Moonage Daydream
Objective: Shield
Allies: SJO,
Laertia Io
Enemies: Bryn,
The Jedi Master knew what was expected of him, he had to protect those that he could, while lending what power he could to those around him. He had to find his daughters, and he had to return to Celeste and the Twins. But his duty, for now, was here. He could feel the debris lightening, less coming, less falling on him. And he had the protections of Laertia here, that brought some power to Coren, he could focus less on protecting from the Bryn and more from the wall of damage falling to the planet.
His Force powers were great, for someone like him, but even he had his way of reaching out to the Force. Battles charged him, gave him focus, and the fight here, he had arrived later, but the purpose to protect those around him? He needed to focus on that. He could feel pain of those around him, the ones he couldn’t protect, the ones he knew,
Nida Perl
, he could feel the pain in her, but he was having trouble reaching out to Kaia and Kyra. Shaking his head he focused.
Focused on
Celeste Rigel
and his bond with her, and he was pulling the ability to move the shield, to direct the debris to the side as it seemed to cease. And despite that power, as he moved the last bit of debris to the side, he collapsed. Not completely passing out, but falling to his knee. A hand on the ground as he watched the Bryn move.
Shaking his head, he tried to gain his foot again, not able to feel
Kyra Perl
nor Kaia. He grabbed his commlink, not feeling the Meld. “This is Starchaser. Io and I are standing, we have Bryn here… where is the rally?” He checked his weapons, his side arm and lightsaber were there.
Allies: SJO,

Enemies: Bryn,

The Jedi Master knew what was expected of him, he had to protect those that he could, while lending what power he could to those around him. He had to find his daughters, and he had to return to Celeste and the Twins. But his duty, for now, was here. He could feel the debris lightening, less coming, less falling on him. And he had the protections of Laertia here, that brought some power to Coren, he could focus less on protecting from the Bryn and more from the wall of damage falling to the planet.
His Force powers were great, for someone like him, but even he had his way of reaching out to the Force. Battles charged him, gave him focus, and the fight here, he had arrived later, but the purpose to protect those around him? He needed to focus on that. He could feel pain of those around him, the ones he couldn’t protect, the ones he knew,

Focused on

Shaking his head, he tried to gain his foot again, not able to feel