Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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You can check out anytime, but you can never leave (Republic Dominion of Zeltros)

[member="Lugus Porkins"] [member="Corvus Raaf"]

While Corvus and Lugus talked about gifts, Taeli watched the retreating back of Avreet. She hadn't said anything suspicious and her cloaked nature could easily be proscribed to the same reason he was cloaked. So many Jedi in the area after all, but she certainly didn't want to reveal her true self around the Mon Cal. Once he was gone though. . .

Taeli smiled and gradually allowed herself to be felt in the Force again, reaching out with it to pull a datapad from her satchel.

"When you two are done discussing gifts you gave each other, perhaps dinner could be arranged?" she said, her tone more teasing than annoyed, especially with the smile on her face. "Any longer and I'm going to start reading and good luck getting me to stop."

'A likely story by the way,' she thought at her sister. 'What system were you in that resulted in this system malfunction? Unless you really are going the traditional Corellian route with how we treat our ships?'
Objective: Get the kids to Ossus
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"], [member="Morgana Forceborn"], [member="Dair Cotarin"], [member="Ciara Jevnaker"], [member="Tacitanya"]

When Sera gave the choice to accompany her back to Ossus or stay and enjoy a short vacation, Nef thought a bit.
"Nef, let's run off somewhere and enjoy ourselves."
"I am tempted to do so, Polnar. However, I must be going. I am sure we could have had a wonderful time together, so I might return."
Wait, what was Nefertari saying?! it must be this Zeltron's pheromones talking.

Nef carried the youngling, now sound asleep, on her back. The friend she had made here walked with her.
After putting the little Jedi onboard, she came back.
"I guess this is farewell for now. May I have my training saber back?"
"Alright, here you are"
He held out her hilt in his hand. When Nefertari put her hand forth to take it, the Zeltron quickly moved out of the way.
"Of course, you are certainly playful."
Nef would be just as tall as Polnar...if he wasn't wearing wedged boots. Holding her saber up high, Nef got close to the Zeltron and jumped, grabbing her lightsaber before feeling Polnar's arms close around her.
Locked in the Zeltron's embrace Nef quickly calmed down.
"Polnar, please...I am engaged."
"I don't care. You're the most beautiful human I've ever seen."
He pulled Nef closer, then kissed her on the cheek before letting go
"Well, I guess you'd better get going. Before you do though, take these. You and the lucky guy might wanna go there sometime. Me and my cousin also design fashion, so come see us if you're lookin' for a dress."
In a split second, there were tickets and a business card in Nefertari's cybernetic hand.
Nef embraced Polnar once more in thanks before boarding. It was high time to return to Ossus before she never wanted to leave the planet which was seemingly an eternal party.

Master Shel'tah wished to speak to me about my performance in the battle to free the younglings. Well, this might be a good time to do that.
sorry my @mention wasn't working, but! thanks to Mr. Porkins I'm up to speed...

Quiet... Trix... seriously... only because he was trying to let Porkins shine. Besides there was so much going on, like Corvus telling her side of the whole exchange of Porkchop saving her life that Ric was certainly curious. He nudged his buddy at the comment where it seemed as though Corvus stripped down for the pilot, and Ric pumped his brows at his friend for a moment. This was all very interesting, and the pheromones only made it all the more so.

The problem with pheromones and Ric was that they didn't usually make him mellow. As Porkchop assumed correctly, he wasn't used to dating, so they had a much different affect on him that on the flamboyant, fun loving half of the friendship. When the dinner invite came, Ric certainly wasn't going to turn it down. He already knew that Lugus could dance, and that meant not only should they eat the risotto, but they needed to find a place where Lugus could show off his moves. Then again with all the pheromones floating around, that could be a bad idea. Ric might go home with one, or more, Zeltrons.

"A dinner date! I'm in."

There was one thing awkward about being in this crowd though. Ric was the only one who could not use the force. There could be all sorts of things going on around him, and he wouldn't even know. Oh well... this was going to be fun. Fun is what they were supposed to have.

"Nice to meet you all, I'm certain we'll all get along famously! Any friend of Porkchop's is a friend of mine. He's got a good head on his shoulders when it comes to people. I am lucky to have a friend like him... He certainly has kept me out of trouble."

Like keeping him from picking up random ladies and getting them back to his apartment. It seemed whenever Ric was with Porkins his ability to zero in on, and successfully attract, a member of the opposite sex was severely reduced. Likely for the better anyhow, but Ric was beginning to wonder if Porkins was lady repellent, or if he simply was just repelling the wrong kind of ladies anyway. I mean the gals Ric was now hanging out with were not the kind he's usually meet in a bar with much success. Maybe there was something to this whole gentleman thing. Wowser, and their eyes, both of them, were this amazing shade of violet. Yup... Porkins was a good friend indeed.

His attention turned to the sister. It seemed they'd be paired together on this dinner date.

"Well I guess if I would have thought if my friend's dinner date was going to include me, I guess I would have made dessert..."

Dessert!? What the hell Ardellian.... That was so a Porkins move... Yup Porkins was rubbing off on Ric more than Ric rubbed off on him...

[member="Lugus Porkins"] | [member="Corvus Raaf"] | [member="Taeli Rae"]
Location: Transport
Objective: Bring the children home
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]

Zeltros had certainly been an interesting planet to go to. Nef would probably return someday, hopefully next time it would be for a different purpose than to rescue abducted younglings.

The Jedi was on her way home to Ossus, to the order she cherished.

Approaching the Twi'lek, Nef began a conversation
"It is a pleasure to see you free, Master Shel'tah. The younglings are on their way to becoming superb Jedi. Anyways, you wanted to speak to me?"
Corvus smiled at Lugus. “I did receive the flight suit, yes. And it’s a perfect fit, thanks. It now hangs in my locker on Raven 2 and I’ll be sure to wear it soon.”

She heard her sister’s voice in her head and responded. ‘I have never actually crashed a ship. Ion storms, system malfunctions and…other technical stuff. If I weren’t a Corellian, I wouldn’t be here now. Ever think of it that way?’ Her thoughts were kind, the banter good-natured.

She listened to Ric before turning to Lugus again. “Porkchops, eh? No, I prefer Lugus.” She smiled at him before a thought popped into her head. “Where exactly are we eating? Al fresco or do we have to go back to your ship?”

[member="Ric Ardellian"] | [member="Taeli Rae"] | [member="Lugus Porkins"]
He turned a different shade of pink as Trix began to talk him up. It was the pheromones. Definitely the pheromones. They had everyone's head foggy with is idea that Lugus was truly something remarkable. Not Lugus, no. He was just friendly and chubby. No one was really lucky to be graced by his presence if anything he felt like the lucky one.

"You have one job, Trix. Don't let Taeli get bored. Hopefully you can be more interesting than reading," He pat his friend on the back. Lugus had faith in him. His attention turned back to Corvus, "That's another fun and embarrassing story. How I got the name Porkchop. Remind me to tell you it later. The risotto is on my ship. It should still be warm. We can eat there or find a more scenic place to eat. Ladies' choice."

He snorted then snickered as Trix mentioned making dessert, "You think I didn't make dessert? Do you see me?" He motion his hand down his body then circled it around his stomach. "I made cheese horns.... 3 different flavors. But if I knew I would be dining with a room full of Corellians, I would have made Ryshcate. You can never do to much remembering or celebrating." He mention ryshcate as though it would be easy to make. Making it, yes. Getting the ingredients, no.

[member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Ric Ardellian"] [member="Taeli Rae"]
[member="Lugus Porkins"] [member="Ric Ardellian"] [member="Corvus Raaf"]

"He speaks!" Taeli said, a good-natured smile on her face as she teased the other pilot. "Pleasure to meet you, of course. I vote we eat outside somewhere. I've been cooped up in my ship for a few days now, it feels good to stretch my legs and enjoy some fresh air."

Well, as fresh as the air on Zeltros could be with all the pheromones in the air. She wondered just how everyone else was being effected, well maybe not her sister. Corvus probably wasn't feeling any effects from them, but Taeli was more curious about the two pilots. Still, she wasn't going to pass up some risotto and desserts.

"I'm sure he won't let me get bored, Lugus, will you Trix?" she said, still teasing. In her head, she thought to her sis, "Sure, I've thought of it that way, but you get to the point where once you keep losing ships, people will start questioning your ability to hold onto one. How many renditions of the Raven are you on now? Three? Four?"

"By the way Lugus, I hope you have tea somewhere," she said. "I don't drink alcohol, something about where I was made it a very bad idea to drink and let one's guard down. Even in college I never drank."
"And very well I might add... just taking stock of what was really going on, and trying to figure out if my friend here was actually going on a date date, or just hanging out with a friend kind of date..."

Lugus chimed in about not letting [member="Taeli Raaf"] get bored. Wow Ric really wanted to say something very much like him to say, but opted not to. The only problem with that was Taeli decided to make comments about staying outside... stretching legs... not getting bored. Seriously hanging around Porkins was going to turn Ric into an upstanding man. There were so many comments to be made, but Ric was still getting the feel of these ladies, so he needed to play it cool.

"I assure you, I will do everything in my power to ensure you don't get bored..." especially with all the pheromones floating around, that was for sure... "And outside it is. There is an outdoor park not from here if you guys want. Though being Zeltros and all, I'm pretty sure that there will be plenty of other activity happening than just a picnic in the park. Party Planet after all.... just sayin!

[member="Lugus Porkins"] [member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus smiled as her sister communicated with her. 'Raven 2. They only count as new ones if they're lost or stolen. I've never actually written one off. They've always been repairable. Pretty much.'

And she looked at Lugus fondly. He'd remembered ryshcate and had gone to so much trouble. One day a very lucky woman would be called Mrs. Porkins and she'd cherish him for exactly who he was.

And his friend seemed very sociable - which was a good thing. They were bound to have a great time. But one thing he said made her wonder. Zeltros was indeed a planet with a reputation. "The last party I went to we had ice-cream and jello. And I got a goody bag at the end of it." She looked around at the faces of those now staring at her. "I was what? Three and a half? Just sayin'."

[member="Ric Ardellian"] | [member="Taeli Raaf"] | [member="Lugus Porkins"]
"Do-Don't call it a date. Date makes it sound like something has to happen. Nothing has to happen unless it's meant to. We can just be four people eating risotto. No pressure," He glanced over Corvus catching her expression. He couldn't remember a woman ever looking at him like that. Maybe his mother or sister? He didn't know for sure. He raised an eyebrow and pursed his lips giving her a playful look of confusion before making his eyebrows waggle. He smiled at her after his moment of silliness then turned his attention to her sister.

"Tea? Tea, tea, tea... I think I have some tea packets. Like black and peach, the kinds I don't like unfortunately," he shrugged. "I brought a bottle of emerald wine to have with the risotto. I'm trying to get rid of it to tell the truth. The tea has more of a buzz than wine for me. It probably isn't smart to have the strong stuff here," He laughed lightly. "I went to Corellia University by the way. Didn't really party hardy myself. I didn't have much time. I had classes, a paid internship at an engineering company, by paid they meant that the money went straight to tuition and I didn't get to see a credit, and on the side of that I also worked at a small bakery/diner. I learned how to make the second best ryshcate in the galaxy. Really it's the best, but I can't claim that because I'm not Corellian."

Wait this place has a park? Lugus imagined the planet was just one big night club. It didn't matter he guessed. He liked the idea. The pheromones gave his head a nice swim however. He could deal with it however. His head turned to Corvus at the idea of her last party chuckling lightly as she shined some light on the story.

"Why don't we go to parties like that?" He whacked Trix's shoulder with the back of his hand. "I could entertain the kiddos and get the free ice cream and jello instead of paying for over priced drinks. You can still hit on the women! I'm sure there will be single mothers. I hear women like paternal guys. You could be Daddy Trix... Just sayin'." He grinned adding to the on-going joke.

Time to get the show on the road. He entered into his ship grabbing exactly what they would need. Risotto in convenient and insulated carrying case. Check. Similar case with the cheese horns. Check. A nice blanket. The wine and then also a thermos with water for Taeli if she wanted the tea or not. Plates utensils and glasses. He felt like he was packing for a vacation. Luckily he had enough. He let whoever carry whatever it didn't matter and he didn't mind. Either way they were ready for the dinner.

[member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Ric Ardellian"] [member="Taeli Raaf"]
[member="Lugus Porkins"] [member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Ric Ardellian"]

"And that reminds me that I need to make up for all the birthday parties I missed or you didn't even have," Taeli quipped at her sister as their host went to get the meal. She definitely found the portly man enjoyable, and he seemed to be just as good at banter as anyone. Ice cream did sound good though . . . and cake. "Honestly, three and a half was your last birthday party?"

To be fair, she hadn't had one since joining the Sith. Just one more thing one had to sacrifice to make sure you didn't a knife in the back . . . or poisoned . . . or blown up . . . or any other way a Sith might think to kill a rival at a birthday party. In retrospect, no wonder the Sith always seemed angry. They never got to have birthday parties with the risk of dying. She'd be pretty miffed too.

"So tell me more about yourself Trix was it?" Taeli asked the other pilot while they waited for Lugus's return. "I bet you have a few stories to tell, as a pilot and all that. You all seem to have interesting stories."
"Daddy Trix, oh force help me... Me and kids.... yeah not a good combination. Something about me not being a good role model..."

Trix was laughing at what Lugus had suggested, but he was glad everyone liked the idea of the park. So while Lugus was getting the supplies, Ric was charged with keeping the ladies entertained. A story... well, there was the story about how he got his callsign. It was the one every pilot started with simply because it avoided the question, "So how did you get your callsign..." Ric wasn't sure though it was the best to tell, but he thought he would.

"Well a story... usually start the one about how I got my callsign..." of course he was going to tell it. The pheromones on the planet were messing with any sense of judgement he had. "So academy days, and a bunch of us were out on a weeked pass when someone who shall remian nameless decisdes it would be great to spend all our checks in a sabacc den. Well poor girl loses, and is staring at me like I needed to go win all her credits, so naturally, being the gracious, selfless, not even thinking about how she could repay, kind of man that I was at the time, sat down and won every credit back, and then some. This led to fight because I got accused of cheating, which I won. That led to drinks on house, and me and the pretty cadet dancing. Between winning the game, getting us free drinks, and pretty nice weekend together, everyone started asking how the weekend was on our way back. She says Ric here is full tricks... and everyone has been calling me Trix ever since..."

What Ric left out of that story was that woman was his one and only girlfriend who got shot out of the sky during their first space battle. Porkchop didn't even know that part of the story. Not all guys who slept around did so because they were avoiding comittment. Some, like Ric, did it to bury their loss so deep, afraid to even feel like they had again. Oh well... Ric had pretty much sworn off exclusive relationships because of it, and he wasn't about change his ways now... maybe for someone really special, but she'd have to be a real saint to be patient enough to put up with Ric.

[member="Taeli Raaf"] |[member="Corvus Raaf"] | [member="Lugus Porkins"]
Corvus just went with the flow. Everyone seemed to be having a good time and when Lugus went off to get the food, she listened to her sister and the other pilot.

She didn't really care about missed parties or presents. Her life-day came and went each year without a second thought - it was inconsequential to her and her life as a Jedi. But she loved her sister's company any day of the year, and that was way more important.

And she listened to Trix' story - it was a different world to the one she'd had. He seemed a really nice man. Different to Lugus but similarly genuine.

And given her lack of social skills, she simply allowed the conversation to flow - and chose to listen...

[member="Ric Ardellian"] | [member="Taeli Raaf"] | [member="Lugus Porkins"]
Lugus came back out of his ship just in time to hear Ric say been calling me Trix ever since. Lugus grinned, "Callsign story? He has a good one." Lugus backed his buddy's story handing off a bit of their supplies to Trix then motioned for him to lead the way. They didn't want Lugus leading the way. Who knows were they would end up.

"My turn? I pulled a Corvus to get my callsign," Lugus gave her a nudge with his elbow then a wink. "I was running some training exercise. Got the bird in the air just long enough for the system to malfunction. The instructor told me to just eject but the seat got stuck so i had to do an emergency landing which they wanted me to do in water but I refused. Anyway long story short, dove the nose into the ground and ended up rattling my back. After they pulled me from the fight and got me on the ground only then did the seat eject."

"My instructor had one of those sense of humors and laughed and said," Lugus made his voice deep and raspy to mimic his instructor. "'Dang, your fat butt wouldn't let the seat eject, Porkchop.' I censor by the way. I was lucky he didn't call me something worse. That man could make a Gamorrean pirate blush."

[member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Ric Ardellian"] [member="Taeli Raaf"]
[member="Lugus Porkins"] [member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Ric Ardellian"]

"Well I suppose system failures can happen at the most inopportune times," Taeli said, her eyes dancing with mirth. Her sister really needed to get some better social skills, the silent always listening thing was all well and good, but this was a dinner party essentially. She needed to relax a bit, actually let herself out of that Jedi shell for a little while.

"Can't say I have a callsign, I'm mainly an academic," Taeli said. "I just fly around in the ship I designed and built because it's cool and saves on travel costs when I need to go somewhere."

Reaching for the hot water and a tea bag, she smiled as she spotted a Bastion Black one. Happily plopping it in the water, she would let it steep for a bit before she took a sip.

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