Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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You can check out anytime, but you can never leave (Republic Dominion of Zeltros)


Corvus knew timing was key here. Regardless of civility, this was a tense moment. So she paused before replying.

“No, this is not about Melori, but I’m glad to hears she’s learned patience – father was never known for his. And we must talk about her appearance on Ossus and her penchant for removing bricks…but not now.”

Corvus slowly pulled a package from her cloak. It was relatively small and looked like a cylinder wrapped in a black velvet. She unfurled it and without touching the item itself, held it out for Avreet. It was a beautiful Makashi saber.

“My Padawan showed me this a while ago. He collected it during the Galactic Event and I immediately recognised it. Despite the use you’ll most likely put it to, it seems fitting to return it. I’m sure you’ve replaced it, but sometimes these things have a greater value than their purpose.”

She handed the bundle to Avreet and gave her sister a look. She hoped she’d done the right thing. By Avreet and by the Jedi Order.

[member=”Taeli Rae”] | [member=”Darth Veles”] | [member=”Lugus Porkins”]
Post 8/20
Objective: Show me the money younglings!

Inside the warehouse were a small group of Trandoshan brutes. The dimly lit building made getting a visual on anything rather difficult to say the least. She made a bit of a struggle to keep up her ruse while her captor liberated her of her two lightsabers, tossing them to one of his comrades who looked curiously at the weapons, as if trying to figure out how they worked. After fiddling with the device for a few moments he managed to press the activator on the blade and it sprung to life, startling the beast, which in turn caused him to drop the saber to the ground. The others looked at him and hissed in their native tongue. He then quietly picked up the saber and placed it with the other down on a crate while Sera was forcefully thrown into a small cage like an animal. A tarp was then pulled and secured over and around the cage.

She couldn't get a clear count on the exact number of Trandoshans here, it looked like roughly six. The majority of the warehouse contained nothing but empty shelves, save for a number of covered crates and cages, much like the one she was sitting in. She heard only a few passing sounds or movements coming from the crates, but wasn't certain whether these were the younglings, or just captured beasts. Illegal species trade was just as profitable as slave trade, so it wouldn't be too far fetched to see both in one place. Time would tell whether these were the children or not. Sure, she could have likely whispered to get the attention of the younglings, but the risk of them alerting the Trandoshans through panic or eagerness may not be worth the risk.

And so Sera sat quietly, patiently waiting. They were not in any immediate danger, and the Trandoshans would have to move them at some point. So rather than to make any bold advances yet, she was content to simply sit until they were moved, or implications of harm were made. She had hoped the others were able to at least follow them here and were deriving their own plan now. Perhaps this would be a good test for the Padawans, collectively.

[member="Morgana Forceborn"] | [member="Nefertari Sovint"] | [member="Ciara Jevnaker"] | [member="Dair Cotarin"]
[ 6 / 20 ]
Halberdier-class IPV Wavecrest, outskirts of the Zeltros System

"Faint sensor contact about a third of a light year out," muttered the Wavecrest's rodian sensor operator, "I can't quite make out what it is from here, but it's headed this way without a doubt."

"Let's go to silent running," decided Gir.

The tapered warship's engines died down, letting the craft drift forward on inertia alone. Across the bridge, the various crewmembers shut down their systems or brought them down to the bare minimums for safety's sake. While not invisible, the Wavecrest would be much harder to detect or discern from this distance to the approaching starship. The man from Hast turned his gaze back to Luxi, who made a pouty face at him.

"So now we're going to go even slower, huh?"

"More or less."

"Doesn't sound very fun to me."

"Well, I didn't say that we'd stay any slower," sighed Gir, "we're going to go back to the fighters."

"Ah," said Luxi, her face brightening up, "so we're going to fly out and meet them."

"And hopefully chase them back into the Wavecrest's arms if they are who we hope they are."

"You mean who you hope they are. I hope it's a party yacht with some good food and drink to share, among other things..."
[SIZE=9pt]Melori and moderate, even patient? Avreet did not know whether to attribute this welcomed change to Lady Arcanix’ teachings or the blonde Acolyte’s resolve to become something better, a true Sith that valued self-control and understood the dangers of unchecked passion. Whether her impatient, brash nature has diminished to the point of non-existence or has only been temporarily subdued remained to be seen, yet the progress was undeniable, almost making Avreet want to take another apprentice and finally mould this one into a proper Sith. Veles missed teaching apprentices, but remained aware the majority of those searching for a teacher suffered from mental instabilities and issues, making it impossible to train them properly. Being moderate certainly did not help the Mon Cal Sith Lord – way too many Acolytes wanted to be taught by a monster killing anyone for any reason, not a “weakling” that lived restrained by his own mantra. Maybe once Lady Arcanix finally became a Voice of the Dark Lord… but again, that was nothing more than wishful thinking now. Curing the Sith as a whole of the insanity and bloodlust promised to be long, painful process. For now, Sith moderates had to stick together and survive in the midst of treachery and madness displayed by the more radical sentients following the Sith Code.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Congratulations,” said Avreet respectfully, his piercing gaze shifting towards Taeli, “Your sister will make an excellent Sith once she learns the importance of honour and justice. You must be very proud.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Before more left his mouth, Avreet caught movement in the corner of his eye, the Jedi Grandmaster reaching into her brown Jedi robes to retrieve something. The Sith Lord turned his attention towards the mystery, frown spreading over his face, suspicion growing stronger as the Force once again blessed him with a kiss-like sensation he felt upon noticing his beloved lady’s presence. The black velvet wrapped around it gave the package an undefined shape that somewhat resembled a curved cylinder, yet deep within his mind Avreet knew of what rested hidden under the cloth even before the revelation. The frown softened, vanishing almost as quickly as it appeared, replaced by the typical stone-cold expression Avreet usually wore. The amber eyes of the Sith Lord spoke of surprise and joy though, fires dancing within. His lightsaber! And most importantly the crystal serving as the weapon's heart, extremely valuable to him. Not because of some legendary power; it was a fairly typical synthetic crystal, one quite common among the Sith. This one’s been created by a powerful Sith Witch though, awarded to her apprentice. It still radiated her presence, just a small portion of the woman’s true greatness, but strong enough to be felt by the wielder.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Eagerly taking it from Corvus, webbed hand immediately lovingly caressing the hilt as his senses tried to feel Zarrah’s signature, Avreet smiled. He had not made any replacement – the thought of replacing the lost gift seemed disrespectful, and as such there was an empty space on his belt where this weapon used to be. The Sith Lord swiftly corrected it as the hand holding the gift vanished under his cloak and came back empty. He felt whole again.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Thank you,” he offered a polite smile, his eyes still displaying excitement, “Have you touched it, Corvus? Have you tasted my lady’s presence? I hope you have taken the opportunity to bask in her greatness, feel the power…!” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]His chains of self-control swiftly subdued the sudden rush of excitement and joy that flooded his body. Letting out a soft laugh and waving his hands in dismissal, he swiftly apologized.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“I am sorry lady Raaf, I understand it must look silly to you. Lady Zarrah means everything to me and it is easy to forget only few have been blessed by her light, witnessing her wisdom and perfection. Maybe once another Dark Jedi burns in the Void, we will invite you to dinner. The entire Jedi Order would benefit from her wisdom.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Another short laugh followed, the rush of joy returning to his body, easy for the Force users around to notice as well. And why wouldn’t the Sith be happy? Everything appeared to be headed in the best of directions. Several high-ranked Silver Jedi would never return from beyond the veil of death, he was going to celebrate with his love, his lightsaber’s been returned, Melori’s been taught the virtue of patience, the Sith stood one step closer to a crucial reform, slaves on this planet would be freed, more planets would be liberated by the Sith, Jedi and Sith had a chance at peace thanks to the relationship between Corvus and Taeli,… what more could one ask for?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Let’s not stand here, my dear ladies,” he spoke once his chuckle died, “A better galaxy unfortunately cannot be built by ideals and passion alone, and while I greatly appreciate your company and the moment of peace we enjoy, there is work to be done. This foolish war is frighteningly effective at ending lives of strong men and women and from what I understand, the Republic does not have as many soldiers as it once had, leaving your forces stretched thin, which allows slavers and pirates to grow strong.”[/SIZE]

[member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Taeli Rae"]
Lugus surprised himself by arriving early. Usually, especially with cooking, he always found himself running late in some way. He didn't mind the wait in away. It would be his own fault after all. Not like she would be the real reason for waiting.

Landing in the spaceport he caught a glimpse of a familiar ship, not destroyed this time around. It would be bad of him to assumed that she crashed every time she flew a ship. He shook his head at the thought then proceeded out of his ship and across to where he saw her. He assumed that she was alone it wasn't until he got too close to turn around is when he realized she wasn't. He arrived just in time to watch the hand off. Lugus' focused on what appeared to be an Imperial symbol on the item. His mind raced with the possibilities of who this Mon Cal was. She wasn't alone with him however. Lugus fixed his eyes on a woman who also had an audience with the two.

Instead of taking another step forward, he took a step back. Lugus didn't want to interupt anything important or dangerous. Corvus could be in the middle some important jedi work or even undercover. He was caught however. He smiled lightly at Corvus as he finished crossing the distance as the Mon Cal finished talking about slavers and pirates. There were a lot more of them now. This was Lugus' first thought on the matter. He pushed it aside for now however.

"It's good to see you again, Corvus. I hope you are doing well," he gave a slight bow. He wanted to call her grandmaster and her last name but frankly he had forgot what her last name was. His attention then turned to her company, a weary smile force onto his lips, "Hello, I'm Lugus Porkins. Republic Naval Pilot. It's nice to meet you both."

[member="Corvus Raaf"] | [member="Taeli Rae"] | [member="Darth Veles"]

[ 1 / 20 ]
Location: Zeltros, Some bar on a lake.
Objective: None
Allies: Everyone, especially Vari, Belinda, Sindy, and Shi'ann.
Enemies: Who needs enemies when you have glitterstim?


Ali enjoyed the curves of the Togruta woman in her lap, laughing and talking loudly over the distant music. She was sitting at a table near one of the bars on the beach, having left the dance floor just moments ago. The current song wasn't one of Ali's liking, and she needed a breather anyhow. The small group she'd adopted were sitting with her, one Zeltron and two Humans and a Togruta. The Zeltron, Cindy (with an "S") had the shaded purple skin typical of her people, with bright pink hair and green eyes. The two Humans, Belinda and Vari were both dark haired, though each of a different shade. Belinda was a light-skinned brunette like Ali with blue eyes and a slim figure, while Vari was dark-skinned with wiry black hair that was pulled into a side-hawk along the right side of her face whilst the left side was set in cornrows that twisted toward the top of her head. The Togruta, Shi'ann, had the pinkish base layer of her people, with cream colored head tails and montrals that were marked with grey cross-striping. All five of the women looked beautiful, marked with broad smiles and raucous laughter.
"No, no, no, you should have seen him, it was amazing." Vari was saying over the top of her drink, a tall flagon of something that smelled as fruity as it tasted. "He had these beautiful silver rings pierced into his neck and along his collar bones, and he was so strong!" Vari licked her lips and rolled her eyes. "What I wouldn't have given to take him home that night!" She giggled. Belinda laughed and shook her head. "Why didn't you?" She asked, pulling a pair of tiny straws into her lips and sipping at her drink.
Vari sighed, mocking her own misfortune with a pout. "He was only there for the games, and they had events every morning, so he could never stay out late. At the end of the week..." Vari snapped her fingers loudly, "...he left the planet for some sort of inter-season training. I never had a chance." Ali pushed out her bottom lip as she curled her fingers between those of Shi'ann, who seemed to be enjoying her place in Ali's lap. "Well I'm sorry you missed out! We should track him down!" Ali laughed, as did the rest of the girls. Shi'ann swept her headtail over her shoulder and wrapped her arm around Ali's neck, looking across the table at Vari. "Did they let him compete like that? With the rings in?" her words clipped in a beautifully crafted accent. Vari shook her head, "No, of course not! It would have been dangerous!" The woman looked at Shi'ann in mock offense. The rest of the group laughed, the subject of their discussion happened to have been a professional snow sportsman, and Vari had been regaling them with tales of her work with the Galactic Republic Sports Exchange Commission. Ali reached over Shi'ann's thighs and pried open the small paper pouch that held her glitterstim inside. While Belinda took over the conversation with a story about a mountain man she'd met in the dunes of Tatooine, Ali reached into the pouch with a fingernail and brought some of the dark red powder to her nose, breathing it in swiftly and wiping herself clean. She took a second fingernail's worth and brought it up to Shi'ann's nostrils. The woman took her drugs as well as the rest of them, and Ali closed the pouch and returned it to the tabletop.

The drugs coursing through her system were turning the world myriad different colours, a strange experience particularly on an already colour-ridden world such as Zeltron. Ali was enjoying herself, not having to think about the troubles of her work, her responsibilities on Hapes or her emotional enslavement to Sitara Qin, the young Sith woman she'd met on Kashyyyk weeks before. Her thoughts turned suddenly to Têhra, the timid pelin'a to whom Ali's heart belonged. She wondered what the girl was thinking, what troubles she was suffering at the behest of her cold-souled aunt, the Duch'a Zihanna Syle'a. Ali shook the thoughts from her head, the glitterstim in her blood spurring her toward more positive, exuberant thinking. "Shi'ann," Ali said seductively, patting the Togruta woman's bare thigh. "I want to dance some more, come dance with me." Ali demanded coyly. Shi'ann smiled and leaned over to kiss her, something she did rather well. Ali felt her tongue caress soft lips and pointed teeth, and she smiled against the other woman's mouth. "Come then, we will dance," Shi'ann cooed, sliding down from Ali's lap and prancing barefoot across the sand. Shi'ann was wearing a short leather skirt that and a matching bikini top. A series of elaborate necklaces befitting her culture adorned her neck, as did several small rings in her ears and around her wrists, ankles and fingers. The woman was a cascade of colour that assaulted Ali's senses pleasantly and with the glitterstim in her system the sights had begun to turn into sounds. Shi'ann and her other companions were dancing muses of sight and sound, their bodies pleasing Ali's ears as every bit as her eyes.
Ali followed Shi'ann across the wooden boardwalk to the dance floor at the center of the lake, holding the woman's hand and leading her into the crowd. She took the Togruta woman against her belly, enjoying the pulse of the woman's body against her own. The music seemed to envelop them, and Ali grew lost in her drug-induced joyride as the rest of the girls filtered onto the dance floor behind them. The vibrations of the music became the rhythms Shi'ann produced against Ali's body, and the sights surrounding them turned into the music itself. Hours would go by before Ali was ready to end her night, and she looked forward to relishing every moment of it.

/[member=Corvus Raaf]\
/[member=Seraphina Shel'tah]\

Matron Malgus

Location: Zeltros, Basement of Paradise
Allies: Draco Vereen
Objective: 1
Post Count: 6/20

She had watched as the republic soldier pounded against the face of the hulk-man before he relented and charged after the trandoshan that had caught her shoulder. At the moment there was no blood coming from the wound, which was a fairly good sign, but there was no exit wound either. That did not mean good things. Nevertheless, the man taking down the trandoshan had provided her the opportunity to retrieve the sharp end of her battle staff from beneath the hulk man. She stood calmly and began walking towards the trandoshan's with a look of malice and hatred in her eyes, they would pay for causing her harm.

They did pay, as she threw the sharp end of her staff as a spear through the throat of another trandoshan that was attempting to fire a shot at the republic soldier that had saved her. It was not her intention to keep performing noble feats, but she could not allow the republic man to die on her watch, he was valuable to her - a connection. So, she would remain by his side, looking down briefly at him before she turned her eyes back to the trandoshan's who stopped to assess their opponents. They were stupid creatures, but they were fierce fighters and hunters, which meant they were also analytical in their actions. It was clear they were looking for weaknesses in their opponents by the way their eyes assessed them.
Location: Zeltros, Basement of Paradise
Objective: 1
Allies: [member="Minerva Do'ral"]
Enemies: Trandoshan Guards

When the trandoshan and I hit the ground, I was still slightly dazed, going on instinct alone. The instinct of survive or be the next victim. Often had I fallen into this state of battle lust, it was a power, and advantage when I needed to act and not think, to shrug off pain, or to keep fighting despite the odds. The zealousness that was my curse in peace-time is my greatest and truest friend in battle. Almost a decade of honing my instincts and skills to negate the issue of becoming lost in battle, now when it crept upon me I was a well oiled killing machine. I snatched the trandoshan's blaster from the ground as he recovered from being tackled to the ground. Two quick shots into his torso silenced him and left him on the ground, dead or soon to be that way. I turned to glance back at the woman, to see if she was still alive, still and ally for the moment. I had questions, but they could all wait until after we had escaped or they wouldn't matter anyway.

Her stave zipped by me, finding purchase in the next trandoshan, pinning him to the ground with the sharp end. It was a good throw, and I was impressed. Most people wouldn't still be walking after being hit like that, much less fighting. I would have said so if there was time, but there was only time to fight, "We gotta go back out the way you came in, sister," I told the woman, turning back around to face the trandoshans, dropping to a knee and letting off a stream of bolts, creating some suppressing fire. The small crowd that had gathered to watch the show were swiftly realizing this was not a planned attraction, but instead a mysterious and dangerous escape or rescue attempt that potentially put their lives in danger. They panicked, rushing to leave the arena before they could be captured, killed, or injured. By suppresive fire caught a Trandoshan exiting the service exit that we would have to leave through, and with the others either still inside the passageway or already dead, I stood up, moving for the door.
Location: Zeltros Streets
Objective: Reach out with the Force, find and rescue younglings
Allies: [member="Morgana Forceborn"], [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"], [member="Ciara Jevnaker"], [member="Dair Cotarin"], Polnar the Zeltron

"I think before anything we should actually make sure they're all in there. For all we know this could be a front or a trap. We shouldn't rush in blindly.""If you can, try reaching out with the Force and see if you sense the younglings in there. And Master Sera."
"Hmm. Quite right, padawan Forceborn"
Of course, Nefertari could already sense that there were many life forms inside the warehouse.

Closing her eyes and reaching out with the force, the Knight could sense two distinct presences
"Za'vi...I mean, Master Shel'tah is definitely inside. There are quite a few Trandoshans as well.......I cannot seem to make the final one out. It feels like several different species crammed together. I have no idea what it could be if not the younglings. This is our best lead so far

Nef thought a moment more

"Yes..the younglings are indeed close by."
Obejective: Paaaaaaartaaaaaay!
Allies: [member="Lugus Porkins"]
Enemies: none
[post: 1/20]

Ric was watching from a distance as Porkins was having that little debate in his head...

"Just go talk to her..." he thought to himself.

For a moment he thought he was going to have to step in, but Porkchop finally went up the woman. Apparently he had some kind of date or something. Lugus didn't want to call it that, but Trix knew better. He smiled as he followed behind, the vigilant wingman. His job tonight was to make sure nothing distracted him from the date, and with the other two around the woman, Ric figured he'd better get in.

Out of his pocket came breath spray. He ran to catch up to Porkins like it had been dropped, or left behind somewhere. Seriously, Porkins was gonna need it if it were a date. Didn't want to smooch a lady after eating without covering up whatever you just ate.

"Porkchop wait, you forgot something," he said timed perfectly. "Oh... I'm too late... guess I'll catch you later."

Hopefully that would lead to an introduction.
Objective: Locate the missing younglings and free them from slavers
Location: Near the Warehouse

CJ stood ready and poised waiting for the Knight to complete her ritual to determine if the younglings were indeed inside. When confirmation was given that their little people were being held here, she nodded and began to move toward the rear of the warehouse. She had always been a woman of action. Debating, squabbling, and back room deals belonged in the Senate or the Jedi Council; out here in the galaxy it was action that held the final word. And since she was neither Senator or a member of the Jedi Council, she had no need of such politics.

"Padawan Morgana," CJ said as she detached herself from the group; placing the comlink in one of her robes inner pockets. "Let's go kick in the back door."

Old habits were hard to break. She once again took the role of leadership by almost ordering her fellow Padawan to join her. She made a mental note to speak with her Master later on this topic. She didn't want the others to think she was a glory hound or worse, a Jedi with delusions of having wonderful tales put to holodisk of her adventures for all the future generations to read. She didn't want to be a legend or a role model for any youngling, present or future, to look up to. That was pride. And pride was dangerous.

"Forgive me," CJ added as they stepped around the side of the warehouse. "You have seniority over me. What do you suggest we do?"

[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] / [member="Nefertari Sovint"] / [member="Morgana Forceborn"] / [member="Dair Cotarin"]
[member="Lugus Porkins"] [member="Darth Veles"] [member="Corvus Raaf"]

As her sister handed the lightsaber over, Taeli stayed silent for the most part, although she caught the look her sister gave her. Responding with the subtlest of shakes, she knew that Avreet was Sith through and through, no matter how much he respected Corvus and some of the Jedi. He was too mired in his opinion about Dark Jedi, and who qualified as one, to truly be an ally of the Jedi. Then again, he hated slavers and pirates so perhaps he might be able to help with the current situation, if he so chose to.

'Melori found Darth Maul's old Talisman of Finding on Ossus, that was what was behind the brick,' she thought to her sister as Avreet spoke. 'I helped her gain some of the memories left within it through some of my magic, so she might be trying to learn your favorite martial art.'

It was somewhat ironic to think that, for as much as Melori didn't want to be like Corvus, she was doing a remarkable job learning certain things her sister knew. Still, irony wasn't exactly irony when it came to the Force after all. She had sorta tuned out Avreet's small rant about the glory of Zarrah as she had heard a variation of this before.

"Slaver and pirates, always fun to deal with," she said softly, thinking for a moment. She would be arresting and incapacitating now, not killing unless she had no choice. Hmm, how to explain that when there was a Sith present for such a thing. Looking up, she saw a pilot trying to remain inconspicuous and failing rather hard at it. Ever so slowly, a sly smile started to form on her lips.

'Is this the pilot you were talking about sis,' Taeli thought through their bond as the pilot approached. 'I can see why you would agree to a date with him, but my gosh, I might just die of a heart attack that you are actually planning to have a date unless you were joking. Then I'm hitting you upside the head.'

"Taeli Rae," she said in greeting to the pilot, all smiles. "A pleasure to meet you too, although, I'm a little surprised you're greeting the Jedi Grandmaster so . . . casually."
Objective: Save Younglings
[member="Ciara Jevnaker"] [member="Dair Cotarin"] [member="Nefertari Sovint"] [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]

With knight Sovint's confirmation Morgana sighed with a nod. At least they were where they needed to be. A good thing to not go in half-cocked if it turned out to be a trap set by the slavers. And at least they had the advantage of Master Sera being inside. Meaning they could hit them from the inside and out. But there was another issue: the youglings. The group outside had no idea where exactly they were and there was the risk of them being caught in a crossfire if a shootout occurred. Or worse, one of their own could inadvertently cause one of the to perish because of a mistake move.​
With CJ coaxing her to follow Morgana quickly said to knight Sovint "If there's a way, try to make sure the younglings are safe and out of the way. Try to tell Master Sera or something. Just make sure we don't wind up with a bigger problem on our hands."
With that she finally followed CJ into the back of the warehouse. She was careful to stay close to her while staying as low as possible, not to be seen by any sentries that may or may not have been inside or out and waiting. She kept one hand forward close enough to CJ's back that, if need be, she could pull her down or out of sight if she spotted something. When they finally came to the spot and CJ suggested kicking it down Morgana grabbed her shoulder to stop her. At least she didn't have to point out why that was a bad move, since she did it all herself.​
"Seniority?" she asked when she mentioned it. "I'm just a padawan like you, girl." She glanced back at the door before adding "But just to be safe, better follow my lead."​
Looking back to the door Morgana focused, waving her hand and hopefully unlocking any bolts or the like that might have been on the other side of the door. She then silently signaled for CJ to follow, still staying low as they came to the door. One hand reached up and held the panel to open it, not pressing any buttons, while her other hand slid into her coat and pulled out her training saber; the only weapon she had on her. She looked to CJ but didn't make any move, needing to wait for the others to act first before they came in.​
Objective: Enter the warehouse to find the kids
[member="Ciara Jevnaker"], [member="Dair Cotarin"], [member="Morgana Forceborn"], [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]

"If there's a way, try to make sure the younglings are safe and out of the way. Try to tell Master Sera or something. Just make sure we don't wind up with a bigger problem on our hands."
As the padawan turned away, Nef replied
"I shall do what I must. Rest assured that I care very much about the younglings, and will do my best to see that no harm befalls them."
Polnar remarked the padawan had gone, leaving Nef and the only guy Jedi in the party
"You're caring...that's hot"
"Save your flirting, it is high time we went in after the young ones."

Nefertari started toward the warehouse, when the group got close she was visually walking like she owned the place. One of the many social tricks Nef had learned from being raised a noble.

Two guards stopped the three, how would Polnar and Padawan Cotarin react?
[ 7 / 20 ]

R46 Valiant-class Starfighter White Tiger Five, outskirts of the Zeltros System

Gir cinched the crash webbing tighter. Should I really be doing this? There was something about Luxi that brought out the adolescent boy in him... He knew that he probably shouldn't be in the fighter between his rank and lackluster dogfighting skills. Besides, he was better on the bridge of the capital ship coordinating the efforts of the crew. So why was he so eager to jump into the cockpit and play ace pilot? Luxi's voice flowed through his headset comlink as he flipped the various switches on the ship's dashboard.

"Tiger six, all green, ready to fly."

"Five, ready to go," quipped Gir, only half-aware that he said it.

But two voices entered the headset that he did not expect.

"Flashfire Three, all lit up," said a high-pitched feminine voice.

"Flashfire Four, I'm in the green," drawled a baritone voice.

"All clear to launch," informed another disembodied clipped voice from the hangar control station, "Happy hunting."

I forgot about the ship's two Quicksilvers...what's wrong with me? He spared a glance at the two interceptors to his right. They began to rise up from the deck on repulsorlifts, just as the R46 in front of him did. Gir too flipped the switch, causing the R6 unit assigned to the fighter to make tootling sounds in protest. A line of text scrawled across his display screen: I wasn't ready, you know. But I am now.

Gir ruefully shook his head. Well, at least the astromech droid wasn't more ready for this than me...but that could be a bad thing...He brought his craft to the pace of a running man to pop out of the ship's magcon field before engaging his ion thrusters. He felt a brief surge of pressure against his chest as the ship's inertial compensators adjusted to the sudden change in acceleration.

"I've got eyes on the prize," quipped Flashfire Three, "moving to intercept..."
Location: Zeltros streets
Objection: Help free younglings
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] [member="Morgana Forceborn"] [member="nefertari sovint"] [member="Ciara Jevnaker"]

Dair stepped up to one of the guards and focused his mind in the force. The guard seemed confused to be approached in such a way, but nonetheless began to take a breath to tell them to go away. Violence glittered in his eyes.

Dair pushed his focus in the force through the trandoshans mind while he passed a hand in front of his eyes. The strange motion with the pressure on his mind confused the lizard man into silence. Dair pushed hard, he didn't have time for finesse. The younglings didn't have time for finesse.

"You need to run to the spaceport, the boss is coming.". Dair said, pushing the thought into his mind with all of his focus and power.

" The boss is coming..." The trandoshan muttered, blood dripping from his nose. He turned and ran down the alley and away. Dair looked over to see if the new guy had taken care of the other guard.
Location: Warehouse enterance
Objective: Rescue younglings
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"], [member="Morgana Forceborn"], [member="Dair Cotarin"], [member="Ciara Jevnaker"]

For all Nef knew about their Zeltron companion, he had no idea of the Force. The Countess stepped forward and waved her hand in front of the guard, influencing the reptile's mind with the Force.
"I represent an important client, you will take us to where your cargo is held."
Hoping this simple mind trick would work, Nef watched as the lizard man looked confused before finally giving a light hiss and motioning for the party to follow.

As they were led back, Nef noticed the Twi'lek in a cage. Perfect, they were on the right track. Things were going smoothly, until the other Trandoshans saw who their colleague had brought with them.
Their native language was incomprehensible, but it was clear they weren't too pleased to see the party.
When one of them pointed a blaster rifle at Nefertari, a hiss sounded across the room. This was soon followed by Polnar saying "Didn't your mom teach you to respect a lady?" as the cut blaster fell to the ground.
From the looks of it, this Zeltron was a decent fencer. There was a small battle about to begin.
Post 9/20
Objective: Watch the fight!

Sera sat patiently in the cage, her sabers a distance away, covered by the tarp. She felt the presence of the approaching Jedi as they fanned out on either side. It would seem they had made a plan of attack, and intended on breaching the building. Though when Nef and Dair strolled through the front door that did surprise her a bit. Resourceful they are. Sera smiled, despite not being able to physically see the unfolding action she suspected that her fellow Jedi would fair just fine against the half dozen or so Trandoshans.

When the fighting broke out she heard the rumbling and disturbance of the younglings as they struggled to see what was going on, shouting for help. Sera would lean over and hush them, attempting to calm their minds by speaking directly into their minds, assuring them that the Jedi had come to rescue them and ensure their safety as they made their journey to the Jedi Academy. She had hoped that the Trandoshans would understand they were outnumbered and surrender peacefully, however one could never be too certain of the intelligence levels these reptilians possessed, or their ability to reason. She would just have to wait and see what happened.

[member="Nefertari Sovint"] | [member="Dair Cotarin"] | [member="Morgana Forceborn"] | [member="Ciara Jevnaker"]
Objective: Save Younglings
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] [member="Nefertari Sovint"] [member="Dair Cotarin"] [member="Ciara Jevnaker"]

The sudden sounds of combat could be heard after Morgana waited with CJ long enough. She looked to her fellow padawan and smirked before igniting her training saber. Both ends of the double-sided weapon beamed a glorious blue before Morgana held it in a right position, turning the setting almost close to high. Enough of a good hit from it would have the trandoshians feeling like their limbs were broken, but not enough to cause any fatal harm. After that she reared her hand back building enough force before sending a powerful push that would bring the door down. Lucky enough when it crashed it hit a transdohian guarding it on the other side.​
With some of them looking towards the rear entrance now Morgana declared "Knock, knock, boys! Let's dance!"
With an eager smile she rushed forward, spinning her staff in front of her as she blocked blaster bolts before coming up close enough to smack one trandoshian upside the head. Another came from behind, she hitting in him the gut. All the while she had a more enthralled look to her, getting swept up in the melee as the lizards roared at her.​
Objective: Locate the missing younglings and free them from slavers
Location: Entering the Warehouse

CJ waited a few seconds before entering the warehouse herself, giving Morgana enough time to get clear before she entered. Unlike her fellow Jedi, she didn't possess a training blade but the real deal. And though she was well versed in using it, she didn't know how Morgana fought and didn't wish to clip her by accident if Morgana had to maneuver her body to avoid blaster fire. As the last second ticked by, CJ entered the warehouse and was greeted with a volley of blaster fire.

She held her hilt with both hands, waving the yellow blade to the right and to the left knocking the shots harmlessly to the ground; as she slowly advanced on the two reptiles. Changing tactics, she redirected the next two shots back at her enemies knocking their blasters from their hands then followed it up with a powerful Force Push that sent them crashing to the ground. As one of the falling foes attempted to rise to his feet, she gave the 'ol chap a shot to his chops with her left boot ending his part in the fight.

The other moved more quickly and was on his feet in a hurry. Again she called on the Force and from her right hand shot out a spark of lightning from her fingertips that instead of frying him gave his body a big enough jolt to render him unconscious. Since her return to the Jedi Order, she had practiced quite often on how to control her Force Lightning, now called Electric Judgment, to incapacitate rather than kill. When the Tandos' body smacked against the floor, she knelt down placing two fingers alongside his neck. She was relieved at feeling a pulse. She had always craved battle and at times would let her emotions take the reigns and dictate her actions. She had to be careful.

"We need to move quickly before anymore reptiles try to evict us from their home," CJ said looking around the secured area.

[member="Morgana Forceborn"] / [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] / [member="Nefertari Sovint"] / [member="Dair Cotarin"]

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