Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Your immediate reaction? Best/worst part?

It was an alright movie. Brings back the old Star Wars feel. Though it was pretty much a cheap plot rehash and Rey feels like a Mary Sue. I mean, Kylo Ren is a trained Sith lord. And she somehow beat him with no training and not only that, she somehow managed to Jedi mind trick someone like a hour after learning what the force was, then beat the aforementioned Sith lord in retrieving a lightsaber with the force. I bet we'll get a really bad explanation like "She got hella midichlorians yo."
Darth Vornskr said:
Snoke never fully trained Kylo, so we can only assume that all he had was his former Jedi training under Luke and perhaps some stuff that Snoke arbitrarily taught him.

And he's also not a Sith.

[member="Zhall Serth"]
My bad. but still. The fact remains that he has experience with both a lightsaber and the force.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Well I saw it again this time for the full experience, IMAX 3D and got my special 172/500 ticket.... went in there with the sole purpose of trying to see what Phasma did and I hope she gets more. She kind of comes off to me like the Maul and Boba of the new trilogy. Looks badass, implied to be awesome but... doesn't do much beyond trailer poses. Assuming she wasn't in the trash compactor when the base was blowing up and everyone was escaping. Hope she gets to be around maybe show her with a scar or her face cause while she seemed so cool and excited when talking about it.
Did I like the move, yes. I thought it was a great addition to the saga and I love the actual fact that it had all the throw backs it had. Yet, I did find issues, and to really bring these issues to light I will be spoiling little bits that are major spoilers! Minor spoilers such as the map to skywalker is covered by the spoiler tag so heyo. So expect some spoilers which I will hide with the spoiler code which we really need a code for on that bar thing.

I loved the opening. A little confused on how the old bloke got the map to skywalker but I choose not to question it. I also choose not to question how Poe knew the old guy had the map because I know if I question it we'll get some really bad sequels and they are things I would rather not take. In all honesty though it was a great little opening segment with Ren coming down the ramp. I had two girls behind me and I heard both of them mutter "he's a son of Luke" and I honestly agreed just slightly.

The introduction of Finn was cool, though I was slightly annoyed at how he refused to shoot. If you don't want to commit murder, fine. I understand not all of us love death. Yet you are a stormtrooper, I don't care how much you don't want to be. While on the battlefield the whole point is to make yourself blend in. Not shooting is just like holding a massive sign that states "I'm here, I'm going to betray you"

That's my first point.

Later on in the same basic scene. I want to know what that force power is that allowed Ren to stop the bullet. That was cool and I kind of fell in love. To Wookiepedia... Okay, back. Wookiepedia states Force Deflection but I honestly think it was more than that. Anyway, great scene that made Kylo Ren out to be a force loving manic that I loved. The true bad guy.

Most of my issues come with Ray and Finn. How the hell did she not know he was lying? Any idiot would of noticed during the really strange silence on the falcon. Very clearly he was speaking to the droid, begging for help. That annoyed me slightly. They are the issues that came around in the first hour. I will do a whole post later on but yeah, busy right now!
First thought: *crying*
Second thought: Rey is bae
Third thought: I want the next movie now
Fourth thought: I want to watch this movie again
Fifth thought: Wait, did they explain why/how R2-D2 woke up again? Did I miss something?

And just a bunch of "Was that an easter egg/reference? I think it was. I love this"
We have not, [member="Valiens Nantaris"].

While I have not looked at the book personally, from what I understand the Visual Guide states that he is some leader of a Church of the Force. So he's a guy who believes in the force religiously, has some ties to the Order but not a force user. I imagine he might have been kind of like someone who just staid with that new Order as help because he believed in its power.
I loved the movie.

BB-8 and Finn on the Falcon were hilarious. I also loved the Han and Chewie scenes where Han uses Chewie's bowcaster(Or can i call it a handcannon? That things got some power!). Also C3P0's first appearance when he's going off about his red arm.
Well-Known Member
A 9/10 for an otherwise perfect beginning to a sequel trilogy.

I loved it, but when I made out of the theatres, I wasn't sure how I felt about it. It was amazing, I was at the seat of my pants watching, leaning forward at every other moment, and at all other times I was bouncing... but there were problems that made me think for the next two days that I just couldn't put to rest until I deigned to research after having digested exactly what bothered me.

My most major complaint, is that as the Resistance was attacking the Thermal Oscillator on Starkiller Base, I was crossing my fingers and whispering under my breath that there was some secondary system that prevented critical failure and the weapons destruction. When it was destroyed I literally signed in disappointment.

It was so cool! How in the world is a Sanitation Storm Trooper (basically space janitor) going to have knowledge enough to present the main weakness of the weapon to the Resistance without full specs on the base itself? How should he even know that it was a weakness at all? And what are our heroes to regret when Captain Phasma (COMPLETELY UNDERUSED BTW) turns off the shields? And while yes, I know that it was much harder to destroy the critical weakness on the superweapon.... it was still a bunch of starfighters with a little bit of help from a ground team! That is exactly what happened in ROTJ, with Han and company blowing up the shield generator for the Deathstar, and then the Alliance destroying it... again, with almost nothing but starfighters (a little bit of support from cruisers and such, but they weren't much more than Superlaser fodder).

Hell, it took more resources to take down the second death star than this PLANET SIZED WEAPON WITH THE FIRE POWER ENOUGH TO OBLITERATE MULTIPLE STAR SYSTEMS AT THE SAME TIME.

It also slightly irritated me we could see the system get destroyed from a planet lightyears away, but at least at the time I wasn't really bothered by it... I'm not really bothered by it now either, it can be hand waved that the light was going faster than light or something as a result of its hyperspace origins or something. Besides, it was kinda cool (but lacked any emotional impact given the dearth of any real development of who the New Republic was to us).

I was really impressed with Kylo Ren, and geeked out when he froze that blaster bolt mid air with his stasis power or whatever... because they showed something that wasn't the six powers they showed in the originals (something I feel that the Prequels really lacked among other things). I was a little disturbed by Finn's dialogue... it was a little too... eccentric and excitable, but I was eventually comfortable with it towards the middle of the movie (perhaps was not as in tune with his character at the start?). I felt like they were really trying to get us to get all the names straight in the beginning by making every other piece of dialogue saying the full name of everything, but that's whatever. I feel like they should have spent more time on actual exposition dialogue rather than just repeating names we've all been hearing for months. I was also confused how Poe got off Jakku, but I'm fine with it being hand waved.

I could review my every thought, but all I can say is, that while the movie was awesome and REALLY hit home with the star wars feeling... I was really confused by it. Quite a few things I wish they done differently, but these are not heinous grievances.

Seriously, my only real complaint is that they didn't save Starkiller Base's complete destruction for another movie.
Fatty said:
It was so cool! How in the world is a Sanitation Storm Trooper (basically space janitor) going to have knowledge enough to present the main weakness of the weapon to the Resistance without full specs on the base itself? How should he even know that it was a weakness at all? And what are our heroes to regret when Captain Phasma (COMPLETELY UNDERUSED BTW) turns off the shields? And while yes, I know that it was much harder to destroy the critical weakness on the superweapon.... it was still a bunch of starfighters with a little bit of help from a ground team! That is exactly what happened in ROTJ, with Han and company blowing up the shield generator for the Deathstar, and then the Alliance destroying it... again, with almost nothing but starfighters (a little bit of support from cruisers and such, but they weren't much more than Superlaser fodder).

The Resistence assumed that something like that should exist. Finn simply knew where it was. And it honestly was not that big of a weakness because the Resistence pounded it hard and were getting no where until Han and Chewie laid some thermal detonators.

I liked the new characters, even emo Kylo. The lightsaber fights were better and more realistic. The location were great.

I disliked how little explanation there was. Why were non trained individuals able to stand up to trained ones? Carrie Fischer/Harrison Ford onscreen were a bit awkward. Okay, I hated Hux.
Dune Rhur said:
Why were non trained individuals able to stand up to trained ones?

This is probably one of the worst complaints about the movie because everything you need to know is there in the movie, and yet for some strange reason I see it constantly. 1) Finn is a trained soldier. May have been on sanitation but was still a trained soldier. He also lost rather handily in both his lightsaber fights. 2) We know that Rey knows something about melee combat. She carries that bo staff for a reason. She knows how to handle herself with it. 3) And the most important of them all. Kylo Ren was hurt for the fight so he was fighting with his body under extreme pain and also would be limited by it.
Selena Halcyon said:
This is probably one of the worst complaints about the movie because everything you need to know is there in the movie, and yet for some strange reason I see it constantly. 1) Finn is a trained soldier. May have been on sanitation but was still a trained soldier. He also lost rather handily in both his lightsaber fights. 2) We know that Rey knows something about melee combat. She carries that bo staff for a reason. She knows how to handle herself with it. 3) And the most important of them all. Kylo Ren was hurt for the fight so he was fighting with his body under extreme pain and also would be limited by it.
With Finn, that's a fair point. With Rey, a staff is not a sword. Different beasts entirely but I suppose being shot would hurt. And to what extent is Kylo trained? He looked kind of Shii-Cho in his swordplay and Snoke did say 'finish his training'.

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