Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Your Undoing | TB Invasion of SJO held Yurb & Keldooine

Objective: Shield
Allies: SJO, Enlil Enlil Elise Laertia Io Laertia Io
Enemies: Bryn, Osam Osam

The Jedi Master knew what was expected of him, he had to protect those that he could, while lending what power he could to those around him. He had to find his daughters, and he had to return to Celeste and the Twins. But his duty, for now, was here. He could feel the debris lightening, less coming, less falling on him. And he had the protections of Laertia here, that brought some power to Coren, he could focus less on protecting from the Bryn and more from the wall of damage falling to the planet.

His Force powers were great, for someone like him, but even he had his way of reaching out to the Force. Battles charged him, gave him focus, and the fight here, he had arrived later, but the purpose to protect those around him? He needed to focus on that. He could feel pain of those around him, the ones he couldn’t protect, the ones he knew, Nida Perl Nida Perl , he could feel the pain in her, but he was having trouble reaching out to Kaia and Kyra. Shaking his head he focused.

Focused on Celeste Rigel Celeste Rigel and his bond with her, and he was pulling the ability to move the shield, to direct the debris to the side as it seemed to cease. And despite that power, as he moved the last bit of debris to the side, he collapsed. Not completely passing out, but falling to his knee. A hand on the ground as he watched the Bryn move.

Shaking his head, he tried to gain his foot again, not able to feel Kyra Perl Kyra Perl nor Kaia. He grabbed his commlink, not feeling the Meld. “This is Starchaser. Io and I are standing, we have Bryn here… where is the rally?” He checked his weapons, his side arm and lightsaber were there.
Objective: Get back in the Fight
Allies: SJO
Enemies: The Covenant

The tears in her eyes, the pain in her body. She was not a soldier, she was letting her father down. She was letting the Jedi down. She had to be the one who could help those that were not fighters, that’s what her father did, its what heroes did. She shivered as she could feel the cold of… something. Was that really cold she was feeling, was it coming down from the use of Force Body? Was it really fear? She wasn’t sure if any of those answers were no, but she wasn’t sure they were all the only answer. She could feel her breath being troubled as she hid. She was a Jedi, but she was cowering inside a building as debris was falling around. The sounds outside were terrifying.

And when she reached out in the Force, her father wasn’t there. She couldn’t feel him. But she didn’t feel him pass. What happened? The younger Starchaser tried to calm her mind, humming a song, not one she could even place at the moment, but it was her attempt at trying to reclaim her mindset. She had people out there she could help. But the dark haired spacer knew she had to calm down, her breath was all over the place, and her mind wasn’t settling.

Reaching in the Force, she could still feel her lightsaber, and she pulled it to her. As the weapon landed in her hand, she grabbed it and pulled it closer to her, almost hugging the weapon. She took another deep breath and hear the voices on the comms. Some familiar, most unfamiliar.

And then she heard it.

Her own name.

Her father was alive! It felt like it was only an instant when she got to her feet, the pain in her chest and leg still there, but where was he going? Where was she supposed to go?
Lead High Lord Soveriegn Imperator Grandmaster
Objective: Insurgent - Kill The Hairless Monkies and Sandcastles
Equipment: None
Location: Planetside, Yurb: Edsert Outpost Interior
Allies: Bryn'adul
Enemies: Tarish Galland , Amani Serys Amani Serys , Ura Iolar Ura Iolar , Barrien Siegfried
Ravager Brute
4x Units of Drones (40 total Trained Combatants)
76x Units of Drones (760 total Trained Combatants)

REOSYVERN VS Master Siegfried, Knight Galland, Padawan Iloar, and Padawan Serys

The injuried Padawan's Force Lightning rushed into Reosyvern's body as he collided with her, unable to stop due to momentum, and the backwards force of the Force Lightning wasn't able to fully stop the massive creature, though it did slow his incoming speed considerably. Outwardly the Force power seemed to be only minorly effective though it connected. Was he immune to Force based abilities? Or perhaps he was more immune to the pain and being that Force Lightning relied heavily, though not solely, upon intense pain in order to debilitate the target the technique was less effective than it normally would have been? That was more plausible.

In any case, the moment of tumbling came and went, though there was no unfortunate Jedi Padawan within his clutches at the end. The air was so thick with titanic levels of Force use that it blurred his somewhat untrained ability to sense the Force in others that he hadn't felt the Force Pull from Barrien Siegfried that spirited away Amani Serys Amani Serys . All that he knew was that he was lunging towards her, she blasted him with the Force, he felt some contact with her, and then she was gone.

Reosyvern looked into his massive clawed hands curiously for a moment before he realized what had happened. His attention then turning to his most important comrade, the Ravager Brute, who had just been about to stand before it was beheaded by Tarish Galland. The Brute's body slumped back into the destroyed structured that it had been trying to pull itself from previously. Reosyvern's eyes narrowed. He wasn't a mindless beast without emotion or familial bonds that were beyond blood. He too was Baedurin, both within the classification of Ravager, and even though Reosyvern was designed through genetic engineering, enhanced with implants, and possessed the rare ability to utilize the Force, he saw the Ravager Brutes as relatives.

His attention was now fully on Tarish Galland , he inhaled deeply causing a ripping sound in the air as his lungs expanded and his plated gills flattened. As Tarish launched himself towards Reosyvern, Reosyvern put one leg over the other and pivoted into a spin as he continued to inhale. He felt the heat upon his back as Tarish Galland 's lightsaber, which had been aiming for his arm before, sliced into the armored plates that covered Reosyvern's hide leaving a trail of molten bone-like material and cauterizing the fresh wound beneath. His tail could easily be as wide as near-human torso on average, covered in the same plates as the rest of his body, would slam into the Jedi Knight's body if he did not move. As Reosyvern spun to face Tarish his mouth opened quickly and he brought forth another roaring sonic blast, lethal at close range, and debilitating at medium range. If Tarish had been sent flying by the tail and did not use some sort of sonic or Force barrier, he'd get the tail end of the concussive blast. However, if he had dodged the tail and was still near the behemoth, then he'd get the full power of the Roar unless avoided.

Regardless who was hit, the dust and sand around them launched ups and created more plumes of debris in the air similar to the blast cloud at the end of an artillery piece. Reosyvern knew he was out matched with yet another Padawan, Master, and Knight all near and capable of fighting, he would need to make his escape. He activated his force ability, Phasing into intangibility, and charging through building after building, bounding with great leaps as he began to make his escape under cover of the cloud, physical barriers, and swarm of Drones that remained.

  1. Reosvyern loses Amani to Barrien
  2. Ravager Brute is beheaded by Tarish Galland
  3. Reosyvern attempts to counter Tarish 's assault with his tail and then followed up by a sonic/concussive blast to debilitate or kill the Jedi Knight.
  4. Reosyvern uses the sand/dust kicked into the air as a smokescreen, activating his Phase ability, before bounding away from the Jedi, passing through buildings and barricades.

Barrien Siegfried

Location: Edsert
Objective: Save Amani
Gear: Black Betaplast Armor | Shield | Blue Saberlance
Tags: Ura Iolar Ura Iolar | Tarish Galland | Amani Serys Amani Serys
Enemies: Reosyvern Reosyvern
Note: Barrien is still a Knight for this RP.


No, this was all wrong. The darkness, the anger. He could feel it through the meditation. It hurt, cutting at his soul, but he built barriers against it even as Amani was swept into his arms. He would not falter. I am one with the Force and the Force is with me. No, he would not surrender to it. The darkness was there, and then Ura was nearby. The anger, the hatred, it was so strong. From Tarish too? Why? Why were they all faltering when now was when they needed to be strongest?

Then Amani was crying, and he looked down at her as he cradled her close.

"You will not die this day," he assured her, his voice more serious than he had ever been. "I won't allow it."

He drew the Force into him as the snow fell. He stole it from everyone that was connected to the meditation. Anything they had left that he could access he channeled into himself. So much of the Force that he began to glow from the fact he was making himself a conduit. So much force that even his eyes began to change color, becoming more silver like his Echani side. So much power welling in him.

When he felt he could take no more he started to move, running slowly at first and then faster as he headed towards the evacuation ships. Whether Ura or Tarish could follow he did not know. Whatever became of their opponent he did not know, but he was no longer fighting them. Even any Bryn in the vicinity were ignored, if they weren't utterly destroyed by the tendrils of power wafting off of him. But it wasn't for running that he had taken in all that power.

Whatever I have, I give to her, that she may live, even if I do not.

The power confined in him began to pour into Amani, seeking to mend her wounds, to sustain her life. She was grievously injured, however, and everyone had been drained by the power of the alter environment usage. Je had a lot of power, but it alone wasn't enough, and so he gave her some of his life force as well. He would sacrifice himself if it was necessary. She was so young and full of potential, and he would not allow this to be her end. It was better him than her.

He opened his mind to the battle meditation to send a message.

The Force is life. Find peace in your hearts and remember why you are Jedi. I love you all, and I hope you will find strength in one another, not in the darkness around you. Find your center, your peace. That is where power lies.

He neared the waiting ships before his strength began to falter. At first it was just a stumble, and then he tripped altogether, but rolled so Amani landed atop him. Regathering himself, he crawled forward, carrying her. Fortunately someone saw him. Several Lervon rushed forward and he gently lay Amani in their arms.

"Protect her," he said. "She needs... help-"

With thise last words, Barrien collapsed into unconsciousness, his time on Yurb at an end.

Tarish Galland

The lightsaber crackled in and out upon closing the distance, anger blinding the man as he felt the tail against his senses coming his direction. Gis swing had left him open the split seconds of thought as he glanced between the bryn's mouth and tail and wondered briefly if it meant to devour him. He grit his teeth, the blade flickering out as he wrapped the force around his side, feeling the plated tail catch him mid swing and push against him.

Something gave, a sharp snapping sound resounding in his mind as his thoughts shifted in quiet wonder as to what had broken in him under the strain. He had been foolish to stoop to this level, and this was the force's way of leveling payment for that foolishness.

His mind slippes away as he tumbled, a number of sounds colliding as he crashed into a building and lay there. He felt the ground shift before sounds around him softened. The world taking a blurred sharpness as thoughts failed him and the force fled from his body.

His body shuddered at the sudden fire that screamed along his nervous system. He couldn't focus enough to trace the cause, eyes half closed as he felt the remainder of the building shifting, pieces falling down on him as the wall behind collapsed and found he could not move.

His limbs felt so very far away. A small pool of crimson began to form below where he had landed in a crumpled heap. He chuckled to himself, pain wracking his torso as he winced and coughed with the effort. The effort to look up was too much as he watched in silence as the small white flecks began to fall. How long ago had that started? He tried to speak, finding his voice only in his mind.

Black surrounded the small floating objects, slowly encompassing the majority of his vision, a fleck landing on his cheek and giving him a cool sensation against the searing heat he felt. His body was shutting down, his hearts beating rapidly as the forced adrenaline surge was finally exhausted and tapped. Vision and sound went first, taste having long passed and quickly behind that even the gentle drops of cool air were no longer felt. And then silence reigned supreme as he slipped away.

Ura Iolar Ura Iolar , Amani Serys Amani Serys , Barrien Siegfried , SJO and Friends
Reosyvern Reosyvern , The Bryn
Equipment: Ura's Lightsaber
Location: Edsert
Tags: Amani Serys Amani Serys Barrien Siegfried Reosyvern Reosyvern Tarish Galland

Ura just laid there for a second, feeling Amani being moved away. She almost couldn’t bring herself to get moving. She wasn’t.... She.... Ura finally got up, pulling her form back together as best she could. She was about to run before seeing blood. No.... Not someone else. The messages of hope kept leaping into her mind. Something finally hit her a little as she quickly used the Force to lift the wall away.

“Tarish?” She quickly slide around and picked him up as best she could. Helping support someone who was awake was one thing, she wasn’t doing everything and could form a brace or something, but this was deadweight. Ura grunted a little as she slowly began to drag the Knight to the landing zone. She was still hurting from what the slag had done, but she was focused.

It was a long trip, or at least felt like one. They made it though, and Ura was surprised by the sight. Barrien was passed out, but being helped. Amani was being helped. Doctors were coming to deal with Tarish. But Ura.... She just stood there. The weight of everything hitting her again. Her form began to fade as she just sat, becoming less and less defined. She.... Had they done enough...?


Location: Outside City Walls


It was beautiful.

The howling winds died down and Elise could only float there, enthralled by diminishing power that still burned through her veins. The sand settled. Inside the city, war waged on. A cold snow flake brushed across her cheek, pulling the woman from her trance, back to her body. The ground brushed her feet as she lowered onto it, the levity of what they had done not yet reaching her.

The sound of her breath echoed through her skull.

She stood shell-shocked as her psyche struggled to adjust. The master had never done such a task before. ...Her home had always been so peaceful... Nothing like the battlefield of Yurb. The loss of life around her was profound-- the strife of the buried Bryn-- the levron crying out in their deaths. It wasn't right-- what she had just done-- what they were doing. The screams of the dying tore are her psyche, finding their way to our lips as she screamed out blindly with them.

She fell from the meld, her state of mind disintegrating.

But there would be no chance at redemption for the Master, the attack done on her by Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma catching her by surprise. She gasped, her back arching as he leeched the strength from her body. Her shield flickered out, tears building in the masters eyes as she found herself staring unseen into the sky above. Bits of metal still floated down. Ashes, and fire.

Her fingers rose to protect herself, but no strength could be summoned for task. She fell hard onto her back, sand digging into her shoulder blade. She felt the deaths of the buried Bryn vibrating up through the ground, the wash of moisture falling over her lash line.

It should have never come to this.

Her presence fell from the collective as her head lulled to the side. She laid unmoving, her blonde hair splayed about in the layer of snow that had already begun to melt.
Location: Yurb Space
Objective: Hit the Bryn'adul flagship with everything we got
SJO and Allies ( Jyoti Nooran , Gir Quee , Reshmar , Ura Iolar Ura Iolar )
Enemies: Byrn'adul

A small smile broke out across Okkeus's face. He had just received orders to direct all fire into the Bryn'adul flagship. Which, in simpler terms, meant give 'em hell.

"All bombers, follow the commanders orders. Give that flagship everything you have!"

In one motion the bombers began forward. He motioned his X-Wing forward, defending the group. No more Bryn'adul fighters were coming at him. It was a lead run toward the ship. Time to give them what the deserve. The bombers flew directly over the ship. It was a beautiful site. And it was about to get a hell lot prettier.

"Bombers, drop the payload! Then get the nerf out of their!"

The bombs slowly dropped for the ships. Rows and rows of them. Speeding away he made sure all of the bombers were clear. Making sure he was enough away, Okkeus made the ship do a 180. This gave him a perfect view of the bombs about to make contact with the flagship.

This is probably going to be my last post on this thread. It has been a pleasure writing with you all!


Juno withdrew herself from her own fight once more, finding her connection to the meld dwindling after such a powerful attack. Recentering, the master pulled her focus down towards the planet’s surface again. The entire experience was surreal to her, a feeling that was only further amplified by the profound storm of emotions that echoed across the battlefield. She was only now sensing the full destruction that had been wrought there, the sensory overload making her recoil and grip her temples. But Juno was nothing if not persistent, and she pushed further.

So much death and violence. Countless innocent lives snuffed from existence, fire raining from the sky, and in the middle of it all, the Jedi’s meld standing against the tide of darkness that threatened to consume everything. Juno began to pour as much strength as she could offer into the meld as she felt others falter, Stay strong, people, we’re all in this together.

As Elise’s own connection began to dwindle, Juno winced and doubled her efforts, her own strain becoming obvious now, C’mooon, gimme something to work with here. Juno was no stranger to darkness, and even if some others found themselves breaking under its weight, Juno persevered, using the emotions to further amplify her strengths. The hope of victory had to stay alive, even if it was all they had left. The dead cried out in a cacophony of voices, each one their own. Crying for revenge. For peace. For an answer. They can’t have died for nothing. Blood trickled from Juno’s nose, but she never stopped fighting back until it was over. The dead wanted an answer. She would give it to them.
Acaadi moved as quickly as he could towards the blaster fire. Behind him a plume of thick black smoke rose high into the air, marking the final resting place of his starfighter. There was so much dust on the wind now, a product of the Jedi using the Force to call upon the land and the sand itself to bury the invaders. He shielded his eyes as he alternated between jogging and limping.

There was a building intact ahead. Blue and green bolts lancing out from the windows at distant targets. He lit his saber in the hope it would make him as a friendly and he dashed for it. He darted through an open door, greeted by the muzzle of a blaster from an experienced ranger. The gnarled twilek grunted and lowered the weapon.

"You the flight beacon we picked up?" he asked.

"Yes," Acaadi hissed. He placed his back to the wall and lowered himself to the floor.

"Keep your head down kid."

Acaadi closed his eyes, finally letting the pain wash over him. Every piece of his body hurt. He couldn't rest. Not yet. Perhaps not for a long time.

He stretched out with the Force, seeking his friends. He caught a brief glance of Amani Serys Amani Serys as Ura Iolar Ura Iolar saw her. They were desperately trying to stop her from bleeding out, her entire arm gone. Acaadi's heart sank. He reached out for Kyra Perl Kyra Perl but barely felt anything of her presence.

"More Bryn coming!" Someone shouted from above. Acaadi heard the whine of a repeater spinning up.

He wasn't alone, but he felt alone. A handful of hardened Rangers who saw him as a kid were all he had. His friends were scattered, wounded and possibly dying. His knuckles went white as he held his sabers tight. He had to think about this being the end of everything he knew, even if he survived the day. What would be left of the group he had worked through the academy with?

“This is Starchaser. Io and I are... have Bryn here… where is ... rally?”

Acaadi looked down at his comm. The signal was fragmented, but he hadn't heard anything from it in some time. It was possibly connecting through the Ranger's mesh network.

"Padawan Acaadi Tam. Isolated in a forward position I'm..."

I'm what? Taking a rest? He could hear the Bryn'dal now, the sound of the weapons as they advanced on the building.

"I'm holding my ground."


He drew himself to his feet, lighting both blades. In one smooth motion he rounded the doorway and launched himself into a squad of Brutes. His blades an electric-blue blur as he cut them down. He would fight with every ounce of strength until they took that away from him too.
Acaadi finally extinguished his blade. The blue light finally faded and his shoulders slumped. The moment he caught a breath every corner of his body clamoured for attention. He had pushed his body well beyond its limits and it took all his mental fortitude to stay upright.

He stood on the corpse of the last beast he had slayed. It was the size of a house. As the others had fallen away it had remained behind. It made the silver forces pay for every inch. The bodies of soldiers lay scattered around it.

Acaadi had ended its last stand. Rushing forward he had leapt off an abandoned speed to meet it in the air. His blade had cut it from shoulder to sternum and its light ended. His hearing had to adjust to the lack of blaster fire. It was all over.

When his hearing adjusted he was overwhelmed with the sounds of the wounded and dying. He had to steel his mind against the Force now. It danced around the agony left behind by the Bryn’adul. Acaadi finally turned and stepped down from the corpse when he was certain he wouldn’t fall.

“Acaadi Tam?” called a soldier as he rushed towards him.

Acaadi nodded, too breathless to reply.

“You wanted to know where the jedi wounded had retreated?”

He nodded his head. Thoughts he had kept out of his mind snuck back in. His friends. The ones he had been fighting for. He had fought for them, without even knowing if they had survived.

“Is there…a transport…”

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