Kamon's OOC
Well-Known Member
[member="Coren Starchaser"]
Pfft. Anakin who?
I can imagine Wedge being that good, though.
Pfft. Anakin who?
I can imagine Wedge being that good, though.
Snoke never fully trained Kylo, so we can only assume that all he had was his former Jedi training under Luke and perhaps some stuff that Snoke arbitrarily taught him.Zhall Serth said:Kylo Ren is a trained Sith lord
My bad. but still. The fact remains that he has experience with both a lightsaber and the force.Darth Vornskr said:Snoke never fully trained Kylo, so we can only assume that all he had was his former Jedi training under Luke and perhaps some stuff that Snoke arbitrarily taught him.
And he's also not a Sith.
[member="Zhall Serth"]
Fatty said:It was so cool! How in the world is a Sanitation Storm Trooper (basically space janitor) going to have knowledge enough to present the main weakness of the weapon to the Resistance without full specs on the base itself? How should he even know that it was a weakness at all? And what are our heroes to regret when Captain Phasma (COMPLETELY UNDERUSED BTW) turns off the shields? And while yes, I know that it was much harder to destroy the critical weakness on the superweapon.... it was still a bunch of starfighters with a little bit of help from a ground team! That is exactly what happened in ROTJ, with Han and company blowing up the shield generator for the Deathstar, and then the Alliance destroying it... again, with almost nothing but starfighters (a little bit of support from cruisers and such, but they weren't much more than Superlaser fodder).
Dune Rhur said:Why were non trained individuals able to stand up to trained ones?
With Finn, that's a fair point. With Rey, a staff is not a sword. Different beasts entirely but I suppose being shot would hurt. And to what extent is Kylo trained? He looked kind of Shii-Cho in his swordplay and Snoke did say 'finish his training'.Selena Halcyon said:This is probably one of the worst complaints about the movie because everything you need to know is there in the movie, and yet for some strange reason I see it constantly. 1) Finn is a trained soldier. May have been on sanitation but was still a trained soldier. He also lost rather handily in both his lightsaber fights. 2) We know that Rey knows something about melee combat. She carries that bo staff for a reason. She knows how to handle herself with it. 3) And the most important of them all. Kylo Ren was hurt for the fight so he was fighting with his body under extreme pain and also would be limited by it.