Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Your immediate reaction? Best/worst part?

My first reaction?
*Thinks back to last night


*Sitting in the theatre with friends and many fellow nerds as the end credits roll

I. Cannot. Even. Fathom. How. Many. Feels. I. Am. Feeling. At. This. Moment. I don't even know what to feel! It was awesome! It was evil! I loved it! I hated it! It was beautiful! AAAGHHHHH
*Treads dangerously close to the dark side but somehow manages to retain sanity


My reaction now?
It was a really fun ride. The shots were beautiful. The acting was great. The comedy hit right when it needed to, and it worked well. The lightsaber duel was brutal.
I mean what can I say? I loved it! It wasn't without its flaws. No movie is. Some of the parallels may have been a bit blunt at times, but I think this is definitely ranking among the better Star Wars movies. Let's hope Abrams and the gang can pull it off again with ep 8!
It was better the second time around for me.

Someone fed me fake plot spoils for the movie before I saw it last night, I spent the whole movie trying to work out where they fit in. There is a special place in hell for those kinds of people.

Tonight, there was nothing but enjoyment and looking at the things I might have missed before.

Jak Sandrow

"Nobody cares for the woods anymore."
Personally, I loved, that even though Finn was born, raised, and sired in the First Order, he was probably the most realistic out of all of them. I mean, come on.


and his thumbs up with BB-8

and his gunnery skillz

and AUGH it was such a cool movie!!!
[member="Kixi Rajki"]
Kylo who had some training and was far more proficient in the Force should've ended her easily too.

Kylo was also injured and bleeding badly, Rey was brutal with her staff from her first scene, and she wasn't great with the saber if anything her movements were clumsy and realistic... She just knew when to seize her moment. Meanwhile Kylo was trying too hard to live up to Vader and attempting to convert her, something she used to her advantage.

Not saying you're wrong just giving an alternate view point. I feel like we are extremely more critical of the movie being that we write our own AU for the franchise, than other movie goers will be. As for the whole not following EU, that was a known fact from the start and something I'd accepted from the moment they announced a new movie. You have to make compromises and honestly I kinda liked how they did it.

They didn't change so much that our AU changes and suffers as a consequence, which means I'll still happily write the way I always have done.
Another note: A few hours later.

We have 30 years of time from the OT to TFA. The old EU is called Legends. Depending on how the back stories progress (I feel we'll get a lot more material on our new characters, rather than the old) its possible a lot of the stories, or major... arcs, for Han/Leia/Luke, may remain, or at least not be completely stamped over. Who knows where it can go.

So exciting. I'm going again tomorrow.
Beware.. spoilers ahead, you have been warned.

In summary it was a good popcorn movie, but a perfect movie or even a great movie it was not. To put it up to the torch and see the tiny holes that wind escapes through ask yourself but one question, "Does the movie hold up without the originals". And the answer is what the hell is going on, this is a story that didn't need to be told in fact the story was already told. Star Wars Force Awakens, was just a recreation of A New Hope, smart yes but not for the reasons you're thinking(maybe you are thinking those reasons, I'm not a mind reader), he played an orchestra on your nostalgia strings and I'm surprised they still exist after the back alley beating George Lucas, put them through.

Star Wars
The Hope Awakens The Force

To break down this film we have to compare it to previous films namely the first in the original series A New Hope, how appropriate. Now the first scene is comparable it is of an overpowering force bearing down on an unprepared under dog, it shows our villains are evil and our heroes as good, it sets the tone the mood the characters, and for both films that is true but doesn't mean they're copies or 'homages'. Well lets dig a little deeper, we than cut to a youth wandering a desert planet dissatisfied with his/her current situation, they yearn for something more. And they find or buy a droid that launches them into the action, meanwhile with the 'new and improved' empire we see them torturing our pilot, we have them eventually breaking away introducing our Antagonist Fin, fully into the story..

Thy find the droid and the youth attached, they squabble as so common in spunky comedic relationships, the empire attacks forcing her away from her desert planet home, she may never return or be in danger giving the motivation she needs to adventure out into space, meeting Han Solo[!]Crowd screams and claps like seals[!], bringing us three fold with the mentor and farther figure, and this is even more true when he obi wan kenobi himself, and what's with everyone falling into holes. There was Luke, Sidious, Darth Maul, you'd think they'd cover them up by now.

To cut a long spoiler short it feels like a check lists, do we have a super weapons, check, do we have an evil space stationy thing, spunky last stand, do we have a sacrifice, check, and did we fit that romance in somewhere. It seems more fan service than movie, not that's bad everyone loves a bit of meat they can latch on like the cavemen we are.

The Villains
Is he gonna cry?

The Villains what's a story without the villains, well this movie really. They set up Darth Snow bastard son of Han, quite well they have him intimidating powerful and in a shiny mask Vadar, would call a bit much. But as the movie goes on or any other scene he's in he looks like he's about to cry, the goal or the hope was to make him more 'relatable'? to show off that inner struggle between the dark and light, well it was done poorly he basically said it as he was about to give himself a hand shandy over Vadars ewoked helmet, don't tell ME show ME. We're watching a movie not having pre-school moral classes. And how did he get that?

My point is with this struggle we don't see him as an antagonist, we see him as someone who throws fits, not a villain but an angst y teen. And even if he changes in the next movie we'll still have that memory fresh in our mind, and who was Darth Abraham Lincoln, who is he and what's his goal and where did Sidious keep this wrinkly ball sack. It feels like another check list, do we have masked villain who questions his motives, check. Do we have old dude on chair who is so badass we don't even need to show it. The villains fall short.


What was the point of the previous films than, it was to stop a tyrannical empire and bring peace to the galaxy, and install a new government of equality, well we see how long democracy lasted, insert political cartoon here. It may not have been needed, but it was good, it was enjoyable and they're starving kids in Africa who don't have a Star Wars, so enjoy it.

Ok. Now that that's out of my system:

People finally found out their blasters have scopes? And they used them. WOW.

I loved the whole story. I was pissed Han dies. It made my soul bleed.

I was disappointed that Luke had 0 lines in the movie, and nothing but a staring contest with Rey at the end.

The saber fights felt SO much better than the prequels. I didn't think I would like the raw, hacky slashy kinda thing but it feels more real, and because of that, more elegant than the choreographed duels.

That's all I can say for now. I want to go re-watch it. I love Disney more than ever now. I am so happy with everything they've done.
The Good:
  • The new trio is great and feels relatable and real.
  • Comedic relief on point rather than corny and forced.
  • Didn't get bogged down in the fan service, call backs, and space politics.
  • Lightsaber fight was tense and grueling rather than gratuitous.
  • Kylo was the Anakin we deserved.
  • Han's death was the highlight in the movie for me - the silence of the score and the gradual shift in lighting made it amazing.

The Bad:
  • Captain Phasma did nothing.
  • Snoke CGI looks weird.
  • Plot weirdness when you start to think about it
  • Heavy on the parallels, kind of wondering if the whole trilogy will be like that rather than taking the setting for a ride.

The Worst:
  • We will never see TRAITORtrooper ever again.
Huuuuhboy. I don't think anyone didn't see it coming.

Wasn't wholly impressed with Ren, though.
He did take two heroes on 2v1 at the end while injured, but one of those heroes was a janitor, and the other wasn't even using the Force for most of the battle and had some of the most novice lightsaber maneuvers ever. He was intimidating and kickass at the beginning, then he took off his mask and just looked...emo. Hopefully his "training" is going to make him more threatening, because as it is, he was barely a respectable final boss for a couple of laser sword amateurs.
I've thought long and hard on this... Star Wars is a big thing for me... My grandfather and mom introduced me.... My daughter is bugging me to watch the movies and Clone Wars cartoon and Rebels now. She asked for a lightsaber for Christmas... So this series has connected four generations of my family.... That's a mean feat.... And I feel Episode VII was a worth successor in a lot of ways to the OT... I wasn't upset with the replacement of the novels and games from the old EU. I knew their plot and their arc and played them (in the case of the games) but I wasn't upset to see them go. Why, you ask? Because as much as I love Star Wars, in the end, it is just a bit of Sci-Fi. I find that, going into Star Wars with a fresh and open mind, I enjoyed the movie so much more than I did when I went in to view things like Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings. If you go into this movie with the preconceived notion that the old EU is how it should have happened, you're not going to enjoy it. And I feel bad for you, really, because you're missing out on a hugely fun film. It wasn't perfect, no. But it was not too shabby at all.

My personal likes? They are below... I'm not spoilering any part of them, because this is a spoiler thread, so be warned.
  • THE LIGHSTABER FIGHTS!!!! DEAR GODS YES!!!! As an AVID enthusiast/practitioner of Historical European Martial Arts (HEMA) and a fan as well of Eastern systems of Armed Combat, and even an absolute nutter of the Wheel of Time (I seriously wrote down EVERY sword form and made descriptions and a cohesive combat system for the blademaster bit once for an old forum)... This was how it should have been from the start. 15+ years playing with swords has finally become useful. I've always said on Chaos I intend for Julius to be a Battlemaster type. And he still will be.

    I've also been vocal that the lightsaber forms for Star Wars are inherently flawed as combat styles, and been rather vocal about the idea that Julius will eschew any actual 'default form' or any such in favor of just blending aspects from each to make his own style. I.E. - Make a system of combat I feel comfortable writing with with my background in swordsmanship. For those critiquing Rey just picking up a sword and being able to even vaguely best Kylo Ren, I leave you with a quote from Mark Twain that should sum it up, and it is terribly true: There are some things that can beat smartness and foresight? Awkwardness and stupidity can. The best swordsman in the world doesn't need to fear the second best swordsman in the world; no, the person for him to be afraid of is some ignorant antagonist who has never had a sword in his hand before; he doesn't do the thing he ought to do, and so the expert isn't prepared for him; he does the thing he ought not to do; and often it catches the expert out and ends him on the spot.

  • BB-8 : At first, I hated him. Little overly cute ball shaped droid (ridiculous shape really!) that looked like a Disney rip off of R2D2 with some focus-group targeted changes to make it more marketable and appealing. However, throughout the movie I was impressed with how well the dynamic of the little thing fit with the new cast. Yes it was a very similar role to R2, but do you know why? Because the OT was based on very common archetypes in the Heroic Myth Cycle. That is why, to me, Star Wars is so popular. Because it pulls at chords buried within us over centuries and millennium of fire-side story telling and more.
  • The Death of Han Solo: I always was sort of meh about Han at first. I know, I know, considering Julius it seems odd I say that. But I was always much more a fan of Luke and Obi-Wan. However, throughout my time in Mercs Costuming Club and here, i've become much more a fan of Han than I used to be. His demise, in totality, was perfect for me really. I always felt, once I started to take him seriously as a character, that he possessed a depth of personality that he hid away under the wisecracks. I saw that come through when he saw Kylo/Ben and hesitated, as if debating going after him. And though i'd have to watch it again to see, my fanboy addled brain seems to remember his hand going to his hip as if contemplating the blaster there. The final moments, where he tells Ben/Kylo he will do anything to help him, and the look on his face as he is betrayed? Yes I totally saw it coming, as soon as I knew Kylo was his kid and Leia told him to bring him home. But... I loved the scene anyway.
  • Poe Dameron: I've never been much of a pilot/fighter type guy in Star Wars. They always seemed kind of 'meh' to me. I'm a ground pounder, through and through. But Poe? Poe might have changed that. I loved him and his attitude in a way I can't quite put a finger on. Part of this is the fact the actor playing him looks and acts stunningly like a good friend of mine who is no longer alive. Part of it is because he just seems natural in his role. Not that I have time for another alt with Medic school starting, but the temptation is there now.

  • Chewie's RAGE: The badassery was short lived, and could have been more so, but it was pure shock then sorrow which quickly distilled into pure hate and rage at Han's death. I also loved the scene with the medical personnel/doctor "Oh yes that sounds very scary, you must be very brave"... It sort of 'humanized' the wookie, if you will.

  • The last bit? The stare down between Rey and Luke at the very end.. There was a whole movie worth of emotion and such exchanged in just that single strand of moments right there. My respect for Mark Hammil as an actor, and Luke Skywalker as a character, has grown tremendously

Overall, it wasn't perfect. It wasn't flawless. And we can hold it's tapestry up to whatever light we want and find infinite flaws if we chose to be stodgy and possessive and petulant in our love for the old EU and such. It's easy to, trust me! I know I did just that with the Lord of the Rings. And if they ever cover Wheel of Time in a cinematic form, I'll be temped to. But 'The Force Awakens' has taught me to relax, let go, and enjoy things for what they are, not what I feel and want them to be. Perhaps that is silly, but this entire experience has been an awesome one, and it will only be enhanced by taking my daughter to see it this coming week!
The only bad point I have is that having been filmed at Pinewood, the Forest of Dean and Puzzlewood; locations that are a mere ten minute to half hour drive for myself and readily accessible I was caught throughout the movie going, "Hey I know that place." It kinda pulled from the illusion in my opinion. I'm sure not many would experience it, but my second viewing will be less riddled with these moments.

For example the area where they filmed Maz's castle is a place where I walk every weekend, the particular part when Kylo abducts Rey is filmed on my walking path, when he goes through those rocks and deflects Reys blaster shots is a very prominent part of that said walk and I instantly recognised it.

I mean it was awesome and a great little piece of exposure but, yeah pulled from the illusion which was kinda meh...although yeah, I'm gonna go up there this weekend and be all like I'm walking on a Star Wars set :p Jelly?
[member="Kira Vaal"]

Actually that is very amazing! The only question I have for YOU, is why were you not hiding in the forest watching when filming? :p
Stealth of course..

Start running tour groups before anyone else does! haha.
I was in Australia while they were filming originally :(

Is this a good moment to mention I'm on the possible extras casting list for the next instalment when they start filming at Pinewood ok :p

[member="Julius Sedaire"]
[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
Coming from the prequel haters club, I give this movie a solid 7.5 out of 10. There was nothing particular wrong with it by any account but it didn't feel like it did much new, hence the score. Averaging out better overall than RotJ, but still below ANH and ESB. Perhaps my opinion will change after a second viewing or as time passes.

My main questions are....
What was the political situation? Was it like, the Republic and the First Order had a sort of cold war going on and the Resistance was the Republic's way of fighting back or was there something else? Was the Mon Calamari actually Admiral Ackbar or just some other bloke? Who's the bearded Dodanna looking guy in the crowd also? Why was Max von Sydow cast for such a pointless role? Why was the Resistance's entire fleet 25 X-Wings? Will we see more of Captain Phasma? Why were the two scenes with BB-8 and R2-D2 so adorable? Are we going to see more Star Destroyers? When is the next movie coming out already? What happened to Wedge, and Lando, and Nien Nnub (oh wait, he's there) and the other myriad of tertiary characters?

Overall I thought it was very fun and enjoyable and a worthy successor to the original movies. Finally.
Finally saw it!

I LOVE Kylo Ren! He's my absolute favorite! I love that the villain isn't an imposing master of the Dark Side for once! Kylo Ren is young and clearly still has a lot to learn, and man, gotta love that crossguard saber!

He has a temper, which I love! Every villain in Star Wars I can remember has always been calm and efficient, and now we have Ren, who totals an entire computer console when brought bad news, turns around and asks, "Anything else?"

I cant get over how much I love this villain. Hes so awesome! Hands down my favorite part of the movie!

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