Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Yacht Club [Sith Order and Friends]

The Parliament showed zero fear either on her face, or in The Force. The Unholy Spirit had cleansed her of such a weakness. Her flesh shuddered horrifically all over her body, bubbling as her flesh metabolized the dark energy from Srina Talon Srina Talon , though she did stagger back slightly from the sheer Force of it before her flesh resettled into her flawless figure on her corrupted Skeleton, though her face bubbled disgustingly for a few seconds after.

First her husband came to the little one's defense. Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean placed a hand on her shoulder, commanding an apology, than Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex himself rose from his throne, demanding the same.

The Parliament forced her murderous urges to one side. Such power to devour!

But ultimately, for all her antics, she had ultimately not come to start a fight she couldn't finish, merely to guage the strength and unity of her rivals. They had responded quickly and publicly to Srina's defense. Their unity was strong. Difficult to subvert.

"Oh far be it from me to outright ruin the evening...with idle gossip. But The Darkness whispers many things to me these days..." The Parliament replied in smooth fashion.

She definitely knew things, not that she would voice them out loud, like that thing in the Expanse with Maliphant.

Darth Strelok took another swig of Vodka. The Battalion calmly ate another apple, the Nuetralizers with their eternal rictus grin casually chatting amongst each other, holding drinks even though they couldn't drink.

"My Purpose remains the same as it was when I came here...the exaltation of the Dark Side, and the Destruction of The Jedi Order. If that means I obey you, Carnifex, and Empyrean to carry out it's will and meet those ends, how can I refuse?" The Parliament asked in faux-innocence, the flesh on her face shuddering and warping as her body fed on the suffering of the Jedi in the pit. "Regardless, consider my purpose found. And because Lord Empyrean commands it as Carnifex does, I extend my full apologies to the guests, and to them. I even extend it to you...but as you have said, you will not accept that. So take my willingness to serve the Triumvirate faithfully in its place." she finished, still totally unafraid.

The disturbing part of her response, was how different it was from her previous manic, boisterous acting out. And it became quite clear that her previous behavior had been to stir the hornet nest, to see if the leaders were nothing but weak pretenders, easily slain. She would not have been willing to work with or for them at all if that had turned out to be the case. But regardless, she had told Srina, Empyrean, and Carnifex the truth just now. And it was the truth. She would obey them.

For now.

Lady Venge Lady Venge

Lirka Ka Lirka Ka

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn
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His sobriety and sense of pending dread, came around just as the armored lady asked him a question that would demand a very wide and complex answer.
Before he was about to start his monologue, he sensed a very precise danger. Danger to the female Sith, whom he called "ballsy."
Despite being only an apprentice, his force sensitivity was the only skill of mastery he possessed.

Why would he care about the impending danger to the loudmouth Sith? Because he witnessed his friend and fellow apprentice, Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr , go to great lengths to save her. Would he be crazy enough to jump between a lightsaber? He's a bloody Marr, Bogan knows what he'll do.
And if he jumps in front of the lightsaber, Omon fears he will be pushed as well, by some misguided sense of honor.

Fricking honor.

His now widened eyes turned toward the interesting lady beside him, and for now he just gave a very short answer "We are all nothing, my dear lady. We are stuck on the edge of the galaxy, forgotten by history. Why do I put so much stock into my men, machines and planets? Because Force abandoned us. We are starving orphans, waiting to be adopted." Realizing he might offend the woman, his gaze fell down a bit, before he added, "I have no doubts you are very powerful, as are all these other old Sith. But that means nothing in the grand scheme of things. What does it matter if you are the most powerful being in an empire of 10 planets? But forgive my nihilism; it is how I see things. Ask me again when and if I am ever close to your age" he said, smiling with the most honest and friendly smile he could muster, before bowing his head a bit as a sign of apology for his sudden departure.

With a silent voice, he spoke into his comlink, giving instructions to his 8 Jaegissary commandos.
His bright plan was to call his shuttle under the terrace, where Venge was closest, and then have one of his men rush her while yelling insults and push her over that terrace, making her land on the shuttle and avoid the danger.
As far as quick plans go, it wasn't the dumbest thing he ever did.

But all that got cut away, as a huge portal in the middle of the room appeared. Now his sense of possible danger was all around, not just connected to one person. This change made him stop, and observe.

As the seconds passed, his eyes closed further, resulting in a narrower and narrower stare.He couldn't put into words how he felt, but if he spit out the first random word that came to mind, it would sound exactly like what his body did: cringe.

So much energy is wasted on so many unnecessary actions and gestures. I'd be too lazy to spend that much on a mission. And this was an entrance.

With a strange expression on his face, he thought.

They were all unknown to him. And the young Sith was grateful to have spent the majority of his time either cooped up in his home or stranded on some planet.As the drama unfolded between the sadistic female and the newly arrived female, He could not see either of their faces well from the back. Maybe he did know them? Or of them?

Once he saw both Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex and Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean closing in on the newly arrived, he saw it as his duty as a member of the Sith Order to act.
He veered away from his original path and began to move slowly through the crowd, getting closer to and behind those who were the target of Dark Lord's rage.
He communicated with his eight men using his wrist communication link.

<<Kill anyone who tries to kill me from behind, if a fight ensues. If I die, rush the side that cut me down and activate your explosives>>

His fingers glided down the hilt of his saber, just when he was close enough to hear
"My Purpose remains the same as it was when I came here...the exaltation of the Dark Side, and the Destruction of The Jedi Order. If that means I obey you, Carnifex, and Empyrean to carry out it's will and meet those ends, how can I refuse?" The Parliament asked in faux-innocence, the flesh on her face shuddering and warping as her body fed on the suffering of the Jedi in the pit. "Regardless, consider my purpose found. And because Lord Empyrean commands it as Carnifex does, I extend my full apologies to the guests, and to them. I ev

Words of the pale female made him stop in his tracks. He might have been an Apprentice, but he could assume that the two Dark Lords wont take this further. At least in his mind, there was nothing for them to gain from it. Only the second female could, the one that stood in front of The Dead God.

Maybe we will survive this! In which case.. he again clicked few buttons on his wrist, giving command to his pilot to take the position below the terrace.
Then sending another message to one of his eight men.

One who was closest to Lady Venge Lady Venge would come behind her, back to beck, which did not seem that strange on a party, and spoke with soft voice.

"There is a shuttle under the Pearl, just behind you. If you find yourself in the situation from which you think there is no escape. Jump on it." once done, he moved himself away from her.

When Omon received a signal it is done, he sigh, thinking that the push from the terrace would be bit too much of his involvement. She have an exit if she needs one. And Malum will stay in his tub.

Lady Venge Lady Venge Lirka Ka Lirka Ka Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner Srina Talon Srina Talon
Relationship Status: It's Complicated

TAG: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean | Lady Venge Lady Venge | @Omon Kaa / Darth Diems

Gerwald stopped just short of the woman. Their eyes locked. If she expected him to have some form of retort, she would be mistaken. An answer to her question, yes, but as Gerwald had learned from his mistress Srina Talon Srina Talon , it was better to be direct without a single hint of emotion. The wolf was an emotional creature, but he was also a calculating predator. Just because Empyrean had marked her, it did not mean Gerwald was required to deal with her in the moment.

“Darth Empyrean has given me as much autonomy as required to carry out his will. I do as I wish. I am not his apprentice. I am a master in my own right.”

Facts. They did not care about optics or feelings. They simply were. In a world where people wanted to find their own truth, reality was an obstacle to be embraced or ignored.

“Tonight you openly opposed and challenged him, yet from a safe distance. Mere words that lack any display or show of strength. A Sith does not deal in words, only action.”

It was then the portal opened.


Perhaps more of a display.

It seemed House Io was being problematic. Perhaps Empyrean would call Gerwald off from Lady Venge, perhaps he would want them both dead. It did not matter regardless. The interruption and antics had saved Lady Venge’s life for the time being. Besides, if Gerwald were to kill her now what opportunity would she have to demonstrate she understood the lesson she had just been given.

Deliberate steps carried the beast to where Empyrean and Omnia stood. Sharp eyes bore into those of the Parliament ( Laertia Io Laertia Io ) as her insincere and forced apology was given. He would kill her without hesitation if his mistress demanded it. The wolf wanted to for sport. His control of the animal within was the only thing which kept her breathing as she stood.

He whispered something that only Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean would hear.

“Like I said… a pissing contest.”

Often, those who were considered brave, fearless, or stalwart in the face of insurmountable danger mistook their ignorance as something to be proud of. In evolution, those that lacked fear, lacked submissiveness to a clinical degree, were bound to die in the face of far greater odds. Empyrean considered that as his black hand tightened ever so slight around the cusp of her shoulder.​
"You speak more than I would expect from a dog, Laertia.", he said, low and quiet to only those around them.​
"A good dog bows their little dog head when faced with the whip, but a smart dog remembers who holds the whip."​
"I hold that whip, Laertia. You may think you are exceptional, perhaps the greatest Sith to exist - but you're a foot note in every movement you've attached your name to. You will not be a stain on this crusade, so be a good, smart dog and -"​
His voice cracked as the many thousand Sith held in his soul teemed through the small shield he had formed around them. His voice fell from the corpse tones of Maliphant, and descended into the mixed cacaphony of the Worm's.​
"- remember your place."​
He paused at that, pulling his hand away from her, fighting to settle the will of the Worm against his own. His eyes closed, he focused, found a peace somewhere in the depth of his rage, and let his shoulders fall ever so slightly. The whisper from Gerwald helped ground him, more than the Wolf would know. Eventually, he would open his eyes again and motioned to a servant nearby.​
"Serve the rest of her bloody drinks in a bowl until she decides to behave."​
The man nodded, though with a certain fear in his eyes, and then ran off to abide by his command - or at least spread it. Empyrean was a cruel, humiliating man when he needed to be, and he felt it necessary to be as such now. A reminder for everyone gathered just how far above them he currently sat.​
"Oh - and good doggy. Don't bark again.", he said with a growingly tired tone, and moved back to his throne to sit.​

"There is a shuttle under the Pearl, just behind you. If you find yourself in the situation from which you think there is no escape. Jump on it."

Venge glanced quickly to the side, very confused at what she had just been told, wanting to ask just how in the blue blazing Corellian Hell there could be a shuttle
inside what amounted to a ball room....inside a luxury liner starship, but whomever had whispered to her was already gone. Returning her focus to the threat at hand, her eyes locked with Gerwald Lechner's.

"Darth Empyrean has given me as much autonomy as required to carry out his will. I do as I wish. I am not his apprentice. I am a master in my own right. Tonight you openly opposed and challenged him, yet from a safe distance. Mere words that lack any display or show of strength. A Sith does not deal in words, only action."

Venge already had some smartass retort in mind to Gerwald's whole 'A Sith does not deal in words, only action', something along the lines of 'Then come spank me for being such a bad girl!', but before she could even say anything, Gerwald turned away to aid Darth Empyrean in dealing with House Io's antics.

"Seems to me the walking corpse is holding the end of your leash and yanking hard. You just choose not to see it," Venge whispered to herself, with a smirk.

Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner

Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean



Equipment | In Bio
Location | My hot tub.
Tag | Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

His reactions were just too funny, his... Awkward expression and delayed response. It was like a refined candy, savoury.

“Is it not normal for a man to be nervous around a beautiful woman?”

"I suppose, just curious is all."

Her tail returns back to just laying in the waters as she sinks further, only keeping her head above the water now. All she could hear in the distance were the voices of those who bickered and argued over things that she didn't consider too important, it disrupted the once serenity of her time within the relaxing waters.

"Tell me, what do you think of all that is happening? Your ears are not as keen as mine, but what do you make of the display down below? It is... Primal, is it not? It just goes to show, we all are beasts inside."

The occultist's scholarly pursuits had started to take an affect on her mind and how she perceived things, beastly ignorance was everywhere... And it limited the mind, but, how was one to break free from the chains of creation? To first crack open your own limited skull to expose that primal yolk to the grace of the cosmos.

"Whatever you make of it, the seemingly unbreakable dogma of nature takes hold of our meek minds... Or perhaps I am simply speaking in tongues you consider crazy?"

Adeline smiles a bit, despite her... Interesting words, her expression seems normal. Nothing appearing crazed or manic as one would expect from the things on her mind at this very moment, or from what she did away from prying eyes.

"That staff you gave me, at first one would expect it to be mildly interesting bauble. Perhaps once a relic of note, used by some Sith who was powerful, yet not important enough to go on record. I have spent time with it, I hear words from an unknown tongue."

She rises from the water, laying her head back against the wall of the tub while keeping her head turned to Malum.

"Would you believe me if I told you that all of my attuning and pondering makes me think that very staff is not from any place we know? It is not a Sith relic, nor Jedi... My own sepulchral knew not where it came from. It seems you found me a new obsession, one I have been sinking my claws into greedily for a month now."


Tags: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean Maple Harte Maple Harte

The exchange concluded in much the manner he expected, though Percival's lip curled at Empyrean's final words, his hazel eyes fixed on the dog bowl on the bar counter. He doubted Mother actually cared, despite the Dark Lord's attempts to degrade and debase her, but Percival had not felt welcome here from the beginning. The Sith reception of House Io had overall been noticeably... lacking.

He gave the situation a few more moments' thought, allowing Empyrean to return to his throne, before he turned and approached him—slowly, cautiously, with an eye upon any bodyguards and lackeys surrounding the dais.

"Darth Empyrean," he began, his tone polite and formal. "I am a dog of House Io. You know how it is with dogs and carcasses. Some of us can't help taking a bite."

As he spoke, he pinched the finger of his glove, pulling it from his hand before throwing down the gauntlet at Empyrean's feet.

"You demanded an apology, it was given. But then you continued to insult my Mother, seeking to humiliate her in front of the other guests. Therefore I challenge you to a duel, and name Darth Strelok as my second."
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Empyrean, amidst his walk back to his throne, stopped as yet another person entered the conflict to throw their weight. An already escalated situation just now finding some peace, escalated once more as the first true call to violence was initiated. Through his alchemic eyes, he could see that this Io was little more than a mass produced droid with a fancy face - and some anti-force components if his senses could be trusted.​
So he turned back to stare at Percival, his metal eyes studying the figure - though as he responded, he turned to Laertia Io Laertia Io instead.​
"My patience is gone.", he said, cold and dangerous.​
"Kill your Vong toy."​

Tags: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean Laertia Io Laertia Io

"She will not kill me. You'll have to do it yourself." Percival crossed his arms over his chest. "I have no desire to further disrupt the party or endanger the other guests. You may name the time and place where we will meet."

His eyebrows rose in sympathy. "Are you afraid you'll lose to a Vong toy? In that case, neither one of us need fight to the death. But the matter is past talking, and can only be resolved through honorable combat. Accept the challenge, or refuse it."
Location: Jewel of Panatha
Attire: Magenta and White Cheongsam (w/o Fur Scarf)
Dialogue Legend: <<Technopathy Link>> │ “Verbal”

This was not Alessandra Io’s first time on the Jewel of Panatha.

However, the circumstances surrounding the present gathering were far different from what they had been during that auspicious occasion, with not just the Kainate present in force, but many others. A vast web had been woven in the network of Sith relationships since then, formed among power bases, individual Sith Lords, corporations, and other actors with a wide variety of interests, many conflicting and others unknowable. Not to mention, there was far more at stake now that the Sith were en force once more, a galactic power player with hundreds upon thousands of systems to bring to heel, fleets to build, and armies to command.

Arriving via the Parliament’s conjured portal, Alessandra had watched the scene play out from behind the veil of her cyan fan, little more than a face in the Parliament’s retinue, among a few others. Her photoreceptors recognized more than a few individuals from the previous gathering, including the ever-stunning Saryn Zambrano Saryn Zambrano , the towering twin figures of Carnifex and Demiurge, and the living mummy that was the Lord Empyrean.

However, as her cyan photoreceptors took in the scene, Alessandra came to only one conclusion: In this new arena, House Io was quite noticeably lacking in allies.

Considering it her duty to ameliorate that, on airy steps the Chaplain moved to one ( Lady Venge Lady Venge ) who had made a name for herself within the Order as of late, but perhaps in doing so might have also attracted some attention from powerful actors. Alessandra offered the tattooed Sith Lady a soft, graceful smile and a gentle raise of the glass, before passing her by.

By the time Lady Venge left the party, she might find a small, alchemized note nestled within her dress, with coordinates leading to a Temple of the Brain Demon Cult.
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The irony that House Io, that which just committed open torture, challenge to the entire gathering, and insulted the staff, his wife, and the host would now demand honorable combat - every chance they had been given to walk away growing further until consequences no longer seemed to matter to them. These were not true Sith, they were aggrandized children victimized by their own actions.​
Fine. If the store bought bodyguard couldn't learn when to walk away, it'd simply be forced upon them. As the words 'I have no-', were uttered, the air infront of Percival turned into concrete and slammed into them with the kinetic force of a truck - like a weaponized air cannon. With it's force, it could throw the android through the far wall if not against it.​
He turned back to the other's and frowned deeply, his anger evident in his presence. He motioned for Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner to come forward and spoke his command;​
"Kill the android. Laertia will be executed for the crimes of her house."​
Though his gaze fell on her once more;​
"Unless you kill the android first."​


Nupax nurin

Wearing: xx
Tag: open largely

Nupax had arrived via portal through ancient sith magic the same time the lo group did she had been watching studying these new age sith. While she held her darkside aura back considerably the ancient former leader of the dark council of the old republic was largely displeased with most of the Sith here they where rash they had little or no tact from the whispering going on. Having a good sense of who a person was she could see most here where either knights and apprentices or short sided fools. And lo was full of them it seemed even if she didn't have a complete read on parliament just yet.

The only figures of interesting force power was those in the triumvirate and Srina Talon Srina Talon she stepped out in an attempt to speak up and save the droid from his wrath obviously failing she was out in the open now. Maybe out of empyreans sight or in his periphery "good to know somethings don't change" she said with a hint of nostalgia towards the androids situation as she saw him fly. Her having empyreans view before she was forced into an anti force tomb and frozen in Carbonite for the better part of 4 thousand years. Hopefully she didn't catch his ire with that comment she would walk towards the crowd to attempt to mingle she walked with the stride of a former sith ruler she would stay out of the way of those taking care of the situation for now seeing how it all would play out she missed sith gatherings they where never dull.
Post: 5

Saryn sighed when he realized the situation was quickly turning into one that would likely grow violent. He reached out towards the bar, pulling his lightsaber, which had been conveniently hidden behind some bottles on the shelves behind the counter, into his hand. He then pressed a secret button on one of his bracelets. The distant sound of metal feet marching quickly grew louder, and louder, before a platoon's worth of SB-2 Super Battle Droids marched into the hall. The other guests were quickly ushered out of the chamber while the matter was being dealt with.

Saryn moved to stand beside his twin masters and Darth Empyrean in solidarity, his SB-2s taking up positions along their flanks before training their wrist mounted blasters upon Laertia and her Vong pet. "Miss Io. You would do well to follow our Lord Empyrean's command should you wish to continue your meagre existance. Otherwise, I'll have every single one of your household aboard my ship ERADICATED. You have dishonored me, as host of what is supposed to be an auspicious occasion, greatly. I am more than displeased, to say the least.", he said, in a rare moment of clear, visible anger. Those attuned to the force could feel the rage and dark side energies building within him.

Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean
Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex
Laertia Io Laertia Io
Percival Io Percival Io
Alessandra Io Alessandra Io
Arcturus Dinn Arcturus Dinn
Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn
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Attire: xxx
Tags: Arcturus Dinn Arcturus Dinn

After a while, even Rhi became distracted by the exchange between Empyrean and the House Io android. When things inevitably turned violent and Xyrah rushed to usher his guests to safety, she turned to Arcturus.

I take it that’s our cue to leave.” She drained the last of her drink, took her lover’s hand, and headed for the nearest exit, an excited bounce in her step making the airy skirt of her red dress flounce. “Imagine, Arc! Titles, land, soldiers, wealth—we have it all now! Can you believe it?...

Nothing could possibly dampen her spirits tonight.

Demiurge watched with disinterest, almost mirroring the emotionless glower of his other half on the throne. This whole night, which had begun quite festively, had quickly turned sour. Not that he had been one to indulge in such parties, he believed his time was far better spent on more productive labors. Nonetheless, he shared his other's fondness for Saryn Zambrano Saryn Zambrano and had attended purely for his benefit. Now all that the young man had strove to arrange and establish was perfidiously stained by unnecessary tumult.

His disinterest did not change even as things escalated, the malcontents of House Io adamantly refusing to adapt to the political climate around them. Thus ignorant, they resorted to baser solutions to their own inadequacies, throwing what would've been a humiliating, but benign, admonishment into what was certainly a death sentence. Such hubris had been the downfall of far greater Sith than many in this room, greater forebearers than those who could, at this present moment, not manage their own selves.

So, as things progressed, Demiurge merely extended his left hand forward with a loose and almost lackadaisical gesture. The blade which had rent two lesser Sith just mere moments ago found that it could not bypass the bare flesh of the Dark Lord's own hand. It would stop, wholly and utterly, without passing through Demiurge's hand or arm. Should the one that assailed him attempt to strike again, Demiurge's hand would move to block the attack once more. Again and again, as many times as the blade swung in to strike.

Without a word, a shadow sprung forth from beneath Demiurge's feet. This shadow, grinning ear to ear with a feminine chortle, moved soundlessly across the floor. It neared the shadow of the one attacking Demiurge, the one cast by the buzzing glow of their lightsaber. One of the shadow's arms transformed into a sharp blade, a crude instrument of violence, ready to plunge into the chest of their shadow as it was cast upon the floor. Any damage done by Demiurge's shadow to the shadow of his foe would be replicated on its owner, which could result in their chest being violently torn open by an invisible force should the Dark Lord's shadow accomplish its action.

"Good grief."

Venge turns her head and notices a slender young woman making her way through the crowd towards her, face partially concealed behind a fan. It was hard to tell precisely if she were some sort of augmented human, or if she was something entirely other.

As she passes by, offering a smile and a raised glass, Venge feels something slipped into a fold of her dress that hadn't been there a few moments earlier. Best not to call attention to it, with so many unfriendly eyes around, Venge decided. This was her cue to leave while she still could, things were already coming to a boiling point. Setting her unfinished drink down at a nearby table, Venge quickly winds her way through the crowd, employing Force Stealth to mask her presence, until she located the passageway to take her back to where her
Punworcca 116-class interstellar sloop had been parked. It wasn't until she had boarded her ship and cleared the Jewel Of Panatha in preparation for a hyperspace jump that she breathed a sigh of relief, and finally retrieved what had been slipped into a fold in her dress. A note? Coordinates? The paper had been alchemized...interesting.

"Nothing ventured, nothing gained," Venge decided, as she handed the note off to her pilot droid. "Feed those coordinates into the navcomputer and get us underway."

(exiting thread)
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The second Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean blasted the android in to the wall, Omon knew this night was fricked. To to be fair he knew night was fricked second the people from that portal arrived.. but he had hopes it might not all go to shyt. Fools hope.

He started to force skip, step by wide step, issuing an order to his 8 Jaegissary commandos, while running..

<<Take positions behind them, and open fire in to the androids, aim for their necks. If you start to be overwhelmed, take defensive maneuvers and start activating the explosives. Throw them either just above their heads, or in to their knee joints>>

..once he send the last letter of the command, he jumped on to one table, then another, then another, force propelling himself in to the main Io female. One who, it seemed, was attacking Lord Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex , but was stopped with each swing. Shadows was forming under the old Sith feet, just as Omon was about to drop down on her. At this same moment, he could hear fire from his commandos Velok Energy Rifles. Each one shooting at the crew of the provocateurs.

Omon waited for the last moment, not to give away the sound of sabers ignition. Then sparked the crimson blade and made a piercing motion in to the Laertia Io Laertia Io back, aiming exactly in to her neck, in hopes for decapitation.
He was massing a Force Push in his left palm, in case something jumps from him from the sides, or someone fires at him.

All this frikin waste of energy.. for this shyt.

Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean
Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex
Laertia Io Laertia Io
Percival Io Percival Io
Alessandra Io Alessandra Io
Arcturus Dinn Arcturus Dinn
Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn

With the debacle seemingly over for a moment, the rutian twi’lek set to mixing the drinks and placing them on the bar for the sith to take. That was when it all went to hell.

Chaos erupted, and Iasha reached under the desk for the weapon she had stashed there before her shift.

At first it seemed like what would erupt was a duel, or at most a brawl between the Eternals and House Io’s leadership, but what actually occurred was far more chaotic. She did not intend to join the struggle, but then the struggle decided to target her as well.

Her left hand lashed out as the droid’s weapons were aimed in her direction. Her fingers curled as a shimmering bubble of force wrapped around Jared the Model 1 and set his projectiles bouncing wildly inside the nigh impenetrable bubble. A bubble that then began to shrink rapidly as her hand clenched.

She ducked down behind the bar as bottles and glasses shattered around her from the violence of the other Model 1 droids. Now that the bubble was in place, she did not need to see it to keep concentration.

With her right, she pulled out one of the shikkars hidden under the bar and tucked it into her sleeve with a single fluent motion, ready to lash out at anyone coming over the top of the bar.


Darth Empyrean's sight was instant, ever magnanimous, and eternal. The eyes of the Dead God saw the strike at the first moment her stance took it into place - and a dark circle formed over them within only a small five meter radius. Metal eyes turned black and starry, and the totality of his vision became clear. He could see all around him as soon as it came to be - and with an Arkanian mind, he could begin to predict it long before it happened.​
The dodge was simple, practice. Empyrean leaned back from the strike and the blade flew past his face - dangerously close, but clear of his flesh. What Laertia Io Laertia Io would not have noticed was that his smoke black arm had gone - and reformed in her path, right where she had teleported. It was made of pure dark side energy, like a spear of midnight black, it cut through metal, flesh, bone, and the spirit with equal ease, and it was directly at or in her stomach.​
It was her own fault, really, to come so close to him. At the same moment, Omon Kaa / Darth Diem Omon Kaa / Darth Diem moved to stab her in the neck - Empyrean keeping a small shield in place so that he would've miss and stab him instead. Whether she teleported away, moved to strike back against the Knight, she would be watched closely so that his reaction could be perfect.​
In his real hand, the staff of Kala'anda formed. It's presence magnified his from a terrible pressure to a torrential rain that forced the Sith back from him. Many fled from the room at the brunt of his strength, but the Sith gathered were not weaklings to be cut down by the upstart House Io. Many formed battle lines near the edges to isolate her soldiers and assassins, and the rest were moved on until they were not only outnumbered, but outmaneuvered, and out skilled.​
The staff clicked against the ground, sealing the ball room after a moment as he looked down to Laertia - all of this happening in a brief moment. She fought the skilled, experienced masses of the Sith wars - men and women who had fought a thousand battles, and would fight a thousand more. House Io had made a grave mistake, and it could be seen in the dark eyes of the Dead God, where eternity remained.​
"It could've ended at a dog bowl. Perhaps in time you could have salvaged your reputation amongst us - but no longer. Your house will burn, and the Galaxy will thank me for ridding it of your nuisance."​


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