OOC Account
Objective/Location: Orbit of Gree.
Starship: Raider Class Assault Cruiser.
Supporting: The Rebel Alliance.
Opposition: [member="Vanessa Vantai"].
The ETA-4 Interceptor shot out of the Assault Cruiser's primary hangar, veering around to soar passed the bridge before diving down and blasting it's way towards the World of Gree just moments before the responding transmission came in from the fleet commanded by [member="Vanessa Vantai"]. Vikras Ansion's expression looking grim as he watched his old friend descending towards the world at war, whilst listening to the commands of this self-declared Admiral of the Sith Empire. "Errant Venture, this is the Sith Battleship Ablution. Your IFF codes do not match any known civilian vessel within or without Sith space. I find it extremely unlikely that civilian ownership would exist of a warship as powerfully armed as yours. We can keep pace with and outrun you if we have to. I demand that you power down your weapons and engines, heave to, and prepare to be boarded so we can verify your claims. Any attempt to outrun us, open fire on us, or to launch fighters, bombers, or any vessels will be deemed noncompliance and your vessel will be destroyed. Is this understood?".
The Admiral sighed under his breath. Those that served on-board alongside him had voluntarily done so, the odds had always been stacked against them and it would seem to be a losing Game. His decisions remaining were few; being boarded by the Sith did not seem all to comforting though given their numbers and the fact that they were operating at such a minimal capacity, perhaps they really good look the part. These days Vikras wasn't a commissioned Admiral, he held no official authority and only recognized by his experience, this vessel itself a Ghost and holding no claim to any greater power. Such was the intention behind Veiere's original design for the Dark Jedi Order. To bring no harm nor consequences down upon any other for the Order's actions, back then.
"This is the Errant Venture, Standing down" Vikras responded to the Battleship Ablution, "Boarding Procedures are underway".
Turning to the crew upon the bridge of the Errant Venture, they all seemed to be looking to Vikras for reassurance, that which he didn't much have. "Men, it's been a pleasure serving with you all" he told them, starting strong before giving them the run-down from there. "We're due to be boarded by the Sith Empire. We're outnumbered and outgunned but they've got nothing on us" the Errant Venture had as of yet, not violated any laws or regulations that Vikras could think of. Not a single shot had been fired from the Assault Cruiser nor would they even have the ability to keep up such a fight if they had with the minimal crew count they carried.
"Let's hope we've caught them on a good day, shall we..." Vikras mused with sarcasm, turning to head for the nearest airlock that he might meet the first of their guests personally.
"Three-Nine, see if you can find us a friendly frequency could you..." Veiere spoke to the Astromech that helped to pilot the Interceptor as they pushed down through the atmosphere of Gree. So far things were going to hell all too quickly; there wasn't a great deal of hope that he had for Vikras or the rest of the crew upon the Errant Venture. He hoped that his leaving them wouldn't further jeopardize their safety though finding a Force User on board would have surely seen them killed and possibly even held consequences reaching back to [member="Lady Kay"] herself. The Vessel and those aboard held no connection back home anymore, most of them had been labeled as significant threats to Commenor by mere association to Veiere and the Order on Rannon. An Order that today, had been left to reside within an empty Temple, led by no one. Another fallen ambition.His intentions had been good, though most of the Galaxy's largest mistakes were paved with the best of intentions. Now with the threat of his friends being captured or killed, Veiere found his isolation within the small craft extremely claustrophobic. His thoughts were of [member="Romi Jade"] and [member="Aten Ramses"], they whom were affiliated with this Rebel Alliance though their whereabouts were Force knows where. "Any mention of [member="Cedric Grayson"]? The Jedi...Anything?" Veiere responded to the droids translated chips and expression of tones only another droid might understand without the primary console at the head of the little birds Controls.
"Send out a call on any Rebel channels you can trace. If someone's out there, maybe we can be of some use...-I'm far more comfortable on solid ground than I am in this junk heap".