Location: City Walls
Interacting with: P Placeholder 0128
Opposition: ryv said he had someone?? we rdy 4 you : D
As the drop pods fell and the initial shots rang through the sky, Elise's gut coiled. Diplomacy before war, she truly believed bloodshed should be the last path chosen. But there was no reasoning with the Bryn. She did not relish she needed to do next-- what they all needed to do next.
She found herself standing besides Cedric, there was comfort in the look of understanding they exchanged. Their time together on Odessen had been a turning point for her-- the two unlikely jedi finding commonality in moments of vulnerability neither would likely mention again. If she was going to die here today, at least there would be a friendly face.
Would the shields hold?
Elise watched as all their defenses were disregarded. The orbital blockaid-- decades old and proven strong and true by their imperial makers-- meant nothing. The Byrn defied what their military units had dubbed "a strong defense". Their fleeter's actions had no affect.
"We can only hope," she told Cedric.
"Another battle to fight beside the Silver Jedi," Ryv stated, his tone lacking its typical mirth. "Perhaps, like Kintan, we will fight and sacrifice beside them, only to be forgotten yet again. If they sing of us, let them sing not of our death, but of the lives we've saved. And if we live to see the next battle, I only hope the sacrifices of those who've come to your aid are not forgotten, Master Elise,"
Her features pinched in pain, her gaze leaving Cedric's and going hazy as it leveled on the approaching forces. She was not one to waste words defending herself, but there was a hot wave of frustration that ripped through her as Ryv discarded her year's worth of effort with such careless, biting words.
"I would have loved to have been your friend. But with words like that, you make the cause feel hopeless. Perhaps, Jedi Ryv, the only thing between us and better relations ... is you." And with that, she jumped from the walls. Part of her hoped he wouldn't follow. He couldn't know the strain today was having on her. War was not her cup of tea-- and matters of the Order?
How could they ever hope to move forward when he spoke with such distaste and hostility towards her and her efforts? Would it just kill for a kind word on what could be the day of their death? Beneath the robes, she was a person. She struggled for a moment to breath past that, the air fluttering past her as she fell.
She landed lightly, her robes snapping.
"For the people," she whispered to herself. She walked herself along the wall, curving closer to the Bryn unit's standing off across the space. Between them was the city's main shield. Would this one hold?
She swallowed hard, watching their masses shift and unload.
She could only hope.
Interacting with: P Placeholder 0128

Opposition: ryv said he had someone?? we rdy 4 you : D
Location: Yurb, City Walls
Allies:Ryv , Elise
Enemies: Bryn'adul. tbd
These were not like the Sith.
In his youth, Cedric had studied the warriors of the Bryn'adul. In that time, they had been little more than a small speck on the galaxy, lacking any significance as a galactic power, yet even then, their warriors had been of note. The Essonian had spent many lte night pouring over the tales of their culture, and of the culture of strength they had cultivated in their isolation. The Draevelsir had reminded him of the Mandalorians if the latter had been ethnically homogenous, and had proven a similar prowess in battle with their genocides.
Politics were a complicated game, but if nothing else, the galactic powers could all agree that the Bryn'adul were a threat to every living thing that was not their kin.
It was for that reason that some of the volunteers from Kharan had seen fit to follow him to Yurb. It had been a difficult point to push across to his people. The Essonians had long memories, and recalled keenly how the Silver Jedi had seen fit to ignore their pledges of alliance to sit back and watch as their homeworld burned. It would be a lie to say Cedric had forgiven such transgressions - no matter how much he tried to let go, some part of him would still remember that betrayal, but that did not mean the people under the Silvers care deserved genocide.
Were they any better than those that had sat aside as their people were put in camps, if they did the same? He certainly did not think so. The firststep to reconciliation and the healing that would follow would be a show of solidarity. Preparing to give their lives for a foreign cause counted well enough as solidarity in the Essonians' book.
Clad in his war-plate, the Essonian warlord strode the city's walls, his soldiers clad similarly marching in lockstep behind him. He turned toRyv . The boy had done him more than proud, and some small part of Cedric had been giddy when he'd requested they fight together on this mission. It had been far too long since the master and apprentice had worked alongside one another. "They are coming," Cedric peered out from the battlements through the glare of his helm. "And they won't stop until every man, woman, and child in this city is dead. Nations aside, this is a fight for the survival of humanity itself." Cedric would tilt his head toward his apprentice, his smile hidden beneath his mask. "If we win, they'll write songs about us. If we lose, it won't be our problem anymore. The Ashla couldn't have given us a better fight."
With that, he would turn to Elise. He'd met the woman on Odessen some time ago, and she'd been witness to one of his lowest points. He was keen to keep that event far and away from the conversation, "My soldiers are ready, though they aren't many. How do you think these walls will hold Miss Elise?"
The drums of war beat true, deafening to the mortal man, threatening to overwhelm the senses of those ill-prepared for the encroaching chaos. Ryv promised Elise he'd be there, upon the walls. He vowed to face the Bryn'adul beside her and her order of humanitarians and healers. He swore an oath, one that would see him dead on the battlefield if need be. The denizens of Yurb deserved a home to return to, regardless of the Jedi Knight's conflicting feelings towards the Silver Jedi. He strove to forgive them for their past transgressions against the Jedi and citizens of the galaxy alike. When the Core called for their help, said pleas fell on deaf ears. Not long after, the Outer Rim called for aid, praying the Jedi would ride out to save them against the Sith. Much like the Core, the Silver Jedi stood by as uncountable innocents perished at the hands of the Sith. Even now, Ryv wondered if the Silver Jedi would bother with such a fight had it not been for territory they controlled, planets united beneath their banner. He expected they wouldn't. They watched the New Imperial Order and Galactic Alliance fight for the galaxy's survival against the Sith Empire, opting to remain out of a conflict meant to bring much-needed change. Yet, when the Silver Jedi called for aid, the Galactic Alliance did not abandon them. They stood with them, ready to face an endless horde of creatures genetically engineered to bring doom.![]()
// Absolution //
// Location // Yurb // City Walls //
// Objective // Deliverance //
// Allies // P Placeholder 0128 // Elise //
// Enemies //Tathra Khaeus // Drekarys Kel //
Cedric's words tore Ryv from his silent contemplation. He peered beyond the wall, searching the horizon for the rising threat. Not far off, they marched closer, their hordes a sea of flesh, wave after wave ready to bear down on the unprepared position. He looked back to Cedric, nodding at the Jedi Master's sentiment.
"Another battle to fight beside the Silver Jedi," Ryv stated, his tone lacking its typical mirth. "Perhaps, like Kintan, we will fight and sacrifice beside them, only to be forgotten yet again," his hand dropped to his side, taking hold of the Blade of Ruusan. He tugged it free from his belt, his thumb gently caressing the finely carved hilt, each inch of the powerful weapon comforting to the young Jedi Knight. "If they sing of us, let them sing not of our death, but of the lives we've saved," he looked past Cedric, Ryv's amber gaze falling on Elise beside them. "And if we live to see the next battle, I only hope the sacrifices of those who've come to your aid are not forgotten, Master Elise," he shifted his eyes back to the plains beyond the city walls. He lifted a leg, a booted foot resting comfortably on the battlements, taking the Jedi Knight's weight as he leaned forward, further shortening the distance between the Draevelsir.
This wasn't the Jedi's first encounter with the Bryn'adul. He'd faced them repeatedly during his time with Wyatt Morga's Jedi Order. Evacuation, battles, and even an attempted assassination of their mightiest warlord,Tathra Khaeus . Some of those missions met success, though the majority failed, seeing the deaths of millions of innocents, and thousands of well-trained soldiers. Each new method of countering the xenophobic monstrosities carving their way through the galaxy made zero headway. Tathra managed to take on numerous Jedi singlehandedly, while his chief warriors led armies of millions, dwarfing most forces the galaxy could muster. Everything appeared to go right for the Bryn'adul, making the struggle even harder for those accustomed to conflict. Continued failure drained away morale, replacing it with dread and hopelessness, something that aided in the Dark Side's conquest of the galaxy. The thought alone drove Ryv forward, even as those closest to him appeared to falter.
"C'mon," Ryv grumbled. "The waiting is worse than the fight."

As the drop pods fell and the initial shots rang through the sky, Elise's gut coiled. Diplomacy before war, she truly believed bloodshed should be the last path chosen. But there was no reasoning with the Bryn. She did not relish she needed to do next-- what they all needed to do next.
She found herself standing besides Cedric, there was comfort in the look of understanding they exchanged. Their time together on Odessen had been a turning point for her-- the two unlikely jedi finding commonality in moments of vulnerability neither would likely mention again. If she was going to die here today, at least there would be a friendly face.
Would the shields hold?
Elise watched as all their defenses were disregarded. The orbital blockaid-- decades old and proven strong and true by their imperial makers-- meant nothing. The Byrn defied what their military units had dubbed "a strong defense". Their fleeter's actions had no affect.
"We can only hope," she told Cedric.
"Another battle to fight beside the Silver Jedi," Ryv stated, his tone lacking its typical mirth. "Perhaps, like Kintan, we will fight and sacrifice beside them, only to be forgotten yet again. If they sing of us, let them sing not of our death, but of the lives we've saved. And if we live to see the next battle, I only hope the sacrifices of those who've come to your aid are not forgotten, Master Elise,"
Her features pinched in pain, her gaze leaving Cedric's and going hazy as it leveled on the approaching forces. She was not one to waste words defending herself, but there was a hot wave of frustration that ripped through her as Ryv discarded her year's worth of effort with such careless, biting words.
"I would have loved to have been your friend. But with words like that, you make the cause feel hopeless. Perhaps, Jedi Ryv, the only thing between us and better relations ... is you." And with that, she jumped from the walls. Part of her hoped he wouldn't follow. He couldn't know the strain today was having on her. War was not her cup of tea-- and matters of the Order?
How could they ever hope to move forward when he spoke with such distaste and hostility towards her and her efforts? Would it just kill for a kind word on what could be the day of their death? Beneath the robes, she was a person. She struggled for a moment to breath past that, the air fluttering past her as she fell.
She landed lightly, her robes snapping.
"For the people," she whispered to herself. She walked herself along the wall, curving closer to the Bryn unit's standing off across the space. Between them was the city's main shield. Would this one hold?
She swallowed hard, watching their masses shift and unload.
She could only hope.
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