Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Your Undoing | TB Invasion of SJO held Yurb & Keldooine

Barrien Siegfried

Location: Edsert
Objective: Help the Civilians
Gear: Black Betaplast Armor | Shield | Blue Saberlance
Tags: Ura Iolar Ura Iolar | Tarish Galland | Amani Serys Amani Serys


Before the Bryn'adul would arrive on Yurb, Barrien set first foot on the world. It was not at all how he expected it to be, but then he wasn't really sure what he had expected. Knowing Ura as he did, he half-expected the world to be the opposite of her because it seemed that was how things rarely worked and he expected it to happen one of these times. But no, it was a dusty world as he should have expected. Oh well. It wasn't as if it would make a difference in what he wore or did.

Speaking of which, before he left for the world he made sure to send Leda Elariel a
Dearest Leda,

I hope that this letter finds you well and that you are finding it easier to integrate into the Midvinter society. I wish that I had the chance to come and see you again, but war is brewing along the border of Silver Jedi space. A menace known as the Bryn'adul is poised to strike the home of one of my padawan friends and I aim to go and help protect the civilians. These attackers are known for committing atrocities and genocide and I cannot in good conscience sit by and do nothing.

If you do not hear from me within the next few weeks it will likely mean I have fallen. If such is the case I hope that you will continue my quest to see our home freed of the Empire. If you do wish to, and you need help, seek out the Heavenshield family on Midvinter. They can assist you in talking to the Silver Jedi. Please be safe.

Sincerely yours,
Barrien Siegfried
. If he didn't survive the encounter with the Bryn'adul he wanted her to know so that she could carry on trying to free their world. Also he didn't want her to be alone and he knew that the Heavenshield family was a trustworthy one. Undoubtedly she would find help from them if she needed it.

When the attackers arrived he was already within Edsert and helping to organize the locals into defensable locations within range of probably landing zones in case they had to evacuate people. He had spotted Ura earlier but she had been busy dealing with some of the younger ones and he hadn't wanted to interfere. These were her people and not his. If anyone could help the two children it was her, so long as she remembered her training. Calmness could be contagious.

"Please be calm," he said to a couple who were making their way to shelter. "You will be safe, I promise."

He would die for them. Others might not, but if that was what it took it was what he would do.
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Where: The Emerald Undertow
Why: To provide support
Wearing/Wielding: Fate, Robes, Cryoban Rifle & 5x Cryoban Grenade
When: Invasion Start
With: Gir Quee Gir Quee Nimue Nimue Juno ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar @Any other joining fleeters Ura Iolar Ura Iolar
Against: Brynadul - Tagging specifically Ver'kad Inuk Osam Osam Galak Galak
Post Number: 1

Despite what one might expect from a situation such as this Aurelion was far from afraid. Nervous? Of course. Excited? Absolutely. A thrumming hum of excitable energy coursed through his veins with each step he took to the Emerald Undertow's meditation chamber. Nimue and Juno were with him, both of them insisting on coming to keep him safe and that, if he was honest with himself, was why he was not afraid. Not due to some newfound courage of his own but because two people he trusted greatly were here for him. They would both be able to feel his appreciation and thankfulness for their presence, though Nimue would feel this more intimately through their bond, that this sensation quite literally warmed the small Padawan's heart.

Though, in truth, there was more than a little trepidation Nimue would also be able to tell the source of and one that Juno would likely be able to guess anyways. He was incredibly anxious about whether or not he would be able to do well enough. What they had planned was not only entirely different in scope and scale to what Aurelion had attempted before, but it was also going to be applied in a way in which Aurelion had not yet attempted. He had some experience, at least, at invigorating and providing hope to his allies. He had yet to try and perform what he had studied the full application of his abilities could do. Simultaneously doing what he had done before as well as sapping his enemies of their own will to fight. Which, from what he had been informed these creatures were like, seemed like it could be a crucial aspect of disrupting their battle plans.

Aurelion glanced to Nimue and Juno, giving them both a small smile, before opening the door to the meditation chamber for them. Murmuring to them "Well.... here we are...." He swallowed gently, moving to the center of the room, and kneeling down one one of the three small platforms that had been prepared for them to meditate upon. The three raised seats comfortably supplies to good seating and within arm's reach of one-another. Aurelion would sit on the one furthest from the door and turn to look up at Nimue and Juno. "Umm.... so our... orders....." he felt awkward even mentioning orders to his Master and Nimue. ".... were to use Battle Meditation to assist the fleet. I can focus us I just need you two to help me uhhh.... fuel it, I guess?"

Aurelion would move onto the seat and kneel, taking a deep breathe, before waiting for Nimue and Juno to join him. A small smile on his face as he offered each of them a hand. He didn't know how the two of them would react to the very intimate process with one-another but he would do his best to help them harmonize as best he could. He would take their hands, gladly and willingly, and for now would work on expanding their senses out to the battle just beginning beyond the ship. His presence gentle and, though still fractured and wavering, they both were calming forces for him in their own ways. Aurelion would pause when he felt the mental presence of the Brynadul, surprise and apprehension pulsing through his mental presence like a shock-wave as he saw it.

They were a writhing, seething mass of inter-laced worms, minds twisting and crawling together between both humanoid forms and ship alike. Their minds primal and full of purpose, ringing of bestial unity in the joy of slaughter and veneration of a being known as 'Tathra'. As their battle Meditation began Aurelion began to work with Nimue and Juno in plucking a these strands, pulling out these worms, and assaulting the minds of both the Stone-Singers and even the Brynadul ships themselves.

-- Using: Expert Battle Meditation --

Empowered by Meditation Chamber and assisting Force Users to -- Master Battle Meditation --

Their joined consciousnesses would begin to spread, out from the Emerald Undertow, to the Phedrak Fighters, the Gunboats the Brynadul fleet deployed, to the Butcher attack cruisers and even the Divine Brutality itself. Aurelion was curious as to how Juno and Nimue would react to this expanded perception, Juno especially, as he began to plant the first seeds of doubt, fear and helplessness into the hearts of beasts and beings that had never known such emotions.

To his allies, Gir Quee Gir Quee and ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar Aurelion would also spread to them a sense of purpose and drive, from the crew of the Emerald Undertow itself to those brave souls manning the Glasser Stations to improve their performance and steel their hearts. ( Ura Iolar Ura Iolar ) Even in their frenzy of activity and as they set themselves about their duties they would know they were not alone. He was with them, and more important, the Force was with them. Every single one.
Objective: Assault
Armour | Sword | Shield | Axe |
Units: TBD
Location; M'gaelak Siege Tower CC | Within Phedrak Carrier |
Tags: Galak Galak | Osam Osam | Krarolk T'manu | Reosyvern Reosyvern | Kyrim Tenebris Kyrim Tenebris | Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma | Sarask Hiskt Sarask Hiskt | Sethrak Sethrak | Hrajlmak'Natok Hrajlmak'Natok | Rahm Rahm | Drekarys Kel |

From where he stood, Tathra could see everything. Across the holographic table portrayed by the stones; everything from fleet composition to the progress of the Emissary and his forces was evident on screen. The particularly large enforcement of enemy defences around their exterior outpost played well for them. Tathra agreed with the Emissaries choice, it would provide them the tactical advantage. Yet still this prolonged wait for combat left Tathra with a forlorn sentiment, he immediately wished to be acquitted of the developments below as he saw them, felt them. He wished to fight alongside those taking the first steps against the decadence of strength that was the reign of Human Empires. Though his pride was second to their goal, as always he strove to put the needs and the strength of his kind before his own. But it would not be long before their forces were delivered to the scorched earth left in the wake of the Gun Boats that made it to the surface. It would not be long before Silver Jedi and whatever wretches came to accompany them felt the ire of the Draelvasier Titan.

Tathra thumbed over the refreshing module on the side of the large tablet that encased the live-feed. The approach of the Primarch and his words were acknowledged with an apathetic growl that came from the depths of his stomach. His eyes shifted between Drek'ma and the command tablet. He regained full posture, straightening himself as he let out the air in his face. The exhale caught at its end by a distasteful scoff.

He should've been down there with them. But, all in good time. There was no doubt that the Primarch was wise, but he could feel his ears burning, the Seers no doubt counselled the others of the Ish'makra present as they did so him. He had to trust in the strength instilled in the Emissaries, the Seers said if he held too tightly - they would be crushed in his grasp and unable to flourish. He was letting go of Galak, or at least he was trying to.

The massive Drael scratched his right elbow, every breath accompanied with an agitated growl. He lightly paced like a brooding predator, was he going to pounce at the tablet? That wouldn't get him anywhere closer to the battle. Tathra resigned to remaining still, using the Primarch; his long term ally as a distraction.

"I know."

But in truth, he realised the Primarch did not speak for him alone. But, it was in truth because the others needed him. They needed their Chieftain, awake and present. Not brooding like a young Skag straight out of the breeding den. With a nod of understanding, Tathra rested his massive crimson paw on the shoulder of the Primarch before leaning over the tablet, and raising a hail to all of the M'gaelaks, Dropships and Pods.

"Sraelvun, Aeravalin, Baedurin - Draelvasier. Bryn'adûl Warriors! Today we step forward, today we correct the course of History in this Galaxy. The resurrection of strength begins today! This battle will ask more of you than any before. Today, I ask more of you than I have ever before. Today, we must be strong. Today, we MUST be unified! These wretches would see entire worlds left bereft of leadership, strength, fairness. We stand tall, brothers and sisters! Brutes, Zealots, Drones, Risen, Shamans, Warlocks, Stone-Singers. I ask you, follow me now. Forward into the carnage and hell of war, we will go where they live, we will go where they breed and we will destroy them!"

Objective 1 | Evacuate Civilians
Location | Edsert
Tech | 10x Goro droids
Nearby | Amani Serys Amani Serys | Ura Iolar Ura Iolar | Tarish Galland | Barrien Siegfried | Kyra Perl Kyra Perl | Caedyn Arenais | Other I may have forgotten, sorry!

It never stopped.

There was always something—someone—bent on wanton destruction somewhere. Galactic powers rose and fell, and while many were just a flash in the pan, the Bryn'adûl were rapidly spreading their name with fire and blood. There was always a reason, whether it be the desire to conquer or the desire for carnage. This time, it was to prove a measure of strength and slaughter the unworthy. The weak. As she shifted her way through the city streets, Nida absently wrapped a hand around the crystal pendant at her neck. She was walking, moving swiftly, but she barely registered that she was doing anything at all.

Soon the skies would darken with a blanket of ships, vessels girded for war of both allies and opposition. The shield encompassing the city would eventually strain and shatter, leaving its denizens exposed for butchery. Her goal—their goal—was to herd the civilians towards the mountains, where they’d find safety in a bunker running through the earth.

Nida adjusted the comm in her ear, tapping into the frequency that was being used to keep all of those involved in the evacuation connected. “This is Padawan Perl.” She spoke softly, evenly, consciously controlling her nerves in a manner she’d practiced during countless assaults. “Nida Perl.” She added, a lump in her throat swelling as she remembered that she was not the only Padawan Perl. Nida hadn’t been in touch with her younger sister Kyra, but sincerely hoped that the younger Zeltron had not found her way to Yurb and in the impending mess.

It was bad enough that Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield , back with his company, was slated for action today. This would be his first big combat role since he’d acquired new limbs. Although the cybernetics were stronger, and he’d gotten used to them enough, it worried Nida endlessly if something would go awry. What if the connections stop working? What if you’re hit with an EMP grenade strong enough to shut them down? What if… She’d almost lost him once in that horrible battle on Midvinter, and he’d been saved by his mother’s quick entrance and the medevac. But Coci Heavenshield Coci Heavenshield wasn’t here, and Nida wouldn’t be able to get to him if he were injured.

A guttural whine pulled Nida out from the spiral that was her own thoughts, and she looked up into the metallic face of one of her sister’s goro droids. The ursine automaton was designed with civilian protection in mind as a docile walking shield generator. Yula had created them to serve as protectors for the tiny villages and towns on remote worlds of the outer rim, to provide a means of defense against pirates and ruffians. Today, they would help shield civilians from debris and ballistics should it come to that.

“I’m sending seven mobile-shield droids out to the remaining parts of the city where civilians are congregating to evacuate. Please utilize them as you see fit.” Anyone assisting civilians would likely find at least one black-and-steel droid lumbering alongside the crowds, projecting shielding or lifting heavy objects out of the way of their path. Three were to remain with her. The healer had been through many evacuations that it was deemed that she did not need immediate supervision, but she would absolutely not refuse assistance in any form.

She peered upwards to the sky, eyes catching a glimpse of the city’s nearly invisible shielding as a slight burst of energy ran through it.
Objective A
Location: Aboard the Divine Brutality
Tags: Aurelion Nova Aurelion Nova | Gir Quee Gir Quee | Nimue Nimue | Juno | ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar | Ura Iolar Ura Iolar |

As the feeble minds of the Human interlopers attempted to reach out against the Bryn'adûl's collective moral and mental fortitude, a
horrible rending noise would meet them instead. The mind of the Seer, awakened. His eye, finding those who would sow seeds of doubt in his kin.

I SEE you LITTE creatures. The blood, the roots! Bound together our strength is unbroken! You are NOTHING.

Nimue. Aurelion. Juno. He found them, those who stretched out to meet their power. In their vein attempts they would find only the dark and red miasma of the Seers mastery over the cosmic force. His physical form raised into the air within its chamber, a vessel for a myriad of power beyond Human capability.

Caged and feeble minds! Children of my enemy, I offer no forgiveness for this transgression.

He lauded over them, his advantage was his surprise; blunting all their efforts with a powerful wave of telepathic energy, a obsidian wall of sphered black obelisk bricks. He did not push beyond his own kin, he simply defended. The arachnid did not come for its prey so quickly - The Seer would know all he would possess.
Location: C7 Ruins, Yurb
Objective: Ground Engagement
Allied Command: Confederacy of Independent Systems & Silver Jedi Order
Enemy Command: The Brynadul
Equipment: NX Harvester | TDW L-7 Pistol | NX Shroud | Micro-Light Shield | Jam Buster Comlink | Bayonets | CryoBan Grenades | Smoke Canisters | LNK Scythe Fighter

War. War was waste. A means organics used to dominate one another in order to lay claim to resources for them and theirs when words would not avail them, or when none could be bothered to speak. A tool to excise those that refused to listen to reason, or could see the greatest benefit for the lesser cost. So short lived and such genetic strife it was inevitable violence would arise, and it would beget more violence, and then it would spread across the galaxy. No matter how far you flew, or how deep you dug, it would find you. It would bury you. War was the epitome of the inefficiency Nyx abhorred.

What was that in the face of the Brynadul or the Dreal, however? They were the product of a genetic lineage bred for war. For conquest. To hone themselves against others and bring 'strength' by conflict. A painfully similar concept to the Sith philosophy, and equally as flawed in Nyx's processors. Did war spur innovation? Undoubtedly. Did war bring to light the greatest and the worst of those involved? Inevitably. Was it the most efficient, most effective, and most productive means toward a greater, long-term design? Not from where most electronic intelligences computed. Sadly, organics rarely listened to them. The poor things.

If this were all true, however, why had Nyx come? For several reasons. All of which were carefully weighed before hand, and again as she knelt among the ruins in wait. There was time, after all. Free from distraction a droid could ponder many mysteries -- though some were best saved for a supplementary matrix. One of those reasons was manifested in a new invention that Nyx hoped would aid the Confederacy's Intelligence Command -- and herself. The NX Harvester. Perhaps, if she collected enough or the right samples, she would come to understand the genetic need for the wasteful expense of the Brynadul's own against the Silver Jedi -- and all other lifeforms. There was much of the illogical world Nyx could not comprehend through computation alone. Experiments must be run to reveal new revelations of the world in which she lived, and then -- one day -- perhaps set them all free of this endless cycle.

Her optical units peered out across the distance in wait for the enemy forces. Already it seemed an element of the ground forces had broken ranks to help stranded civilians. A matter that Nyx filed away in the event it became pertinent. Mandalorians were capable of handling themselves, and in the off chance they could not she expected they would call for help. After all, if embarrassment was a concern would they have left before War Marshal Luna Terrik could even acknowledge the situation? They would hear much of this later -- if they survived.

For now, Nyx waited. Soon the dark tides would come. It was not in her programming too feel anxious; or, rather, she had not activated the subroutine as now was not the time for such experiments. Though there was a curious snippet of code that drew her attention. It appeared... almost executable in nature. Perhaps she would study it while she waited for the storm to break.

Tag: Luna Terrik Luna Terrik | Haastal Haran Haastal Haran | Kyyrk Kyyrk | The Monster The Monster | Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol | Kyra Perl Kyra Perl
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Location: Hyperspace
Objective: Rendezvous with Jedi and Allied Forces.
Nearby: Kahne Porte Kahne Porte | Enlil Enlil


She stood by the door leaning on the frame watching the swirl of hyperspace travel as the ship plummeted toward Yurb and Keldoonie hex. No need to suit up in armour just yet, Abaigeal dressed in light clothes before the call from the captain would tell them they approached their destination. One of the Judges, Enlil Enlil was with Kahne Porte Kahne Porte and herself, as part of the Outer Planets Alliance force that had come to assist the Silver Jedi. The irony was not lost to her.

Abaigeal had grown up in the silent desert on Tython when that planet was under the rule of the Republic, moved to Voss when her mother started the Silver Jedi and trained in the temple from the age of three and now? Years later, after so much had happened to her, she returned to help them. As much as she was doing this for the Silvers, she was doing this for her mother. It seems that there were still old wounds that had not completely healed.

Enlil spoke, gaining her attention once more, and as he placed four cannisters on the table she sat opposite listening as he explained how these four things might change the course of the battle. As a Jedi, the use of chemicals did not sit well with her, but she had done her homework and the Bryn'adûl did not possess the ability to be reasoned with, there was no alternative that she could see, unless one presented itself.

There were only four cannisters, they needed to get their timing right or else their plan would fail. Abaigeal looked at the young Judge, “I will make sure you get there in one piece”, she confirmed and would provide cover for him when the time comes.

Objective: Against the horde, we shall, no, we must hold.
Location: Shield Generator Outpost, overseeing TDW and other combat unit deployments
Ally Tags: Kyyrk Kyyrk Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr Luna Terrik Luna Terrik Niamh Raste
Enemy Tags: Osam Osam Galak Galak

The time had come.

Sergei was standing overlooking the shield generator that he'd been assigned to defend. His men had scant time to prepare for the assault, and had broken out all of the heavy equipment that he possibly could bring to shore up the defenses on this position. His TCD-2Ds had used their massive amounts of strength to dig up a sizable earth works defense to give the Wolves a chance to employ a text book defense in depth stratagem. He'd seen the intel on the Bryn's combat capabilities. He'd read the reports. The Wolves were crafted specifically for this task. They had no other choice than to hold the line. Initially Sergei had been on the fence about responding to the Silver Jedi Order's call for aid. After all, some time ago, when he'd attempted to offer his services as a force protection combat team, the response he'd gotten had been less than.... favorable. That changed however when Voph had passed along new intel of who'd they actually be fighting and offered him the job to assist in the defense alongside other confederate forces. Hope had mustered immediately, waiting for none and immediately made for Yurb space. The Dire Wolves had made their intentions known the moment they'd entered system, and had wasted no time in setting up defenses. They'd dug trenches, filled sandbags, and set up emplaced weapon systems like their 14 mm Heavy Machine Guns, 40 mm Grenade Machine Guns, and 60 mm Mortars inside the compound. They set up preset firing positions to zero their mortars, established zones of fire, and had established protocols to call in both close air support and orbital fire support. And while the other Confederacy Forces had arrived a bit later, Sergei had essentially decided that it would be here that his Wolves would make their stand. With the Antarian Rangers, and allied Confederacy Defense Forces and fellow military contractors, they would all make their stand here. They would make the enemy pay for every inch closer to this target in blood.

They would pile the bodies of their dead high and use them to provide more cover for their own defensive lines.

Sergei would hear first the communications from the overall CDF commander, and respond with his check in.

"This is the Dire Wolf, we're as ready as we're gonna be,"

Sergei didn't envy Commander Terrik. Theirs was the job of sitting in a command post, coming up with stratagems and directing those below them to war. To Sergei, that was a fate worse than death, as he could not picture himself sitting in the rear and trying to command his men. Not after the life he'd lived. The work he'd done and all he'd accomplished to make The Dire Wolves what they were today. He did one last check of the emplacements he'd unloaded when they first landed and set up, noting that the security forces, while lesser equipped than their commando counterparts, would still be fierce combatants and would give the enemy hell. He walked outside the walls and gazed over at Voph's position as the Miralukan hailed him over comms. Sergei's response was short, quick, and to the point.

"If you see it explode and it doesn't die, hit it again for us,"

Most of the TCD-2Ds with their Disruptor Cannons were on the top of the fortifications, going to utilize their superior range and accuracy to absolutely annihilate any who dared attempt to approach their position. The remainder with their heavy autocannons pushed out to the final defensive line to provide supporting fires for the rest of TDW, which was manning the front line trenches with their own weapons. They prepared their own recoilless rifles, heavy combat rifles, and laser designators. Sergei was prepared for them to attack. They wouldn't find a defenseless outpost here.

His personal TCD-1D "John" walked up to Sergei and placed a hand on his shoulder speaking in a calming tone.

"Sir, it's time,"

Sergei nodded. The enemy was at the gates. They were determined to kill anyone they deemed unworthy or weak. Sergei was determined to make them regret ever stepping foot on planet. He'd kill them all if that's what it took.

Because they had to hold, at all costs.
Location: D4 Bunker
With: Caedyn Arenais
Reacting to: Nida Perl Nida Perl
Enemies nearby: None

Inventory: Armor | Bo Staff | Lightsaber | CS.38
Location: "The Vagabond" Heavy Assault Cruiser
Objective: Make for the surface of Yurb
Company: Kyra Perl Kyra Perl


The Vagabond moved at low impulse through Silver Space, built for stand-alone patrol of the Outer Rim Territories before Caedyn Arenais had taken her to the Order of the Silver Jedi along with his change in station. Since the Silver Assembly had recalled him back to Kashyyyk, the Heavy Cruiser had become one of numerous vessels actively patrolling the border and the Jedi Knight frequently moved between the vessel and wherever his responsibility to the Silver Jedi and the greater Galaxy required him.

While the Bridge Senior Officers of the Vagabond were full-time, Caedyn’s position was one of an adviser rather than an active naval officer for the Order. He had hand picked a number of the Officers, while others had been former associates and colleagues of his father’s and had opted to work alongside Caedyn when offered the opportunity to serve aboard a starship similar to the former Judiciary that Veiere Arenais once captained. In Caedyn’s frequent absence from the bridge, nothing went beyond Captain Gene Whayeson’s notice and under her authority, she ran a tight ship well armed and ready to defend the border if and when required.

Unfortunately, today was set to be one of those days…-And had Caedyn known this, he’d not have organized a transport to bring his Padawan aboard after spending the past week with her remaining behind on Commenor (And wherever else she may have neglected to inform him).

The pair of them had been standing upon the observation deck at the head of the bridge when word had come through the communications station, Ticia C'Heri calling to the Captain for her attention. The Catharian Officer was rarely caught off guard, yet in his deep words there laid a hint of concern which accompanied a familiar whisper in the Force that caused Caedyn to turn and glance back across the room. That quietly, gnawing instinct that told him whatever was going to follow, would probably ruin whatever plans he and his Padawan had in her first flight lesson with an actual Starfighter.

Kyra herself wasn’t a slow learner despite her tendency to doubt herself, and more than likely she’d be able to read the look that came over her Master like an open book. His attention distant and laced with concern, it didn’t take long for him to leave her side and move to meet the Captain at the Communications Hub.

Something wrong?” he asked, not mincing his words. Gene and Ticia both glancing back at him from the comm’s terminal, the Captain lock-jawed by his knack for reading the situation through a power she couldn’t comprehend.

We’re getting reports of a size-able fleet having crossed the border, there haven’t been any casualties that we can tell though civilian ships have been fired upon. They’re heading for the Yurbian System” Gene explained, turning to call across the bridge to her second in command, Loni O'Jakri. “Inform the crew to drop what they’re doing and ready battle-stations, Jakri. We’re changing course for Yurb”.


The Vagabond’s arrival sounded with a heavy shudder reverberating across the vessel’s durasteel floor as Caedyn and his Padawan were already making their way down towards the Hangar, a contingent of the Antarian Rangers there awaiting them and their dropship being prepped for the likelihood of landfall under fire.

Intelligence was still coming through on what exactly they were to expect on the ground, yet by this stage the invading fleet had been identified as part of the Bryn’adul horde that had previously hit them at Kessel and had been moving from Planet to Planet slaughtering what or whoever stood in their way. The skirmish on Kessel had been a mess, yet by the numbers picked up across long-range scanners, what they had met with there was nothing compared to the armada they were now preparing to fend off against. Fortunately for the people of Yurb and the Silver Jedi preparing the world’s defense, their border security and sensor array that monitored Silver Space would have given them some warning, hopefully enough to be prepared for the likely battle to follow.

Tension was thick when the pair arrived through the blast doors of the Hangar Bay entrance, troops scrambling to organize their field gear while the crabs (Engineering and Maintenance Crew) ran back and forth between the Dropships and their stations, refueling and rearming the craft’s defensive counter-measures.

The anxiety Caedyn felt had been buried for the sake of showing any sign of vulnerability and influencing further fear in his Padawan, yet it was there all the same and the likelihood that many of these men and women would never make it back to the ship for exfil threatened to fill him with dread were he to let go of his self-restraint and awareness over the power and influence one’s emotions could harbor when left unchecked.

Captain Whayeson’s voice called out across the Hangar intercom speakers; “All Military Personnel make ready for departure, we are five clicks out and counting. Repeat. Last call for battle preparations. Time to haul ass, people. Man your stations and Godspeed".

Looking to Kyra Perl Kyra Perl , Caedyn gestured for her to step up onto the troop deck of their dropship with a half nod. He didn’t share any words of comfort or seek to assure her of what they were doing, he’d said all that was needed on the turbo-lift ride down. His silence would be a testament to the state of his mind, his body-language tense in the way that he looked to their Ranger companions and regarded their presence. Each and every one of them were about to step out into what would become a battlefield and put their lives on the line for the people of Yurb, and the neighboring systems provided the Bryn’adul not to be driven back today.

In mere moments they would be departing the Vagabond and beginning their descent for the Capital, Edsert City of Yurb.

Objective 1 | Evacuate Civilians
Location | Edsert
Tech | 10x Goro droids
Nearby | Amani Serys Amani Serys | Ura Iolar Ura Iolar | Tarish Galland | Barrien Siegfried | Kyra Perl Kyra Perl | Caedyn Arenais | Other I may have forgotten, sorry!

It never stopped.

There was always something—someone—bent on wanton destruction somewhere. Galactic powers rose and fell, and while many were just a flash in the pan, the Bryn'adûl were rapidly spreading their name with fire and blood. There was always a reason, whether it be the desire to conquer or the desire for carnage. This time, it was to prove a measure of strength and slaughter the unworthy. The weak. As she shifted her way through the city streets, Nida absently wrapped a hand around the crystal pendant at her neck. She was walking, moving swiftly, but she barely registered that she was doing anything at all.

Soon the skies would darken with a blanket of ships, vessels girded for war of both allies and opposition. The shield encompassing the city would eventually strain and shatter, leaving its denizens exposed for butchery. Her goal—their goal—was to herd the civilians towards the mountains, where they’d find safety in a bunker running through the earth.

Nida adjusted the comm in her ear, tapping into the frequency that was being used to keep all of those involved in the evacuation connected. “This is Padawan Perl.” She spoke softly, evenly, consciously controlling her nerves in a manner she’d practiced during countless assaults. “Nida Perl.” She added, a lump in her throat swelling as she remembered that she was not the only Padawan Perl. Nida hadn’t been in touch with her younger sister Kyra, but sincerely hoped that the younger Zeltron had not found her way to Yurb and in the impending mess.

It was bad enough that Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield , back with his company, was slated for action today. This would be his first big combat role since he’d acquired new limbs. Although the cybernetics were stronger, and he’d gotten used to them enough, it worried Nida endlessly if something would go awry. What if the connections stop working? What if you’re hit with an EMP grenade strong enough to shut them down? What if… She’d almost lost him once in that horrible battle on Midvinter, and he’d been saved by his mother’s quick entrance and the medevac. But Coci Heavenshield Coci Heavenshield wasn’t here, and Nida wouldn’t be able to get to him if he were injured.

A guttural whine pulled Nida out from the spiral that was her own thoughts, and she looked up into the metallic face of one of her sister’s goro droids. The ursine automaton was designed with civilian protection in mind as a docile walking shield generator. Yula had created them to serve as protectors for the tiny villages and towns on remote worlds of the outer rim, to provide a means of defense against pirates and ruffians. Today, they would help shield civilians from debris and ballistics should it come to that.

“I’m sending seven mobile-shield droids out to the remaining parts of the city where civilians are congregating to evacuate. Please utilize them as you see fit.” Anyone assisting civilians would likely find at least one black-and-steel droid lumbering alongside the crowds, projecting shielding or lifting heavy objects out of the way of their path. Three were to remain with her. The healer had been through many evacuations that it was deemed that she did not need immediate supervision, but she would absolutely not refuse assistance in any form.

She peered upwards to the sky, eyes catching a glimpse of the city’s nearly invisible shielding as a slight burst of energy ran through it.

There were no words worth saying as she touched down in Yurb.

Byrn forces had apparently already ravaged and slaughtered a neighboring planet on their way here. Sleheyron. She had heard the chatter on the radio.

Why were they standing here and not there, she wondered. Sleheyron wasn't in the Silver Sphere, but that had not prevented them from helping Kessel. Or Nadiem. Why would these people have a chance to live while the lives on Slehyron were lost?

She was too naive to understand the lengths Concordia had taken to help their border planets. She abhorred the news; it was too much of a downer and she barely paid attention to history 101, never mind political intervention strategies or intergalactic affairs... The nuances of the galaxy sat entirely outside of Kyra's grasp. And yet, she couldn't help but to stare at the Yurb sky and chastise life as being far too unfair and cruel.

What was the point of all this?

Her eyes slipped from the sky, brimming with that question as they landed on her master. She took cue from his mood, her body just as tense and shut down inside the moment. Neither were speaking. Neither acknowledged their fears.

Her arms moved through the motions of helping a women step down into the bunker.

It was just then a familiar voice rattled over her radio chatter. Her mood shattered, the padawan perking and groping at the comm on her wrist. "Nida??" She exclaimed, delighted. The comms only made her sound younger, a fact exasperated by her next words. "Nida, what are you doing here? Where are you? Can you come to me?-- Can we go to her?" Kyra pleaded, looking back up at Caedyn.
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Location: Yurb, City Walls
Allies: Ryv Ryv , Elise
Enemies: Bryn'adul. tbd

These were not like the Sith.

In his youth, Cedric had studied the warriors of the Bryn'adul. In that time, they had been little more than a small speck on the galaxy, lacking any significance as a galactic power, yet even then, their warriors had been of note. The Essonian had spent many lte night pouring over the tales of their culture, and of the culture of strength they had cultivated in their isolation. The Draevelsir had reminded him of the Mandalorians if the latter had been ethnically homogenous, and had proven a similar prowess in battle with their genocides.

Politics were a complicated game, but if nothing else, the galactic powers could all agree that the Bryn'adul were a threat to every living thing that was not their kin.

It was for that reason that some of the volunteers from Kharan had seen fit to follow him to Yurb. It had been a difficult point to push across to his people. The Essonians had long memories, and recalled keenly how the Silver Jedi had seen fit to ignore their pledges of alliance to sit back and watch as their homeworld burned. It would be a lie to say Cedric had forgiven such transgressions - no matter how much he tried to let go, some part of him would still remember that betrayal, but that did not mean the people under the Silvers care deserved genocide.

Were they any better than those that had sat aside as their people were put in camps, if they did the same? He certainly did not think so. The firststep to reconciliation and the healing that would follow would be a show of solidarity. Preparing to give their lives for a foreign cause counted well enough as solidarity in the Essonians' book.

Clad in his war-plate, the Essonian warlord strode the city's walls, his soldiers clad similarly marching in lockstep behind him. He turned to Ryv Ryv . The boy had done him more than proud, and some small part of Cedric had been giddy when he'd requested they fight together on this mission. It had been far too long since the master and apprentice had worked alongside one another. "They are coming," Cedric peered out from the battlements through the glare of his helm. "And they won't stop until every man, woman, and child in this city is dead. Nations aside, this is a fight for the survival of humanity itself." Cedric would tilt his head toward his apprentice, his smile hidden beneath his mask. "If we win, they'll write songs about us. If we lose, it won't be our problem anymore. The Ashla couldn't have given us a better fight."

With that, he would turn to Elise. He'd met the woman on Odessen some time ago, and she'd been witness to one of his lowest points. He was keen to keep that event far and away from the conversation, "My soldiers are ready, though they aren't many. How do you think these walls will hold Miss Elise?"

Intent to engage: Niamh Raste |
Equipment: Barad Special Ops Armor | The Laevateinn Blades | 4x Barad Impact Grenades |
Forces: 4x Striker Shards |
Location: In a Striker Shard connected to a Phedrak Carrier |

Tags: Galak Galak | Osam Osam | Krarolk T'manu | Reosyvern Reosyvern | Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma | Sarask Hiskt Sarask Hiskt | Sethrak Sethrak | Hrajlmak'Natok Hrajlmak'Natok | Rahm Rahm | Drekarys Kel | Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus | Seer Kalanthir Seer Kalanthir


Invade. Decimate. Repeat.
Thats the goal. The only goal.
To cleanse the conquered worlds of their weaknesses.
And give nature back its supremacy.​

As the Zealot Officer sat clamped into the seat, his fingers brushing across the hilt of his blades, his mind scrambled across differing thoughts. Questions, arose and disappeared as he shut down the ones which he knew as obvious and allowing the more curious ones to bear fruit. Why didn't the weak understand that they were weak? Would it not help the galaxy to see that weakness was a curse, a thing needing extinction.
An aberration, an amalgamation of the natural law. The law that only the strong must survive.

But that wasn't all that crossed his mind. His power was increasing. Recently he had been able to throw up visible walls of purest night, of which the sharpest eyes could not see through. Kyrim was used to being a Force Void, of hiding himself in the force from other force wielders, including the seers, but this manifestation, it was not a weakness. It did not hamper him in any way, as practiced slashes with his blades worked with or without vision, but he would make sure to try and figure out a way to control his newfound strength.

Thinking was good, but no matter how good a hailing from the Chieftain brought him back to reality.
Forward into the carnage and hell of war, we will go where they live, we will go where they breed and we will destroy them!

It also didn't hurt that the communications system was not strong enough to quiet down the united roar of approval from all likes of Draelvasier to a more audible level as the stamping and cheering and war-chanting overwhelmed the hearing of the Zealot. Overwhelmed him with pride and a sense of duty not commonly created through cheering.


Equipment: Dual Lightsabers
Location: The Emerald Undertow
Allies: Aurelion Nova Aurelion Nova | Nimue Nimue | Gir Quee Gir Quee | Ura Iolar Ura Iolar | ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar | SJO and friends
Enemies: Seer Kalanthir Seer Kalanthir | Bryn

Juno was silent on the way to the meditation chambers, walking alongside her padawan, and occasionally giving a side-eye to Nimue, who she was unfamiliar with. Aurelion seemed to trust her, which given the circumstances, was enough to let any trust issues stay on the sidelines. For now, focus was needed, and the Jedi master made an effort to clear her thoughts, taking a deep breath as they stepped inside, she turned to the boy,

“Alright kid, let’s put your training to good use. I’ll be by your side the whole time.” She tried to act encouraging without putting too much pressure on him, placing a hand on his shoulder and nodding, her lip curled into her trademark smirk as she joined with Aurelion. Giving one last look to Nimue before their senses were broadened across the space around them. Battle Meditation was a new experience for Juno, the heightened perception of everything was… strange, but like all things, she took it in stride.

As their efforts expanded out towards the enemy, Juno recoiled at the sudden noise and the new presence that had emerged to counteract them. She hadn’t expected such an immediate resistance, especially not one strong enough to match themselves.

Oh, shut up.

Fine. If the Bryn wanted to play mind games of their own, Juno was happy to oblige. She reached out to Aurelion and Nimue through the Force more strongly, waiting for a consensus to try and push back.
Major Faction


Become One With All Things


// Absolution //
// Location // Yurb // City Walls //
// Objective // Deliverance //
// Allies // P Placeholder 0128 // Elise //
// Enemies // Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus // Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma //


The drums of war beat true, deafening to the mortal man, threatening to overwhelm the senses of those ill-prepared for the encroaching chaos. Ryv promised Elise he'd be there, upon the walls. He vowed to face the Bryn'adul beside her and her order of humanitarians and healers. He swore an oath, one that would see him dead on the battlefield if need be. The denizens of Yurb deserved a home to return to, regardless of the Jedi Knight's conflicting feelings towards the Silver Jedi. He strove to forgive them for their past transgressions against the Jedi and citizens of the galaxy alike. When the Core called for their help, said pleas fell on deaf ears. Not long after, the Outer Rim called for aid, praying the Jedi would ride out to save them against the Sith. Much like the Core, the Silver Jedi stood by as uncountable innocents perished at the hands of the Sith. Even now, Ryv wondered if the Silver Jedi would bother with such a fight had it not been for territory they controlled, planets united beneath their banner. He expected they wouldn't. They watched the New Imperial Order and Galactic Alliance fight for the galaxy's survival against the Sith Empire, opting to remain out of a conflict meant to bring much-needed change. Yet, when the Silver Jedi called for aid, the Galactic Alliance did not abandon them. They stood with them, ready to face an endless horde of creatures genetically engineered to bring doom.

Cedric's words tore Ryv from his silent contemplation. He peered beyond the wall, searching the horizon for the rising threat. Not far off, they marched closer, their hordes a sea of flesh, wave after wave ready to bear down on the unprepared position. He looked back to Cedric, nodding at the Jedi Master's sentiment.

"Another battle to fight beside the Silver Jedi," Ryv stated, his tone lacking its typical mirth. "Perhaps, like Kintan, we will fight and sacrifice beside them, only to be forgotten yet again," his hand dropped to his side, taking hold of the Blade of Ruusan. He tugged it free from his belt, his thumb gently caressing the finely carved hilt, each inch of the powerful weapon comforting to the young Jedi Knight. "If they sing of us, let them sing not of our death, but of the lives we've saved," he looked past Cedric, Ryv's amber gaze falling on Elise beside them. "And if we live to see the next battle, I only hope the sacrifices of those who've come to your aid are not forgotten, Master Elise," he shifted his eyes back to the plains beyond the city walls. He lifted a leg, a booted foot resting comfortably on the battlements, taking the Jedi Knight's weight as he leaned forward, further shortening the distance between the Draevelsir.

This wasn't the Jedi's first encounter with the Bryn'adul. He'd faced them repeatedly during his time with Wyatt Morga's Jedi Order. Evacuation, battles, and even an attempted assassination of their mightiest warlord, Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus . Some of those missions met success, though the majority failed, seeing the deaths of millions of innocents, and thousands of well-trained soldiers. Each new method of countering the xenophobic monstrosities carving their way through the galaxy made zero headway. Tathra managed to take on numerous Jedi singlehandedly, while his chief warriors led armies of millions, dwarfing most forces the galaxy could muster. Everything appeared to go right for the Bryn'adul, making the struggle even harder for those accustomed to conflict. Continued failure drained away morale, replacing it with dread and hopelessness, something that aided in the Dark Side's conquest of the galaxy. The thought alone drove Ryv forward, even as those closest to him appeared to falter.

"C'mon," Ryv grumbled. "The waiting is worse than the fight."
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Caedyn Arenais


Inventory: Armor | Bo Staff | Lightsaber | CS.38
Location: D4 Bunker
Objective 2: Offensive Defense
Company: Kyra Perl Kyra Perl
Nearby: Nida Perl Nida Perl


They had made land-fall in timely fashion and quickly moved to rendezvous with the Antarian Rangers and Silver Troops nearby the Bunker entrance that ran beneath the Capital City. At the other side of the Bunker and within the next sector resided the Capitals Shield Generators and a size-able defensive force there awaiting the Bryn'adul should they look to cripple the Capital's guard. Further North behind the mountain-side lay a Spaceport, secure and hopefully out of the way enough to avoid being swallowed by the encroaching horde before they could Evac civilians out of there.

"Caedyn, this is Whayeson. Come in. Over" the Jedi Knight's commlink lit up, he quickly reaching for it and acknowledging the Captain aboard the Vagabond that had brought them to the surface. "Command has us relocating. The Silver Fleet's out in force and they want us to double back to the Sleheyron system in case this isn't the bulk of their Invasion Force".

"Understood Captain. Watch yourselves out there" Caedyn replied, keeping it short and to the point. Time wasn't in their favor and already the Bryn'adul Fleet were bringing the fight to the Silvers and their allies above orbit. Hostile drop-ships taking suicidal measures to break passed their Fleet and breach the Atmosphere of Yurb, all within sight of Caedyn and Kyra Perl Kyra Perl , from their position able to see these blackened dots descending in thick plumes of smoke and fire as they came raining down in an intimidating display of what was to come.

"Nida, what are you doing here? Where are you?
Can you come to me?-- Can we go to her?
"Blast it all..." Caedyn muttered unintelligibly under his breath, turning to find the hopeful and desperate look of his Padawan staring back up at him for some form of assurance and consent. Nida was her family, in the same position Caedyn would have wanted the same thing and yet his responsibility today meant having to also consider those civilian lives that they might otherwise help with what little time they had to spare.

"How far out is she? We've got people down here that need us!" He replied, both a question and a reminder of her duty to the Galaxy beyond her attachment to family and friends. It was not a lesson easily learned, nor an act that was maintained without sacrifice. Telling this to a teen-aged Zeltron however, and a Perl to boot...

"Ngah!" he both sighed and growled in resignation, turning back to look to his Padawan, "We'll need to move quickly, Kyra. Lead the way" he gave the word reluctantly. Kyra was his Padawan, and while she had much to learn from Caedyn, the Jedi Knight himself had a great deal more to learn through their training and duty alongside one another.

She was his responsibility and in a way, just as she felt connected to Nida Perl Nida Perl , Caedyn struggled with a similar connection to his Padawan that had been much less subtle lately in the way of influencing his decisions in the field. It was a steep hill to climb and a slippery slope were he to neglect to keep himself in check during these times.

  • "The Vagabond" Heavy Assault Cruiser has left Yurb Space.
  • Kyra and Caedyn are both on the ground at Grid D4, rerouting to rendezvous with Nida Perl.
Lead High Lord Soveriegn Imperator Grandmaster
Objective: Insurgent
Equipment: None
Location: Within a Disperal Pod aboard a Phedrak Carrier starship
Allies: Bryn'adul
Enemies: Tarish Galland Amani Serys Amani Serys Ura Iolar Ura Iolar Barrien Siegfried
Forces: Several Bryn'adul warriors and at least one very large combatant

Bone-plated claws flexed inwards grasping at air, three pairs of citrine eyes peered at the clasped emptiness. As his crested head raised towards the roof of the Phedrak Carrier he could hear the voice of the Chieftain in the distance rallying his kin to war. He should be there absorbing the emotional high brought about by rousing speeches but he could not bring himself to indulge. His mind's eye focused on the task laid before him and the very real possibility that this day marked his death. Who would remember him? No one.

Immortality through the Force was possible, though out of reach for many including himself. Perhaps he could have erected a statue to mark his creation, a testament to the Bryn'adul's progress in genetic engineering, alas he did not. Though all was not lost; tales of greatness withstand the passing of time that erodes all monuments. This day he would inscribe his name into the minds of all even if such feat would cost him his life.




He strode into the mostly empty Disperal Pod. No doubt many were in attendance at the rally. He secured himself into the transport and waited for departure. A titanic shadow crossed over Reosyvern as it entered the Disperal Pod and made way to a larger cavity. Soon more began to filter in with most of his comrades passing by the level of his armored stomach and chest, the average height for the majority of the Bryn'adul.

Eventually the command would come for the Disperal Pod to depart the carrier. When that order came the pod lurched to life and began to exit into the void of space. The time for preparation had closed. Tales of heroism, villainy, sorrow, and triumph would be written this day.

Amber light illuminated the Pod as sunlight bombarded the exterior of the Pod. As the light swept over his face, his head raised to meet it. A deafening roar surged from the distance and reverberated through the previously stoic Disperal Pod, originating from where the gargantuan Ravager had secured itself. At its below the rest of the pod began to sound off. With warmth on his face and fire in his blood Reosyvern breathed in deeply and with a tremendous roar that shook the beast, his plated gills rattling on his neck, he joined his kin in their battle cry.
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Tarish Galland

Equipment: Clothes | Lightsaber | Good ol' Gumption
Location: Edsert
Objective: Evacuate civilians
Nearby Allies: Ura Iolar Ura Iolar , Amani Serys Amani Serys , Barrien Siegfried
Something Wicked This Way Comes: Reosyvern Reosyvern

Tarish had gone down another alley, checking doors and using the force to check for anyone that remained. His presence in the force blowing through the houses as though a window were open on a cool breezy day. Not that he was sure Yurb actually had, cool, breezy days. Something he would have to ask the padawan about when the sky wasn't darkened by ill intent. Hope and strength washed over the area, and his gaze shot towards the other end of the city for a brief moment to something unknown(Elise). It didn't feel to him as though it had simply been the force behind that feeling that permeated the area.

He would have to track that down later, when the sky was not darkened by ill intent and impending death.

Thankfully, or perhaps blatantly, the invaders had given plenty of warning with their coming. Enough so that only remnants of the population remained, which was still too many. His senses gave the all clear in the houses, the streets filled with bodies attempting to reach safety. Concentrating on his own breathing, his body felt a calm wash through it, aided by the lingering feeling another had made inside the dome. Clarity and patience took place of agitation and nerves.

The lot of them were doing their best, but there were too many people, and a budding feeling of impending trouble began to settle somewhere deep within his core. Unnoticed of yet, but still present. His attention turned to Ura and Amani, before shifting to Barrien who he noticed had not moved to assist.

The corner of his mouth twitched as he drew his senses back from the street and moved to the other knight.

"Storms coming in quick." He spoke to the man, sarcasm gracing his tone as he peered up at the sky before turning and looking to the other knight. "Kids behind us, or let them take lead when the shavit hits the fan?" His tone lacked any sort of tone in the question, failing to give any hint to his own answer to the produced query.

Location: Shield Generator Outpost [E7]
Objective: Manning the Walls
Allies: Tulan Kor Tulan Kor | Niamh Raste | The Monster The Monster | Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr | SJO + Allies
Enemies: Osam Osam [Incoming] | Galak Galak [Incoming] | Bryn'adûl

Probably for the first time since his very first battle, Thirdas was feeling nervous. Not whether they would be victorious or not, but rather whether he could perform as well in the field as he had prior to receiving his cybernetic limbs. It had only been a month since he got back to SJO space with Nida Perl Nida Perl , and all that time he'd been so occupied with adjusting to his new prosthetics that he'd not had time to stay on top of his training. Even an entire month was much too short a time to fully mend from the strain of surgery as well as physically adjusting to the new limbs.

But the call to arms had been made, and Thirdas could sit still no longer. Not when his brothers were out spilling their blood for the Order.

Against the doctors', as well as Nida's, recommendations, the young soldier geared up for battle once more. Besides, Nida was going too -- that settled the whole debate, in his mind.

Dorn Company was being deployed at the outpost located east of the city of Edsert, which housed the vital shield generator powering the planetary shield. Without it the Bryn could simply bomb them into submission, unless the Silver Fleet managed to intervene. Even so, just one bombing run could lay waste to far more than could be replaced or repaired. No, they must not falter in its defense.

It was the calm before the storm. Thirdas sat within one of the bunkers finishing a sandwich he'd brought from home in hurried fashion, while checking his rifle one more time. Thinking his combat ability diminished, he could not afford a misfire this day.

As the reports came flooding in regarding an invasion force, he stuffed the remainder of his lunch down his throat and stepped outside to join his brethren. "Gunny," he sidled up to Tulan Kor Tulan Kor , Gunnery Sergeant of Dorn Company. The man who had taught him everything about soldiering.

"They're here." His eyes turned skywards, scanning for any signs of drop pods. As he did he extended his metallic arm and clenched his fist a few times, making a pumping motion as if to kickstart the servos within, even though there was no need.

He soon stopped his fidgeting when realising it probably did not make for the most confident look. "Still getting used to it, sorry. I won't let you down, Gunny."
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Objective: B

Equipment: Kasurigamax2.

Location: On a Gunboat.

Allies: Bryn'adul Osam Osam Galak Galak

Enemies: Anyone not Bryn’adul.

Forces: Lonesome.

Sarask expelled a breath, murmuring as she stood from her position, her tail uncoiling as she looked upon her choices. She could try to take out the station, but that required getting close. She looked upon the guns and firepower it had, more than likely enough to reduce any ship she took to motes of dust within seconds. She decided against that one. She didn’t care that much for space battles, and trying to get close enough to actually board the thing would be risky to her. She let out a low hiss as it seemed she’d be going planetside.

And so, she hitched a ride on a Gunboat. She didn’t like the look of a few of them, and continued on until she was satisfied. Some were probably not all that happy that she added her own weight to the ship, but she didn’t particularly care, she could survive a long fall if needed.

She lounged in the middle of them and on the floor, gripping a piece of metal attached to the floor. There wasn’t enough room for her, but it didn’t really matter. She’d be off soon anyway. She'd have to move fast once they landed though, to meld into the environment and cause havoc that the brutes could never dream of with their spikers. Or perhaps not, maybe she'd go for the surgical approach. She'd never know until she got there.

Shuklaar Kyrdol

CEO of Breshig War Forge Consolidated

Shuklaar Kyrdol, on board C2 gunship Beroya 1-1, Vornskr Mirshir-Jurkad Rammikade Quick Reaction Force, holding above grid reference D5​
Immediate Friendly Forces: 2 8-man squads of Vornskr Mirshir-Jurkad Rammikade.​
Objective: Review deployment, wait for the enemy's arrival.​
Hostile Tags: @Brynadul | Specific Tags to come later​
Note: All troops are equipped with a CP-03V CryoBan Projector, a PC-05V Plasma Caster, 4 NOVA40 Plasma Grenades and 4 CryoBan Grenades at the least. Other specific weapons will be mentioned as and when they become relevant. All vehicles, gunships and transports have a 'Ysalamiri Birikad' Nutrient Frame inside.​
The display projected of the forces present told him the positions of all his forces. The four Vuhyr'yalilyr Rammikade squads were stationed at the outpost at grid reference D3. He didn't intend them to hold that position indefinitely should it come under heavy attack, he just expected them to hold till support arrived, and he'd made that much clear to Al'verde Vriz Kyrr when he'd briefed him and his squads about their objective. Shuklaar was almost sure it was at D3 that he was going to be deploying the quick reaction force consisting of the airmobile mechanized infantry company from the Jurkad Verde.​
He'd deployed two whole battalions in and around the ruins in direct defense of the shield generator complex. Both were under the command of Lataruta Ruus Kote. Ruus was a good man, Aran Kyrr had recommended him personally for the operation, though Shuklaar himself didn't have the pleasure of serving with the man. He could have used men like Ruus at Ryloth, it sure as haran would have made things easier. Knowing that men of his caliber were alive to continue leading gave him more peace as far as his decision to execute their Bas'lan Shev'la went.​
There were 46 MBT-01 Jariler-class Main Battle Tanks and 48 IFV-01 Trataab'morut Infantry Fighting Vehicles at the ruins. A Company from both the Mechanized and Armored units had set up toward the front end of the ruins, tanks and IFVs in hull down positions to minimize the chances that they would be eliminated by the enemy's opening volley. Thanks to the Manda Tactical Battlenet, he was aware of the fact that they'd deployed their shield generators in 'fortress mode' for the time being, further decreasing the chances that they'd be neutralized by a potential alpha strike. Though given the range and resolution of the sensor suite on those vehicles, he very much doubted their enemy would be getting the drop on them.​
B Company from both units had taken up position inside the ruins themselves, ready to move forward and hold their front line together. C Company from both the Armored and Mechanized as well as D company from the Mechanized were holding position behind the ruins, ready to deal with any attempts to flank their positions.​
He was confident about their deployment. If he was the enemy commander, he would definitely push straight for the shield generator. That was why he intended to make sure that they would never get there. It was here that he expected to have to intervene personally with Ragar Nihut'tyr and the rest of the Vornskr Mirshir-Jurkad Rammikade quick reaction force, and it was here that he was sure would see their fighter-bombers and gunships deployed in close support. He looked away from the display, sighing as he leaned back in his crash seat. Before he could lose himself in his own thoughts again, the intercom came to life, "Alor, hostile contacts reported inbound."
That was his reminder that the entire force would have gone to maximum readiness. He nodded, and the first thing he did was raise the entire force. It was customary for a Mandalorian commander to remind his troops what they were fighting for. He did it at Rodia, and he would do it here too, "Vode, many of us never thought we'd see the day, but today we stand beside the Jetii and our burc'ya in CIS to face down an enemy that has been plaguing the galaxy for too long now. No more. Today, we stand, and we fight. Fight so that we might remind this enemy and the galaxy that not all Mandalorians have forgotten what the SuperCommando codex taught us, that we aren't just another band of raving conquerors! Mando'ade, i b'tuur jatne tuur ash'ad kyr'amur!"
The chorus of 'oya' that answered him, the voices of the warriors with him, organic and droid, Mandalorians all, was music to his ears. "Nice speech, alor, should have saved that one for when we go to retake the Mandalore sector," said Ragar Nihut'tyr from the seat across him, the massive shock trooper no doubt smiling underneath his buy'ce.​
Shuklaar chuckled, "Well, guess I'll have to come up with a better one for when we do." Ragar let out an amused snort in response. He changed frequencies so he could report to Luna Terrik Luna Terrik . "All units are in position. As you know, our air support's on standby. If you need it, or just don't like the look on one of those alien shabuir's face, don't hesitate to ask." Keeping the line open in case there was a response, Shuklaar knew that at this point, he was stuck playing the waiting game, and so, he did just that. Normally he'd have continued his conversation with Ragar, but today, he perhaps just a little preoccupied with his own thoughts.​
They were hitching a ride with the CDF today if all went well, and if it didn't...well, there was a reason their heavy assault transports and gunships had hyperdrives. They had enough range to get them back to friendly space, or in the very least, a friendly port. The Brynadul were a foul race of marauders, far from an enemy any of them would prefer to have to fight their last fight with, but it was for that explicit reason that he was going to ensure that it wasn't their last fight. They were here to help the Jetii, and of course, to find out just how effective they could be against these foul aliens. After all, how much longer before the aliens were on their border? Might as well take the fight to them, as far as he was concerned.​
Shuklaar didn't particularly care for the jetii, but they were an ally of the CIS, and he owed the CIS for taking them in, giving them a place to stay and a cause to fight for. It certainly helped that they paid very well too. In any event, no matter what he felt about the jetii, there was one thing he couldn't abide by, and that was Brynadul's meaningless slaughter. There were those who accused the Mandalorians of the same, but Shuklaar knew that he and his would never partake in such. Conflict was necessary for growth, but slaughter was pointless. Conflict stimulated growth in a warrior, slaughter made him complacent. Stagnant even. Arasuum. That, was the quickest way to an ignoble death.​
To show the Brynadul that their foul meaningless slaughter was soon to come to an end, and if it showed the jetii that their allies didn't abandon them no matter what the rest of the galaxy was saying, Shuklaar and the men and women with him today were happy to stand and fight. To continue the effort to rid the galaxy of this menace, they were glad to bleed and make the enemy bleed. If it reminded the galaxy, and more importantly, their vode, that there was more to being Mandalorian than senseless conquest, they were ready to die.​
  • 1 Mechanized Infantry and 1 Armored Battalion at the Ruins
    • 2 Companies from each to the front
    • 2 Companies from each in the ruins
    • 2 Companies from Mech Inf and 1 Company from Armored holding at the rear to deal with flanking forces.
  • 4 Commando Squads holding the Outpost at D3
  • Everything else standing by and/or acting as QRF

Drekarys Kel



Objective - Assault
The defiance of these Humans will be nothing but a memory! They have set up defences outside of the cities shield, once our Siege Platforms have deployed, co-ordinate with the Insurgent forces and annihilate the Human presence at Edsert!

Barad Kukri
Ashaka Acolytes


Bryn'adûl Forces prepped for the ensuing invasion. A truly glorious sight, to see such unbridled, unrestrained strength... yet, they could be better. After all, what was the Force if not a gateway to abilities many considered unnatural? What was a support unit if they did not provide support? What was a Priest if he did not lead his Faith when they faced their most trying times? They were simply a preacher then.

What was a Leader if they were not able to shoulder the burdens of their lessers, and be held accountable? What was a Leader if they could not put aside personality and prior commitments for the greater good? What was a warrior if he could not look past the enemy's face and fight with all he had? Valid questions easily answered if one were to look to the Tenets of the Bryn'adûl.

Though Drekarys wore armour and clipped a kukri to his belt, it was all really for show than actual expectancy of combat. After all, battle meditation was not something one did willy-nilly, it took concentration and effort, enough that even it's most talented of users found themselves rooted to the ground. However entertaining philosophy could be, however, Drekarys found himself becoming too easily lost to it, particularly in the worst of moments.

As he stood steadfast, head tilted to peer at a table with a conquest map with complete disinterest, he found no feeling of great joy in the conquest. It was truly a waste of life. Were Drekarys to have it his way, he would have the Draelvasier confine themselves to their sector of space and revitalise the worlds they owned.

But his will was not that of the Chieftain's. Not nearly comparable. So he did what he had always done; put his full faith and support behind the strength of his Chieftain, the Holy Father from whom all True Draelvasier were descended, who wielded blades bloodied by buffoons who bumbled and bluffed their way through their lives, wasting them in pursuit of mortal concepts such as wealth, pleasure and happiness.

It was a true tragedy that so many were so blind. Yet Drekarys could not bring himself so low as to be affected by the death of the foolish. To wield the blade that deals a mortal blow to a Tenabrak is to dedicate oneself to the ideals the traitor opposed, to watch idly by and take no action was to show weakness and lack of faith, to place oneself infront of the blade? That was true foolishness.

But his was not to deliver judgement on sinners, not anymore. His was to pass on the gifts of life and strength on the willing and worthy, to heal the fallen warriors of the Bryn'adûl Conquestathon. Were it to be decreed he would once again take up the blade of a Zealot Shadow and deliver swift and terrifying judgement to those who opposed the Conquestathon's progress, he would take up the sharpest and strike the quickest.

Occupation is the path through which one must cut their own path to greatness. The path mattered not, for they all lead towards greatness, but it was up to the walker to choose where their own path might lead.

Drekarys, however, found his path calling to him. His brief period of prophetic philosophy had led him too far astray from the straight line he was to cut for himself. He turned himself, and strolled to the gathering of 99 Ashaka Acolytes, knees flat on the ground with hands placed on thighs. They had arranged themselves in a arachnid-web like formation, much to the non-existent amusement of Ashaka Priest Drekarys Kel.

He carefully wove his way through the web to the centre, and slid his legs together, straightening his ever-straight posture and raising his hands to channel the cosmic energies of the Force.

And so it was, while the M'gaelak Siege Tower trudged alongside that of his Holy Highness Chieftain Tathra Khaeus, a 99 strong Ashakian Acolytes lead by a Priest of the Order Ashaka found a visible web of Force Energy travelling through them to radiate upon their Bryn'adûl Brethren and empower them in their Holy Crusade. However... the weak flesh bags who opposed the Will of the Conquestathon and the Seven Tenets of the Draelvasier should find themselves most poorly impacted upon by the Ashaka Web.



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