowed them to escape the barrier generated by Iasha Rha Iasha Rha , to move outward, through they lost a fourth when he did not notice the portal opening beneath him. Three left, forced to pay closer attention to the floor beneath them and dodge the portals conjured by Srina as they opened.

Meanwhile, The chain reaction started by The Parliament at last triggered, the edge of the chamber erupting in firey explosions from beneath that savaged the battle lines made in haste by the Sith, though a large number that survived did so by a desperate use of telekinesis to shield themselves from what was basically a landmine strength series of blasts that created severe holes not just for the surviving Nuetralizers to exploit, but Darth Strelok herself, who hurled telekinetic shrapnel at deadly speeds at the battle lines in the precious few seconds of chaos before Srina opened the rifts.

Strelok, was very fast, as Srina had surmised, but she too had changed, from the ill bounty hunter who had a carefree approach to battle to someone well aware of how deadly their prey was.

Her honed senses detected the portal beneath her feet and her mastery of Telekinesis ripped rubble from the floor to stand on, maneuvering with the large piece of floor like a surfboard through the rifts she threw in her way, though she did get injured, as Srina was very clever about the frequency and pattern in which she opened them. It would have killed the old Maple, or crippled the old Maple for life if she had tried to just use agility to navigate or dodge. Instead, one of Strelok's ribs and a shoulder tasted the edge of one of the rifts, resulting in a large amount of bleeding. Strelok snarled, wrapping herself in the Dark Side, calling on her intense hatred of how her life had ended up, forced to channel a power she hated on a constant basis just to stave off a humiliating and lonely end from her degenerative schizophrenia.

The frustration, the rage at not belonging, not being able to belong anywhere near people who were not completely fethed up like she was, sealed those wounds, stopped the bleeding, but not the pain as she landed some distance from Srina Talon Srina Talon , her rage reinforcing her hatred into a laser focus on the Sith, hand clenching in an attempt to Force choke her as she fired another round at her...

Meanwhile, The Battalion's whispered spell had caused enough distraction that she was not able to "fully" get out of the way of Carnifex's Noob-Saibot type strategy. That little shadow thingy managed to cut the shadow of her arm and out leaked white blood in large rivulets from her arm, eliciting a metallic sounding screech from her as she flung the large amount of blood, not at him, but at his feet, cursing her blood with the High Sith language to enhance it's already terrible strength.

Her blood was acidic, a particularly insidious mutation given her by the Dark Side. Powerful enough to possibly burn even though Alchemized Materials (Her own stuff was immune to this effect). The trade off was that her blood could not harm living Organic tissue. Only processed materials

The large splotches of blood splashed on the floor beneath Carnifex, beginning to rapidly spread and eat though the floor beneath him, while she surged forward with Force Flight, focusing her very considerable might in the Dark Side to channel that darkness through her blade, getting a gash on her side as Carnifex's Saibot managed to land another blow, thrown off only by the rapidly shifting position of the shadow made by her blade, the darkness focused in its red energy to have a good chance of cutting through the barrier he generated...

Percival Io Percival Io
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Appearing before the gathering of Dark Side users, the Ghost uncrosses his arms and surveys the area around him. The concentration of Force Power led him here, though he knew nothing of their purpose.

Refraining from igniting his lightsaber pike, the Ghost instead lifts it upward towards the nearest guest and in a placid manner commands them to speak.

"Tell me, you who claim to wield the knowledge of the Sith, what is the business of such a place as this one?"
Ghost's shoulders tense.

Turning his head slowly, Ghost searches the room, sensing a presence foreign from the overwhelming Dark Side encompassing his surroundings. Refusing to show any hesitation, Ghost kneels down and attempts to steady his mind.

The image of the Sentinel of Light, focusing on him brought searing pain within Ghost's head. Hate fueling him, Ghost teleports himself through the Force, ignoring the agony it inflicted onto his already withered form.



Equipment | In Bio
Location | My hot tub.
Tag | Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

His reactions were just too funny, his... Awkward expression and delayed response. It was like a refined candy, savoury.

"I suppose, just curious is all."

Her tail returns back to just laying in the waters as she sinks further, only keeping her head above the water now. All she could hear in the distance were the voices of those who bickered and argued over things that she didn't consider too important, it disrupted the once serenity of her time within the relaxing waters.

"Tell me, what do you think of all that is happening? Your ears are not as keen as mine, but what do you make of the display down below? It is... Primal, is it not? It just goes to show, we all are beasts inside."

The occultist's scholarly pursuits had started to take an affect on her mind and how she perceived things, beastly ignorance was everywhere... And it limited the mind, but, how was one to break free from the chains of creation? To first crack open your own limited skull to expose that primal yolk to the grace of the cosmos.

"Whatever you make of it, the seemingly unbreakable dogma of nature takes hold of our meek minds... Or perhaps I am simply speaking in tongues you consider crazy?"

Adeline smiles a bit, despite her... Interesting words, her expression seems normal. Nothing appearing crazed or manic as one would expect from the things on her mind at this very moment, or from what she did away from prying eyes.

"That staff you gave me, at first one would expect it to be mildly interesting bauble. Perhaps once a relic of note, used by some Sith who was powerful, yet not important enough to go on record. I have spent time with it, I hear words from an unknown tongue."

She rises from the water, laying her head back against the wall of the tub while keeping her head turned to Malum.

"Would you believe me if I told you that all of my attuning and pondering makes me think that very staff is not from any place we know? It is not a Sith relic, nor Jedi... My own sepulchral knew not where it came from. It seems you found me a new obsession, one I have been sinking my claws into greedily for a month now."


All Malum could think of us was very simple, perhaps with his mind slowly turning to mush at the prospect of speaking to the woman he was... well calling it a crush seemed so juvenile, but to call it love would have been so much worse, so naive. His thoughts were giddy and simple, perhaps with his mind slowly turning to mush at the prospect of speaking to the woman he... liked? Was attracted to? Was it truly as easy as that to describe?

"Thank god you went to the Museum of Eliad, she loves the gift!" His mind spoke at length, at the mentioning of the staff, he was morose to have initially given it away for free, but when she had asked him, her eyes glowing so brilliantly, her hair shining so brightly, her face scrunched up in question... he could not find himself able to refuse.

Looking at her, all but her eyes submerged under the waterine depths, to his mind, to his heart, it was so strange for him to attempt to describe the quiver in his chest, the tussle in his stomach, as simply attraction, simply to like. He had read much, as was his won't, of ancient knights battling in honour of their maidens, he had seen his life, noble lords and noble ladies walking hand in hand, twirling themselves with a glittering chandelier twinkling overhead. It was love, it was romance, that was what he expected, that was he had known, of the courtship, of writing letters with such meaning and prose.

He felt such things now, even if it was beyond what he knew.

Still... he wished to see where it went.

"Not crazy at all, though, the last time I saw you, I thought you too much of a ruffian to speak in codes," He offered a small smile at that, they had seen each a few times, minor occurrences perhaps, but joyous enough for him to remember, this was one of the few times they were alone however, "Seems many a Sith here wish to show off their tail feathers, as it were, from the Kainites, to the Eternalists, to the House of Io, to any independent faction, it is only us, Tsis'Kaar that know how to keep our heads down when needed," He joked, teased and japed, the irony fully evident to him and likely Adeline, he was only in this tub because of a forged incident to take away attention from another after all.

He kept his eyes squarely on Adeline's eyes, both of their eyes so similar, even if Malum was sorely tempted to bring his own lower, to see what had emerged out of the depths.

"I am glad the staff has proved as interesting as you first thought it was. Perhaps I could aid you in uncovering its secrets? I will admit that I am not as into the occult as you, but to research what this object could be... what it might do... it would be incredibly interesting," Was he salivating at the prospect of knowledge, or at the prospect of spending time with Adeline, he was not quite sure, "However, I do think I could give you some nugget of information, I believe the staff is from the Nether, Hell, that is the region of space which the Force exists most strongly without the influence of Jedi or Sith... however I hear the prospect of entering it is a risky affair."

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