Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Your Undoing | TB Invasion of SJO held Yurb & Keldooine


Location: City Walls
Interacting with: P Placeholder 0128 Ryv Ryv
Opposition: ryv said he had someone?? we rdy 4 you : D
Location: Yurb, City Walls
Allies: Ryv Ryv , Elise
Enemies: Bryn'adul. tbd

These were not like the Sith.

In his youth, Cedric had studied the warriors of the Bryn'adul. In that time, they had been little more than a small speck on the galaxy, lacking any significance as a galactic power, yet even then, their warriors had been of note. The Essonian had spent many lte night pouring over the tales of their culture, and of the culture of strength they had cultivated in their isolation. The Draevelsir had reminded him of the Mandalorians if the latter had been ethnically homogenous, and had proven a similar prowess in battle with their genocides.

Politics were a complicated game, but if nothing else, the galactic powers could all agree that the Bryn'adul were a threat to every living thing that was not their kin.

It was for that reason that some of the volunteers from Kharan had seen fit to follow him to Yurb. It had been a difficult point to push across to his people. The Essonians had long memories, and recalled keenly how the Silver Jedi had seen fit to ignore their pledges of alliance to sit back and watch as their homeworld burned. It would be a lie to say Cedric had forgiven such transgressions - no matter how much he tried to let go, some part of him would still remember that betrayal, but that did not mean the people under the Silvers care deserved genocide.

Were they any better than those that had sat aside as their people were put in camps, if they did the same? He certainly did not think so. The firststep to reconciliation and the healing that would follow would be a show of solidarity. Preparing to give their lives for a foreign cause counted well enough as solidarity in the Essonians' book.

Clad in his war-plate, the Essonian warlord strode the city's walls, his soldiers clad similarly marching in lockstep behind him. He turned to Ryv Ryv . The boy had done him more than proud, and some small part of Cedric had been giddy when he'd requested they fight together on this mission. It had been far too long since the master and apprentice had worked alongside one another. "They are coming," Cedric peered out from the battlements through the glare of his helm. "And they won't stop until every man, woman, and child in this city is dead. Nations aside, this is a fight for the survival of humanity itself." Cedric would tilt his head toward his apprentice, his smile hidden beneath his mask. "If we win, they'll write songs about us. If we lose, it won't be our problem anymore. The Ashla couldn't have given us a better fight."

With that, he would turn to Elise. He'd met the woman on Odessen some time ago, and she'd been witness to one of his lowest points. He was keen to keep that event far and away from the conversation, "My soldiers are ready, though they aren't many. How do you think these walls will hold Miss Elise?"


// Absolution //
// Location // Yurb // City Walls //
// Objective // Deliverance //
// Allies // P Placeholder 0128 // Elise //
// Enemies // Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus // Drekarys Kel //


The drums of war beat true, deafening to the mortal man, threatening to overwhelm the senses of those ill-prepared for the encroaching chaos. Ryv promised Elise he'd be there, upon the walls. He vowed to face the Bryn'adul beside her and her order of humanitarians and healers. He swore an oath, one that would see him dead on the battlefield if need be. The denizens of Yurb deserved a home to return to, regardless of the Jedi Knight's conflicting feelings towards the Silver Jedi. He strove to forgive them for their past transgressions against the Jedi and citizens of the galaxy alike. When the Core called for their help, said pleas fell on deaf ears. Not long after, the Outer Rim called for aid, praying the Jedi would ride out to save them against the Sith. Much like the Core, the Silver Jedi stood by as uncountable innocents perished at the hands of the Sith. Even now, Ryv wondered if the Silver Jedi would bother with such a fight had it not been for territory they controlled, planets united beneath their banner. He expected they wouldn't. They watched the New Imperial Order and Galactic Alliance fight for the galaxy's survival against the Sith Empire, opting to remain out of a conflict meant to bring much-needed change. Yet, when the Silver Jedi called for aid, the Galactic Alliance did not abandon them. They stood with them, ready to face an endless horde of creatures genetically engineered to bring doom.

Cedric's words tore Ryv from his silent contemplation. He peered beyond the wall, searching the horizon for the rising threat. Not far off, they marched closer, their hordes a sea of flesh, wave after wave ready to bear down on the unprepared position. He looked back to Cedric, nodding at the Jedi Master's sentiment.

"Another battle to fight beside the Silver Jedi," Ryv stated, his tone lacking its typical mirth. "Perhaps, like Kintan, we will fight and sacrifice beside them, only to be forgotten yet again," his hand dropped to his side, taking hold of the Blade of Ruusan. He tugged it free from his belt, his thumb gently caressing the finely carved hilt, each inch of the powerful weapon comforting to the young Jedi Knight. "If they sing of us, let them sing not of our death, but of the lives we've saved," he looked past Cedric, Ryv's amber gaze falling on Elise beside them. "And if we live to see the next battle, I only hope the sacrifices of those who've come to your aid are not forgotten, Master Elise," he shifted his eyes back to the plains beyond the city walls. He lifted a leg, a booted foot resting comfortably on the battlements, taking the Jedi Knight's weight as he leaned forward, further shortening the distance between the Draevelsir.

This wasn't the Jedi's first encounter with the Bryn'adul. He'd faced them repeatedly during his time with Wyatt Morga's Jedi Order. Evacuation, battles, and even an attempted assassination of their mightiest warlord, Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus . Some of those missions met success, though the majority failed, seeing the deaths of millions of innocents, and thousands of well-trained soldiers. Each new method of countering the xenophobic monstrosities carving their way through the galaxy made zero headway. Tathra managed to take on numerous Jedi singlehandedly, while his chief warriors led armies of millions, dwarfing most forces the galaxy could muster. Everything appeared to go right for the Bryn'adul, making the struggle even harder for those accustomed to conflict. Continued failure drained away morale, replacing it with dread and hopelessness, something that aided in the Dark Side's conquest of the galaxy. The thought alone drove Ryv forward, even as those closest to him appeared to falter.

"C'mon," Ryv grumbled. "The waiting is worse than the fight."


As the drop pods fell and the initial shots rang through the sky, Elise's gut coiled. Diplomacy before war, she truly believed bloodshed should be the last path chosen. But there was no reasoning with the Bryn. She did not relish she needed to do next-- what they all needed to do next.

She found herself standing besides Cedric, there was comfort in the look of understanding they exchanged. Their time together on Odessen had been a turning point for her-- the two unlikely jedi finding commonality in moments of vulnerability neither would likely mention again. If she was going to die here today, at least there would be a friendly face.

Would the shields hold?

Elise watched as all their defenses were disregarded. The orbital blockaid-- decades old and proven strong and true by their imperial makers-- meant nothing. The Byrn defied what their military units had dubbed "a strong defense". Their fleeter's actions had no affect.

"We can only hope," she told Cedric.

"Another battle to fight beside the Silver Jedi," Ryv stated, his tone lacking its typical mirth. "Perhaps, like Kintan, we will fight and sacrifice beside them, only to be forgotten yet again. If they sing of us, let them sing not of our death, but of the lives we've saved. And if we live to see the next battle, I only hope the sacrifices of those who've come to your aid are not forgotten, Master Elise,"

Her features pinched in pain, her gaze leaving Cedric's and going hazy as it leveled on the approaching forces. She was not one to waste words defending herself, but there was a hot wave of frustration that ripped through her as Ryv discarded her year's worth of effort with such careless, biting words.

"I would have loved to have been your friend. But with words like that, you make the cause feel hopeless. Perhaps, Jedi Ryv, the only thing between us and better relations ... is you." And with that, she jumped from the walls. Part of her hoped he wouldn't follow. He couldn't know the strain today was having on her. War was not her cup of tea-- and matters of the Order?

How could they ever hope to move forward when he spoke with such distaste and hostility towards her and her efforts? Would it just kill for a kind word on what could be the day of their death? Beneath the robes, she was a person. She struggled for a moment to breath past that, the air fluttering past her as she fell.

She landed lightly, her robes snapping.

"For the people," she whispered to herself. She walked herself along the wall, curving closer to the Bryn unit's standing off across the space. Between them was the city's main shield. Would this one hold?

She swallowed hard, watching their masses shift and unload.

She could only hope.
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Equipment: In bio
Location: Edsert
Objective: Evacuate civilians
Allies: Ura Iolar Ura Iolar , Tarish Galland, Barrien Siegfried, SJO and Friends
Planned Engagement: Reosyvern Reosyvern

Amani nodded to Ura, noticing the concern in her voice, “We’ll get everyone safe. Don’t worry.” She gave a weak smile to her friend and the children for reassurance. They had to, for Amani’s sake as much as theirs. In truth she was not taking the situation much better than they were.

The Brynadul were a difficult concept for Amani to grasp; That they could be so wantonly destructive in seemingly everything they do. Ruthless and merciless with no quarter. These innocent people did nothing to deserve what was coming, yet now it was here, through no fault of their own. It wasn’t fair. She had begun to feel that way about many things in the galaxy as of late. For the longest time she knew almost nothing outside of the safety of the jedi temple. Nowadays, there was nothing she could do escape the harshness of reality.

As Barrien called to the two of them, Amani snapped out of her thoughts, turning around and moving in his direction, “Do we know how many are left?” The tone in her voice was distressed and conflicted, “I just want to be sure no one's left behind.” She was afraid, but she was also dead set on protecting the civilians here. The mirialan looked up once again to see dropships tearing through the sky. Amani did her best to steel herself for the inevitable threat. And she would need every ounce of courage she could muster.
Location: Yurb City Walls
Allies: SJO, Ryv Ryv . Elise
Enemies: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus , whomever Ryv got to fight us


It would be a lie to say that Cedric did not share his apprentice's apprehension. He was not keen on letting the blood of his countrymen spill in service of another, but it was work that needed to be done. Political standings aside, the greater good remained a paramount motivation. He felt the chill of Elise's distaste in the empyrean, like a jetty of icy water spraying from otherwise warm seas. Uncertain of how to tackle the situation, Cedric simply watched as his friend descended from the battlements.

Her words struck a cord with the Essonian. They were not meant for him, but they were the exact same words Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt had spoken to him some time ago. According to that thought process, it was not wholly the other Jedi that were the problem, but also himself, and perhaps he had taught Ryv Ryv to live in such a sense as well. For Cedric's part, he'd disregarded the advice. If the Jedi as a greater body had sought to stand with him, then they would have. The morphing of the Imperium into the Galactic Alliance had been proof enough of their disloyalty. The greatest lesson he had ever learned from his many failures was that true trust was a rare commodity, and it would never be afforded to one that saw the galaxy in a different lense than the standard Jedi dogma dictated.

"She said that to me once," his words, though quiet, carried over the cacophony of war that threatened to crash into the city's walls. "About pushing others away." The words were spoken so that Ryv might hear, though they weren't directed toward the youth. "We should try to have more faith in them," he finally muttered as he looked to Ryv. "If for nothing else than for morale's sake. I share your misgivings, but best we not put them to word until the conflict has ended. I don't know what our future with the Silvers will be. Truth be told I believe their best course would be to unite with your New Jedi Order as a singular body, but they are apprehensive."

He paused as he watched Elise descend to the ground below. He wasn't keen on remaining at the top of the battlements himself either, but there were words that needed to be spoken. "You are the Sword of the Jedi. Whether you like it or not, your words have greater weight than most. You must bury your disdain for their past in favor of reconciliation. They are in a tumultuous time right now, and lack stability. If you earn their respect, and provide them with true leadership, they may yet join you, and the Jedi may yet be whole again."

A small smile was cracked beneath his helm. That dream of unity was one he had carried since his earliest youth, but he keenly understood he would have little to do with it. Cedric's place in history would be that of a warmongering tyrant: he would be remembered as the Jedi that called himself emperor, and subjugated millions in the name of unity.

It was a great sin, and one he would bear without complaint or guilt. He only did what needed to be done, the galaxy's opinions be damned. "The lobsters have come to meet us. Best not to keep them waiting," Cedric tilted his head toward Ryv, the tone of his voice sounding like he was smiling, before he hurled himself from the top of the battlements.

Telekinetic tendrils of energy rushed up from the earth to meet his falling form. They caught him half way, slowing his descent to be akin to that of a feather in free fall. He landed alongside Elise with naught but a small noise.

"Elise," his voice carried. He wasn't truly certain what he could say to assuage her distaste for what was to come, but he would try. "Ryv is my student, and I have long held distaste for the Silver Jedi. He has inherited my grievances, as any son would his father's. He wishes to see true unity of the Jedi Orders, as do I, and I have no doubt that is from where his displeasure stems," he paused as he glanced out toward the coming hordes. They would be upon the defenders any moment now. "But he's willing to die for your people, as am I and our warriors."

Bogan's Lament roared to life as Cedric drew it from his waist. The cerulean blade sparked with barely contained energy, and at the sight of it, the Essonians present on the battle line whooped their war cries. His people were eager for the carnage to come. The Ashla guarded their spirits, and the work they would do here today was most holy.

Cedric held the blade aloft, a beacon to his warriors, but bowed his head toward Elise all the same. "We are with you."

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Objective: Assault
Armour | Sword | Shield | Axe | Superior Draeyde |
Location; M'gaelak Siege Tower CC |
Allies: Osam Osam | Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma | Galak Galak | Reosyvern Reosyvern | Rahm Rahm | Sethrak Sethrak | Kyrim Tenebris Kyrim Tenebris | Krarolk T'manu | Sarask Hiskt Sarask Hiskt | Drekarys Kel | Hrajlmak'Natok Hrajlmak'Natok |
Enemies: Niamh Raste | Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr | Luna Terrik Luna Terrik | Ura Iolar Ura Iolar [Surface Forces] | Kyyrk Kyyrk | Amani Serys Amani Serys | Haastal Haran Haastal Haran | Nyx N1X3 Nyx N1X3 | The Monster The Monster | Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield | Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol | Tulan Kor Tulan Kor | ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar | [Tried to get everyone relevant to our landing crafts]
Intent to Engage: Ryv Ryv | P Placeholder 0128 | Elise | Sigrid Forsberg | Charlie Nooran Charlie Nooran |[Anyone else who wants to die]

F1 - 2 Heldrak Dropship/3 Nimscall Terraformer Occupied
-One Servitor
-96 Rhivaks
- 200 Brumaks
- 608 Drones
- 480 Savage Drones
- 8 Shamans
- 8 Ashaka Acolytes

E1 - 1 Hedlrak Dropship/3 Nimscall Terraformer Occupied
- 96 Rhivaks
-100 Brumaks
-304 Drones
-240 Savage Drones
-4 Shamans
-4 Ashaka Acolytes

D1 - 1 Heldrak Dropship/3 Nimscall Terraformer Occupied
- 203 Rhivaks
- 100 Brumaks

-304 Drones
-240 Savage Drones
-4 Shamans
-4 Ashaka Acolytes

C2 - 1 Heldrak Dropship/3 Nimscall Terraformer Occupied
- 193 Rhivaks
-100 Brumaks
-304 Drones
- 240 Savage Drones
-4 Shamans
-4 Ashaka Acolytes

B3 - 1 Heldrak Dropship/3 Nimscall Terraformer Occupied
- 193 Rhivaks
- 100 Brumaks
-304 Drones
-4 Shamans
-4 Ashaka Acolytes

A4-6 - 2 Heldrak Dropship/3 Nimscall Terraformer Occupied per grid section

- 386 Rhivaks
- 200 Brumaks
-608 Drones
-480 Savage Drones

  • 8 Shamans
  • 8 Ashaka Acolytes

B7 - 2 Heldrak Dropship/3 Nimscall Terraformer Occupied
- One
387 Rhivaks
- 200 Brumaks
- 608 Drones
- 480 Savage Drones

-8 Shamans
-8 Ashaka Acolytes

C8 - 1 Heldrak Dropship/3 Nimscall Terraformer Occupied

-One Servitor
-Two Obaliscs
-193 Rhivaks
- 100 Brumaks
-304 Drones
-240 Savage Drones
-4 Shamans
-4 Ashaka Acolytes

D8 - 2 Heldrak Dropship/3 Nimscall Terraformer Occupied
-Two Obaliscs
-Ten Seeker Units [1,000]
-387 Rhivaks
-200 Brumaks

-608 Drones
-480 Savage Drones
-8 Shamans
-8 Ashaka Acolytes

E8 - 2 Heldrak Dropship/3 Nimscall Terraformer Occupied

-One Servitor
-Ten Seeker Units [1,000]
- 387 Rhivaks
- 200 Brumaks
- 608 Drones

-480 Savage Drones
-8 Shamans
- 8
Ashaka Acolytes

F8 - 2 Heldrak Dropship/3 Nimscall Terraformer Occupied
- One
- 387 Rhivaks
- 200 Brumaks
-608 Drones
-480 Savage Drones
-8 Shamans
- 8
Ashaka Acolytes

G1-8 1 Heldrak Dropship/3 Nimscall Terraformer Occupied per grid section
- 1,544 Rhivaks [193 per grid]
- 800 Brumaks
-2,432 Drones
-1920 Savage Drones
-16 Shamans
-16 Ashaka Acolytes

C4-6 1 M'gaelakk Siege Tower Occupied per grid section
- 1,500 Rhivas

- 1,500 Brumaks
-1,500 Drones
10th Regiment Brutes

D7 - Three M'gaelak Siege Towers Occupied /248 Dispersal Pods

  • 20,000 Savage Drones [Dispersal Pods]
  • 8,400 Drones [Dispersal Pods]
-1,500 Rhivas
-1,500 Brumaks
-1,500 Drones
-1,500 10th Regiment Brutes

E4 & F5 50 Hive Bombers Occupied
Have not hatched yet


The interior shun a deep red, a word-less message that was registered by wordless looks of sudden fear and excitement. As the other members of the Command Centre crew would no doubt strap themselves in, Tathra stood; gripping the sides of the tablet firmly. Beads of sweat formed on his brow, the tingle of anxiety internally battling with the feverous excitement, the adrenaline high of every War. Every time he stood over the precipice, ready to time into the unknown it was always the same feeling. It had taken him nearly a century to truly master that feeling, it was a tool as all things were. A tool for strength, discipline.

Tathra spoke no words, this was not a time for words. Some would die before they reached the surface, lost in the empty wretched cold. His muscled tense, preparing as the M'gaelak ejected from the Carrier, careening down toward the planet surface. The protecting fleets made their attempts to destroy the various Landing Craft in vain, only managing to destroy one of the Dropships, as in a split-moment the Silver Jedi vessels had to attack the Heldrak Dropships before they descended, the
Quilxyn assigned to the residing landing parties generated large waves of orange energy, protecting the Dropships with their synthetic shields until they were out of range.

The once stagnant ships plummeted at incredible speed, the Admonition Frigates of the enemy fleet were the only vessels carrying the Aura class tractor beams capable of keeping temporary pace with the incredibly fast descent of the various landing crafts of the Bryn'adûl forces. But the poor tracking of the Aura-class tractor beams would find their grasp on the large and incredible fast descent Dropships a by in large failed measure, capturing a total of two Dropships in their grasp. The Dispersal Pods were far too fast, projectile fired from the Carriers themselves at incredible speeds that made them almost impossible to touch.


As they descended, the heavy artillery fire claimed another two dropships in the sky, great balls of fire rippling through the sky as massive shards of debris would crash against the city shield. Even from within the confines of the Siege Towers Command Centre, Tathra could hear the explosions as they past them mid-descent. With every live lost, the rage within his kin grew, stern faces hid a myriad of emotions up until the last moment. The focus fire of the Heldrak Dropships allowed all six of Siege Towers to land, and they were landing directly on top of the where each landed - a micro-storm would be kicked up, following by a tidal wave of kinetic energy comparable to a Star Destroyer crashing into a planet at full tilt.. This would be accompanied by the descent of the Dispersal Pods, forty of which were caught in the anti-air fire as some two-hundred and forty eight made it to the surface, landing amongst the Siege Towers.

A sandstorm engulfed the entire valley where the Siege Towers had landed, a rippling powerful kinetic shockwave capable of knocking down buildings shoot out in all directions as they landed, their cocooned forms standing like ominous black and silver obelisks, unmoving and silent. All around Edsert, warriors and beasts numbering nearly nine-hundred per Dropship exited their vessels, the Quilxyn Protectors encasing every Bryn'adûl beast and warrior inside protective shielding. Though they did not attack, not yet. However, those with enemies in their immediate vicinity would begin to attack immediately. Behind the Dropships the Terraforming Nimscall creatures had burrowed into the ground, snarling as they devoured the air around them, releasing a thick red mist, a homely air for the Draelvasier. It encircled the entirety of the Capitol, what was breathable to Drael was potentially toxic to Humans, and ever so slowly it would begin to engulf Edsert. It would take time, but the Humans had to know this was no longer their world.


Tathra stood, hunched over the tablet; studying the enemy fortifications from within the safe confines of the cocooned Siege Tower. They would not deploy, not yet. He turned to the Primarch, a knowing look shared. They could all feel it, the Acolytes of the Ashaka begun their battle meditation, an encircling empowerment for the Drael, but a gut feeling of doom for those that dared to oppose them.

"Come, Primarch." His words were steady, his will steel. The Bryn'adûl were ready, and nothing would stop them now. The two ascended to the top of the M'gaelak, standing upon its natural crown. In the distance they could see their forces beginning to fully mobilise.

Servitors came from Dropships near to the mountains, burrowing into the earth as the Seekers tunnelled just below the surface, an initial wave of five-hundred made their way underground at incredible speed toward the located vehicles and defences outside of the Shield, nearby the outpost. The Seekers would self detonate upon contact with any mines or vehicles, exploding with acidic vitriol to clear the way for their infantry and Servitors.

As the ground ahead rippled with the explosions of the Seekers, the
Siege Towers would begin to unravel, forces of two-thousand strong revealed standing beneath their feet, upon the foremost Siege Platform Tathra stood upon the precipice of its crown, above the storm, above them all, his Long-Axe held aloft. Their mouths, retrofitted as gigantic battle horns cried out. Not a random sound, but an order and one that all Bryn'adûl recognised.


First were the
Savage Drones, twenty-thousand of the ravenous creatures would head directly to the defenders of the Shield Outpost. Behind them, the Rhivaks would begin to cross distances with their great agility, opened fire with their powerful red beams towards light vehicles and infantry, the Brumaks moved to take higher positions, grouping into the hundreds to compound upon each other and generate incredibly deadly strikes. From above the Outpost on the valley edge, [C8-D8] two Obaliscs would open fire with incredibly powerful blue beams toward the Sensenmann whilst the other two would focus fire at the massive Lergara.

The Brutes of the 10th Regiment, scourges of a worlds and victors of a thousand battlefields began their slow approach alongside the Drones toward the enemy, ready to face what the Galaxy had mustered.

Today, blood would be split in copious amount.

  • Dropships land
  • M'gaelak land | Causes massive powerful shockwaves, kicks up sand storm
  • Bryn forces deploy
  • Terraformers secrete red mist [Draemidus prime atmosphere]
  • 500 Seekers attack shield outpost defences
  • 3 Servitors head underground
  • Obaliscs attack Snsemann and Lergara
  • Dispersal Pod/Siege Tower forces at D7 charge/attack.
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Objective 1 | Evacuate Civilians

Location | Edsert (F5)

Tech | 10x Goro droids

Nearby | Amani Serys Amani Serys | Ura Iolar Ura Iolar | Tarish Galland | Barrien Siegfried | Kyra Perl Kyra Perl | Caedyn Arenais | Matvec Triddol Matvec Triddol

An icy fist clenched around Nida’s stomach as Kyra’s voice crackled into her ear. Unlike her more reserved sibling, Kyra tended to be more emotive with her speech, and the excitement in her baby sister’s voice came through.

Force no, no no. Not Kyra. Not here.

Taking a breath to steady her already frayed nerves, Nida responded quickly.” I will ping you my location, Kyra. Travel safely.” And hastily. Enemy drop pods were already crashing against the city’s shielding like thunder, and the chatter coming through the radio indicated that many opposing forces had landed already. In Nida’s mind, it would only be a matter of time before something, or someone, broke through their shielding and let in the flood. She closed her eyes for a moment, trying to forget where Thirdas was stationed.

Hopefully Kyra’s Master traveled alongside her, and for a moment she was tickled at the invasive thought of her mother scolding whoever was in charge for letting her youngest daughter into battle alone. No, Kyra would arrive with the younger Arenais.

The hulking panda of a droid whined deeply beside her, and Nida forced herself back into reality. How strange it was that after the previous conflicts she’d been in, the impending sounds of war fell to the background. Her eyes reopened, and she saw that the droid was pointing towards a figure in the distance—large dark eyes, red scales for skin, and head tails. And they were escorting a child.
Whirlwind of the Cosmic Force
Objective: Assault
Equipment: Cuirass & Staff
Aboard: M'gaelak Siege Tower [Atop the crown]
Allies: [Accompanying]: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus | Reosyvern Reosyvern | Sethrak Sethrak | Krarolk T'manu | Kyrim Tenebris Kyrim Tenebris | Rahm Rahm | Drekarys Kel | Hrajlmak'Natok Hrajlmak'Natok |
Enemies: Niamh Raste | Nyx N1X3 Nyx N1X3 | Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr | Ura Iolar Ura Iolar | Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield |

From atop the crown of the great M'gaelak, one could see much. The tidal wave of sand was emphasised by the powerful shockwave tearing across the landscape, no doubt also partially weakening the Shield. No matter, the efforts of their foe would ultimately be inconsequential. These Humans had brought this upon themselves, and now the great serpents of Drael would rend this earth until those who desecrated it were dead and buried. The other Shamans whom had made it to the surface began to extend their focus directly to the creatures at play.

The Primarch reached out, the ground rose and swelled to his throat like he couldn't breathe. But of course, that was only a figment of ones imagination. In truth, the air was a thin rarity deep within the burrowing tunnels of the Servitors, but indeed those mighty beasts were capable of surviving within the confines of those tunnels. But, those that came from the hills were not alone, indeed three others remained - awaiting their Masters call.

Two came from the mountains and came from the ruins behind the Siege Towers, each travelled underground - their intent was to tunnel underneath the Shield, but the first to attack was knocked back, finding that the Shield encompassed the underground as well. That was fine, the Primarch did not need immediate access to the city. Instead, they would use their best defence against them. The three Servitors underneath the city would begin to create everything underneath the shields protection, soon the shield would no doubt feel the weight of its own city upon it. They would retain certain sections, ensuring structural integrity just enough that the city would not slowly sink through the Shield, instead - they would prepare to destroy them in one stroke. This of course, would take time. Every effort the filth of this Galaxy made, only brought them closer to extinction.

  • Called on the Servitors at F1/B7/F8
  • Ordered them to create a gap between the underground shielded area and the earth beneath.



LOCATION: Mountain Ruins, Yurb Surface, Grid G-5
TASK: Hold the Line
EQUIPMENT: In Signature, KO Sidearm, Voph's Rifle
Nephilim: 6 Soldiers, Armor, Sniper, Rifle, Ammo
CIS: Taiia Mataan Taiia Mataan
Bryn'adul: Acquiring Targets

I knew fear, once. It washed over me. Consumed me. Destroyed me. Now, it has nothing left to strip from me.

Voph drew a deep breath as he sensed the approach of the Bryn'adul far above. A long hissing sigh seeped from his helmet, as one final transmission was sent. "Sergei, they're almost upon us. Once they land, so long as doing so would not harm civilian or ally...weapons free." Voph reached back to stow his rifle on the electromagnetic plate on his back, and turned to his soldiers. "Prepare to fire. It's time." Voph turned, and strode down the narrow walkway away from what had once been a defensive wall, back towards the main structure. He could feel the Force swirling around him. The light that designated eyes seemed to shine all the brighter as Voph entered the ritual chamber that had been set up.​
Voph paused just outside the drawn circle on the ground, looking around at the other runes and incantations he had prepared. Voph drew a deep breath, then called upon the Force. He could feel the darkness emanating from below. The Bryn'adul were sophisticated enough to know their own form of Battle Meditation. But this would be of no concern to Voph. Or any that stood with him. His arms outstretched, and a soft chant began under his helmet. Valor in the face of fear. It empowered those with Voph first. But then it began to spread.​
Down the mountains, into the city, over the battlements. A tribe of mere savages could not hope to overwhelm an eldritch master who had seen more horrors than even the Bryn'adul could hope to imagine. Doom would not claim the Jedi this day. Nor would the Confederacy falter in its defense of her ally. Voph's brow furrowed as he bent his mind, and enforced his will. The Bryn'adul would know that coming here was a mistake. The Eldritch Horrors of the Netherworld awaited them. The fear sought to consume their primitive minds. The Battle Meditation was in full effect. And nothing, save for breaking Voph's concentration, could stop it...​

Jyoti Nooran


Location: Keldooine to Yurb System
Objective: Rendezvous with Directorate and Silver battlegroups
Allies: SJO and friends ( Gir Quee Gir Quee ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar Aurelion Nova Aurelion Nova Juno Ura Iolar Ura Iolar Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei Kimiko Taiyou Kimiko Taiyou )
Opposition: Bryn (Ver'kad Inuk Seer Kalanthir Seer Kalanthir )

Keldooine was the last leg of Jyoti's journey through Silver Space before she made it to the front at Yurb. Here she would finally split with Charlie and assist her old Directorate comrades with the blockade. Usually, the trade world bustled with commerce as freighters and fancy passenger liners came and went, but there was none of that now. All she could see through the viewports were civilian ships leaving in droves, only military vessels like hers remaining.

Everyone was running. The Bryn were finally poised to penetrate Silver Space, a recent flurry of military campaigns at edge of Hutt Space making that obvious.

No, not military campaigns.

Pure unadulterated butchery.


The Bryn were not like the Sith or Mandalorians. They did not simply terrorize and conquer new spaces. No, they consumed and transformed them. Even the brutality of the Vong looked gentle in comparison to the onslaught of the Bryn. Yurb, and later Keldooine was next on the chopping block until the Bryn advance was stopped there and now at the Northern frontier of Silver Space.

Before she departed with Charlie, she shared a few moments as they stood aside from the Padawan's group in the main hangar. Normally known as a stern stoic woman, the Echani held nothing back here as she clutched her eldest daughter in an embrace that seemed to drag on forever. She didn't want to release her. She didn't want to give up her daughter to this desperate war no matter how much they were needed now. As often as she ignored the advice of the old Masters, she could not deny the pain that personal attachments sometimes brought to a Jedi.

Eventually, with a heavy sigh, she let go.

"I're capable, but these Bryn are something else entirely. Stick with your team no matter what. Your teammates are your lifeline, and you theirs."

Taking another step back, she bent over slightly to pick up a small carton and a sheathed great sword she had left at her feet.

"It's not like your hammers, but you can wield it much the same. I think it's well suited to your style."

She reversed her grip on the sword, then presented the hilt to Charlie. From her other hand, she offered the carton.

"This should suit your tastes as well."

She allowed herself a small smile then, thinking about the contents.

Once she'd given the items to Charlie, she leaned in once more to ruffle her raven hair and kiss her on the forehead.

"May the Force be with you," she started in her normal voice, but then it dropped to a whisper. "I love you. Make it back home, or I'll drag you off the field myself."


Following their exchange, Jyoti was back on the move with her battlegroup. With all the vessels of her formation slaved to her flagship, she was able to make it to Yurb in record time through astrogation in real time, cutting through shortcuts that not even the best machines could follow.

She kept tabs on updates from the front, noting the beginning of the Bryn assault while she was in transit. Steering the ships in real time, she could guide them precisely where she wanted - in this case the far side of the planet opposite of the main fleeting battle underway.

"All hands, we're condition red. Deploy defensive screens and prepare for combat."

The bulk of her droid fighters had been in transit with the capital ships, so it only a matter of seconds for them to neatly orient themselves into interlocking orbits around her flagship and support vessels. The formation was only temporary though, providing decent coverage all around while she collected her bearings.

"Bryn units have already broken through the first and second lines of the blockade," General Dardec reported from ops table.

The Echani's outward expression was serene, but she bit her tongue at the news.


She didn't personally find the Bryn too troublesome in space despite their usual overwhelming force, but on the ground they were a different story, nearly unstoppable. Their exclusive use of bioweapons was reminiscent of the Vong, but they melded the Force into their designs in such a harmonious fashion that she had never seen at this scale. Now she was beginning to understand how the Rakata had spread their dominion across the galaxy with impunity.

"There's nothing we can do about that," she conceded while studying tactical feeds, "but that doesn't mean we give up on stopping the rest."

If there was a silver lining to the conflict, at least they seemed to be at parity this time around. Now the Bryn were facing the full might of the Silver Jedi and their allies on their home turf. Every inch the Bryn took would be paid for with oceans of blood.

"Open comms with the Directorate forces and attach this message. Let them know that Great River is here and that we're working our way to their hemisphere to join the blockade. Most of these Bryn capital ships are massive, so we'll move to flank as they continue to advance."

The bulk of her fleet was made up of relatively nimble cruisers, frigates, and assault corvettes. The Bryn had not deviated from their standard MO - massive capital ships supported by great hives of bio drone fighters - so she had the opportunity to pick them apart on their weak sides as they traded blows with the Directorate and local security forces.

"Yes Master Nooran, it will be done."

Before reaching the near side of the battle, the singular formation began to break up into smaller flotillas and squadrons. Her crews were well drilled and experienced, but even then she began to notice the surrounding crew in the CIC acting with an unusually high level of flow. On a larger scale, the wider formation was much snappier than normal.

As she took this development in, she felt it then, tendrils of the Force brushing against her mind. They were warm and inviting, though Jyoti resisted their invitations. She understood what was going on, though. Someone friendly was engaged in Battle Meditation. That explained the greater efficiency among her men, though the Echani was hesitant to join in with a strange connection, even if it was friendly.

Then there was something else...another presence she felt faintly in the background as she had focused on the Force. Something much more sinister that emanated from the direction of the Bryn forces, existing like a dark inverse of the Battle Meditation, chilling and suffocating.


At that moment, she shrunk from the Force, her presence now nothing but a speck within the greater tapestry of the cosmic field.

"Dardec, follow up on my initial message. I want to know if the Directorate is hosting a BM specialist on their ship. If so, then we need to talk."

Fleet actions:
  • Shows up on the far side of Yurb away from the main battle.
  • Begins to divide formation for combat maneuvers in the next turn.
  • Contacts Directorate forces to begin coordination.
  • Acknowledges Aurelion's Battle Meditation and the Bryn Seer's freaky deaky mentalism, stealthing with Art of the Small.

Fleet Comp:
1x Akula Heavy Destroyer - Athrun's Resolve (Flagship)
4x Draken Heavy Artillery Cruisers
- 4x Fencer Kai Droid Fighter Squadron (96)
3x Pantera Stealth Frigates
- 3x Yutan Stealth Fighter Bombers (36)
2x Bellopohon Carrier Frigates
- 8x Bobcat Interceptor Squadron, Interceptor Configuration (96)
24x Kobold Blastboats
20x Kometa Ramships

1x Sowa Stealth Recon Drone
1x Jehuty Superiority Fighter (Personal Fighter)
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// OBJECTIVE // Defend Civilians | Kill Brynadul
// ALLIES // The SJO | @All SJO allies
// ENEMIES // The Brynadul | @Anyone who's brave enough
// THEME // On the Shoulders of Giants

Back to the wall of a building Isaiah looked up to the sky, what he saw befalling the world of Yurb was a hell. With the turmoil and chaos that polluted the galaxy, it wasn’t rare to see such occurrences befall worlds. It felt like almost every few months another world was besieged by some malevolent force. One that sought nothing but death, that offered nothing but destruction. Creatures that were the antithesis of life itself. What did the Bryadul truly seek? To rise above their pitiful stations? To posterize as a true threat to the galaxy? They were a threat, but not more so than any of the others that had come before them. Sith, Vong, Rakata, since the beginning of time there were those that sought to destroy the galaxy. They all failed, and so would the Brynadul.

Since the Brynadul had first come to Isaiah’s attention the Mandalorian cared little for them. They were of no importance in terms of the life he lived. The life of a smuggler, of a hunter, and a killer. It was only upon being brought back into the galactic scene as a whole that Isaiah had finally looked in their direction. All at the behest of a Lanik Dawnstar Lanik Dawnstar .

Looking down to his wrist Isaiah’s gauntlet opened up a holo message. One he’d watched over five times since he’d come to Yurb. Standing on Isaiah’s shoulder was the small blue-tinted figure of Lanik.

“I’ve fought them before Isaiah, the Jedi think me able to help Ryv Ryv on this mission to stop the Brynadul.” Looking down the figure stared at its feet. “Sadly I won’t be there to help him. These may be my final messages to the world. My final moments among the living. What I want is for you to promise me Formos won’t happen again. That no other worlds will suffer like that under your watch! That you save the civilians and not leave them to die!”

Tears retreated down the hologram's face. “I wasn’t a part of the Jedi when Formos happened, it was there that I saw the light once more. What happened on that world showed me the truth of who I was, of who I could be. I can only hope you do better than I have.”

“I will. I will.” Isaiah muttered to himself. A promise that he had to fulfill in the deceased Jedi's name. Ending the message Isaiah rose from his seated position. Coms blared with news of the Brynadul’s approach, how soon the fight would be upon the city. Looking out towards the shields of the city Isaiah had one thought.

Hannibal is at the gates.

Location: moving to F5
Interacting with: Nida Perl Nida Perl Caedyn Arenais
Opposition: incoming

Objective 1 | Evacuate Civilians

Location | Edsert (F5)

Tech | 10x Goro droids

Nearby | Amani Serys Amani Serys | Ura Iolar Ura Iolar | Tarish Galland | Barrien Siegfried | Kyra Perl Kyra Perl | Caedyn Arenais | Matvec Triddol Matvec Triddol

An icy fist clenched around Nida’s stomach as Kyra’s voice crackled into her ear. Unlike her more reserved sibling, Kyra tended to be more emotive with her speech, and the excitement in her baby sister’s voice came through.

Force no, no no. Not Kyra. Not here.

Taking a breath to steady her already frayed nerves, Nida responded quickly.” I will ping you my location, Kyra. Travel safely.” And hastily. Enemy drop pods were already crashing against the city’s shielding like thunder, and the chatter coming through the radio indicated that many opposing forces had landed already. In Nida’s mind, it would only be a matter of time before something, or someone, broke through their shielding and let in the flood. She closed her eyes for a moment, trying to forget where Thirdas was stationed.

Hopefully Kyra’s Master traveled alongside her, and for a moment she was tickled at the invasive thought of her mother scolding whoever was in charge for letting her youngest daughter into battle alone. No, Kyra would arrive with the younger Arenais.

The hulking panda of a droid whined deeply beside her, and Nida forced herself back into reality. How strange it was that after the previous conflicts she’d been in, the impending sounds of war fell to the background. Her eyes reopened, and she saw that the droid was pointing towards a figure in the distance—large dark eyes, red scales for skin, and head tails. And they were escorting a child.


Inventory: Armor | Bo Staff | Lightsaber | CS.38
Location: D4 Bunker
Objective 2: Offensive Defense
Company: Kyra Perl Kyra Perl
Nearby: Nida Perl Nida Perl


They had made land-fall in timely fashion and quickly moved to rendezvous with the Antarian Rangers and Silver Troops nearby the Bunker entrance that ran beneath the Capital City. At the other side of the Bunker and within the next sector resided the Capitals Shield Generators and a size-able defensive force there awaiting the Bryn'adul should they look to cripple the Capital's guard. Further North behind the mountain-side lay a Spaceport, secure and hopefully out of the way enough to avoid being swallowed by the encroaching horde before they could Evac civilians out of there.

"Caedyn, this is Whayeson. Come in. Over" the Jedi Knight's commlink lit up, he quickly reaching for it and acknowledging the Captain aboard the Vagabond that had brought them to the surface. "Command has us relocating. The Silver Fleet's out in force and they want us to double back to the Sleheyron system in case this isn't the bulk of their Invasion Force".

"Understood Captain. Watch yourselves out there" Caedyn replied, keeping it short and to the point. Time wasn't in their favor and already the Bryn'adul Fleet were bringing the fight to the Silvers and their allies above orbit. Hostile drop-ships taking suicidal measures to break passed their Fleet and breach the Atmosphere of Yurb, all within sight of Caedyn and Kyra Perl Kyra Perl , from their position able to see these blackened dots descending in thick plumes of smoke and fire as they came raining down in an intimidating display of what was to come.

"Nida, what are you doing here? Where are you?
Can you come to me?-- Can we go to her?
"Blast it all..." Caedyn muttered unintelligibly under his breath, turning to find the hopeful and desperate look of his Padawan staring back up at him for some form of assurance and consent. Nida was her family, in the same position Caedyn would have wanted the same thing and yet his responsibility today meant having to also consider those civilian lives that they might otherwise help with what little time they had to spare.

"How far out is she? We've got people down here that need us!" He replied, both a question and a reminder of her duty to the Galaxy beyond her attachment to family and friends. It was not a lesson easily learned, nor an act that was maintained without sacrifice. Telling this to a teen-aged Zeltron however, and a Perl to boot...

"Ngah!" he both sighed and growled in resignation, turning back to look to his Padawan, "We'll need to move quickly, Kyra. Lead the way" he gave the word reluctantly. Kyra was his Padawan, and while she had much to learn from Caedyn, the Jedi Knight himself had a great deal more to learn through their training and duty alongside one another.

She was his responsibility and in a way, just as she felt connected to Nida Perl Nida Perl , Caedyn struggled with a similar connection to his Padawan that had been much less subtle lately in the way of influencing his decisions in the field. It was a steep hill to climb and a slippery slope were he to neglect to keep himself in check during these times.

  • "The Vagabond" Heavy Assault Cruiser has left Yurb Space.
  • Kyra and Caedyn are both on the ground at Grid D4, rerouting to rendezvous with Nida Perl.

Screams pulled through the air as a shock wave sent the crowd wobbling. Enemy ships landed in the distance, the hard drop creating cacophony that rattled her senses. The Bryn were here now. So much for holding them off. Kyra didn't mean to abandon hope so fast, but the truth was it fled from her chest like a flame faced with wind.

The reality of the situation shook her. It bled down her spine like frost creeping over a windshield. Those shields were going to fall. These streets would see blood. "Run, go! Retreat to the space pad behind the mountain, go!" She screamed, her heart slamming in her chest. The crowd broke free of its shock and dissolved into panic.

Not the best form of crowd management. She was 16, she'd get there. Kyra helped someone up, their palms sweaty and full of their belongings.

It was then that another wave of screams reached her, followed by a wave of wind that bit sharply at her flesh. Sandstorm? It ended as quickly as it came, the city shields absorbing much of the aftershock from the distant ships hard landing.

Her vision calmed, her skin stinging as she wiped sand from her eyes. The person she had shielded uncurled and scattered away on hands and knees. Kyra glanced up, giving Caedyn a directionless look. "..." Her comms beeped, dispersing the moment. "This way," she told him, her voice thick and dry as she coughed back some sand.

Was it wrong to leave the people to the task of seeing themselves out? She didn't know. She couldn't think, a line drawn tight in her chest as she followed Nida's coordinates as they left her scattering down the streets. "She's just-- a little more-- around the corner." And then what? The padawan didn't know. She just didn't know.

Another ship slammed down beyond the city, creating a subsequent shock wave and rush of sand. Kyra's recoiled into Caedyn, coughing before batting at the air and pushing around a group of leveron carrying a chest between then.

"Nida!" Kyra shrieked, her anxiety reaching its height. "Nidaaaaaaa!" They had arrived, but through the panicked crowd, she strained to see the pink hue of her sister's skin.
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Objective: Answer their challenge
Location: Shield Generator Outpost, overseeing TDW and other combat unit deployments
Ally Tags: Kyyrk Kyyrk Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr Luna Terrik Luna Terrik Niamh Raste Tulan Kor Tulan Kor Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield
Enemy Tags: Osam Osam Galak Galak Sethrak Sethrak Krarolk T'manu Kyrim Tenebris Kyrim Tenebris Reosyvern Reosyvern Sarask Hiskt Sarask Hiskt Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus
Theme: We shall not go quietly

Sergei would watch as more of the ships landed, more of them decided they were going to make planet fall and actually decide to contest the objective he was holding. He saw the massive beings that in his mind resembled walking fortresses more than anything. And if it was one thing that he'd learned fighting with the CIS nothing was invincible. If it bled, it could die. Which was why those didn't hold Sergei's attention. As he looked to the East, he could feel the wave of air as the the "walkers" hit the ground from orbit. And while the sand would buffet through his line of sight and partially obscure what he was looking it, he could still quite clearly see the object of his attention. The landing ships, more like Cruisers in his opinion, where making landfall, and Sergei knew that those ships could carry just about anything aboard. They were massive, which was why it was unsurprising when he received a call from Hope.

"Sir, we've established tracks,"

"I know,"


Aboard Hope, sensor officers and other personal watched closely as they followed the tracks of the oncoming vessels, and few knew that this was exactly what The Dire Wolf had been waiting for. In the hangar, alarm klaxons blared as missiles were loaded into various tubes, prepping their launch. SIM-02s, 03s, and 06s were loaded and fed targeting data as their flight path and approach vectors to the target site were uploaded. Gunners established lines of sight on the so called landing zone where this massive force of invaders would land and make their play for the Shield Generator. Hope was here in case they attempted a larger scale invasion such as this, and was on station to provide orbital fire support on targets on the ground. Targets like the enemy LZ just east of the shield outpost, where they had landed in force with multiple of their massive ships, and then had the gall to drop in something that was burrowing into the ground and billowing out smoke to giveaway their positions. It was almost as if they were holding out a massive neon sign that said in bright bold letters.


All across the vessel, crews readied. The missiles were primed, Mjolnir cannons loaded with Armor Piercing High Explosive rounds, and shots were lined up. Across the board crews would signal the CIC that they were green, and in seconds it would be relayed to The Dire Wolf. His response would be almost cold across the comms.

"Ensure you target the forces to our east, when your gunners are ready, open fire," There was a pause as Sergei considered whether he should show mercy or force. It was only brief as he spoke again, finishing his thought.

"Wipe them out, all of them,"

"Yes sir,"

Across the ship, orders would be given. Gunners would depress their triggers, Missile crews would simply press buttons, and across the ship a loud roar would erupt from the vessel. 1600 millimeter two gun cannons would take their Armor Piercing High Explosive payloads and launch them with an ungodly force at the forces to the east of the Shield outpost. These 1.6 meter wide 5 meter long rounds would scream through the air as they were hurled hyper sonic speeds, aimed at the landing zone (D8, E8, F8) that the Bryn were just now offloading at. The missile barrage would dump well over a hundred missiles, each individually sent on their own targeting track across the entirety of those landing zones to carpet bomb their landing zones. Archer missiles were intended to engage infantry in the open, ships, and whatever else happened to be close, Dominus Missiles to add another layer of complexity to the Bryn's troubles as their own gear would be assaulted by an Ionite-A cloud as the war heads detonated, and Hellfire missiles to engage these new smoke stacks that had suddenly "sprouted from the ground". The Dire Wolves had seen the challenge of the Bryn'adul, and were now answering with a roar of their very own. It would take literal seconds for the rounds to reach the impact zones, and if the rounds missed and hit earth, each round would cause a massive explosion that would take the very earth surrounding the Bryn and throw it skyward as what was once a stable landing zone would become a veritable hell-scape. That was if the cannons missed their intended targets. And several minutes later the wave of missiles would be coming to harass, kill, or utterly annihilate whatever they could. Hope was raining an unholy hellfire from the heavens as an answer the Bryn'adul's attempt to rattle the defenders cages.

Their ignorance of her, would be their undoing.


Sergei would watch through his wrist mounted Wind Talker comms unit the data feed coming from Hope. The report from the ship as it sent him a simple message of fire mission complete. Seconds later, he would feel the very ground shake as the Bryn's position would be assaulted by the ungodly levels of fire power that Sergei had just unleashed. As he could feel the very ground shake underneath him and the rumbles of explosions in the distance he would look to the men and women in the trenches with him. His voice would be broadcast over local comms to people in the shield outpost, and through his own loud speakers in his helmet.

"Good men and women gathered here today, I stand before you just another soldier. Yet another man at arms. I am humbled by your bravery and willingness to be here to sacrifice for the greater good on this day. The evil of this galaxy stands at the doors of civilization ladies and gentlemen. They come here to take our homes, our lives, burn our very way of life to the ground. It is up to us to answer their challenge. Not a single person here today will stand against this threat alone. Despite the enemy's belief that we are at the end of our time we're going to win this and survive! Look to the people to your left and right if you need assurance that we can win. Today we send these animals back to whence they came. Today we let all know who wish this evil upon our people what happens to them. Today we're canceling the apocalypse!"

Sergei would then turn about and face the oncoming storm, looking directly at the massive siege towers the Bryn had deployed. He had a plan. Regardless of what the Bryn threw at them, he knew they had a chance to win. And he knew that above all else, the most dangerous thing in the galaxy, was an infantryman and his rifle. Gods themselves be damned if they got in the way of them and their objective.

And they would hold. Against everything they had to hold.
Hope has targeted everything in the landing zones of D8, E8, and F8 and fired a massive barrage of 150 missiles (80 Archer Missiles, 30 Dominus Missiles, 40 Hellfire Missiles) alongside a 30 round barrage of 1600 mm Armor Piercing High Explosive rounds. The intent for this is to utterly decimate the landing forces in these LZs and therefore take pressure off of the shield outpost while Sergei formulates a plan to deal with the heavy walkers.

Krarolk T'manu

INTENT TO ENGAGE: Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser | Open to engage up to 3 others.

The trio jogged through the sand, seemingly by the added weight of their various weapons and armor.
The immense weight of the trio caused them to sink down into the sand, especially the Baedurin heavy weapons specialist. However, the massive impact of the Siege Tower to their right had shaken up many of the looser patches of sand, leaving open areas of harder sandstone that could be traversed with much greater ease. The trio found themselves on an especially large sandstone patch, and rapidly renewed their relentless jog. While the trio had initially landed to support the advance of the Tower, it seemed as if the massive creature would not be facing any serious opposition at the moment. Consequently, they had rerouted their path towards another important target: an outpost just outside Yurb's capital city.

They soon caught sight of a larger Byrn force about half a kilometer away, advancing towards the same outpost the three were. The Elite trio continued their steady jog, intending to connect with the primary force and support their assault. Sweat descended down the bulky bodies of the Zealots on fountains, and their feet occasionally sunk dozens of centimeters into loose piles of sand around them. Their armor and weapons weighed down on the trio, amplified by the intense heat of the regional desert. But for the sake of their crusade, the Zealots would neither falter nor show weakness.

Already, the two sides had begun to engage. Quilxyn Protectors set up by the larger force gave the trio cover as they ran through the rear of the allied formation, while gunships had begun firing on the enemy position. As the trio drew deeper within the Byrn'adul division and closer to their enemies, their fighting spirit grew ever further. They had prepared for such an occasion for weeks, refining their already impressive combat capabilities in hopes of being able to slaughter scores of their opponents.

The larger Byrn force might have gotten a head-start, but the Zealot Elite trio were right on their tails and just as hungry for blood.

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Yurb // Premiere Target: M'gaelak Siege Tower // Galactic Alliance - Ally
REC-YB02 Y-wing Mk II armed with Vengeance of the Sword and Sun
Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt // Bernard Bernard
Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus // Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma // Other Bryn + NPCs in proximity

The shallowness of her own breath was loud in her ears.

Aerial support usually meant torpedos or plasma. Not a xenophage she'd spent weeks stretching and growing from that original vile into enough substance to fill the carriers that rested in the bellies of the ships they piloted. It had demanded all of her concentration, Art of the Small. She’d had to work with some willing scientists who could translate the chemistry of the contaminants enough for her to get a sense of what they looked like, felt like, represented within The Force before she could offer any sort of extensibility to the bioweapon.

"Ooohhh, very very bad. At worst it can completely weaken and kill any of these beasts - the Bryn'adul. It rapidly degrades and kills the cells within a Draelvisier until they melt away in a slow and agonizing death. All you need is the proper delivery method. Bullets, grenades, bombs will do Qrgyl thinks."

They broke over the peaks of the mountain range.

Above them, organic based ships and manufactured ones fought for dominance in space. Salvo after salvo brilliant against the darkness of the vacuum. Her skin crawled at the fluid movements of the ships that manned themselves, a stark contrast to the machines of The Allies; with hundreds of lives orchestrated to make the machine move.

Below them, the Jedi on the ground were using traditional weapons. Hacking and sawing at skin and bone and whatever they could penetrate of the Drael with superheated weapons. The Drael used brute force and magic. From this vantage point, they looked no larger than beetles. The contest was admirable, but futile. She’d learned that lesson thrice over.

Loske closed her eyes for a stolen moment, reflecting on her contentions with the monsters below. Three times. Three times she’d been battered to the ground on the back foot and had to retreat. Her eyelids tightened at the flashes of memories. The strength. The anger. The wrath. The creatures that lashed out without voice, only deafening roars. As if the recollection was tangible, the healed flesh on her shoulder itched the line of the scar. The ribs that had been broken ached. She didn’t touch the phantom wounds. Her hands never lifted from the yoke of the Y-Wing. They didn’t even twitch.

Swallowing, she centred herself in the reality of their decision and opened her eyes. She was crystallized in this choice. Maynard and her had already concluded the necessity of crossing this line. It was no surprise the laconic Arkanian was joining them.

"You name it, it's legal ; and you can buy it bulk. I was thinkin' we could head there and maybe...I don't know, but nothin' we got works.

Because you're right, we keep throwin' ourselves at em as is- we're not gonna be so lucky next time. So yeah...I need some time away but - I'm not going back into the next scrap with the Bryn with just a fuckin' blaster and a lightsaber."

The consequences could only be assumed, but she hoped victory was one of them.

As if Frank knew what was on her mind, he piped up: Remember what Master Quill said. This genocidal race is responsible for more deaths in an accelerated timeline than The Sith Empire.

<I know.> Loske responded quietly, an interchange only between those within the confines of the starfighter. Her droid and self. <Let’s hope this works.> This required no further definition. The bomber cut through the air. It wasn’t quite so nimble as her usual X-02, but there were no negative descriptors for it either. Just something new to get used to. The approach of one of the grotesque creatures manifested by the Bryn’adûl would soon be slowed. Scores of their hoard materialized and marched around them.

As unified as the twingmates were, there was a chain of command established, she opened her comms to her companions. <On your cue, Commander. I’ll even volunteer to hit that uhh.. demon elephant thing first.>

But there was a certain satisfaction in saying Bombs Away she’d reserve for others.

Once the payload was dropped, all the Bryn’adûl and their subspecies had to do was breathe for the xenophage to take effect. It would bond with their blood and in less than fifteen minutes something would happen. Long enough for the trio of pilots to circle back around for another drop –– or direct their secondary loads elsewhere. The unremarkableness of Yurb’s environment was conducive to their intentions. At the very least, attacking this early would hopefully give the defensive lines of the generator an upperhand.

Fifteen minutes was a long time when you were fighting for your life.

Location: Yurb Atmosphere
Objective: Try to not die while flying in my blaster-torn X-Wing.
Allies: SJO and Allies ( Kimiko Taiyou Kimiko Taiyou , Jyoti Nooran, Gir Quee Gir Quee )
Enemies: Byrn'adul

More Bryn’adul ships soared in front of me. The other Jedi have blown up many enemy craft, but they just keep coming. Multiplying. Never-ending. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a small Corvette’s engines explode. Bryn’adul ships swarmed around it like Womp Rats to an injured Bantha. When they cleared away from it, the Corvette has turned to scrap metal.

“Hang in there brothers and sisters, we can win this!”

More explosions happened. Ahead, three light Corvettes began to engage the Capital ship.

“C’mon, we must attack now! It is our only shot!”

“Disengage! It is too dangerous!”

They didn’t listen. About 100 meters away every Bryn’adul weapon began to fire. Within seconds the Corvettes blew up. This isn’t good. We were running out of time.

Just then, an attack ship flew behind me. Firing it’s weapons, there wasn’t time to escape. One of my engines blew.

“One is on my tail! My engine is blown! Mayday Mayday! Help!”
Equipment: Ura's Lightsaber
Location: Edsert
Tags: Amani Serys Amani Serys Barrien Siegfried Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus Gir Quee Gir Quee Kyyrk Kyyrk Osam Osam Niamh Raste Enlil Enlil Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Elise Luna Terrik Luna Terrik Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol Tulan Kor Tulan Kor Matvec Triddol Matvec Triddol The Monster The Monster Reosyvern Reosyvern Tarish Galland Nida Perl Nida Perl Kyra Perl Kyra Perl ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar Aurelion Nova Aurelion Nova Jyoti Nooran Warchief Waddles Warchief Waddles Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei

Ura seemed to get a little happier when Amani said they would get everyone to safety. It was good to hear. But then she looked up. Oh no.... There was something coming. She then heard Barrien call them to come close, and Ura rushed the kids to a volunteer who was helping. "Tell him what you told me. I have to do something, ok?" She said this in Lerdos, then quickly closed her eyes. She didn't want to just leave them behind without helping, but she had to keep her people safe. "Barrien I see something coming! Large... life. But they look... wrong...." It was then that she heard something hit the ground. "Brace!"

In a flash a shock from a heavy impact ran into where they were, and Ura almost instinctively formed a Force Barrier to try and stop some of the debris from hitting them. She looked back at everyone, as the shaking settles, looking at the buildings. Most still stood, thanks to being below two stories, but a lot of the taller building did take damage. Ura couldn't see the full extent though. "W-we have to be ready now. Their here." As the Lervon said this her right hand seemed to melt into her arm, and the emitter of a lightsaber took it's place. The glow of a Force Barrier wrapped her forearm as well. Ura was ready for a fight now, but fear did begin to creep it's way through. Was she really ready for this?


Location: Orbit, Glasser Alpha.
Fleet: 1 Glasser Station (Glasser Alpha): Hull 100%, Shield 75%, Storm-Bringer: Hull 100%, Shield 90%, 15 Arquitens-class Light Cruiser: Various hull damage, 10 Deathseed squadrons, 4 Y-TIE squadrons (1 Cumulonimbus Flextube Arc Cannon and one Flextube load of V-6 Arc Torpedoes)

As the enemy Butchers came into weapons range, the Glasser would unleash it's armament on one of the battle cruiser. But it would soon get a taste of the power that they held. The station's shield took the blow, holding back the assault of energy. It was good that they could focus the shields right now, and it was an advantage most blockade stations had.

"This is Glasser Alpha! What that heck are they firing on us!? Some kind of particle beam?"

"I don't know sir, but it's strong. Their still in range and holding position though."

"Then keep lighting one up!"

Meanwhile, the Storm-Bringer was in a similar situation. Her and her Arquintens had joined up with the Jedi fleet ( Gir Quee Gir Quee ) closer to the action, and were ready to fight. The old ISD had begun to unleash her armament on the Bryn flagship, while her point defense targeted fighters. The Yurb flagship was soon rocked by a shot of energy into her shields, and the captain was quick to retaliate. A call soon came through as the destroyer pushed herself into a clear position. "All allied vessel, stay clear of our bow! We don't call this girl the Storm-Bringer for nothing." A pale blue beam would reach out from the ships bow to hit the Divine Brutality, but it wouldn't do anything. It was only a channel for the real show. The ISD would unleash her Spinal Arc Cannon, a powerful electrical weapon, into the bioship's hull! As soon as they confirmed a clear shot, the energy arced through the beam, merely a passageway for the energy to ensure its target. If the Bryn loved big guns this much, why not give a little back.

As this happened, the light cruisers used their speed to avoid as many shots as they could. The fire was spread over fifteen ships, so something had to slip! As they did this, their quad laser turrets would fire on any enemy fighters, while their turbolasers focused on one Conquester. Along with this, they fired off a volley of Arc Torpedoes into the much larger ship. The Bryn may have had size, but the Lervon and their allies had the number of ships. They could play smarter, they could move quicker, and they were harder to hit. They also had their own Arc Cannons, which they used along with everything else on the Conquester. At the same time, Deathseeds focused on fighter hunting, while their Y-TIE sister ships, with Force Merged Lervonian pilots and gunners, quickly flew in closer to one of the Butchers, letting loose their payloads of Arc Torpedoes.

  • Glasser Alpha take fire from the Butchers, and unleashes her own fire on one.
  • Storm-Bringer is hit and fires on Divine Brutality with most of her weapons, including her Spinal Arc Cannon. Point defense focuses on fighters.
  • The Arquitens-class ships do their best to avoid fire, while unleashing everything they have on a Conquester.
  • Deathseeds target fighters.
  • Y-TIEs target a Butcher.

Surface Forces: Approved Tech Lergara, 150 Lervon Militia Volenteers, 3 Y-TIE squadrons (Armed with V-6 Arc Torpedoes)

Landfall. The two Siege Towers shook the ground. This might worry organics, but Lervon didn't have to worry.What they did have to worry about though was the closing forces. The Lervon eyed each other, seeing the Bryn coming. They could fight them. When they came close enough they would begin to fire, and take advantage of two things. The sand that had been kicked up, and their own Force Sight. They were much like sand. They moved in a much more flowing manner in combat. Inhuman movement honestly. They were armed with E-11s, but they weren't going to let that hold off anything.

The Lerage from its height had another challenge though. A strange living artillery began to impact it's layered shield. The droid slowly turned, letting out a mechanical, Binary cry. Charging could be heard as it scanned the area near the bio-artillery, and it's head opened, revealing it's weapon. These things weren't getting a break. The blast of a heavy turbolaser was send into the group that had decided to make the war droid their prey.

Meanwhile, in the air, a group of Y-TIE's had taken themselves into hunters, targeting the Siege Towers from a shallow angle above their tops, using lasers and arc torpedoes to target the head and the lower parts of the legs on the massive beasts, while remaining above them.
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Location: Admiral's Quarters, Emerald Undertow, departing Yurb
Objective: Halt the enemy fleet's advance
Allies: ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar Ura Iolar Ura Iolar Eugen Barca Jyoti Nooran
Enemies: Ver'kad Inuk

As the trio walked in the ship's operations center, the pandemonium of the battle became immediately clear. Artificial light recreated the battle around them in real time. Swarms of Bryn'adul fighters and gunboats flooded out of the massive, alien vessels which menacingly surged towards the desert world. With the same intensity but on a smaller scale, the local defense forces replied back in kind, using their unusual fusion of old Imperial vessels retrofitted with their unusual arc cannon technology. The school of Directorate and Silver Jedi warships of Task Force Emerald Undertow dived deeper into the black ocean to merge with the local defense force as they initiated their counterattack. The admiral quickly began to bark orders into his comlink headset even as his mind struggled to fully predict the whirl of actions around him. He knew he couldn't predict all of the enemy's actions - there was simply too much to keep track of. Yet he could delegate tasks and fall back on some old habits.

"Ready the cloaking device," decided the blonde man, "all screening escorts pick out of targets of opportunity as they present themselves to your weapons systems. Cruisers attack the lead Bryn'adul attack cruiser. Flight Controller Tresk, hold all of our fighters in a screening pattern and get our bombers underneath the Undertow's overshield."

The light corvettes that jetted around his vessel promptly began to coordinate their fire on the gunboat squadrons, taking advantage of their long-range mass driver cannons, plasma torpedo launchers, and general purpose warhead launchers to attack opponents only slightly smaller than them, but unlikely to possess similarly long-ranged weapons. The other small corvettes in his fleet bristled with hundreds of small weapons, but few of them had the range or power to quite reach the enemy formation yet - dozens of flak cannons on his escort corvettes began to let out staccato bursts at the enemy Phedrak fighters. The Undertow itself began to exponentially multiply this fire as hundreds of its own flak cannons began to unleash their own fury - thousands of shells began to detonate amongst the Bryn'adul horde, strewing the area with rolling clouds of razor-sharp shrapnel. A brief thought seized the commander - The Bryn'adul fighters are living creatures...I wonder just how painful it is for them to fly through that? His sapphire-blue eyes briefly rested on a smattering of the enemy fighters. There's a lot of them...Perhaps we should bother to cut those numbers down a bit more before they meet us....He flipped a switch on his headset that brought him in contact with Chief Tartun, the department chief of the Undertow's weapons division. He preferred to let the ship's captain typically handle the specifics of running the ship in a battle, but right now they needed immediate and deft hands.

"Tartun, seed the enemy formation with concussion missiles targeting the enemy strikecraft through the Ragnarok batteries - I want that force halved before they even get in range."

A deep baritone voice boomed back at him, "Shall I make the strikecraft a priority target for our weapons systems?"

Gir briefly hesitated. In truth, the blonde man was more worried about the strange and massive attack cruisers which accompanied the Bryn'adul fleet. They appeared to possess significant firepower, yet the massive weapons appeared to also be more spinal-mounted. A greater immediate risk to the fleet, but a lesser one once the opposing fleets were intermeshed and intertwined in slugging matches. Yet could the local defense fleet ships hold out against such firepower? The man didn't know, but he couldn't simply not make a decision either. He went with his gut.

"Yes. I know your work. Do it well."

"Shall I repurpose the warhead packages meant for the Mulatan operation?"

The EMVIs. They only had a limited amount of the warheads, and it was unlikely that they'd be able to receive many if they expended them all now. Yet what was the point in hoarding a weapon system when a massive threat was on-hand? One that sought to extinguish yet another species from the galaxy. he narrowed his eyes. It is a cruel weapon...but no more cruel than the Bryn themselves...

"I authorize its use," announced the Directorate officer, "fire all available EMVI warheads on their flagship. Let us see if this echani invention can digest their warbeasts."

"Yes sir."

The man from Hast heard a few short orders barked from Tartun to his men before the signal cut out. The clamshelled hull of the Emerald Undertow errupted into thunderous fire, with nearly every weapon system employed in some manner under the skilled hands of some of the finest Directorate gunnery crews in the galaxy. The hulking barrels of the Ragnarok gun batteries spewed out massive shells which surged among the Bryn'adul fleet before morphed into blossoms of hundreds of concussion missiles which sought out the most immediate enemy strikecraft around them. Tartun skillfully directed the particle cannons of the Undertow against the nearby carriers - not only would the raw thermal destruction wrought by the cannons assail the alien invaders, but deadly radiation blooms would seek to poison the ships and eat away at any nearby Bryn'adul craft which ventured back to their home base. Countless weapon systems on his flagship converged their fire on the Divine Brutality's bow, seeking to break off the enemy spearhead even as it plunged towards the allied forces.

His eyes rested briefly holographic battle unfolding around him and briefly glazed other as he recalled the weight of his decisions and how they impacted thousands of lives. Millions more if I fail here today...Yet those thoughts began to fade away like countless past rainy days and the man couldn't help but feel his energy and thoughts directed more and more onto the battlefield. He felt like he was in the prime of his life, his career. He began to pick out various weakpoints in the enemy lines - things he knew that he normally could not possibly perceive in a battle as chaotic this. It was an unusual sensation, but not an unwelcome one. A Jedi's battle meditation...He briefly closed his eyes to rest on it and blinked. And not just one Jedi's...multiple Jedi. Part of him wondered who the other jedi were, but the meditation ripped that thought away and plunged his attention back into the battle around him. We might fail today. Maybe, but we'll give a fight that the Bryn'adul won't soon forget...He toggled his headset comlink once more to speak with Tartun.

"One more thing. Use our Auras and see if you can mess with those attack cruiser's positions."

"They're pretty big, we won't be able to really move them," cautioned the gunner.

"I know. I don't intend to, I just want to throw the calibration of their main weapons off so they have a greater difficulty targeting our friendly vessels..."

"Ah...Yes sir. Understood."

Task Force Emerald Undertow - moving to intercept 1st Wave of Bryn'adul ships in conjunction with local defense fleet
The Emerald Undertow with Cloaking Warfare Module - preparing to engage cloaking device; firing on targets as described in post above & in summary below

Achilles-class Assault Cruiser Galatea - firing on Butcher-class Attack Cruiser designated A-1 by Silver Jedi-allied forces
Achilles-class Assault Cruiser Undaunted - firing on Butcher-class Attack Cruiser designated A-1 by Silver Jedi-allied forces
Achilles-class Assault Cruiser Immortalite - firing on Butcher-class Attack Cruiser designated A-1 by Silver Jedi-allied forces

Bellerophon-class Pocket Carrier Attacker - screening Emerald Undertow from enemy strikecraft and projectiles
Bellerophon-class Pocket Carrier Hunter - screening Emerald Undertow from enemy strikecraft and projectiles
Bellerophon-class Pocket Carrier Chaser -screening Emerald Undertow from enemy strikecraft and projectiles
Bellerophon-class Pocket Carrier Stalker - screening Emerald Undertow from enemy strikecraft and projectiles
Bellerophon-class Pocket Carrier Striker - screening Emerald Undertow from enemy strikecraft and projectiles

Warden-class Escort Corvette Reaper - screening Emerald Undertow from enemy strikecraft and projectiles; Rainburst Flak Cannons attack Phredrak fighters and gunboats
Warden-class Escort Corvette Arbiter - screening Emerald Undertow from enemy strikecraft and projectiles; Rainburst Flak Cannons attack Phredrak fighters and gunboats
Warden-class Escort Corvette Smiter - screening Emerald Undertow from enemy strikecraft and projectiles; Rainburst Flak Cannons attack Phredrak fighters and gunboats
Warden-class Escort Corvette Puncher - screening Emerald Undertow from enemy strikecraft and projectiles; Rainburst Flak Cannons attack Phredrak fighters and gunboats
Warden-class Escort Corvette Charger - screening Emerald Undertow from enemy strikecraft and projectiles; Rainburst Flak Cannons attack Phredrak fighters and gunboats

Catalina-class Light Corvette Blue One - firing on 1st Wave Gunboat Squadrons
Catalina-class Light Corvette Blue Two - firing on 1st Wave Gunboat Squadrons
Catalina-class Light Corvette Blue Three - firing on 1st Wave Gunboat Squadrons
Catalina-class Light Corvette Blue Four - firing on 1st Wave Gunboat Squadrons
Catalina-class Light Corvette Blue Five - firing on 1st Wave Gunboat Squadrons

35 Fighter squadrons
14 Zephyr-class Droid Fighter Squadrons (336 starfighters) - screening Task Force Emerald Undertow from enemy strikecraft and projectiles
10 Cyclone II-class Starbomber Squadrons (120 starbombers) - screening Emerald Undertow - encased in Starlight Scutum shield
10 Gale-class Heavy Fighter Squadrons (80 starfighters) - screening Task Force Emerald Undertow from enemy strikecraft and projectiles

16 Support Squadrons
16 Shyyyo-class Combat Transport Squadrons (192 transports) - docked onboard carrier vessels - passengers onboard

Summary of actions
-Emerald Undertow uses Ragnarok-class Gun Batteries in rapid-fire mode to rapidly spread hundreds of Starcore-class Concussion Missiles among and to attack Bryn'adul strikecraft accompanying first wave (gunboats, phredrak fighters, Ra'maks). Rainburst Flak Cannons attack Phredrak fighters and gunboats. Thunderer-class Heavy Particle Beam Cannons fire on 1st wave Conquesters, with the intent of secondary radiation blooms to damage/degrade nearby enemy starfighters and gunboats; General Purpose Warhead Launchers launching EIC-2 EMVI Missiles at Divine Brutality; Aura-class Tractor/Pressor beams haphazardly pushing and pulling on Butcher-class Attack Cruisers in attempt to mess up their aim; all other capital-grade weapons on Emerald Undertow firing on Divine Brutality.
-Corvettes engage Bryn'adul 1st wave small craft as described above
-Droid fighters previously engaged in attacking planetbound support craft from 2nd Wave Bryn'adul ships return to formation; approximately 24 Zephyr-class Droid Starfighters destroyed by enemy support craft or by suicidal ramming actions against Bryn support craft

Rough Map (All formations are now in mutual weapon's range)

Caedyn Arenais


Inventory: Armor | Bo Staff | Lightsaber | CS.38
Location: Grid F5
Objective: Reach and protect both Perl's
Company: Kyra Perl Kyra Perl
Nearby: Nida Perl Nida Perl


The Bryn'adûl Drop-pods were reigning down over and around the Capital's defensive shielding, each impact into the surface of Yurb sending a violent shockwave rippling across the sand-laiden ground, wind rushing between the City-scape of Edsert while Caedyn Arenais followed close in behind his Padawan, Kyra whom felt desperate to reach her older Sister, Nida Perl Nida Perl .

The buildings that towered over them shook, debris falling from atop and threatening to drop around the pair and the Lervon whom were mid-flight and panicked, scrambling for cover as they sought to meet the exfiltration zones set up and in place by the Order of the Silver Jedi, and their Antarian Ranger counter-parts.

As they were thrown to the ground, Caedyn watched from roughly a meter away as his Padawan caught hold of one of the Lervon and moved to cover them protectively. They were amidst a warzone and things were only just beginning to go to hell, yet the Jedi Knight couldn't help but feel a sense of pride for the girl's instinctive protection of those around her.

"Keep moving!" Caedyn called to her as he picked himself up and moved to fall in alongside her before the Lervon could overcrowd them once more. The streets were chaos, too many Lervon to recall the horrified looks they wore as they frantically rushed for somewhere safe to hide or escape the fall-out.

Another blast-wave struck the shields and this time Caedyn caught Kyra Perl Kyra Perl as she was rocked back into him, managing to keep his footing and subsequently keep his Padawan upright as well, giving her a guiding push forward in order to reach Nida before the invading Bryn'adûl would be upon them.

As they rounded the street corner and moved into the following intersection, the situation looking none the better there, Kyra sought to scream atop the cries of the Lervon, searching for Nida.

"Calm your mind, Kyra" Caedyn encouraged her, his gaze being drawn a ways down the path to their left as he felt the presence of another Force User, "Feel her out, use your senses" He gestured down the street to where he searched. His Padawan had been making great progress within the walls and safety of the Silver Rest, yet out there in the middle of an open attack and invasion threatening the lives of millions, their own among them, keeping oneself in check wasn't quite as easily achieved for a teen-aged Empath.

"There's another Force User down this way...-Not someone I recognize" he spoke in rhetorical tone, looking back to Kyra in search of possible recognition that the persons aura might be that of Nida's.
Arrived in: Scorched Earth

Wearing: 90 Suit

Armed with: Hurricane Flames (Indigo Colored Double Bladed Spinning Lightsaber)

Objective: Defend Yurb once more

The creature inside the heavily modified Star Courier had begun the rampage in the skies above Yurb, Heavy Laser fire bringing down even the toughest starfighters. For five minutes there was nothing but whole starfighter squadrons of the enemy being blasted apart. It was only a lucky missile that brought it down, but the pilot was still able to make a controlled landing...deliberately crashing into as many enemy soldiers on the ground as she could before she came to a complete stop on the outskirts of the city, already under heavy attack.

The thin, muscular figure within the damaged, now lopsided vessel, having never been one to pause in the midst of killing didn't miss a beat as she blasted open the hatch with the Force a floated out, surrounded by squads of Bryn Soldiers. Their faces and weapons reflected on the elderly looking figure's gold and blue catsuit, a ringed lightsaber in her hand that activated, revealing a single, indigo blade as she floated in mid-air above them.

The elderly woman glanced at them with dark brown eyes, dark hair flowing in the winds of chaos.

As she had no intention of letting them survive, she decided to communicate something to them.

"Darth Phyre would have loved you bastards..." she admitted in disgust, slowing two that tried to attack with the Force, belching killing flames on three others as her lightsaber ripped through a skull, than another Torso as she began using telekinesis to hurl debris into their neck, her lightsaber form going from Makashi to Form 007 as nothing less than raw power would turn back their advance, saber spinning in her hand, confusing her victims as she advanced through a city square from her crashed starship, Lightsaber on constant offense against the Bryn, spinning and flinging the blade at unexpected moments, occasionally breathing flames.

It was not until a soldier got in a lucky strike, making the elderly looking creature cry out with a metallic, pig like shriek as a rifle round grazed her side, that things got nasty.

She looked down at the wound, then the soldier, and then covered him in a blast of heavy orange flames that roasted him, before conjuring more twisters of flame in the section of the capital outskirts, starting to push her way into the city proper making sure to conjure them only right next to or on top of invading forces, the screams carrying as they cooked.

A Bryn gunship flew by, strafing the ground around her. Syd froze the next few shots from the side gunner and patiently swatted them back with a grin. The gunner on the side door was hit and the returned bolts hit the cockpit, killing the pilot instantly as it crashed.

Syd began directing the Tornado's more, roasting alive the Bryn. Her flesh warped and shuddered on the bone from the power output. But protecting Yurb and its civilians were special to her. Yurb had been the first time in a long time she had used her abilities to help others genuinely, in a concrete manner.

In the commotion, now beginning the burning proper of the streets clean of Bryn, she spotted a few stragglers trying to look for a place out, not sure whether to be more terrified of her or the Bryn.

"Hey! This route behind me is clean if you want to evac through it!" she called out before pushing deeper in towards the shield wall, looking to see if she could help any Antaran Rangers...
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Shuklaar Kyrdol

CEO of Breshig War Forge Consolidated

Al'verde Vriz Kyrr, outer ring of outpost, optical camouflage engaged.​
Objective: Survive.​
Ally Tags: Niamh Raste | Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr
Enemy Tags: Galak Galak
Spikes embedded themselves in the walls of the outpost all around him, some were close, but Vriz didn't flinch. He and the others were instead holding their positions at the outpost. They were on their own for the most part. Normally, thirty two of some of the finest rammikade he'd had the pleasure of serving with would have been overkill for just about anything. Numbers like what they were facing at the moment however? This was just insanity.​
The shabuire were doing a good job of trying to make sure he and his rammikade kept their heads down. Though unfortunately for them, he had a plan. Well, part of a plan. If any of his students had come up with the plan back when he used to help train new Vuhyr'yalilyr Rammikade, he'd have told them just what he thought of that. Now? Now he had no choice. He was outnumbered on a level he'd never been before, though it remained to be seen if they were outmatched.​
Vriz, along with six other marksmen and six other riflemen had managed to remain undetected so far, their armor's various stealth systems making them as difficult to notice as was possible. Thanks to the sand and heat of the desert, they had to move extremely slowly to ensure that the already taxed optical camouflage units didn't overload, and that hadn't boded well. The outpost's feeds already showed their enemy getting closer and closer, and now it looked like they'd unloaded some kind of creature. Vriz had no idea what in haran it was, but he sure as haran knew it couldn't be good.​
Vriz waited till he got an acknowledgement that each of the marksmen were in position before he silently gave the order to engage over the Manda tactical battlenet. It took a precious few moments, even for the cybernetically augmented commandos, but then they discharged their Verpine anti-material rifles in unison. Each rifle fired a single APFSDS round at the exposed gunners of the gunships, six rounds in the first volley, before a heartbeat later they fired again. Their optical camouflage devices were strained to the max at this point, and there was ever the slightest shimmer that would have likely had extremely dire consequences for them if friendly forces hadn't shown up.​
Shuklaar Kyrdol, on board C2 gunship Beroya 1-1, Vornskr Mirshir-Jurkad Rammikade Quick Reaction Force​
Immediate Friendly Forces: 2 8-man squads of Vornskr Mirshir-Jurkad Rammikade.​
Objective: Join the fight at the outpost at D3.​
Enemy Tags: Galak Galak
The enemy invaders' approach was quick, and brutal. The scale of their deployment was extensive. By all accounts they were completely and utterly surrounded. Shuklaar wouldn't have believed it if he couldn't see it plain as day on the holographic interface of the gunship's Manda tactical battlenet module. Their forces at the ruins were completely surrounded, but that position was a very strong one. He knew that they wouldn't need the support immediately. The forces at the outpost at D3 were not going to hold what was coming their way without support.​
Al'verde Vriz Spar's voice crackled in over the comms, and even before he heard what he had to say, he knew was going to be said, "Werlaara 6 to command, we've got enemy troops and aircraft swarming our position. Requesting whatever you can send our way, we'll hold till you do." Shuklaar glanced back at the tactical display once more. There was no question about it, four commando squads couldn't be expected to hold out against a force that size. Vriz would never admit to it, but you didn't need to be a shabla tactical genius to see that.​
"Beroya squadron, we're going to lend the outpost some support, divert. Ragar, get your men ready, we're dropping into the thick of it," he ordered through the gunship's comms. Ragar nodded in response, and he could see the commandos in the gunship with him making last minute gear checks. Ver'alor Rorke Kote was in charge of the airborne mechanized infantry quick reaction force. Shuklaar knew he could just give the order through the Manda, but decided instead that a personal touch was needed. "Karyatr 6, this is command. I need you and your men on station at the outpost at D3. Weralaa 6 has developed a bit of a shabuir problem."
"Understood, alor, diverting now. We'll give those chaakare something to think about!" came the response from Rorke. Rorke was Ruur's younger brother. If anything could be said about the Kote's, it was that they never shirked from their duty. Rorke and Ruur were outliers in their clan, a clan that typically produced naval officers, ace pilots or some of the best damn rammikade he'd ever seen, nonetheless, he knew that he could count on them both today.​
"Oya manda, vod, oya manda," responded Shuklaar over the comms before switching frequencies to the one used by their fighters and bombers. The craft were actually evenly spread between the two objectives, so it was only the bombers that he had to specifically allocate, "Command to all aircraft, you are cleared to engage the enemy. Move to your assigned stations. Show these shabuire what we think of their landing! Ash'amur squadron, move to support our positions at grid B7. Prioritize high value targets. Oya!"
Their gunships were flying on full burn, with the electronic warfare suites turned on. This masked their signature at longer ranges, but given how close they were it perhaps wouldn't do them all that good. That said, sensors already picked out targets on the ground at outpost D3. Shuk watched as the gunship's acquired targets showed up on the display.​
Two Tbarsr-class Guided Baradium Cluster Missiles streaked out from both of their gunships, heading straight for the Bryna'dul's front lines. Once the submunition missiles had been assigned clusters of their formation, tracked by their heat signatures and by the missiles' electro photo receptors, they were deployed from the host missile. Each submunition, while not having a particularly large blast radius on their own, had an especially deadly baradium warhead. This strike wasn't so much intended to devastate the enemy's lines, but rather slow or even stop their advance.​
The gunships weren't finished unleashing their arsenal. Following right behind the previous missiles were a pair of Tra'beviiin-class Brilliant Missiles, these heading seemingly unerringly toward the Bryna'dul's gunships. The ventral fast track quad fire-linked RHM-04 Repeating Heavy Mass-driver turret followed sprayed HEIAP rounds at the gunships as well, while the two fore turrets sent HE round after HE round at the advancing ground forces. Shuklaar had a grim expression on his face as he watched the display for any change in the enemy's numbers. That changed to a smile, however, as he saw what was fast approaching on the display. Their air support was here.​
  • Airborne QRF inbound to D3 in sixteen G-02H Vuhyr'galaar-class Heavy Gunships (will arrive next post)
  • Shuklaar's two gunships fired two Tra'beviin-class Brilliant Missiles each and their ventral quad repeating heavy mass-driver turrets at the Bryn'adul gunships.
  • Said gunships fired two cluster missiles and their two fore quad repeating heavy mass-driver turrets at the infantry on the ground.

Pilot of Asmulr 1-1, grid reference E3, en-route to provide air support for the brave rammikade defending the outpost at D3​
Immediate Friendly Forces: 2 squadrons of SMF-04 Kyr'galaar-class Stealth Multi-role Fighters, 1 other squadron of SF/A-03 Jai'galaar-class Stealth Fighter-Bombers.​
Objective: Annihilate the enemy infantry.​
Ally Tags: Niamh Raste | Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr
Enemy Tags: Galak Galak
The pilot of Asmulr 1-1 gunned his aircraft towards their objective at gird D3. The Jai'galaar fighter-bomber wasn't the most maneuverable craft, but her powerful engines sent it speeding towards its target at a blinding speed. He knew it wasn't the fastest craft out there as far as the galaxy's starfighters were considered, but over the relatively short distances they were covering, it didn't need to be. Luckily for them, ground forces and their Alor's gunships had already identified the targets on the ground they needed to engage.​
There were eight fighter-bombers in total, Ram'or squadron's four and his four. "Alright vode, pick your targets. Leave those gunships to the Kyr'galaars, I don't want Rusana having to buy me drinks again or I'm sure I'll be seeing a shuk'la riduurok before my next paycheck. Let's show the tra'taab how its done! Oya!" chuckles, and then a chorus of 'oya' answered him back. His Manda tactical battlenet module showed him both Asmulr and Ram'or squadron's targeting solutions.​
His WSO identified a decent suite of targets that the Manda confirmed were the best to engage. The first on that list was the massive hideous beast surrounded by infantry. He adjusted his heading, making sure that his fighter's RSM-01 Repeating Super-Heavy Mass-driver was perfectly aligned on the target. The fighter's targeting system beeped in his helmet to confirm that this was the case barely a heartbeat later. "Ret', gar jari'eyc shabuir!" he whispered to himself as he pulled the trigger on his joystick.​
The sound of eight RSM-01 Repeating Super-Heavy Mass-drivers going off at once was more than enough to drown out the sound of their engines. He had no doubt it could be heard for miles. Good. The sweet melody of that devastating weapon going off would be the last thing these chaakare would ever hear. His squadron had all fired at the big creature Galak Galak and unit were guarding, sending massive HEIAP rounds at the target at extremely high velocities. The other four fighter bombers had unloaded their guns into the front ranks of enemy infantry, hoping to kill as many as was possible.​
They were closer now, and so he lowered down his craft's four MRP-01 Mass-driver Rocket Pods, and now shifting his attention to the horde of infantry, let loose with a spray of sixteen Gtasada-class Incendiary Plasma Rockets. The rest of both squadrons followed suit. The glow of the rocket's engines was a spectacular display, and the explosions that were sure to follow when they hit the ground was sure to be just as spectacular.​
The fighters had been busy it would seem. His systems were tracking the launch of eight Tra'beviiin-class Brilliant Missiles that according to the battlenet were tracking the Bryn'adul's gunships. He didn't know if there were pilots or if those gunships flew themselves, but he did know one thing. He would not want to be them right about now.​
  • Four fighter-bombers fired at the Disruptor with their RSM-01 Repeating Super-Heavy Mass-drivers, and the other four fired at the infantry.
  • All eight bombers fired incendiary plasma rockets at the approaching infantry.
  • All eight fighters fired off Tra'beviin Brilliant Missiles at any remaining gunships.
Pilot of Ash'amur 1-1, grid reference E7, providing long ranged air support for friendly forces at the ruins at grid reference C7​
Immediate Friendly Forces: 1 squadron of SMFD-02 Gar Oya'karir-class Stealth Multi-role Droid Starfighters .​
Objective: Neutralize those enemy ships.​
Ally Tags: @SJO and allies | @CIS | @anyone at the shield outpost​
Enemy Tags: @Bryn'adul​
Rodia had been a trying time. The time since, had been difficult for Vral Netra. He'd so desperately wanted to go and find the commandos who his decisions had got their friends killed, but he just didn't know what he would say. Luckily for him, things had picked up quickly afterward, they'd been asked to deploy to Yurb, this time to help the jetii against a foe so foul they made the terrorists that they were fighting look like adolescent offenders or bail jumpers by comparison, and that was even considering the events on Ryloth.​
This time however, they had detailed sensor scans thanks to their tanks, infantry and armored vehicles on the ground. There was going to be no friendly fire this time. They were going to engage what was engaging their men and nothing more. If anyone else wanted air support, they were going to have to call it in. Sensors showed what looked to be three large cruiser analogues that had landed, or were in the process of. He couldn't tell with these.​
Ash'amur squadron wasn't alone this time, they had a squadron of SMFD-02 Gar Oya'karir-class Stealth Multi-role Droid Starfighters backing them up. Their squadron leader was helpfully named SMFD-02-009. They'd just taken to calling 'him' She'cu. She'chu was one of the first production run of the SMFD-02s, he'd been around a very long time, and he 'knew' a lot. He'd survived the delaying action against the Sith when they left Breshig, and he'd been with them on Rodia, and now he was here.​
Helpfully, She'cu and the eight fighters with him happened to be carrying a pair of Tra'ragir-class Assault Brilliant Missiles each, and he knew just where he was going to ask them to put them. "Ash'amur lead to all Ash'amur callsigns. Check your scopes and unlock arm your missiles. Target assignment is live, but wait for my signal to fire." Hearing the usual chorus of acknowledgements over the comms, he decided to first open a wideband channel to all friendlies in the area, "All friendly forces, be advised, this is super-heavy bomber Ash'amur 1-1, assault grade baradium ordnance has been authorized, we are weapons free. Maintain minimum safe distance from grid B7. Repeat, stay the haran away from grid B7."
With that, he cut the line and opened a link to SMFD-02-009, "She'cu, vod, I'm going to need you and your pilots' assistance on this one. I'm uploading targeting assignment. It's time to kick some shebs, but there can be no mistakes, today." He almost added, "not after Rodia". He didn't need to tell the droid to wait for him to give the signal to fire, when operating in a support capacity as such, the droids would do just that. Only if he and his fellow pilots were neutralized or if there were other extenuating circumstances would they actually even evaluate the decision to fire of their own accord.​
"Understood, landed ships, dead ships. Oya manda," replied the synthetic, electronically distorted voice of She'cu. That itself put a smile on Vral's face.​
The target assignment was simple. There were three cruiser analogues. Two bombers from his squadron would target one, the remaining two another, two fighters from She'car's the third. The remaining six weren't actually going to be firing targets at B7, but rather targets at C8. Each of the cruiser analogues in that grid square was also to receive fire as well. The plan was for the fighters to fire one of their Tra'ragir-class Assault Brilliant Missiles, while they would fire two missiles each as well as pour fire from their twin chin-mounted RSM-01 Repeating Super-Heavy Mass-drivers onto their respective targets. Satisfied with this plan of attack, he gave the order to fire, "All Ash'amur squadron callsigns, tra'cyar mav!"
The sound of eight RSM-01 Repeating Super-Heavy Mass-drivers going off was loud, and would have announced the fact that they were there if it wasn't for the orbital fire support already being dropped in by The Direwolves' ship in orbit. Ash'amur 1-2 and 1-3 focused fire on one of the cruiser analogues, at B7, sending a hail of massive caliber HEIAP rounds made to engage capital ships at them. His bomber and Ash'amur 1-4 targeting another.​
Only moments two Tra'ragir-class Assault Brilliant Missiles were launched from the bombers' MMOL-03 mass-driver modular ordnance launchers. The missiles flew for a while on the extreme velocities they'd been accelerated to before they kicked in their own engines, seemingly unerringly tracking the large capital ships. Tra'ragir-class Assault Brilliant Missiles dropped off the wings off their fighter escorts, streaking out towards the cruiser analogues, two toward the third cruiser analogue in B7, and six towards the targets in C8.​
  • Super-heavy bombers fired twin RSM-01 Repeating Super-Heavy Mass-drivers at the Heldrak dropships in B7, and fired two assault grade baradium brilliant missile from each bomber at two of the dropships.
  • Two of the fighters fired assault grade baradium brilliant missiles at the dropship that didn't have missiles fired at it. Three of the others engaged the dropships at C8 with the same missiles.

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