Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Your immediate reaction? Best/worst part?

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
So my friends went and saw it then asked me a question but I can't remember if it was answered.

When did Ben get Anakins head?

I mean did Luke keep it after the funeral when they burned him? Did he keep it instead of an urn? Did Ben go back and search for it in the forest? DId the Ewoks take it to play as a drum like the helmets at the celebration in the end? I don't remember if it got answered and am now going to be searching for it while watching the movie.
Matsu Ike said:
I mean did Luke keep it after the funeral when they burned him? Did he keep it instead of an urn? Did Ben go back and search for it in the forest? DId the Ewoks take it to play as a drum like the helmets at the celebration in the end? I don't remember if it got answered and am now going to be searching for it while watching the movie.

It is never answered. Best assumption is he went back and got it. But you never know. Luke could have kept it for some reason.
I loved the movie, but parts of it near the middle felt a bit too rushed. I wasn't really sure if time was going by quickly or not, but I actually started to feel worried that it was going to end before destroying the giant weapon thing. I thought the ingenuity of pulling in stars was great, that is actually how I would have designed a weapon with that kind of technology if I were in that sort of a position. My only disappointments:
  • Coruscant and many Republic worlds being destroyed right away with little to no resistance from across the galaxy, or at least far from their star systems. Unless the star they were draining was many, many, times larger than our (rather small) star, the sun, it would have never made it anywhere close to them without being close enough to have been noticed by at least scouts of the Republic. I also dislike all of that culture, history, and everything else being completely wiped away to never be used in the future. I mean, if the focal point of the movie had been revolving around the destruction of Coruscant it would have been okay, but they paid very little attention to it, I don't think I even heard Leia actually say anything regarding to the planet - much less a moment of silence for the literal trillions of people that would have died.
  • Force adepts can apparently freeze blaster bolts mid-air... that's a bit beyond what I would have thought possible, though I assume it is a circumstantial thing involving just one person and awareness and all that, as we saw Chewie's bowcaster bolt didn't get instinctively frozen by Ben when Han died, though that could just be the struggle to stay together by Ben. Just seems a bit more powerful than what I imagined. Not really upset about it, just an uncomfortable surprise.
  • I would have loved to meet other members of the Order of Ren, besides just Kylo Ren. Y'know, like a peon or two, or even a confirmation that there's more than just Kylo and Snoke.
On the other hand, I was happy to see that an NFU can pick up a lightsaber and at least bat at people with it like it were a sword or a pole or something, and was even more happy to see that Rey was the new Jedi in this, if only because I feel like it totally enhances the Fin, Ren & Chewie companionship thing they have going on, what with Fin already being a trained soldier and Chewie being Chewie. I was a little sad when Han died, though I sort of saw it coming the minute Han agreed to Ben's request. I also got the idea that force users who come into contact with other force users via the force (like Kylo interrogating Rey) awaken more latent potential in force users than if they had found it on their own. I think the Jedi just knew how to hinder that sudden growth to keep them from the dark side, as we saw Rey got pretty close to it when she lashed out during that duel - which I thought was an amazing fight.

I also liked Poe, but I feel like there needs to be a lot of him. He's got that likable attitude and personality, and sort of reminds me of someone I know but can't put a finger on.

Also glad to see the advancement in technology (like the hologram upgrades) while retaining a war-beaten image of the starfighters and stuff they used.
It was new Story Arcs with New Characters who were incredibly likeable. Yes, we can talk in broad strokes about "how similar they are" but that honestly the worst way to analyze anything. In the details it is very different.
I enjoyed the hell outta it.

Really digging Kylo and the general air of the First Order cats.

The return to the "I'm going to fuck you up" style of lightsaber battles was also a huuugggee plus for me.

Little rushed? Sure. Couple things that could've been done a little better? Yeah. But ultimately it's a return to the vibe of the Star Wars of old.

Definitely good in my book.
Enjoyable movie. My company put me off, however, with his checking on Fantasy Football results. I intend to see the movie again with a different friend from work that I know will be giving 110% to the movie.

Was a bit put off by the pacing of the movie in general. It felt like it moved too fast and that the friendship built between Ray and Finn was somewhat forced. What can I say? Disney. It's infamous for writing girls marrying a guy they just met so this carry-over isn't entirely surprising.

I actually had to slap a hand over my mouth to keep from laughing when Kylo removed his mask. I was terribly underwhelmed by his face reveal and extremely irked by the fact that he looks nothing like his parents. This bothered me for the remainder of the film.

Ray's quick pick-up of Force powers was another sticking point for me. I was able to get over the lightsaber use by her and Finn just for the fact that they didn't use it with finesse, but actually looked like amateurs and I was perfectly happy with that.

Plot holes abound but here's hoping they fill them with the next movie.

I'll wait to give it an official ranking until after I see it again.
I hated Finn the first time I saw the movie. He was just kind of annoying to me.

I saw it again today. I still hate FN-2187.

Otherwise it was really nice! I enjoyed it a lot. Maz was really interesting and I'd love to see more of her.

For some reason, I can't seem to forget the alien/human lady in Maz's castle that called in the BB-8 was seen in the bar. (She was wearing like a black jester hood or something) Her makeup and everything just looked really cool!


News They Don't Want Heard
Saw it, loved it, bit disappointed by the general plot rehash, but also somewhat ok with it due to the new characters. Han dying is kind of meh for me. I didn't get an emotional charge out of it. I loved Kylo beating on himself in the fight with Rey. It was awesomr. Phasma needs more screen time. Personally I want Rey to be Luke's daughter, but I don't think she is. I also think she's going to get Ben to come back to the light and they are going to have to work together to beat Snoke.

Greatest disappointment: the ease of Star killer bases destruction.

Greatest thrill: Tie between Poe absolutely dismantling the FO ships on Mazs world and the battle between Rey and Kylo.

Greatest question: Who is Rey and why did her parents leave her?

Greatest Laugh At Idiots Moment: annihilation of the Republic. Mon Mothma got what she deserved.

Ranking: 4/7
Saul Grimtye said:
Just saw the movie, wanted to come to the most concentrated zone of SW fans I could think of to say what I think. This will likely be incoherent babbling.

First of all, the casting was atrocious for Finn and Kylo. And the First Order ginger general. Finn gave off this constant I'm a little boy in a Star Wars movie! vibe and Kylo was some deformed emo who looked so boyish and unscary that I had to hold back laughter when he first removed his mask. That said, his acting was top notch but that face is just not Sithly at all. And I doubt it could ever be, his ears are far too big, his teeth are stereotypically english and his jaw is skewed. Han and Leia would make a much more handsome son. Lastly, the First Order general, how is someone so young and, again, boyish, general of the First Order? Also, his acting was rather bland. My girlfriend and I reckon he'd be perfect in a role suited to informing Kylo of bad news and subsequently being destroyed in a fit of sithly rage.

Secondly, forced humour, forced humour everywhere. Too many jokes or awkward moments packed too closely together. Don't get me wrong, some moments made me chuckle but most of it made me cringe slightly. And I hate BB-8 with a passion, never liked the thing ever since I saw it in the trailers. It's far too childlike, which begs the question; "why would a seasoned veteran pilot program his companion to behave that way?"

Thirdly, the story was basically a progressive 'A New Hope'. Strong female lead who don't need no man? Check. Black comic relief lead? Check. All villains white dudes? Check. New Hope plotline? Check. And don't get me started on how characters who've known each other for half a day form bonds as strong as you'd expect from friends since birth. What the hell was up with Finn and Poe running to each other and hugging it out like a soppy romantic reunion after the Resistance saves the day? A knowing nod, a smile and a handshake/pat on the back would've sufficed. Yes, Finn thought the dude had died, but jesus, they literally knew each other for ten minutes before the crashlanding. Just all felt very forced.

Speaking of forced, Rey being able to use the force so proficiently out of nowhere pissed me off. I'll let the mind trick go, but wrestling the lightsaber away from Kylo Ren, a guy trained since birth, who was both closer to the lightsaber and trying to pull it first, was ridiculous.

Lastly, why on earth is the Resistance's 'fleet' literally a couple handfuls of X-Wings? The rebels in the original trilogy had a proper fleet. It should have been the new Republic and the First Order duking it out, not some ragtag group of X Wing pilots.

I'd give the film a 6/10, held up mostly by stunning visuals and Luke's cameo. Still better than Phantom Menace, probably as good as Clone Wars.
I've seen the force awakens 3 times in less than a week and I agree with you on all that. Perfectly said. Especially it being very much a re-make of a new hope. Especially on how the hell could Rey take on kylo in a sabre fight with what? No training. How can Rey suddenly be so proficient in using the Force just like that. Oh I agree, kylo minus his mask looked like a pussy. Big time! Lol And yeah too much humour. Sure it was funny, but un-realistic. Poe says at the start when he gets caught to kylo. "So who talks first, you, me?". Really dude, the guy's possibly gonna kill you and you wanna be funny. Anyway overall it was a great movie. Afterall I've already seen it 3 times and will probably see it more.
Barrien Siegfried said:
Greatest Laugh At Idiots Moment: annihilation of the Republic. Mon Mothma got what she deserved.

Ranking: 4/7
The Republic fully annihilated? Ummm that wasn't Coruscant that got destroyed by the first order. It was Hosnian Prime.

Apparently they also rotated their capitals depending on who won the election

I don't believe the entire Republic and its fleet would've been wiped out in one single blow. No way.
Braith Achlys said:
I loved the movie, but parts of it near the middle felt a bit too rushed. I wasn't really sure if time was going by quickly or not, but I actually started to feel worried that it was going to end before destroying the giant weapon thing. I thought the ingenuity of pulling in stars was great, that is actually how I would have designed a weapon with that kind of technology if I were in that sort of a position. My only disappointments:
  • Coruscant and many Republic worlds being destroyed right away with little to no resistance from across the galaxy, or at least far from their star systems. Unless the star they were draining was many, many, times larger than our (rather small) star, the sun, it would have never made it anywhere close to them without being close enough to have been noticed by at least scouts of the Republic. I also dislike all of that culture, history, and everything else being completely wiped away to never be used in the future. I mean, if the focal point of the movie had been revolving around the destruction of Coruscant it would have been okay, but they paid very little attention to it, I don't think I even heard Leia actually say anything regarding to the planet - much less a moment of silence for the literal trillions of people that would have died.
I don't think that the planets destroyed included Coruscant at all. The planets that was destroyed was Hosnian Prime and four other planets in the Hosnian System. Hosnian Prime was the new capital of the New Republic with the new seat of the Galactic Senate there and thus the target of the First Order. If you managed to catch it, some of the First Order peeps actually mentioned that the Republic planets in the Hosnian System have been destroyed. So I think Coruscant, the planet is still safe. Still a vast loss of culture, history and people though. :(


News They Don't Want Heard
[member="Kixi Rajki"]

Doesn't matter. I'm fairly certain they would have targeted the current capital. Not to mention the fact that Finn come in and said it was the Republic and everyone was acting like the Republic was gone.

Also never said fully. They didn't destroy enough planets to fully wipe out the Republic, anyone can see that.

And I doubt Mon Mothma was still in the senate at this point. My comment was in regards to what she wanted in Aftermath.

[member="Coren Starchaser"]
He was totally boss. For real. I was in awe as they showed him decimating everyone. THAT is why I like writing pilots.

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