Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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You are bad and you should Fel bad [Invasion of Dubrillion]

Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden
On the Palleon-Class Star Destroyer "Rebirth"
Fel objectives as agreed upon OOC:​
1. Supply Arms and Munitions to the Rebel Forces outside the Capital City​
2. Free the slaves in Sith Interment Camps in the wilderness of the planet​
3. Take and hold the Sith Command Center in Dubrillion Aquarium​
4. Destroy the Sith Temples in the Capital City​
The time had come for the Fel to crush those who would put the galaxy into darkness, to fuel the rebellions that had already been sparked across Sith Space. Ronin, his purple cape down from his shoulders and obscuring his back from view, stood with the powerful stance of an Emperor as his prosthetic eye slowly observed the swirling lights of Hyperspace. Around him, the recruits from Vassek and the newly freed slaves from Bastion and Helska were working like no other soldiers could. Men who came from under the boot of oppression were always the strongest and hardest workers when it came ot getting rid of that oppression and that was what would make the Fel strong. Already the Imperium had found stashes of modified, but still ancient, warships on Bastion and Helska and received them as thanks from Vassek and some outlying systems. The ships may have been older than the new Sith tech, but with some modifications to their weapons and shields, they would still be a match for such technologies.

Turning on his heel, his elaborately decorated cape fluttering through the air as he did, Ronin looked at the faces of the men he now commanded as the Imperator of the Fel Imperium. Many in the galaxy may be doubting the Fel's ability to conduct a war, but the Fel had more heart in this war than any other faction currently did and soon, freemen from all about Sith Space would rally to the Imperator's call! "What is our status?" Ronin called to his helmsman, who spun in his chair and placed his fist over his heart in the now traditional Fel salute

"The fleets will be exiting into Sith Space soon, my liege." the helmsman answered with a discipline and respect that came surprising from an ex-slave. Well, perhaps it was not so surprising as one might think. Many of the slaves being used by the Empire had an array of useful skills and jobs before being enslaved, some even served in the Imperial Military but were sentenced to slavery for various crimes. The Fel were even lucky enough to get some deserters from the Sith on-board to their cause, which was never something to complain about.

"Excellent" Ronin said to the man before turning to the communications officer "prepare the me a recording to be sent out to our fleets as soon as he exit hyperspace." Ronin ordered, receiving a Fel salute and acknowledgment in return.

Ronin marched to the holoprojector room, near the bridge, and made haste to stand on the familiar silver platform in the middle of the pitch-black room. The Imperator, once given the prompt by the holoprojector, began to speak into the recording device so that the message would be relayed to all Fel ships upon exiting Hyperspace. Standing tall, Ronin boomed into the projector "Soldiers, friends and brothers of the Imperium all! Today I, your loving Imperator, will lead you all to war against the Sith with my trusted commanders, Exectuor Davin and General Zrash at my side. Many of you were slaves to the Empire before we arrived and others were forced to serve them, but that history is now behind you! Each and every man and woman in this fleet and back on Bastion is a child of the Imperium who will never again know the barbaric nature of the Sith Empire! The Sith have numbers, but they do not have heart! The Sith fight only for power and their soldiers serve out of fear or the imbecilic dream that they are somehow bringing peace to the galaxy, but we all know that they bring only pain and suffering! They think that their Masters and Emperor have created an impenetrable wall of red that can never be broken, but we shall burst through that wall like a wrecking ball! With our allies the Republic, The Mandolorians, The Omega Protectorate and the Confederacy of Independent Systems we shall drive a dagger of justice into the heart of Sith darkness and raise a flag of true peace upon the Empire's corpse! Do not hate your enemies, for hate clouds your mind and makes you, you must use focus only on your weapons and theirs so that you may strike each and every Sith down! Forward to peace! Forward to justice! Forward to a strong Imperium!"

with a raise of his hands and a step off of the metallic plate, Ronin shutdown the recording and turned to march back onto the bridge. Upon his entrance, a thunderous applause rocked the ship as the men of the Rebirth, who were able to hear his address as it was given, showed their newly fired up spirit. Yes, today would be a great day for the Imperium.

Exiting Hyperspace, Ronin prepared for combat....

Ronin's Fleet

"The Rebirth" - Peallaeon-Class Star Destroyer (Flagship)

"Spire of Freedom" - Imperial II - Class Star Destroyer

"Cloak of the Imperator" - Imperial II - Class Star Destroyer

"Gauntlet of War" - Vindicator-Class Heavy Cruiser
LOCATION: Leading several Gunships/Fighters/Bombers in the Upper Atmosphere
OBJECTIVE: Take Sith Commando Centre

This would be Meta's second Invasion, and he had learned much sense then. He was better with his use of the force and his Djem So combat and had practice in leading an army much larger than this one. The siths forces were divided between Ossus, Manaan and Kaas. There forces would hopefully be smaller here. Meta was surprised and pleasantly so at faith the Imperator had in him. Taking him to lead the first attack on the Strong Hold.

Meta's gunship was at the head of many, after the ships had left the Rebirth. It had taken a few minutes for the ships to reach the atmosphere of the planet, the fighters had spread out to attack ground forces and the bombers had been sent to focus on any and all AA guns. Meta's gunships would be landing outside the Commando Centre, they were more than likely to meet heavy resistance. But these soldiers were prepared, as the Gunships began to land, the outer defences of the enemy b
ase almost immediately put up a impressive fight. Cannons in the walls, many gunships returned to the air as quickly as they had descended and had begun firing upon the Commando Centre. Meta and 50-60 troops rushed he front line. Meta at their head he used Makashi, deflecting bolts as they came at him. "FORWARD!" Meta howled, his men charging fearlessly into the enemy lines.

Soon the front line had been charged and the second wave of gunships had dropped their troops around the Commando centre. The Commando Centre was surrounded. Meta's tactic had worked without a hitch, his men had suffers causalities on the front line for sure. But this allowed the rest of his men to surround the enemy Command Centre. It seemed as if the Sith guard no leader here.
The Sith were being invaded at all fronts so it wasn't overly surprising. However he had expected more of a fight like at Ossus. Meta believed in his imperator, they would win this fight today.

Hopefully someone would be heading to supply the natives with weapons and set them out against the Sith. With the natives their chances of a successful invasion would be greatly increased. However, Meta believed even without they would still win. Meta had faith in the strength of the Fel Empire, and of course the republic and everything related.

@[member="Ronin Fel"]
Location: The Sith Temple Complex
Objective: Destroy the Sith Temples in the Capital City
NPC Complement: 12 Droids​

This was a day that had taken far too long to come...and now that it had finally arrived, the Archmaster of the Imperial Knights found himself wired. He stood, garbed in his standard Templar Armor, before the Fel Imperator as he roused his forces with a valiant speech; and upon its conclusion he began to make his way down to the hanger of the flagship. For this portion of the operation, Josiah would be relying upon assistance in the form of his "personal guard". They were known as the Puffcake Brigade and were a consisted of a squad of twelve Exemplar Battle Droids. This was the first time that the Archmaster's cadre of saber-wielding droids would see battle, but he was confident that they would see victory this day: for Josiah had one helluva beef with the Sith Empire.

His orders were simple: Destroy the Sith Temples in the Capital City.

To this end, the Archmaster quickly entered the dropship that had been designated for the usage of he and his team. Once seated and strapped in, the engines were ignited, the doors closed, and they took off alongside a literal swarm of vessels headed for the surface. The way down was bumpy as all get out, for the pilot had to take evasive maneuver after evasive maneuver to avoid the incoming anti-aircraft fire. However, there was complete silence onboard and not an emotion was out of place...for droids didn't have emotions and Josiah took the opportunity to center himself in the Force. He had never been more aware of death than he was in these moments, for as the dropship descended to the planet below, a percentage of them were being mercilessly shot down by the anti-aircraft emplacements.

In an instant, brave men and women who were cheering in the name of their Imperator ceased to exist...and each death was an icy needle prickling upon the surface of Josiah's skin. However, despite this uncanny awareness, the Archmaster inhaled a deep breath and began to attain true focus. There was a grand outpouring of all that defined Josiah Denko and a monumental influx of the Force. He was but a cup, emptying itself out as to make room for the tsunami that was the Force...and once he had obtained this focus, his eyes opened once more. The Archmaster was now ready to fight, and not a moment too soon; for the dropship had literally broken through the atmosphere only to be grazed by an anti-aircraft bolt. Metal began to fall from the ship and smoke poured from its wound, yet the pilot, a droid, performed its duty to the letter.

The flaps were elevated. The brakes were applied. And with the help of Lady Luck and the providence of the Force, the vessel reached its destination. There was no proper landing...but a crashing through the front wall of the first Temple. The target area was...almost akin to a city. There were several buildings, in close proximity to one another, and each and every one of them was a Temple to the Sith. This was the area that Josiah had to see destroyed, and there was nothing like the present. He quickly unstrapped himself from the seat and shoved the door open with a telekinetic heave, then leapt out into the darkness of the main hall. At first, there was silence: a quiet acknowledgement of the presence of one's enemy...then Josiah reached for his saber.

Snap. Hiss.

The first light which illuminated the darkness of the Sith Temple was the golden blade of "Selara", the saber wielded by the Archmaster. Not a second later, a chorus of lightsaber ignitions sounded from within the ruins of the dropship as the Puffcake Brigade readied their weapons and joined their commander's side. The silence continued, and was broken by a single transmission compliments of the pilot droid. "Phoenix Legion, coordinates transmitted. You are cleared to engage." The time for the battle to begin was now...but who would be the Archmaster's opponent?

@[member="Krag"]. @[member="Krag"]. @[member="Krag"]. @[member="Krag"]. (Get the hint?)
Objective: 4, Destroy Sith Temples
Heading to the Surface.

Sitting in one of the many dropships that were coming down to attack the Sith Temples. I wore a standard set of armor that was called something weird to my mind. Looking at the tag that was still around my neck It pointed out that the Jagged class Royal Stormtrooper Armor was slightly different from the other ones. It was modified to have the Medic However, I just wore "The red one" Because there was no way that I was going to take the Heavier sets, and the lighter ones felt weird on my body. However, the Medical variant, fit perfectly for me. With the Red kilt and all, I looked pretty good. Well atleast I thought so.

I had the helmet off because for me it was too large and would hinder my movement, However, I took a Comlink with me and it was attached to my left ear. With my lightsaber in my right hand, We made it to the ground. It was very bumpy and jostled me around some, but I could manage it. Once we blasted though the walls, Fire was upon us. The doors opened, and my saber came to life with the conforting snap hiss, and the slight vibration of the hilt in my hands. Holding it in the Reverse Shien stance, I ran out. A trooper thought it would take me alone, but was ended with a quick strike to the neck.

My saber became a blur of yellow as it moved to block the blaster bolts. Only time would tell if someone would face against me. Maybe then I could put to test my Shii-cho, and Shien forms. And with a slight trick up my sleeve, I knew that this would be rather fun, but dangerous.


Phoenix Legion's General
Aboard The Rebirth loading gunships and descending to the Surface.
Zrash was dropping with the Grandmaster. While the Chiss had no quarrels with the man he had hoped he would be fighting alongside the Imperator again. The male was once again clad in his light grey Phoenix Officer's uniform with reinforced armor plates under it. On his left hip was his vibrosword and on the right was a Verpine Shattergun of the pistol variant. He had already organized his men and as always, the valiant Infinite squad boarded his gunship. Each saluting him as they passed.

Their objective was simple enough, to drop in and smash the Sith Temples to bits alongside Grandmaster Josiah Denko. Phoenix were the baddest of the bad when it came to Fel. Each one of them was handpicked by the Imperator or his senor staff for acts of valor, bravery, or honor. They were know for extreme feats of courage and skill amongst the Imperial military and they would show that once more today. Zrash, as in tradition, checked his datapad. All ships were greenlighted. The General took a deep breathe and then went to speak.
"Men, we are about to begin our campaign on the Sith. We have come so far since our creation, our CELL boys in particular, we have already raised a million credits worth of slag for the Sith and their compatriots and we have already shed blood in defense of our Imperator. Today, you show them that you are the best of the best, that you commandos, troopers, guardians, and emissary's of the light can thrown down just as well as they can, even better. Today we get to blast apart a Temple or two and show them how puny their so called religion really is. So all hands on deck, lets blow these fething enemies of our Imperator, of our people, of us, away!"

Phoenix roared in response. Then they lifted off like a swarm after Josiah's gunship. It wouldn't take long for them to hit the ground and some would be clipped by AA as they descended. But it was a quick process once they did, all 10,000 soliders disembarked in various landing zones and started fighting their way toward the Temples, guns blazing. Zrash and Infinite Squad followed right after Josiah, weapons hot. En route Zrash slew several troopers with that cruel pistol of his, slowly becoming much better in actual combat and once again the General lead from the front. "Phoenix! Split into three flanks and protect the Grandmaster and the CELL squads at costs. They carry the explosives!"

@[member="Josiah Denko"] @[member="Ronin Fel"]
| @[member="Ronin Fel"] | @[member="Meta "]| @[member="Josiah Denko"] | @[member="Xander Carrick"] |
Sith Objective: Defend the Sith Temples

The Sith Marauder was stood upon a tower in one of the cities highest points, her black cloak swirling around her as the wind kicked it and her blonde hair up around her body. Two gloved hands were locked around the edges of a pair of binoculars, her eyes searching the beautiful landscape and clear skies. She had been dispatched by the Empire to Dubrillion to quell the rebellious curs that had risen against the Sith, when news had come in that enemy forces were beginning to land on the ground. "Reinforcements," she had murmured, when the radio chatter had come in.

She didn't need to know who they were or why they were here. Only an unsustainable hatred for the new enemy had risen up in Ayra, like a beast rising to the taste of the dark side, willing her to destroy them. That they were the Fel, an ancient enemy of the Empire from the days of Darth Krayt and the One Sith, only gave her purpose other than the dark side of the Force willing her to wield the weaponry she would need to end them on Dubrillion.

She knelt down to the sides, lowering the binoculars into a shoulder strap bag. Her hands wrapped around a WESTAR 35 blaster rifle and she rose with it, her right eye set on the scope. When she had a lock on the drop ships descending to the planetary surface, she opened fire. The drop ships around Josiah Denko's dropped under the precision fire of the Sith Marauder, yet the majority of them passed, landed and crashed into the Sith Temples in the horizon. Cold fury gripped the blonde haired Sith Marauder as she flicked the safety back on her weapon and lowered it back into the bag. She zipped it closed, raised the strap around her neck and shoulder, in order to rise up with it and it's contents. She turned away from the rising plumes of smoke and fire in the horizon to her Taral-class starfighter. She was secured inside the vessel, she did not bother with the preliminary pre flight check that she normally took. Instead, she lifted the vessel into the air and begun her way to the Sith Temple.

Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden
Location: Sith Temple​
Objective: Defend the Sith Temple​
NPC Compliment: Graug Horde Guard​

@[member="Josiah Denko"]

An aura as dark as the blackest depths of chaos currently surrounded the temple and deep within the icy cold heart of the dark temple was a beast who fed upon the darkness like a leech on blood. Krag, Graug knight of the Sith and master of the greatest fire lord of the Empire, emerged from the shadows of his chambers as warning sirens began to blare throughout the Sith city. Krag's eyes of burning fire observed the Fel dropships dropping through the atmosphere, his body rocking as Fel blew through the walls of the temple on a lower level. Krag chuckled under his breath as the Fel began to swarm the city, so this was the army of the 'mighty Fel Imperium" that had stripped away Sith lands and caused rebellion throughout his Sector. Krag had worked hard to bring about the superiority of his people across Sector I of the Empire and he was going to fight to the last breath to defend it.

Using what little force sense he had left, Krag sent out tendrils of the darkside to prod at the multiple different signatures that currently intruded into his domain. The tendrils poked around the various and disgusting signatures of the lightsiders who were now invading but only one stood out in Krag's mind. There was a leader among the forces, one whose lightside presence was throbbing like a sore spot on the planet's dark surface...a presence that was familiar. Krag's lips curled into a cynical smile as he realize who this powerful lightsider was, the same man he had been ordered to assist with the building of a synthetic crystal and the only lightsider Krag had found noteworthy enough to remember his name

"Denko, I feel your presence" Krag said through a telepathic message to the newly appointed Imperial Knight Archmaster "I have long awaited to spill your blood and when I have, your head shall be posted beside my throne."

With the challenge sent, Krag turned to his Horde guard and motioned them to follow as he stepped out onto a large balcony overlooking the city. Crossing his arms and observing the stortroopers of the opposing Empires killing one another in the streets, the beast waited
Location: "The Rebirth" - Peallaeon-Class Star Destroyer (Flagship)
Sector: Bridge with @[member="Ronin Fel"]

He stood in long grey robes; cowled and hands folded from sleeve to sleeve. His eyes shimmered dimly under his shroud as they gazed upon the fleet storming forward towards the atmosphere of Dubrillion. Another invasion he thought. The Sith presence on this system was far greater. He could feel him. The Emperor was here. Squadrons upon squadrons, like ants raiding over a mound, the planet was encumbered into the fury of the Fel Empire. True, Darc was representing the Republic, or how they knew him as 'Judas'. They knew little about him and that is how he liked it, just like his presence here in this current invasion was, too. Behind him he heard the Imperator concluding his pompous speech. It was expected for a man of such stature. It did not matter either way to Darc. He was here and that is what mattered most. The bridge grew into a thunderous applause as the Imperator moved forward with the operation; barking orders here and there. Still, Darc remained silent and to himself gazing upon the planet beyond through the viewport before him. Into the fire this ancient was to meet with the Sith once more.
Location: Sith Temple
Objective: Destroy the Sith Temple Complex
Sub-Objective: ROFLstomp Krag (love ya buddy)
NPC Complement: 12 Droids (Left w/Zrash)

The advent of the Legion and other brave souls from the Imperium heralded the beginning of the battle, and absolute pandemonium erupted in both the temple's interior and the streets. For those who were rushing forward to assist the Archmaster, they would have been greeted by the site of a whirling blade of gold; deflecting blaster bolts back upon the troopers who fired them or defending against the acolytes who rushed him and the Puffcake Brigade. He and his cadre of droids then moved in the direction of the gaping hole they had made, attempting to rendezvous with the Legion forces pouring in before mounting a stronger offensive against the Temple...It was then that he felt the touch of another presence brush against his mind.

The sensation could only be described as standing in front of a blazing inferno, one whose smoke polluted the air and stung the lungs. The cloying presence of the Dark Side was repulsive to the Archmaster; yet the signature and voice associated with it were vastly familiar. T'was none other than Krag, the Sith who had tread within the halls of the Roon Sanctum in years past. He was a hulking creature, one whose very essence reeked of evil...and now fate would have it that the two would come to blows this day. A challenge was posed to the Archmaster and he would gladly accept, calling to him the might of the Force to assist in his arriving to the location of his challenger. The enigmatic energies flooded to his limbs, aiding him in moving faster as his foot bore him in a swift jog to the Legion's forces.

"General @[member="Zrash'toul'frusku"], @[member="Xander Carrick"], take the Brigade and push forward...I've got a big one to put down." he said as he rushed past the influx of Imperium forces and out through the wall that his dropship had created. The moment he stepped into the light of day, Josiah bounded into the air. The Force bore him up, as if propeling him with unseen wings, and the Archmaster raced through the air as swift as a diving falcon. His ascension brought him to the balcony where the Sith was waiting, and the Archmaster brought himself to a swift halt upon the stone floor. "So we meet again." he said, standing tall with his blade held aloft. There was no doubt in his mind that the creature had grown in power since the last time they had met...but so too had Josiah. He wasn't the wet-behind-the-ears Knight any longer, he was the Archmaster of the Imperial Knights.

And he was there to put Krag down.


The Fel Imperium. An ancient group of fools that didn't belong here and wouldn't exist after today. Aronis walked out of the Temple gazing across the battfield as the Fel's descended upon it. As the troops poured onto the battlefield a specific person caught his attention. A Jedi. Aronis watched with a look of amusment as he beheaded a trooper. The yellow blade whirled about deflecting shots killing troopers. Something would need to be done about him. Aronis activated his blood red blade and charged at him, covering the distance surprisingly fast.

@[member="Xander Carrick"]

Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden
Location: Sith Temple​
Objective: Defend the Sith Temple​
NPC Compliment: Graug Horde Guard​

@[member="Josiah Denko"]

The four Horde Guard, that stood on either side of Krag, began to hiss in voices of liquid metal as Josiah ascended to the balcony. The lesser Graug could sense the Master's lightside aura and it frightened them to the point of backing away from the very Graug they were charged to protect. As his sons backed away, Krag merely snorted and stood his ground. The beast's one good eye was burning a hole through Josiah like a burning yellow ember that was fueled by never ending hate and was impossible to extinguish. Yes, this was indeed the same man that Krag had met in CIS space all those years ago and he had grown quite powerful in his weak ways and it was interesting that Krag would find him among the Fel forces. Already, as they stood looking at one another, Krag began to fuel and empower himself with the energies given off by the dark temples.

"Denko, I had hoped I would have the pleasure of hunting you across your own home...but I suppose killing you in my own kingdom will have to do." Krag growled as he held his right hand out far to one side and called his saber into his hand. The blade flung violently from his ultrachrome armor and into his massive hand so that his razor sharp claws could grip it firmly. With a cracking hiss the saber activated and shot forth a blade of plasma that was an ashy grey like its owners skin and even seemed to drip fumes cinder and evil from its edge "I shall not kill you first...I shall merely cut your legs and arms from your body and keep you as my pet and when the Sith prevail in this war, I shall make you watch as I lead my Graug armies across Confederate and Fel space until everything you love is dead."

Without even a hint of warning, Krag quickly charged a fireball into existence from his left palm. The fire was burning so hot that it was white in Krag's grasp and when thrown at the Archmaster, it seemed to burn the very air it touched. As the ball of flame soared through the air, Krag moved in and swept his blade in a slow but very powerful strike at Josiah's waist.
Objective 1: Supply Arms and Munitions
Breaching Atmosphere
12 Hades Gunships, 6 with Weapons Payload, 6 with Arms/Munitions

It was that feeling again. The telltale feeling of an engagement coming on. He knew that it was going to be his first with this new team of his. His new life. His new comrades. That was all new, but this was the one thing that felt familiar. He could roll with this. He was going to have to. And he was a commander, there was a need for him to get his mind, and his team into the right place.

There were a few things that he was needing to do, and after checking the maps out on their target, he was figuring he could try to make this work. He knew one thing for sure, those rebels were going to need their weapons. That one seemed like a simple enough task. The trick was getting all his pilots in their ships. Walking through the flight deck of The Rebirth, the Commander was watching the pilots. He wanted to be in a Zero-G environment, flying in atmosphere made things feel chunky. Like flying a sponge. Dropping into the atmosphere was something different.

Shaking his head, he snapped himself out of the reverie. He had a job to do. Stepping up to the pilots he would be leading down to the planet’s surface, he looked each and every one in the eye, walking back and forth in front of them before speaking. “Alright, pilots. Let’s give them hell. Watch for the AA fire, they’ll be tearing you up. Evens, you’ve got the gifts for our rebels on the ground. And Odds, you’ve got the payloads. Once we’re clear of the city, we’re going to try to loop out to the camps. You’ll be in charge of lighting them up.” His speeches needed work. So what?

Simple, right? “Let’s get on out there!” Putting his flight helmet on, he was getting aboard the Hades gunship that was marked for him. Sure, it wasn’t the thing he wanted to be flying, but this is where he needed to be. Lights were green. “We’re clear, Birds.” Right, that wasn’t quite right. “Delivery team, lets go. Gunners, make sure you’re targeting missiles, and put shield front!”

The best feeling was launching from the deck. Hands down. The flight to the planet was quiet, when in comparison to the roaring of AA fire, and the other ships dropping into the atmosphere. While most of the fire focused on the Capital City, Jared was leading his squadron over to the outskirts of town. They had a delivery to make. “Odds, get ready to open up, and gunners, watch for anything.” Who knew what was going on.
Meta's previous assumptions had been correct. They had no leader, all the Sith were at the temple. A smile appears on the face of the Jedi as he cut through a storm troopers chest. This was going to be easy, his soldiers had pushed passed the front line. The gunships that had landed behind the enemy lines were now pushing back the back line, the Fel Empire were crushing the with troops. Cornering and annihilating the outer defences. But, the interior would be different. The building was large and dominant and snipers had been causing trouble from above.

"Gunship, take care of those snipers!" A single gunship turned, firing a red hot been of blazing plasma over the top of the building. Breaking the concrete of the building and vaporising the sniper. Meta pushed on the advance, cutting down many storm troopers o the way their. Through the second line and over the third line. Hopefully the would meet the troops that had landed behind the Sith after a little more pushing. But, Meta did not know what defences were in store at the back of the Sith defence.

Many a trooper on both side fell, blaster fire left unchecked and killing at will. Meta was nearly a blur, with his force speed and augmentations. Blaster fire soared through he air where he used to be, then a few more troopers were cut down. Storm troopers stormed his position, delving into the force. Meta blasted them back with a powerful blast of force energy. Sending minor ripples throughout the nearby enemy forces. Meta wasn't going to let the Sith keep this base for much longer.
((OOC: How dare you all start te party without moi.))

OBJ: Free the slaves in the internment camps
LOC: Aboard Cloak of the Imperator, preparing commandos

Day after day after painstaking day, Jae had endlessly trained herself for a moment such as this. The Sith Empire would finally feel the full and mighty length of the blade that was the Fel Imperium. She had not slept for two days in preperation for the moment coming. There weren't many Deilokin in the Imperium's army considering most Deilokin prefer naval occupations, but the ones who were, were some of the toughest bastards the Imperial army has.

Jae gathered her Deilokin commandos and proceeded towards the hanger. Each one was equipped with their Deilosian weapons and armor that was suited only to a Deilokin. Once locked and loaded, the squad of six commandos boarded the gunship and prayed to their Gods that they would return unharmed and their armors stained with Sith blood. "This is Commander Jae'Koris to all Fel Imperials. I am headed for the internment camps in order to free those taken against their will by the Sith. If anyone should require my assistance afterwards, do not hesitate to ask." The gunship entered orbit and landed in a clearing upon the surface of the planet. "The sounds of blaster fire int he distance meant the others had the majority of the Sith preoccupied, thus giving Jae and her commandos an opening. "Let's move, commandos. For Deilos! For the imperator!" The gunship doors slid open and the commandos jumped from the ship and sprinted through the foliage.
| @[member="Xander Carrick"] | @[member="Krag"] | @[member="Josiah Denko"] |

The Taral-class starfighter maneuvered among the rapidly rising plumes of smoke and above the raging battle that was now occurring on Dubrillion, as Empire and Fel forces met each other in combat below her. Her golden eyes were locked on the Sith Temple ahead. Reports were coming in that the Fel's had utilized a tactic that the Sith had once used during the Sacking of Coruscant several hundred centuries ago. She felt a great sense of admiration for the boldness of the Fel's and their attack. It was a respect that, as a soldier, she could feel because they were fighting to remove Sith opposition. It was, however, as a Sith that her cold sense of unadulterated hatred consumed her as she flew the craft down towards the entrance that the Fel forces had begun their raid.

Rage controlling her, Ayra checked that the straps that held her in place inside the Taral were secured before aiming the nose of the ship towards the entrance of the Sith Temple, that the Archmaster Josiah Denko and Jedi Padawan Xander Carrick had crashed into, alongside their forces. She jettisoned the canopy above her, the transparisteel frame sucked up by the wind around the craft as it nose dived. A ringing sound, like a siren, filled the area as the Taral made it's way to the ground. The seat beneath her was jettisoned too into the air by the safety protocols put in place, that allowed a pilot to fly out of the enclosed space and out into the air, in the event that the Taral were about to crash. The safety protocol wasn't meant to be used in this way, as it was only used for emergencies, when a pilot could no longer sustain flight. But that didn't affect Ayra's decision making. This was a kamikaze run, after all.

The chute blew out from behind the seat as she flew up into the air, her blonde hair rising up from behind her head. Thankfully, the hairband she had utilized to hold her hair behind her head in a pony tail kept the strands together, so the hair did not get in the way of her mission. Slowly, she began to drift towards ground. As she did so, the WESTAR M5 blaster rifle that was strapped around her neck was placed before her. Utilizing the scope of the weapon, she aimed for the enemy soldiers below her and opened fire on them.

As Ayra descended, the Taral crashed into the entrance. The Sith Marauder had tried her best to aim the starfighter for the shuttle that the Fel's had utilized to crash into the Sith temple first. Fire and debris (brimstone >:]) were raised by the resulting explosion after the ship crashed. Smoke was rising over the battle ground from the inferno at the temple entrance.

Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden
@[member="Darc Xavior Talus"]

Ronin stood beside the Jedi Master, his prosthetic eye observing as the legions of gunships descended upon the planet. The war effort seemed to be going well and the Sith resistance was...futile to say the least. As it now appeared, the Sith must have overextended their assets, which was no surprise considering they were now fighting a three fronted war. Glancing over to Darc, Ronin said in his usual business tone "Tell me, Jedi, how goes the Republic's war efforts?"
Objective: 4, Destroy Sith Temples
Sith Temple, Attempt of moving forwards.

My yellow saber lashed out at a few more troopers. Blocking their blaster bolts and sending them right back with deadly accuracy. As a Shien form practitioner, bolts that were shot my way were sent back with a swing of my blade, rather than deflecting them to end harmlessly into the ground or a wall. I fought along side @[member="Josiah Denko"], our Archmaster of the Imperial knights. Dressed in armor that was not of the Fel Imperium. He looked slightly out of place. but as a Archmaster, he was out of place anyways.

His commands to move forwards as he hundred down came to @ Zrash'toul'frusku and I. My face was emotionless as I rushed forwards. Hitting more targets and even more troopers. "Fel Soldiers! Advance!' I roared over the scream of blaster fire and the hum of lightsaber blades. I blocked a thousandth blaster bolt when I could feel a twinge to the right side of me. Bringing my blade up just in time for a red saber to clash with mine.

"Nice to meet you." I spoke before sending a force push at the man's chest. I rather liked my space, and would not want people to intrude. but, that didn't mean that I couldn't intrude on them. Quickly coming up after my force push, I lashed out at the man, sending a side arc from right to left, then a second from left to right, and came in for a stab.

@[member="Aronis Vilgar"],
"Your mission: to free slaves from this internment camp," began an elderly human male in an officer's uniform. Before him were a large group of men dressed from their neck-downwards in stormtrooper armour. Voroll was amongst them, but towards the back of the group, surrounded by two troopers he had befriended not too long before. The officer pointed to a holographic map that launched behind him. On the map rotated a world that, whether or not because of the holographic projectors, was coloured blue. It zoomed in towards a small island chain. "These islands are man made and at least two of them contain large camps filled with slaves of the Sith Empire. Over here," his hand moved to the left, away from the two nearly-connecting islands to one a distance away. "Is an anti-air cannon that must be taken out before any slaves can be lifted into the cities. If possible, do not cause any damage to it. Its position is crucially strategic, at any and all costs do not cause significant damage to it."

While his voice didn't get any quieter, after that Voroll zoned out of what was being said. His mind trailed off to inadvertently checking the emotions of those surrounding him through the Force. He couldn't pin-point who felt what, with being in such a small space with a lot of men. Most of these stormtroopers (who had spent most of their lives in the service and had memorised oaths proclaiming their lives to rest in the hands of their Emperor) felt varying degrees of fear, which Voroll now assumed to be a normal feeling during war. Some were excited and others felt heavily guilty. Possibly because of the last opportunities to say goodbye to those who truly meant the world to them. Regardless of the emotions of these soldiers, Voroll had to stop intercepting their emotions: it was bad for him because all he could think of then were how they hurt his chest or made him feel light-headed. This, in a life-or-death scenario, could be the reason for an Imperial Knight Cadet's body bag to return to Bastion.

Before setting off the officer had been replaced by another human.
"To those who don't know me, I'm Captain Karrim Molan." A look shot through the crowd to Voroll, whose face dropped and attention had been brought back into the conversation by a pair of hard-staring blue eyes. "I want to wish you all the best of luck with this operation. We drop in ten." He offered those assembled a Fel salute: a fist pressed against his chest and over the heart. The rest of the group stood to attention and followed suit.
"IUS!" The ensemble chorused, before moving off into their respective platoons to begin drop preparations.

Voroll's back was patted by Mebba, one of the two troopers he had helped him with his aim and shooting with a blaster.
"Come on, lad. You're gonna get your boots wet, soon." He laughed and briskly walked off, followed by a few others and finally Voroll.
Aboard the Scythe
Exiting hyperspace, High Orbit, Dubrillon
Fleet ORBAT:
1 x Pellaeon-class Star Destroyer (Scythe)
2 x Imperial II-class Star Destroyers (Quake, Chokehold)
With his fleet surging forth from the black vastness of space, Grand Admiral Davin found himself loving each and every moment he was aboard such a vessel. Though these were some ancient models, they'd been refurbished by the Fel shipyards and were now on par with any other capital ship that dared even look at them the wrong way. The particular one he was on was dubbed the Scythe, a namesake he hoped would prove to be true as his fleet would sweep through the ranks of the the enemy.

Since his fleet flanked that of the Imperator's, they were obviously on linked channels. The Grand Admiral had no real need to offer a speech to his men, they all knew what to do and how to do it. The crewmen and officers were probably the best in the entire Navy, though. Davin had personally led the training of dozens of officers aboard his fleet and had instilled a great deal of competence and confidence within them. These Sith baddies were going down the drain today in the name of the Imperium.

Rather than giving a speech, the Admiral began to bark orders. "All weapons are to be primed now. Deploy all fighters and begin screening tactics. I want all troops and assault forces groundside now!"And with a cascading roar of war cries, shouts of approval from the bridge crews and Stormtrooper battalions, the plans were set in motion. He'd arrived fashionably late, a little more than he'd expected but it was nothing to worry about.

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