Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Lady Kay"]
"It will be a tricky thing to balance, we don't want people to make a new arms race but... We've already developed something to slice into it. One of our tools slices at the molecular level and is able to slice into beskar like it is butter. Our main simulations show it should be able to repeat the process with the wintrium." At least in theory but she was more then happy to tes tit out as needed since the omnibreakers ultrasonic settings were some of the best for opening tough armors and breaking sith swords." The jedi master also thought about how many could get their hands on the robes. "As for how many, we are going to make plenty but I have seen jedi ignore things on the ground they like the being underequipped."
"It will be a tricky thing to balance, we don't want people to make a new arms race but... We've already developed something to slice into it. One of our tools slices at the molecular level and is able to slice into beskar like it is butter. Our main simulations show it should be able to repeat the process with the wintrium." At least in theory but she was more then happy to tes tit out as needed since the omnibreakers ultrasonic settings were some of the best for opening tough armors and breaking sith swords." The jedi master also thought about how many could get their hands on the robes. "As for how many, we are going to make plenty but I have seen jedi ignore things on the ground they like the being underequipped."