A 9/10 for an otherwise perfect beginning to a sequel trilogy.
I loved it, but when I made out of the theatres, I wasn't sure how I felt about it. It was amazing, I was at the seat of my pants watching, leaning forward at every other moment, and at all other times I was bouncing... but there were problems that made me think for the next two days that I just couldn't put to rest until I deigned to research after having digested exactly what bothered me.
My most major complaint, is that as the Resistance was attacking the Thermal Oscillator on Starkiller Base, I was crossing my fingers and whispering under my breath that there was some secondary system that prevented critical failure and the weapons destruction. When it was destroyed I literally signed in disappointment.
It was so cool! How in the world is a Sanitation Storm Trooper (basically space janitor) going to have knowledge enough to present the main weakness of the weapon to the Resistance without full specs on the base itself? How should he even know that it was a weakness at all? And what are our heroes to regret when Captain Phasma (COMPLETELY UNDERUSED BTW) turns off the shields? And while yes, I know that it was much harder to destroy the critical weakness on the superweapon.... it was still a bunch of starfighters with a little bit of help from a ground team! That is exactly what happened in ROTJ, with Han and company blowing up the shield generator for the Deathstar, and then the Alliance destroying it... again, with almost nothing but starfighters (a little bit of support from cruisers and such, but they weren't much more than Superlaser fodder).
Hell, it took more resources to take down the second death star than this PLANET SIZED WEAPON WITH THE FIRE POWER ENOUGH TO OBLITERATE MULTIPLE STAR SYSTEMS AT THE SAME TIME.
It also slightly irritated me we could see the system get destroyed from a planet lightyears away, but at least at the time I wasn't really bothered by it... I'm not really bothered by it now either, it can be hand waved that the light was going faster than light or something as a result of its hyperspace origins or something. Besides, it was kinda cool (but lacked any emotional impact given the dearth of any real development of who the New Republic was to us).
I was really impressed with Kylo Ren, and geeked out when he froze that blaster bolt mid air with his stasis power or whatever... because they showed something that wasn't the six powers they showed in the originals (something I feel that the Prequels really lacked among other things). I was a little disturbed by Finn's dialogue... it was a little too... eccentric and excitable, but I was eventually comfortable with it towards the middle of the movie (perhaps was not as in tune with his character at the start?). I felt like they were really trying to get us to get all the names straight in the beginning by making every other piece of dialogue saying the full name of everything, but that's whatever. I feel like they should have spent more time on actual exposition dialogue rather than just repeating names we've all been hearing for months. I was also confused how Poe got off Jakku, but I'm fine with it being hand waved.
I could review my every thought, but all I can say is, that while the movie was awesome and REALLY hit home with the star wars feeling... I was really confused by it. Quite a few things I wish they done differently, but these are not heinous grievances.
Seriously, my only real complaint is that they didn't save Starkiller Base's complete destruction for another movie.