Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Your immediate reaction? Best/worst part?


Better review later after Im done going through the emotions.

Anyone have any ideas who Rey's parents are?

Also, change of canon a little bit, seeing Finn wield a lightsaber without training AT ALL. That made me kind of upset. The lightsaber is a weapon of elegance and absolute skill. Seeing someone pick it up and use it like a club honestly bothered me.
8/10 for me.

Some exceptional parts, particularly the introduction of the Millennium Falcon and that first dogfight.

Poe was outstanding. I wasn't expecting to enjoy his role quite so much!

Kylo Ren was very good. This was no one-dimensional villain. The whole "please help me resist the temptation of the light" was clever.

There were a lot of elements that felt a bit "fan service". I think they overdid the deliberate call backs to the original films. Hopefully they move away from that somewhat in the next ones. We had the garbage chute line, a trench run, a few too many of them for me.

The Republic was about as useful as Chaos' current Republic. That felt a little glossed over. "Yeah we've destroyed the New Republic now." I didn't really feel engaged enough to feel anything at the CGI explosions here.

If the Republic fleet was lost, the First Order clearly had a fleet of Star Destroyers and the resistance only had a few squadrons of X-wings, why not just mop them up?

Fin seemed to play comedy sidekick to Han for the second half of the movie, which felt a little out of place.

They've clearly set up the Snoke trained Ren versus Luke trained Rey for the next film. I'm looking forward to a seriously choreographed saber fight after this one had kids picking up and wildly swinging a saber against a badly injured Ren.

Given the flashback sequence Rey must have been a child at the academy. Can't wait for her background to be explored.

Connor Harrison

[member="Apotheosis"] I don't find Finn having a saber bad at all.

Remember, Luke is the last of the Jedi at that time, and so it's been 30 years since they or the Sith have been active. Lightsabers are as much something of myth as Han Solo and Luke are to Rey and Finn.

The grace and skill of the Jedi died out with Order 66. Look at Luke in V and VI - the fighting style has changed and a lot more primitive and brutal compared to the dancing footwork and spins and leaps from the prequels. Even Kylo didn't have grace - he was going for the kill, and we could tell.

But if the First Order is going to survive and defend itself, learning from the Empire, what better way to do it than maybe have their Stormtroopers trained and armed to counter any more Jedi threats? If they have been aware that Luke Skywalker is their mortal enemy and a Jedi, I have no doubt they'd be trained to understand and handle weapons that could be of use. And Finn would have 10+ years training I expect so we can't expect to see everything he's been through, but logically I think makes sense for them to train in that.

Like the trooper with the vibro-staff that he could use to battle Finn. And besides, Finn was good in battle but not great so I think he had sword / fencing training in the FO but obviously couldn't cope against Kylo.
Darth Kentarch said:
So Uh... Did anyone else just sit through that 2 hour and 15 minute movie and feel punk'd at the end? Or was it just me?

No. I felt like it wrapped up the story of that movie very well, while also leading into the next movie incredibly well. It left me satisfied and wanting for more.

Apotheosis said:
Also, change of canon a little bit, seeing Finn wield a lightsaber without training AT ALL. That made me kind of upset. The lightsaber is a weapon of elegance and absolute skill. Seeing someone pick it up and use it like a club honestly bothered me.
What are you talking about? Nothing from the movies and the handful of actual canon sources say that you can't use a lightsaber without training. The fact that the fighting was so in line with the OT makes me so happy because it shows that they've gotten away from the nonsense of the sword dancing in the prequels. And he did not use it like a club. He used the lightsaber like a sword. Like an actual freakin' sword which was awesome. The lightsaber combat in this film is by far and away the best in the entire series. Know why? Cause it actually looked like people fighting. It was not perfect, the movements were clearly aggressive and intended to kill. None of this nonsense where the lightsaber never looks like it could pose anyone a threat. Nothing was overly stylized or blatantly choreographed so that no one got hit. As Connor pointed out, Finn was merely competent with a lightsaber not outstanding.

Apotheosis said:
Anyone have any ideas who Rey's parents are?
I genuinely think her parents are nobodies. The reason for this is because she was clearly left there well before the treachery of the Knights of Ren, which really debunks the possibility of her being Luke's daughter. This is my hope at least. I really don't want them to be cousins.

Raziel said:
They've clearly set up the Snoke trained Ren versus Luke trained Rey for the next film. I'm looking forward to a seriously choreographed saber fight after this one had kids picking up and wildly swinging a saber against a badly injured Ren.

Good lord why on earth would you ever want nonsensical over the top disgusting prequel fights when you can have the glory of these lightsaber fights that looked like actual combat.

Raziel said:
Given the flashback sequence Rey must have been a child at the academy. Can't wait for her background to be explored.
I don't think the flashback makes any of that apparent. It was just a force vision.

To clarify, I thought the saber fights in the prequels were appalling. I enjoyed these ones they were well choreographed for what they were. I am looking forward to two trained and fit Knights going at each other in the next one.


ᴅᴇʀᴀɴɢᴇᴅ ᴄʜɪʟᴅ ᴛʏᴘɪɴɢ
I'm gonna' give the movie a 9/10.

First of all, It was glorious.

Honestly the visual effects department picked up their game with the lightsaber graphics. Beautiful <3

Rey was a ba, no questions asked. However, I was kinda thrown off how she could use some force abilities like 'that'. For an example, the mind manipulation on the Stormtrooper guard, and even the tk pull of the lightsaber in the end. I don't know. But it was enjoyable seeing her kick Ren's booty. Hopefully he's not dead- he still needs a haircut XD

I like how they incorporated a few references from the other movies, but I didn't like how they were executed. The trash shoot one was pretty funny.

I didn't like Finn playing as the sidekick in near the second half of the movie. I liked the lover boy liar version. He was funnier.


Also, I was kinda confused, did Finn die? 'Cuz he looked pretty dead in that last scene. 'Till we meet again.'

I'm also kinda sad Hans died. Thank god they spared Chewie <3

Until the next episode, The wait is totally worth it.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
This movie was amazing!! I loved it! The atmosphere, the characters, the humor, just everything was so perfectly Star Wars and episode IV inspired.

But that's its biggest problem. The movie was so very predictable, there was never a point where I didn't know what was going to happen.

When the tie got swallowed into the sand, I knew poe was alive.

When Ray picked up the saber I knew she was going to embrace her destiny to return it to Luke.

When they got stranded in space trying to fix the falcon I knew that Chewie and Han were going to find them.

When they strolled into the bar I knew there was going to be a fight between first order and resistance.

And of course Han. What can I say about Han in this movie? He was fantastic, I just wish they hadn't killed him off even though I knew it was going to happen.

The only thing that i was surprised about was when they found Luke's saber at the bar. All and all It was a fantastic movie and the only thing that I am hoping that they do in the next movie is mix it up a little more. Ren wasn't one dimensional which was great, they had a great cast.


It was like watching Episode 4 with Avengers humor, which is always a good thing for me.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
One last thing. The one scene that was instantly the best in the movie didn't have any explosions, and Blasters or people dying. The best scene in the movie was the ending, it was the scene between Luke and Rey.

I loved it, I loved it I loved it I loved it! Why? Because it was so heavy with real and genuine emotion. When Luke turned around you could see that look of defeat and sadness all across his face and feel that loss of the once bold and brave Jedi that was Luke Skywalker. When Rey lifted the saber to him you could just feel the weight of that single gesture, because there weren't any words that needed to be said. They both knew how many people had died for them to find Luke, and to bring him that saber. They knew that Han had died making sure that this moment could happen, and it was just so damn perfect. Because everything that needed to be said was said through emotion and the force that binds them all together. It just completely made up for the movies predictability for me, I actually shed a tear watching it.
It was good, but it's killed all desire for me to RP Star Wars. It just feels...different. I don't know. I was a prequel guy growing up, and I always enjoyed that trilogy's atmosphere over the OT's. Still, the acting was grand and the characters were great. The super death star planet and the destruction of the Republic kind of bummed me out. Seems like they're trying to jump back into the OT's Rebellion VS Empire thing, which I didn't enjoy much to begin with.

All in all, a lovely movie.
Movie was great, I loved it however......

It will never be as good as the Empire Strikes Back. No chance. Even Return of the Jedi is better. I would put it 3rd best out of all 7 movies. I'm watching it again tonight, but I doubt it will change my opinion.

I can see they've warped the EU. In the EU Han Solo and Leia are married and have 3 kids. The Jacen and Jaina twins and the younger Anakin. Anakin eventually dies during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion and even later down the track, after the Yuuzhan Vong war is over, Jacen becomes a Sith Lord. Ben as in Ben Skywalker is the son of Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker.

Now this is no longer canon but an AU. Han and Leia are not married and have one son. He is called Ben, named after Ben Kenobi (hey that was originally Luke's son), who does become a Dark Force user as in Kylo Ren (that was Jacen in the now AU, but at a much earlier stage of life). Clearly the ideas have been taken from the original EU which I will say I liked better.

Further now Han Solo dies and Chewbacca lives, in the now AU, it's Chewie that died at the beginning of the Vong invasion and Solo left grieving at the loss of his best friend.

That leader of the New Order, who the heck was that? Looked like Lord Voldemort from Harry Potter! Seriously WTF! And the Saber scenes with Kylo and Fin. Fin in reality would've been dead in an instant given he had never used a sword before. As for Rey, she might have faired better, but realistically Kylo who had some training and was far more proficient in the Force should've ended her easily too. It's movie bollocks where the goodies always have to win, just like when Superman a guy who grew up as a farm boy always beats General Zod who has the same powers but is a trained military general, and on top of that has 2 extra military trained companions. What bollocks! This is why Empire Strikes Back rules supreme. There is no miraculous win by the weaker good side just because they are the goodies.

Lastly I think Rey might be Luke's daughter? Any opinions on that. Oh and the Lord Voldemort lookalike, he could be Darth Plagueis because just maybe, Palpatine thought he had killed him in his sleep, but never really did. Clearly it was never the case in the original EU, but who knows what these guys are capable of spinning with the new canon.

Overall it was an awesome movie. I'll just have to learn to like the new canon alongside the now AU.

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