Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Your immediate reaction? Best/worst part?

[member="Asemir Lor'kora"]

In reference to 5): I hope not. I'd love to see star wars as more than a family thing, at least when it comes to the force. However, I do think she might have been one of the jedi he was training when Kylo turned and killed off most of those being trained (hence the flashback of her standing in the rain, with him having killed a bunch of people). Maybe she had some of her memories wiped and dropped off at Jakuun. This would also solve the issue of her becoming powerful so fast. She wasn't learning the force over again, she was merely remembering.
1. Rey is Luke's daughter. I know it's not confirmed, I know it's possibly a red herring, but the movies are about the Skywalker family. Finn's the wildcard, Poe's the new Han, and Ren - while a direct descendant of Vader - is technically a Solo.

2. Why did R2-D2 wake up? I believe it's because he wasn't going to reveal Luke's whereabouts until the Starkiller base was destroyed.

3. What's with C-3PO's arm? That felt random.

4. Will Benicio Del Toro finally be a Chiss in Episode VIII? I really doubt they're gonna pull a Thrawn but they need another substantial villain for the next sequel, like Boba was for Empire Strikes Back. I don't think Phasma is capable of filling Boba's shoes, so unless Snoke fulfills a bigger role... we need some more variety, too much human stuff going on.

5. I would've felt better if they had killed Hux. Kinda disappointed that all of Team Evil lived to fight in the sequel.

6. I want some serious expansion on some lore for the EU. We didn't really get much, tbh. Maz Katana was neat and is a new species from what I could tell. The planets were cool but we destroyed more than we visited, and very few names were dropped, I felt. The only new system name I recall is the Resistance base's homeworld.

7. Stormtroopers are badass again. I could tell they put some real effort into making them not a joke.

8. Where was my Wilhelm scream? I've seen it twice and I didn't catch a Wilhelm scream. This is sad.

9. Felt really out of place that Leia/Han would name their son "Ben". Felt like that'd be a Luke thing, not a Leia thing. Probably the books influencing me, but Han nor Leia really had that close of a relationship to Old Ben Kenobi at all.

10. I saw another poster post this, and I agree: "I know as little about the Knights of Ren walking in the theater as I did walking out." The only screengrab we got of them is the same one given to the media months ago.

11. Needs more Poe in Ep. VIII. Hopefully with Han gone, we'll get it.

12. Needs more Yuuzhan Vong. If it takes another trilogy to get closer to a mention of the YV, I can be patient.
Asemir Lor'kora said:
Kylo Ren. Man, when he unmasked himself, I was like, haha emo kid. He just looks like it. He definitely does not have the Vader menace. But a poster above brought up the idea that Ren perhaps isn't supposed to be a Dark Lord of the Sith. Perhaps he's just a Sith Knight. Snoke even said that Ren's training isn't complete. So, if that's the case, then everything else makes sense. How he doesn't carry Vader's charisma. How Rei (Rey?) beat him in a lightsaber duel. And so forth.

He still has to complete his training but he's no weakling. He froze a blaster bolt in the air and just ignored it for forever. He's quite skilled. Also, he is referred to as the Master of the Knights of Ren by Leader Snoke. And none of them are Sith, so there is that. And quite frankly I think he raised Vader's menace up the 9s. Dude hunted down Rey in an ominous way more so than Vader ever did. He posed this constant threat. Also he's way more volatile than Vader ever was as well which makes him all the more terrifying as a villain.

Asemir Lor'kora said:
A super Death Star? That blows up three (or more) major planets? Why isn't the Republic (and Imperial Remnant) going all crazy about that? They'd have mobilized and wiped out the First Order instantly. As I understand the new canon, the First Order (and Resistance) are actually fairly tiny warlord groups out in the fringe of the galaxy. The Republic doesn't really care about them. It's sorta like the Taliban and 9/11, actually. As soon as the Taliban destroyed those towers, the US up and annihilated them.
Alright so we don't have the full information, but the First Order is the new Empire. The Imperial Remnant which fled to the unknown edges of space became the first order. They are not just some small time group. The Resistance is essentially a guerilla force in that section of the galaxy funded by the Republic. That's all revealed by the movie. I also don't think they even really knew what Starkiller base was or that it existed until it shot off its weapon. My reasoning behind that is that it took a combination of a scout party (this is mentioned right before they start talking about a plan of attack) and Finn for them to have any data on it.

Asemir Lor'kora said:
Captain Phantasma (or Phantom or whatever her name is) was a disappointment. I thought she'd at least have a cool fight scene. Nope!
Agreement. She was my only real let down. However, Kathleen Kennedy is on record saying that they have plans for her, so we'll see.

Asemir Lor'kora said:
Does anyone else think that Rey may be Luke's daughter? That explains a lot of the super-Force stuff, including the visions. She also has flashbacks of being abandoned, of seeing an island, and all that. It'd make sense.
I believe that she is no one of importance's daughter. My rational here is rather simple. She is obviously abandoned before Kylo turned on the Jedi order (they appear to be approximately the same age and she was abandoned at the age of 5) which would prove to be the only logical reason for Luke abandoning her. Also, we can tell from the scene that she was left with the Junk Dealer guy. I cannot even begin to fathom Luke leaving her with a guy like that. He would have found just about anyone else to leave her with (like that guy that Poe met). Moving on. So she's obviously talented in the force which I think is all that is needed there. I think the visions directly tie into the whole idea of the awakening. The Force, which obviously orchestrates a lot, is pulling her in a direction towards Luke. That's why she sees the island where Luke is at. It is drawing her too Luke through his lightsaber. It is not a familial tie but a tie purely rooted in the Force. At least that is my take on it.
Tsavong Kraal said:
Rey is Luke's daughter. I know it's not confirmed, I know it's possibly a red herring, but the movies are about the Skywalker family. Finn's the wildcard, Poe's the new Han, and Ren - while a direct descendant of Vader - is technically a Solo.

Nah. The Skywalker is Kylo.

Tsavong Kraal said:
ill Benicio Del Toro finally be a Chiss in Episode VIII? I really doubt they're gonna pull a Thrawn but they need another substantial villain for the next sequel, like Boba was for Empire Strikes Back. I don't think Phasma is capable of filling Boba's shoes, so unless Snoke fulfills a bigger role... we need some more variety, too much human stuff going on.
I still think Benicio Del Toro is going to be some kind of tangential villain. Much in the way that the two groups of thugs in the freighter barge were.

Tsavong Kraal said:
. I would've felt better if they had killed Hux. Kinda disappointed that all of Team Evil lived to fight in the sequel.
This is the major reason why I don't see Benicio Del Toro being a big villian in VIII. They've already got their key match ups set. Finn and Phasma. Rey and Kylo. Hux and Poe.

Tsavong Kraal said:
Where was my Wilhelm scream? I've seen it twice and I didn't catch a Wilhelm scream. This is sad.
Pretty sure I heard it, can't remember where though. I think it might have been one of the stormtroopers that were dropped by Chewie at the end.

Tsavong Kraal said:
Felt really out of place that Leia/Han would name their son "Ben". Felt like that'd be a Luke thing, not a Leia thing. Probably the books influencing me, but Han nor Leia really had that close of a relationship to Old Ben Kenobi at all.

I tend to agree with this but I can easily ignore it. Not something I'd complain about.

Tsavong Kraal said:
I saw another poster post this, and I agree: "I know as little about the Knights of Ren walking in the theater as I did walking out." The only screengrab we got of them is the same one given to the media months ago.
Yep, but I like it. Ties into how we're going to have sooo much more to reveal in the upcoming films and that's awesome.

Tsavong Kraal said:
Needs more Poe in Ep. VIII. Hopefully with Han gone, we'll get it.

Selena Halcyon said:
He still has to complete his training but he's no weakling. He froze a blaster bolt in the air and just ignored it for forever. He's quite skilled. Also, he is referred to as the Master of the Knights of Ren by Leader Snoke. And none of them are Sith, so there is that. And quite frankly I think he raised Vader's menace up the 9s. Dude hunted down Rey in an ominous way more so than Vader ever did. He posed this constant threat. Also he's way more volatile than Vader ever was as well which makes him all the more terrifying as a villain.
Just to back up why I think Kylo Ren is pretty menacing (despite the name), Adam Driver (the actor) is 6'3". They didn't play to this very well in the movie, but they could. Hopefully he amps it up to 10 after rejoining with Snoke, but I thought he was playing the part given to him pretty well - yeah, he's an emo kid. Playing with fantasies of being Vader but constantly falling short.

The only thing I don't get is, I feel like one of the first things Luke would've told his nephew during his training is that Anakin went to the light side at the end.

Sidenote, if Snoke is Palpatine's clone, I'm gonna poop on Kathleen Kennedy's porch.
Who is Benicio Del Toro and Hux?

Are they actors that play the characters? Or character names?

Also, I disagree that Kylo Ren is as menacing as Vader (for now). He just doesn't have Vader's commanding presence. Sure he froze a blaster bolt (and I was all WOAH when that happened), but Vader's voice and demeanor just carried this authority. The other Moffs and high-ranking Imperials feared Vader because he was a coldhearted killer. Kylo just seems too emotional for me to really fear; he is like a teen throwing a temper tantrum, which is laughable. Sure, it's dangerous and deadly, but it doesn't garner respect.

Of course, it may be that we've only seen Kylo for one movie while Vader has had 40 years to build his legend. So, I'm not saying that Kylo isn't a bad villain, just that he hasn't replaced Vader (in my opinion) as the bad guy.
Tsavong Kraal said:
The only thing I don't get is, I feel like one of the first things Luke would've told his nephew during his training is that Anakin went to the light side at the end.

I think Kylo is aware of this and thinks it is a weakness in Vader. When he talks to the mask he says that he feels the call of the lightside and the he needs a sign. And I think in this regard he is very much talking to Vader and not to Anakin. Remember people really push this dichotomy in the person in universe. Also, I think this is why Kyle felt he had to kill Han. Han was his father and if anything a strong pull to return to the Lightside but he wants to be stronger and so he removes the temptation before it becomes too strong. That's how I take it at least.
Asemir Lor'kora said:
Who is Benicio Del Toro and Hux? Are they actors that play the characters? Or character names?

Del Toro is an actor who has been picked up for VIII to be a villain. He's been in a lot of things, you'd probably recognize him. Hux was the general in the movie who was opposite of Kylo.


I like to think that Vader is an imposing, menacing kinda villain, Kylo Ren appears to be more raw and emotional brutal - both had a great internal struggle and both express that differently.

BUT I have to say. Kylo Ren continuously punching his wound in the end duel to draw on the pain to focus on his anger and draw greater strength from the dark side was BRILLIANT and subtle detail I very much enjoyed.
Ricochet said:
BUT I have to say. Kylo Ren continuously punching his wound in the end duel to draw on the pain to focus on his anger and draw greater strength from the dark side was BRILLIANT and subtle detail I very much enjoyed.

It wasn't subtle, but I also don't think it had anything to do with the power of the darkside. Remember, you can't rely on old force powers still being canon. I think it purely had to do with trying to ignore the pain and whatnot. Ever play a sport, get hurt, and then hit the sore area to try and numb it in some way? Or just out of frustration? That's what I was thinking.
I thought that chest thump thing was a little weird because I didn't make the connection of drawing power from the pain. If I didn't make the connection, I don't think the general audience would have either. But it was a nice touch for those who got it.

Also [member="Ricochet"], I see your point about the raw emotional brutality of Kylo. That's a very good point.
Tsavong Kraal said:
1. Rey is Luke's daughter. I know it's not confirmed, I know it's possibly a red herring, but the movies are about the Skywalker family. Finn's the wildcard, Poe's the new Han, and Ren - while a direct descendant of Vader - is technically a Solo.

2. Why did R2-D2 wake up? I believe it's because he wasn't going to reveal Luke's whereabouts until the Starkiller base was destroyed.

3. What's with C-3PO's arm? That felt random.

4. Will Benicio Del Toro finally be a Chiss in Episode VIII? I really doubt they're gonna pull a Thrawn but they need another substantial villain for the next sequel, like Boba was for Empire Strikes Back. I don't think Phasma is capable of filling Boba's shoes, so unless Snoke fulfills a bigger role... we need some more variety, too much human stuff going on.

5. I would've felt better if they had killed Hux. Kinda disappointed that all of Team Evil lived to fight in the sequel.

6. I want some serious expansion on some lore for the EU. We didn't really get much, tbh. Maz Katana was neat and is a new species from what I could tell. The planets were cool but we destroyed more than we visited, and very few names were dropped, I felt. The only new system name I recall is the Resistance base's homeworld.

7. Stormtroopers are badass again. I could tell they put some real effort into making them not a joke.

8. Where was my Wilhelm scream? I've seen it twice and I didn't catch a Wilhelm scream. This is sad.

9. Felt really out of place that Leia/Han would name their son "Ben". Felt like that'd be a Luke thing, not a Leia thing. Probably the books influencing me, but Han nor Leia really had that close of a relationship to Old Ben Kenobi at all.

10. I saw another poster post this, and I agree: "I know as little about the Knights of Ren walking in the theater as I did walking out." The only screengrab we got of them is the same one given to the media months ago.

11. Needs more Poe in Ep. VIII. Hopefully with Han gone, we'll get it.

12. Needs more Yuuzhan Vong. If it takes another trilogy to get closer to a mention of the YV, I can be patient.

Seen the movie 3 times now, the Wilhelm Scream is actually in the beginning. When Poe and Finn are attempting to escape the Star Destroyer and Finn starts blasting troopers in the hanger, one screams as he is blown away by a blast.

Also, I honestly hope that the Vong are never put into cinema. They alienate normal viewers and would cause issues with the general Star Wars mythos.

[member="Tsavong Kraal"]
[member="Darth Vornskr"]

Honestly, I'm not gonna listen to the wiki on this one quite yet because unless they're referencing the novelized form of the book it could just be based upon conjecture. Know what I'm saying. Now it could easily be driving his emotion, but there is a difference between that driving his mind and power, than the actual pain from power like people RP.
Just saw it over the last 3 hours. Whew. What a ride.

That film hit all the right cues, and almost seemed to be going too fast but not. Though it felt so right. So so right.

All the characters felt exactly who they ought to be. Especially loved Leia and Han.

Even the Stormtroopers felt real and not incompetents as their Empire counterparts seemed. And that General guy and Kylo, Mr. General was having none of it, and though he failed I see him as a great leader.

Next movie needs more Phasma.

I'd give the movie a solid 9/10. My top film I've seen this year is going to Mad Max: Fury Road though.

And now that I've seen the movie I can dive into Wookipedia to my hearts content!

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