Darth Hauntruss
Wraith of the Sith
Better review later after Im done going through the emotions.
Better review later after Im done going through the emotions.

Darth Kentarch said:So Uh... Did anyone else just sit through that 2 hour and 15 minute movie and feel punk'd at the end? Or was it just me?
What are you talking about? Nothing from the movies and the handful of actual canon sources say that you can't use a lightsaber without training. The fact that the fighting was so in line with the OT makes me so happy because it shows that they've gotten away from the nonsense of the sword dancing in the prequels. And he did not use it like a club. He used the lightsaber like a sword. Like an actual freakin' sword which was awesome. The lightsaber combat in this film is by far and away the best in the entire series. Know why? Cause it actually looked like people fighting. It was not perfect, the movements were clearly aggressive and intended to kill. None of this nonsense where the lightsaber never looks like it could pose anyone a threat. Nothing was overly stylized or blatantly choreographed so that no one got hit. As Connor pointed out, Finn was merely competent with a lightsaber not outstanding.Apotheosis said:Also, change of canon a little bit, seeing Finn wield a lightsaber without training AT ALL. That made me kind of upset. The lightsaber is a weapon of elegance and absolute skill. Seeing someone pick it up and use it like a club honestly bothered me.
I genuinely think her parents are nobodies. The reason for this is because she was clearly left there well before the treachery of the Knights of Ren, which really debunks the possibility of her being Luke's daughter. This is my hope at least. I really don't want them to be cousins.Apotheosis said:Anyone have any ideas who Rey's parents are?
Raziel said:They've clearly set up the Snoke trained Ren versus Luke trained Rey for the next film. I'm looking forward to a seriously choreographed saber fight after this one had kids picking up and wildly swinging a saber against a badly injured Ren.
I don't think the flashback makes any of that apparent. It was just a force vision.Raziel said:Given the flashback sequence Rey must have been a child at the academy. Can't wait for her background to be explored.