Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Your Undoing | TB Invasion of SJO held Yurb & Keldooine


System after system falls to the ever-growing shadow of the Bryn'adûl horde. Inside of hours entire planets have fallen silent. A fleet of Bryn'adûl Warriors, hardened by battle move to attack Yurb, the bodies of Sleheyron still warm, the blood still fresh on their blades and armour as they arrive in the Night.

For the Bryn'adûl, this is for many one of the most important days of their lives. Commenor, Eshan, Kesh, Kessel - all past challenges like children playing at war. This is the first true step forward. To the end of Galactic Civilisation as it is known. The Warriors of the Bryn'adûl stand firm as their enemies gather around them. They walk the righteous path, the path of strength and unity. They will save this Galaxy from the wretched grasp of the Humans and their likened kind.


Objective - Cripple and Destory
The planet of Yurb is well defended, a Silver Fleet has arrived to support the two orbital Glasser Stations that will be in range of our Carriers. Destroy the Stations and cripple their fleet. We will take this system by force.

Objective - Insurgent
We have detected a Shield Generator protecting the Capitol of Yurb, Edsert within a Outpost. Our initial wave of forces will deploy with a creature capable of an electro-magnetic pulse, ensure it reaches the Shield interior so we may disable it! Once we have disabled the Shield, they will have nowhere to hide!

Objective - Assault
The defiance of these Humans will be nothing but a memory! They have set up defences outside of the cities shield, once our Siege Platforms have deployed, co-ordinate with the Insurgent forces and annihilate the Human presence at Edsert!

- OOC:

#Discussion Thread
#Map Thread

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Stories of Bryn’s genocidal rampage have rippled throughout the galaxy. They conquer planet after planet, slaughtering and ravaging without restraint. Jedi intervention has only been able to salvage lives-- countless refugees now flood planets, their own home worlds lost.

For some, the threat is real. For others, it is just whispers, growing louder with each planet that falls to Bryn’s deadly static.

With the first stone tossed at the planet Yurb, the time for concerted effort is now. The people call for aid.

Will you answer?


Primary Locations:
Glassing Stations (Fleeting)
Capital City “Edsert” City-scape
Shield Outposts
Approved Tech Lergara

Map and setting goodies:

Objective 1: Not the children! Move the civilians. We will be providing bunkers for you to move towards. Shield walkers for the dangerous streets, and forward bases with active fighting for you to strive to avoid… or to find backup at. We’re trapped, with Bryn forces pinning us from above. When they reach you, they will aim to slaughter without reserve. Do what you can to get the civilians out alive.

Objective 2: Stomp em! Fight-- be a face at the forward bases, be out at an outpost, or flat our charge their ships. Engage them head on in battle in hopes of preventing them from reaching the civilians (and Approved Tech Lergara / shield generators ) within. As long as the shield generators remain operating, no orbital bombardment can reach us. You are our front line.

Objective 3: Pew pew! Protect the Glasser Stations serving as our orbitable blockade. The more you engage them, the less they can land and engage the ground.


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The intergalactic response to their call for aid had been humbling.

Bryn’s sweep towards Yurb had been predictable, pre alluded by the brutal taking of Sleheyron along the way. Bryn’s onslaught through neutral words had been well documented and unrelenting for months.

It seemed as if nearly every governmental nation had had an encounter with them. All previous efforts to slow or stop their genocidal movement forward felt pointless. But this time would be different. On the soon-to-be battlefields of Yurb sat protection from not just the Silver Jedi, who naturally served this world.

Representative from the Galactic Alliance, CIS, and OPA all stood shoulder to shoulder in what was now an intergalactic affair. Borders did not matter here. The Byrn would kill nations indiscriminately if not stop.

Elise stood on the City walls, overlooking the soldiers of many origins. The galaxy held many views, but today… they stood united. She felt connected to countless that had brought themselves to this planet.

The sky grew dark, the first sign of the approaching fleet creating shadows across the hot desert ground. Behind her, she felt the sudden kick of fear from the civilians that had not yet been escorted out. Elise closed her eyes, and from her emanated a new found sense of hope and strength throughout the force.

It is time, she told all that were attuned enough to hear.
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Caedyn Arenais


Inventory: Armor | Bo Staff | Lightsaber | CS.38
Location: "The Vagabond" Heavy Assault Cruiser
Objective: Make for the surface of Yurb
Company: Kyra Perl Kyra Perl


The Vagabond moved at low impulse through Silver Space, built for stand-alone patrol of the Outer Rim Territories before Caedyn Arenais had taken her to the Order of the Silver Jedi along with his change in station. Since the Silver Assembly had recalled him back to Kashyyyk, the Heavy Cruiser had become one of numerous vessels actively patrolling the border and the Jedi Knight frequently moved between the vessel and wherever his responsibility to the Silver Jedi and the greater Galaxy required him.

While the Bridge Senior Officers of the Vagabond were full-time, Caedyn’s position was one of an adviser rather than an active naval officer for the Order. He had hand picked a number of the Officers, while others had been former associates and colleagues of his father’s and had opted to work alongside Caedyn when offered the opportunity to serve aboard a starship similar to the former Judiciary that Veiere Arenais once captained. In Caedyn’s frequent absence from the bridge, nothing went beyond Captain Gene Whayeson’s notice and under her authority, she ran a tight ship well armed and ready to defend the border if and when required.

Unfortunately, today was set to be one of those days…-And had Caedyn known this, he’d not have organized a transport to bring his Padawan aboard after spending the past week with her remaining behind on Commenor (And wherever else she may have neglected to inform him).

The pair of them had been standing upon the observation deck at the head of the bridge when word had come through the communications station, Ticia C'Heri calling to the Captain for her attention. The Catharian Officer was rarely caught off guard, yet in his deep words there laid a hint of concern which accompanied a familiar whisper in the Force that caused Caedyn to turn and glance back across the room. That quietly, gnawing instinct that told him whatever was going to follow, would probably ruin whatever plans he and his Padawan had in her first flight lesson with an actual Starfighter.

Kyra herself wasn’t a slow learner despite her tendency to doubt herself, and more than likely she’d be able to read the look that came over her Master like an open book. His attention distant and laced with concern, it didn’t take long for him to leave her side and move to meet the Captain at the Communications Hub.

Something wrong?” he asked, not mincing his words. Gene and Ticia both glancing back at him from the comm’s terminal, the Captain lock-jawed by his knack for reading the situation through a power she couldn’t comprehend.

We’re getting reports of a size-able fleet having crossed the border, there haven’t been any casualties that we can tell though civilian ships have been fired upon. They’re heading for the Yurbian System” Gene explained, turning to call across the bridge to her second in command, Loni O'Jakri. “Inform the crew to drop what they’re doing and ready battle-stations, Jakri. We’re changing course for Yurb”.


The Vagabond’s arrival sounded with a heavy shudder reverberating across the vessel’s durasteel floor as Caedyn and his Padawan were already making their way down towards the Hangar, a contingent of the Antarian Rangers there awaiting them and their dropship being prepped for the likelihood of landfall under fire.

Intelligence was still coming through on what exactly they were to expect on the ground, yet by this stage the invading fleet had been identified as part of the Bryn’adul horde that had previously hit them at Kessel and had been moving from Planet to Planet slaughtering what or whoever stood in their way. The skirmish on Kessel had been a mess, yet by the numbers picked up across long-range scanners, what they had met with there was nothing compared to the armada they were now preparing to fend off against. Fortunately for the people of Yurb and the Silver Jedi preparing the world’s defense, their border security and sensor array that monitored Silver Space would have given them some warning, hopefully enough to be prepared for the likely battle to follow.

Tension was thick when the pair arrived through the blast doors of the Hangar Bay entrance, troops scrambling to organize their field gear while the crabs (Engineering and Maintenance Crew) ran back and forth between the Dropships and their stations, refueling and rearming the craft’s defensive counter-measures.

The anxiety Caedyn felt had been buried for the sake of showing any sign of vulnerability and influencing further fear in his Padawan, yet it was there all the same and the likelihood that many of these men and women would never make it back to the ship for exfil threatened to fill him with dread were he to let go of his self-restraint and awareness over the power and influence one’s emotions could harbor when left unchecked.

Captain Whayeson’s voice called out across the Hangar intercom speakers; “All Military Personnel make ready for departure, we are five clicks out and counting. Repeat. Last call for battle preparations. Time to haul ass, people. Man your stations and Godspeed".

Looking to Kyra Perl Kyra Perl , Caedyn gestured for her to step up onto the troop deck of their dropship with a half nod. He didn’t share any words of comfort or seek to assure her of what they were doing, he’d said all that was needed on the turbo-lift ride down. His silence would be a testament to the state of his mind, his body-language tense in the way that he looked to their Ranger companions and regarded their presence. Each and every one of them were about to step out into what would become a battlefield and put their lives on the line for the people of Yurb, and the neighboring systems provided the Bryn’adul not to be driven back today.

In mere moments they would be departing the Vagabond and beginning their descent for the Capital, Edsert City of Yurb.
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The Eldest (unbeknownst to her) Daughter of Starchaser was doing what she did best, working on patrol. Per her father’s request, her patrol route was not only the OPA but it was also Silver Jedi Space. She was going to be assisting the latter as a flight instructor where needed, and well, being in the Colonies would provide her some glimpses of rare mineral resources, salvage, or people in need. She had been hearing the reports coming out of Sleheyron, and the strike of a group she wasn’t too familiar with, Brynadull? She thought that was how it was pronounced.

But it didn’t matter, what she knew was that it was heading for the Silver space. Putting out a request for assistance, one of the Silver Jedi fast frigates picked her and her ship up. As she landed aboard, they were already prepping for war, ready fighters were launching and making the jump to light speed, soldiers were racing to the armory, others already loading into landing craft. As she watched, the dark haired Jedi entered her ship again. “Drifter, stay here, I’ll call for pick up.” She went to her own armory, slipping herself into the recently updated songsteel armor, grabbing her side arm and lightsaber. The Force was with her, and as a Warden, she knew the weapons were not her first resort.

She was her own weapon.

Stepping out of the Pulsar, she saw more people rushing and fell in with them. Finding herself in a landing craft, she took a seat as the deck officer was giving orders. “We will pull out from hyperspace and rush to the surface. Our goal is to secure the FOB, and take the fight to any who make it to ground. Jedi, I know you all have your own tasks, but we can always use the assistance.” As he spoke, Kaia felt the frigate exit hyperspace and the landing craft take off.

She really should have stretched first…

Ver'kad Inuk

Objective: Cripple and Destroy
Equipment: Verikast Armour | Mauler |

First Wave Fleet: Two Conquesters [24 Squadrons of Phedrak Fighters | 8 Ra’maks Units] | Four Butcher Attack Cruisers [4 Squadrons of Phedrak Fighters | 4 Ra’mak Units] Six Gunboat Squadrons | The Divine Brutality [10 Squadrons of Phedrak Fighters | 2 Ra’mak Units

Second Wave Fleet: Two
Phedrak Carriers [36 Squadrons of Dispersal Pods | 6 M'agaelak Siege Towers | Eight Debauchers | Thirty Heldrak Dropships |


As the sun would set on Yurb, so too would come the first wave of Bryn'adûl ships, led by the Flagship, the Divine Brutality. A ship that had served in the forefront of their species conflicts for nearly twenty years, a ship that had seen the death of trillions and would see trillions more. The massive slender frame of the Divine Brutality dropped out of hyperspace just beyond the range of the orbiting glasser stations. The face of the Flagship became to swirl in a strange red ominous glow. The Flagship was not alone, as soon two additional Conquester battle cruisers arrived at its flanks alongside a total of one-hundred and twelve Ra'mak War Beasts acting as support craft.

A further distance away, four Butcher class attack cruiser arrived; two each on the outer flanks of the Conquester Battle Cruisers. Each of which, additionally mimicked their larger brethren the Divine; the faces of their ships burning with a orange glow. These Cruisers were followed in toe by six squadrons of Gun Boats beneath the main fleet. Their fighters yet to show themselves.

Aboard the Flagship; the Divine Brutality - The Stone-Singer Warlord stood proud, cleaning his Kukri. Ahead, the enemy fleet no doubt watched as the small grouping of Bryn'adûl ships arrived at a distance. But that was not all they had in store for their enemy. But, patience was required.

"Identify boarding targets for the Debaucher! Transmit enemy vessel locations!" The Baedurin Warlord snarled, his grainy sand-like voice demanding efficiency from his underlings.


The Butcher main batteries were five seconds away from being primed to fire. In synchronised motion, two Phedrak Carriers and thirty Heldrak Droships would arrive out of hyperspace. The Phedrak Carriers arrived high above the planet, whilst all thirty of the Dropships arrived in low orbit above Edsert, the Dropships arrived in a circular formation seemingly intended to surround the Capitol EDSERT.

"Gunboats! Move for Edsert!" As the first wave's Gun boats darted for the planet, the Dropships would ready to drop, accompanied by an exterior ring of hundreds of
Nimscall Drop pods deploying from the sides of the Dropships.
Objective B - Eliminate Edsert Shield Generator
Location: Brute Gunboat --> Edsert Shield (Edit- Got rid of the word "Outpost" here, since we're not going there.")
Allies: Galak Galak | Bryn'adul
Enemies: All Weak Life | The Monster The Monster

Wendigo Spiker, Verikast Armor, Barad Kukri

One slaughter after another.

The sudden incursions they had launched upon the meek and industrial world of Sleheyron were still fresh in the mind of the Major, the conflict of the ten-billion members of its population having been little more than a footnote. He had assisted there with the subjugation of a Tibanna Gas facility, utilizing the cunning his kindred were known to possess to facilitate a solution to a seemingly unsolvable issue -- at least, one that could not be solved without requiring further assistance from other members of the war machine.

Now he found himself accompanying seven-hundred and ninety-nine other Sraelvun and their Risen squad leaders as they accompanied the famed Brutes of the Baedurin, and an amalgamation designed seemingly solely for the purpose of annihilating the shield generator protecting the planetary capital below. Osam found himself methodically checking over his gear, an almost nervous anticipation working its way through his system as he ensured that the Spiker rifle was loaded, that the Verikast clad to his frame was secured tightly and unbroken, and that the kukri still gleamed with bloodthirst.

The drones were not quite the equal of their Baedurin comrades, but they were lead by Risen-Srael, their superior cousins, and they were eager for battle as they always were, gnashing their teeth at coming conflict. They were not so mindless with the chosen Majors in charge of each selected squad of ten, and they would prove themselves in the crucible of war to their kith as they had in battles before. Osam glanced at the nine lives under his command, the Sraelvun preparing their own armaments, the heavy launcher, the spiker rifles, the claws and teeth of the especially fierce.

All would taste blood. Their own or their enemies. That was the way of the Bryn'adul.
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Niamh Raste

Location: Edsert Shield Outpost
Objective: Defend the Outpost
Units: 40 Bryn'adul Hunters | 2 Monsterjagers | 400 EMBU mk4's | 4 Sensenmann | 5 Echani Moonwrought
Gear: Blades | Armor | Circlet | Ring
Intent to Engage: Kyrim Tenebris Kyrim Tenebris

The bugs were finally coming.

The battle on Kessel had only been a precursor and now the bygs were making their move. Bugs was a good term for them. They moved like a swarm. One planet and then another fell to these beasts. Even her own home had been tainted by their presence. She wanted to slaughter them all mercilessly, but she contained herself. A Jedi, even a Rogue, did not give in to such emotions. This wasn't about vengeance, this was about defending the planet and the people.

Fortunately they had word in advance. They'd been watching. Niamh had quietly deployed MIG's to the border of Silver space to monitor probable activity from the Bryn'adul. As a result, the Echani had been prepared and sent a defensive Force to the world to prepare to assist the Silver Jedi in repelling invasion. Echani fleet forces would act as reserves, but her forces on the ground would directly engage the enemy forces. She had even supplied the defensive positions with DDC's to deal with ubderground threats. They were well stocked.

Niamh turned to her Moonwrought companions, fellow Echani Force users.

"This cannot be a loss," she said, looking at each in turn. "Our lives are expendable if it comes down to it. I know ezch of you understands that. Let's make it worthwhile if we have to, though. Each of you has your command objectives and I am going to be floating between to shore up defenses where it is needed. Let's get positioned and prepare."

The five nodded and set off to gather their forces from the droid corp they had brought. Niamh turned her eyes to the skies above and watched as much wjth her eyes as with her feelings. The battle in space was ever important as it would slow any chance of orbital bombardment. The battle on the ground would be intense, but if they could avoid that level of artillery barrage they would be better off.

After a moment she moved over and jumped on top of one of the Sensenmann, looking into the distance. Battle was nigh.
Objective: Insurgent
Location: Aboard one of the ninety-six Gunboats
Equipment: Armour | Mauler |
Units: 2080 Brutes, 800 Drones - Risen lead | 1 EMP Creature | 96 Quilxyn Protectors
Tags: Osam Osam

As the order was made, the ninety-six gunboats directly under the group of Conquesters made a break for the surface, they - like the Heldrak Dropships planned to land all around the shield city. But, unlike the Heldrak Dropships and Nimscall Pods. The Gunboats had no intention of waiting to get up close and personal, the small flying vessels blasted off at full speed toward the planet surface. Galak wasn't sure they would all arrive, but he knew they'd get the job done. The Brute Emissary turned to those he did not recognise, Brutes of different regiments and battles. Brutes that were not his cherished brothers of the 10th Regiment. But all the same, they were kin. They'd fought for years in each others periphery.

But for so long, even as an Emissary he'd clung to the comforts of familiarity, he'd clung to the 10th. But in truth, that was a weakness. One that would be purged from him as this battle commenced. He was a representative of the Chieftains will and would act as instructed - with honour and distinction. His steely gaze was only one eye, he'd lost the other long ago on Hurikkane. A long time ago, that was.

Galak slammed his fist to his chest, widening his stance with two stomps. The Brutes did not need words, they did not need orders. This was what they were, warriors. As the Brute Emissary grunted, so did they. They spoke in their native tongue. Even as the orbital defences no doubt attacked, they would perform their ritual Haka.

"Apathy!" The Brute crossed his arms over one and other, striking forward with a fist; his brethren across all the Gunboats doing the same. Apathy was the first.

"Balance!" Galak roared, strengthening his posture as he brought both fists to his hips. Balance was the second.

"Accountability!" Accountability was the third, one that reminded him of Maldra IV.

"Weakness!" His stance shifted again, weakness. A trait one must always remember they each had.

"Strength!" Strength was the fifth. What they all strove for in body and mind.

"Battle!!" This was followed by joyous roar as they all brought their bodies low, bowing to each other.

"Unity!" The seventh and most important tenant. Unity. They all rose, to those adjacent; they locked gauntlets and brought their fists into their chests.

Galak turned, offering this gesture of respect to Osam, the risen-srael. He would be honoured as a fellow warrior, Galak had grown to respect him and would prefer none greater than the Chieftain himself at his side. The Gun-boats barrelled down toward the surface, ready to fight. Early scans showed fierce defences around the Shield generator. Galak smiled, this ploy would work perfectly. No doubt their enemies believed they were to attack the Shield Generator directly, but the Electromagnetic-pulse creature and its accompanying forces - he and his kin, were heading to the opposite side of the city.

"Together! Brethren! We are HIS will! We are HIS legacy!"
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Location: Hyperspace
Objective: Rendezvous with Jedi and Allied Forces.
Nearby: Kahne Porte Kahne Porte , Abaigeal E'ron Abaigeal E'ron

Nerves were frayed, tensions ran high. When they first spoke of war against the alien species, it was merely conjecture. Now the Silver Jedi reached out in time of crisis. On the fringes of their sphere of influence, a world was encroached upon by the Bryn'adul.

Several other planets fell before Yurb became a target. The beastly enigmas made a violent show of their intentions without ever giving them a proper voice. Unlike a civilized agency, they set upon entire worlds of free people and reduced them to nothing.

There was no reasoning with an enemy like this one. So, when the King reflected, he saw the Rakata reflected in the image that the Bryn'adul cast. So long ago, he had faced that enemy and failed to protect his people. He was not prepared.

Many years later, sobered by his lack of understanding and hungry for the wisdom to prevent such a tragedy from ever happening again, he sought a means to defeat the enemy ahead of them.

Kanhe and Abaigeal were Jedi. In their own way, the offered peace and comfort to the others as they moved toward turbulent waters. The role they would play was convoluted, and would only become more rocky as time went on. For Enlil, there was more focus, more certainty than all of that. He had no expectation to live up to the Jedi Code. In this time, no one had any expectations for him at all.

So, when he placed the four canisters of Xenophage neatly out on the table between them, there was a pregnant pause. He gestured to the ordinance, then to both the Jedi.

"This weapon was imparted to me by a force that has seen conflict with this enemy," he explained. "It is limited, the range of effect is not nearly enough to stop an entire force, but if we are effective about utilizing it, we can swing the tide of battle greatly in the favor of the Jedi. We just have to get to Yurb in one piece first."

It didn't necessarily matter how he got the weapon, or from whom, or even why they had been willing to share the information with him. What mattered was that they had an opportunity. The King wore his garb in lieu of combat fatigues or armor, because he was unafraid. His gauntlet curled into a fist and relaxed reflexively.

This time would be different.

It had to be.
Location: Edsert Outpost
Objective: Stomp'em! Fight! - Hold the Outpost and prevent the destruction of the Shield Generator
Allies: SJO and Allies
Enemies: Byrn'adul, Krarolk T'manu (RP planned)
Directly Engaging: TBD
Associated Forces:
Personal Loadout:

The grounds of the Edsert City outpost were a flurry of activity. Soldiers of the Antarian Rangers and volunteers of the Lervon defense forces rushed to and fro in a scramble to prepare the base for the incoming assault. Almost overnight it seemed that the outpost's meager 100 person contingent had more than doubled. This had been due to the foresight of numerous individuals within the Order of the Silver Jedi who had ordered an increased military presence along the borders with the rapidly expanding Bryn'adul.

As Beltran's personal Arch-Angel Heavy Dropship landed on the momentarily vacant landing pad, a voice sounded over his helmet.

"Icarus-One, this is Wyvern-Two. We've touched down and control is alerting me that Captain Hague wants to see you immediately."

"Understood, Wyvern-Two. Thanks for the ride and good hunting up there. Icarus-One, out." Beltran responded as the boarding ramp at the rear of the ship lowered and the Rangers of Icarus Platoon filed out and cleared the immediate area in an orderly manner.

Following them, Beltran ensured that all of his people were out of the way before he signaled the pilot that he was clear to lift-off. Ships like his had been landing and taking off from this pad all day and well into the night, bringing troops and supplies that would be desperately needed to hold the Outpost and the Shield Generator that it housed.

"Sergeant Lota," Beltran said as he turned from the now rapidly ascending craft to face his second in command. "Get our posts from CIC and get the men on station. Apparently I've got a meeting with the brass."

"Yes, sir." Said the Sergeant, ever the consummate professional. She then held a hand up to her helmeted ear, the universal sign that she was communicating with someone over coms.

Turning from her, Beltran strode purposefully toward the command building. When he arrived, he was quickly shown into a large room. Several coms and sensor stations surrounded a large circular holographic sand-table over which several officers were conferring. As he approached, Beltran singled out Captain Constance Hague, newly promoted commander of Maul Company with the 666th Mechanized and saluted.

"Lieutenant Rarr reporting as ordered, ma'am."

The Captain blew out a puff of smoke, which had been inhaled a moment earlier from the ever-present cigarro that dangled from the corner of her mouth. Hague was an impressive woman. Beltran had never met her, but he'd heard of her. She'd been at Kintan, right on the front lines where the fighting had been fiercest and she's also fought at Mandalore, holding the evacuation zone as Beltran and his men had liberated civilians from the city of Ronion.

"Rarr," She said, her voice slightly raspy. "Good to have you here." She gestured to the sand-table and stepped back so that he could have a look. Before his eyes, in real time, he could see the movements of dozens of Ranger and allied units, marked in green, and the approach of enemy in red and otherwise unidentified forces in grey. "As you can see the situation is rapidly developing. There are detachments all over the city already working on getting the civilian population to safety underground. Our job here is to protect the shield generator. It protects this base and the Capital city as a whole from orbital bombardment. Knocking it out will likely been very high on the Bryn'adul's list of things to do, so the fighting here is expected to be...heavy."

Where another might have said the last word with a hint of trepidation, Hague gave Beltran a grin that the Lorrdian could only describe as predatory. From behind his helmet, he matched it as she continued. "I've got Maul Company split. First and second platoons are digging in outside the Outpost walls while third and forth platoons are on the walls providing overwatch. We have the city to our back, so at least they can only come at us from the one long as the shield's up. Though be advised, they do have underground burrowing forces so watch out for sappers. I want Icarus, with your fancy new armor, to act as a Quick Reaction Force. You're to fill any holes as they are made during the battle, identify priority targets and seek and destroy anything that the main force can't seem to handle. Got it?"

Beltran nodded and the Captain continued.

"We've got some Jedi on station already, particularly Master Niamh Raste. She has a contingent of specialist forces with her, but if she calls for help I expect Icarus to come running. Other than that, we have one mission. Hold the outpost, protect the shield generator. Let the troops and the Jedi in the city worry about the evacuation. Understood?"

"Yes ma'am," Beltran responded.

"Alright, Lieutenant. Dismissed. Get after it."

Beltran nodded crisply, not saluting because one did not salute while in an active combat zone and did an about-face before moving quickly out of the building. It didn't take him very long to find the rest of his unit. They were posted on the walls with Maul company's third and forth platoons, but in reserve. He passed by his men who were taking the advantage of the last moments of peace by eating rations, checking their gear and he even spied a couple of the more seasoned veterans taking a nap. Looking out on the setting sun, Beltran let out a long slow exhalation.

It would be the last moment of quiet that he would have for the foreseeable future. It was even possible that this would be the last moment of quiet he would get for the rest of his life.

  • Icarus Platoon and Maul Company - 666th Mechanized deployed to Shield Generator Outpost (Grid Reference: E7)
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Objective: Check in
Time: 1200 Hours
Equipment: VAARS Rifle, Tactical Recon Handguns (2), Personal Armor, CryoBan Grenade (4), Thermal Detonator (2)
Allies: | Kyyrk Kyyrk | Jasmille Kavos Jasmille Kavos | Nyx N1X3 Nyx N1X3 | Haastal Haran Haastal Haran | Visanj T'shkali Visanj T'shkali | Aadya Volke Aadya Volke | Taiia Mataan Taiia Mataan | The Monster The Monster | Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol | Nimue Nimue | Kyra Perl Kyra Perl | Niamh Raste |
Enemies: | Dangers to the jedi – Specific tags to be added later |
Post: #1

For being a desert world, Yurb did have some beauty about it that was admittedly something that drew Luna in the more she looked at the landscape. The outpost in which the Dauntless had been given room for their coordination equipment for the upcoming conflict provided quite the nice view across the desert landscape. Perhaps it looked baren to some, but for Luna, this was the type of world that would seem welcoming in a time of war and destruction. A time that had seemingly gripped the entire galaxy in conflict. If there was such a thing as break for the War Marshal, a place like Yurb would be the go to.

That was, of course, if it wasn’t about to be run over by some sort of biological mass who’s only concern was to wipe out all the sentient life that wasn’t itself. That would put quite the damper on a vacation of any kind.

Their job here was to be the heavy hitters, the backup, the manpower. Things that the Jedi couldn’t provide normally on their own. They were a force order, after all. Not many of them would need to learn how to drive a tank, or aim a missile downrange, if they could choke a enemy to death with their mind. At least, that’s what the force users around Luna typically did. Interactions with the Jedi had been..scarce during her military career. Supposedly they were more on the good side than anything else.

But in a time of war, was there really much good left at all?

Philosophical musings for the hypocrisy of some force users could be left for later. For now, it was time to get everyone in position for the ever hungry hoard that was rapidly approaching them. The War Marshal moved to the holotable, where a projection of the mountain range, including it’s distinctive features. Dauntless’s command and comms were situated in the outpost closer to the top of the mountain range. There were some ruins at the top of the range, where the Lord Commander and his group had taken up camp. Luna would’ve liked to have them a bit closer to the front line, but there wasn’t much she could do to convince that Miraluka, nor was she looking to rock the boat about anything concerning the Knights.

It would still be a good idea to get in contact with the man before the fighting kicked off. At least to make sure he was ready to go. With a few presses on the controls on the holotable, a connection was made on the comms between herself and the Lord Commander. " Kyyrk Kyyrk , I assume your men are ready to go?” Their exact plan was unknown to her in this moment, but she could only assume whatever the man was planning would benefit them in some way. It wouldn’t be like the Miraluka to sit on his haunches. That was something that Luna could respect, at least.

While waiting for Voph to respond, her eyes moved to the table itself, watching as the blue triangles indicating her troops began to move into position. Three of the best Dauntless trooper divisions, the 522nd, 333rd, and 846th, Rancors, High Rollers, and Hydras respectfully, had deployed a few hundred meters from what the Jedi had deemed their best protector on this world. A massive droid. Ironic, almost. LAWP, HIFV, and HHT divisions were moving to back them up, giving the more flimsy troops some sort of backup in the form of tanks. Somewhere in those lines, Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol ‘s men were deployed alongside her own. However long the combined forces could hold that front line would be an interesting part of this battle to observe.

There were more surgical teams, as well, deployed in places to back the Jedi up. Haastal Haran Haastal Haran had command of three commando squads at the shield generator, which would make up a key part of the battle to come. Jasmille Kavos Jasmille Kavos had taken command of Tau squad at the shield generator for the day. Luna had made sure to move Captain Maxuilis and his Krykna company, LAWPs, to the shield generator as well. Hopefully they could be able to hold it long enough for the fleet to destroy most of the biggest stuff. The moment the battle started to turn, however, it would be necessary to pull her forces back. These monsters might have the numbers advantage if the scouting was to be believed.

Before luna made her way back onto the observation platform, one last comm was sent out to the CIS forces already on the ground. “All CIS forces, check in with command. We’re minutes from planetfall. Load up, be ready for the fight ahead.” It wouldn’t take long for the comms to start coming in. As they did, Luna pulled her personal comm off her belt. Her eyes looked out past the where the shield met there ground, able to just make out her men scrambling along the ground. With a smile, knowing that these men and women were ready for what was ahead, she keyed in the Jedi’s command and raised her comm to speak.

" Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser , Ura Iolar Ura Iolar , this is War Marshal Terrik. The CIS forces are ready. We stand with you today.”


Deployment actions
  • Map of the mountains - Provided by SJO
  • The 522nd, 333rd, and 846th, alongside multiple divisions each of LAWP, HIFV, and HHT deployed to C4 and C5 - Just outside shield​
  • Captain Maxuilis and his Krykna company of LAWPs deployed to the shield generator - E7​
  • Tau Squad, Bravo Squad, and Echo Squad of Dauntless Commandos deployed to defend the shield generator - E7​
  • Dauntless Overall Command Established at outpost F3​
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Location: Silver Rest, Kashyyykk
Objective: Kick Some Byrn’adul Ass
Allies: SJO and Allies
Enemies: Byrn'adul

The call came about an hour ago. I was on Kashyyyk, training with a fellow Knight. A loudspeaker turned in in the training hall


We both stopped fighting and looked at each other. Giving a respectful nod to each other, we took of in separate directions. Through the halls and passageways many Jedi were rushing toward ships and vessels.

I hurried toward my ship. The Blue Lightning was not suited for this type of combat, so I hopped in my X-Wing instead. Climbing up the ladder toward the cockpit, more and more shuttles took off around me. Once I was in I strapped myself tightly and turned everything on. The ship hummed to life. Moving the control yoke I took off. Once we left Kashyyykk’s atmosphere everyone engaged their hyperdrives.

While in Hyperspace I received more announcements.


“This isn’t good.”

Slowing down the ship I prepared to exit Hyperspace. The blue and white lights faded around me. What appeared was an unpleasant sight. Massive warships. All with lasers firing directly at us.
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Equipment: Ura's Lightsaber
Location: Edsert
Tags: Amani Serys Amani Serys Barrien Siegfried Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus Ver'kad Inuk Gir Quee Gir Quee ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar Aurelion Nova Aurelion Nova Kyyrk Kyyrk Osam Osam Niamh Raste Enlil Enlil Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Elise Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei Luna Terrik Luna Terrik

Ura was extremely worried as she ran around, trying to get Lervon and organic alike into some of the existing bunkers. When she had heard the Bryn were coming here, her homeworld, she didn't even take a moment to say where she was going. She'd just hoped into her ship and flown here as fast as he could. She didn't even tell her Master or friends that she was going to Yurb to help. She looked around, trying to get people directed when she heard the Leraga. That was something she hadn't heard in a long time. It was then that she noticed a pair of small Lervon huddled into a corner. She walked up, speaking the whispery language or Lerdos.

"Hey there. Are you two ok?" One of them looked up, shaking there head before saying they had lost there parents. Ura looked, trying give off a comforting feeling for them as she went to lead them out of the corner. "I'm Ura, what are your names, and your parents? And is there any way I can tell who they are?" One of the two looked up, clearly still distressed by everything, but a hint of hope showing through.

"I... I don't know." Ok. This would be harder then expected. Ura then proceeded to call out, hoping someone would here.

"Hey! I'm looking for the parents of these two younglings!" She was glad the Silvers had come quick to help though. She wasn't sure the old Imperial infrastructure could hold everyone. Then the younger of the two finally spoke up. She looked to see if she could spot Amani or Barrien nearby, but she did keep her focus on finding the kids' parents The younger of the two them spoke up.

"M-Mommy and our aunt are always together." Always toge.... Twins. That helped at least. She looked up and around. No luck though.

"Guys? Is anyone nearby?" She then heard a communication. Wha.... Right. She was the one Lervon someone probably knew to to give comms too.

"Th-thank you War Marsh. General Borac should be with the Leraga. It can't defend itself up close."


Location: Orbit, Glasser Alpha.
Fleet: 1 Glasser Station (Glasser Alpha), Storm-Bringer, 15 Arquitens-class Light Cruiser, 10 Deathseed squadrons, 4 Y-TIE squadrons (1 Cumulonimbus Flextube Arc Cannon and one Flextube load of V-6 Arc Torpedoes)

In orbit, the commander of Glasser Alpha, the main Glasser station that served as the landing area for anyone from the outside heading for Edsert. Now though, it was serving it's second, and bluntly more important role, of a defender. The station's commander, Marlo Norven looked out as scanners went wild. He knew they were coming, and his silvery glowing eyes glared as he looked out. hitting the comms as the Bryn ships came out of hyperspace.

"Storm-Bringer, they've arrived on our vector! Get here quick Linoa!" Coming from the left of the station, the Storm-Bringer and her escorts had already begun to move in in as fighters began to depart the larger star destroyer.

"This is Storm-Bringer. Keep you crystal mass still Norven. We're coming now!" Glasser Alpha's weapons spun to position, prepared to make any attempt at getting close a nightmare. Laser cannons for smaller craft and turbolasers for the capital ships. The Storm-Bringer and her escorts began to come in from the right by the Bryn perspective. The ships' weapons turned to face the enemy, following their station ally, and fighters from both the station and star destroyer began to pour out. The Lervon were ready for a fight, and they weren't letting the Bryn pass easily.


Surface Forces: Approved Tech Lergara, 150 Lervon Militia Volenteers, 3 Y-TIE squadrons (Armed with V-6 Arc Torpedoes)

Outside of the city, the Wookie looked out as a Lervon militia commander eyed him. The Leraga stood behind them, letting out a call before looking down at the small force there.

"General Borac, Lergaga's ready to attack when they come." The Wookie nodded, then looked up. Saying something to the Lervon.

"Right sir. Leraga, get ready to try and stop some orbital entries if they make it through the Glassers." Another load, not quite Binary call bellowed from the war machine as it angled its head up. It's optics zooming to watch carefully. The moment Bryn lading forces were in range, the massive war droid would unleash it's heavy turbolaser on them. The Wookie would then contact the others and TIE engines screamed overhead.

"All surface forces, be ready for them to enter. Be ready the moment you touch down. They're up there, and we need to be prepared for what these things can bring to play."
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Whirlwind of the Cosmic Force
Objective: Assault
Cuirass & Staff
Aboard: M'gaelak Siege Tower [In Command Centre]
Tags: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus | TBD

The second wave of the Bryn'adûl forces waited anxiously within the confines of Dropships, Dispersal Pods and Siege Towers. Drek'ma did not quite feel this sense of dread, or rather - excitement. Not in the same way the others did, the Primarch no doubt shared the feeling of the Seers that patience was required. Patience for the right moment to strike, they would leave soon. Perhaps in the next few minutes, perhaps in the next few seconds. One could not tell, they had left their fates in the hands of their most accomplished Warlord. The Chieftain trusted him, and that was enough for the Primarch.

This was a pivotal moment, he could feel it. As could the Seers, they'd told their leader as much before arrival. A pivotal moment approached, the very force grew tense as if the noose was tightening. For who, only the omnipotent could know. But as the Primarch stood over the Titan, he hoped it was not for them.

The Primarch had known Tathra as long as Drek'ma had known existence. He was the forefather, precursor to all their knowledge and power. The only thing Humans had comparable to that were Gods, but Tathra was real. A God was not. He believed in Tathra, watching him as he stood over the tactical display.

"Steel yourself, Sire." He spoke in a hushed tone, standing beside the Titan.
Location: Admiral's Quarters, Emerald Undertow, departing Yurb
Objective: Halt the enemy fleet's advance
Allies: ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar Ura Iolar Ura Iolar Eugen Barca
Enemies: Ver'kad Inuk

Tea? What type of heathen are you?” said Sariya, walking around him like a Corellian Sand Panther.

A very tame, straight-laced one,” observed Ariela, not even bothering to glance away from her datapad.

Gir set down his cup of Calamarian C-tea and offered a bemused glance that only managed to faintly hide his annoyance. The way these two can play off each other...He shook his head and turned back to the holo-projector which portrayed a muddled, brown world that looked like a worthless mudball at a glance. But clearly the Bryn'adul don't see it that way, do they? Ariela cleared her throat, almost instantly grabbing his attention.

What is it?” said Gir.

One of our more...enterprising partners just disappeared while nearing the Mulatan system.

Contact with the Bryn?

The replica droid immediately shook her head, “No way to know for sure. At least not yet.”

Gir eyed the hologram of Mulatan again, “The Hutts used it is a gateway fortress world because of its position on two hyperlanes. If the Bryn'adul do use traditional hyperdrive technology, it would make sense for them to concentrate forces there.

Even they don't,” said the brunette, “clearly they would want to deny our use of it, knowing that we do use hyperdrives.

Plunging right into the jaws of defeat, huh?” smiled the echani woman.

Not if we can have COMPASS guide us in just the right way. Look here-

His comlink began to chirp, the jarring tone indicating it was from the vessel's bridge. With a sigh, the man tapped a stud on the cylinder's side to receive the call. This had better be good...


Multiple Bryn'adul vessels have been spotted entering the outskirts of the system. It looks like an invasion force. Some small craft have been dispatched to land on the surface.”

I'll be on the bridge shortly. Form up the fleet and get everyone to battle stations. Set us on an intercept course with their main body. Dispatch several of our droid fighter squadrons to hunt down the dropships. They will not be landing unopposed.

"Yes sir."

The blonde man turned to face his bodyguard, “Looks like we don't have to worry about plunging into the jaws of defeat. The jaws have come looking for us...

The trio departed the man's quarters, making their way to the vessel's operations center. As they did so, crewmen across the Directorate fleet rushed to their action stations among jarring klaxons. Off-duty marines and battle droids rushed to their armories to grab their weapons and don their armor while pilots rushed to their strikecraft, many in a half-dressed state. Dozens of Directorate warships and starfighters began to coalesce around the Emerald Undertow like a school of spike-finned sounders forming around the largest saberjowl in the sea. Shields were raised and weapons were primed, but the ships of Task Force Emerald Undertow were still out of weapons range of either the main Bryn Fleet or the Directorate task force. Still, the massive batteries of the Emerald Undertow began to orient themselves in preparation to eventually fire on the Divine Brutality. Behind the DIrectorate task force, Admiral Reshmar's fleet along with the local defense fleet and glasser stations prepared in their turn to face the enemy. Dozens of diminutive Zephyr-class Droid Fighters zipped across the battlefield to hunt down the dropships and gunships preparing to descend into the atmosphere.

Task Force Emerald Undertow

Summary of actions
-Fleet gets ready to engage enemy
-Fleet is NOT in weapons range of Bryn fleet
-72 Zephyr-class Droid Starfighters are actively hunting down Bryn small craft headed towards the planet's surface
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LOCATION: Mountain Ruins, Yurb Surface
TASK: Hold the Line
EQUIPMENT: In Signature, KO Sidearm, Voph's Rifle
Nephilim: 6 Soldiers, Armor, Sniper, Rifle, Ammo
CIS: Taiia Mataan Taiia Mataan
Bryn'adul: Acquiring Targets
I knew fear, once. It washed over me. Consumed me. Destroyed me. Now, it has nothing left to strip from me.
Voph stood in the command bridge of the Desolation, leaning over the holotable that served as the primary display for the CIC. The Desolation was en-route to the planet Yurb, along with a token fleet of other Confederate vessels. While the Dauntless had seen fit to join the fight, Voph had arrived on a more personal matter. "Say it again."
"They are called the Bryn'adul, my lord."
Voph frowned to himself as Darcy repeated her statement. The Bryn'adul. That scourge that had attacked on Eshan, before vanishing into the galactic east. But Voph knew that they would return. Given the destruction they had wrought on Eshan, it was only a matter of time. He had studied them every step of the way. Through every engagement they had carried out. But now was the time for action. No longer was this a research project to keep idle hands busy. This was war.​
Voph could still hear the screams, could still see the creatures flooding forth from the downed battleship that had crashed into the lake. Creatures that held an immense physicality, even compared to his already titanic being. Voph reached over, and pulled his helmet up, clicking it into place over his midnight hair. As the blue sensors flared to life around his eyes, he turned to his command crew, and began barking orders. "Prepare for planetfall. Helm, fly us low through the atmosphere. Provide cover for the Skyfall cruisers, then provide air support as needed once they are away. Tactical, link sensors to Darcy, the Desolation will be the Confederacy's eye in the sky. Be sure the other squadron leaders know to link for proper updates. Darcy will be with me on the ground. And Comms?"
Voph smiled to himself as the Communications officer snapped to attention. "Roll out the red carpet. Let them know we're here." With that, Voph pushed off the table, and turned to leave for the hanger, ready to travel to the planet's surface. Today was the first engagement against the Bryn'adul. And it would be a glorious day. As the Desolation and her fleet dropped from hyperspace, IFF tags lit up against the blockade. Friendlies. Affiliation: The Confederacy.​
Confederacy First did not mean Confederacy Alone.​
Voph sat against a low wall of rock, drawing a deep breath. The shield generator was far below him, and several hundred meters away. But his squad still had clear line of fire. The other Confederacy forces were milling about, waiting for the fighting to start. Voph glanced up towards the blockade hanging in the air above them. He wondered just how long it would last this time. Luna was in his ear, asking if his men were ready. Voph's attention dropped to the small team that stood with him, hidden among the rocks, rifles at the ready. The shield generator was vulnerable, and would be the first point of attack. "You worry about your men, Terrik. You'll have your cover."
Voph pulled his rifle up, and detached the scope to use it as a pair of macrobinoculars. His gaze swept across the preparations at the shield bunker far below. "Sergei, we're locked in. You have a much better view from down there. We'll shoot at anything Bryn, but if you have a specific target in mind, mark it for us." Voph wasn't even confident how much their rifles would do against the Bryn. But he could hope. Hope and pray. And if it came to it...well, they'd cross that bridge later. For now they just waited in anticipation, high above the fighting within the mountain ruins....​
Location: Hyperspace
Objective: Rendezvous with the Jedi and other Allied forces
Nearby/Target: Lonely
Allies: SJO and any friendlies
Enemies: Byrn'adul

The pennant of the Crimson Sakura had been absent from the Galaxy of late. Unrest at home had forced the Empress to return and snuff out any sparks of revolt before they could ignite a full flame. But it also allowed her to regroup her forces, replenish supplies, and make repairs and upgrades.

And now, a call had been received...and she was happy to answer.

The Sakuran fleet held a tight formation as they traveled through the void of hyperspace. Onboard all vessels, smaller craft were being fueled, crews, were readying weapons, and Marines were preparing to drop. Where ever they were needed, they would go.

Ki herself strode purposefully through the passageways towards the bridge of her flagship, the AIN Nagato, where she felt preparations were well underway for their arrival.

The hatch hissed open as she approached,"-have your scanners ready for the transition to real-space, I want to know what we're up against as soon as we arrive." that was her Chika. She gave the other woman a smile as she approached the captain's chair.

"I know it has been some time since we've deployed like this, how are the preparations?" the addressed woman turned in her chair, looking at Ki with and exasperated sigh,"It appears as though our extended shore leave softened the crew Your Grace. I certainly hope they will be up to this. I haven't heard many good things about our foes." Chika suddenly turned serious as she looked at the Empress,"You just be careful when you join the ground troops Ki. I'll make sure we're good up here."

Ki's hand grasped her friend's and squeezed reassuringly, offering the caring words a warm smile. The pair was interrupted by the navigation officer calling out,"Commander Takami - er Your Grace, five minutes until we reach the system!"

The two shared a knowing look before Ki turned to depart the bridge,
"Space is all yours, Chika. I'll see you on the return trip." she shot over her shoulder as she left.
Equipment: Robes | Lightsaber | Target Blaster
Location: Edsert
Objective: Evacuate civilians
Nearby Allies: Ura Iolar Ura Iolar , Tarish Galland, Barrien Siegfried
Planned Engagement: Reosyvern Reosyvern

It took all of Amani’s willpower to keep up a brave face with everything that was happening around them. She had been one of the early arrivals to the city, assisting with the evacuation of civilians to safety. The sky darkened as the impending incursion loomed overhead. The shields would keep those inside the city safe for now, but removing would likely be a prime target. Meaning, it would only be a matter of time. All the more reason to get people moving. The padawan reached out her hand, using the Force to create an air of calm among some of the civilians, it wasn’t much, but it would at least help things move a little more smoothly.

“Please, everyone, continue to your designated evac point in an orderly manner.”

Amani had been reciting that over and over again now, and it was beginning to sound like pointless droning by this point. She looked across the many groups of evacuees, her ears perking up as she heard Ura call out. The mirialan rushed over to her friend and the two children she was with. “Hey! Are these two okay? Need any help?” She listened to them talk, agreeing to help before she turned back to her peer.

“Are you okay, Ura?” Amani asked, reaching out to the Lervon through the Force to give some semblance of comfort. This was Ura’s homeworld, after all. Her people that were in danger.

Location: Edsert Outpost
Weaponry: Armor, Assault Rifle
Objective: Whatever I please.
Tag: Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr

The sound of the armored vehicles rolling by Haastal caused the Mandalorian to pull his helmet on to muffle out the noise of the passing vehicles. Once the vehicles came to a complete halt he exhaled, watching as his HUD began to speed through a number of systems and checks for his armor's various systems and functions. Once it was over the man pushed the button on the side of his helmet, almost immediately a flashing light came over his screen. "-the hell?" He muttered before turning up to the skies and scoffing audibly. "Guess it's about that time." He said, before pushing off of his speeder bike and walking over to one of the Armored Cavalry Vehicles working alongside his platoon. "What's the word?"

Inside the vehicle, one of the operators glanced over to the Marshal before turning back to the communications terminal. "We're holding here, sir. War Marshal says sit tight and protect the generator until further orders." Haastal rolled his eyes under his helmet. "Baby sitting some shields? The Rangers could do that on their own, what's the point of a cav unit if we're stayin' stationary?" He aked, but the communications officer merely shrugged. "No clue s-" The comm officer contorted his face, holding a hand to his headset while listening to something come over his comm channel. "What the hell?" The man muttered, causing Haastal to turn back and arch a brow. "What's up?" Another moment passed and the communications officer tapped into his terminal before cursing softly. "We got a secure line to one of the Ranger units a few miles outside of the city. Looks like they were escorting some civilians back...damn, they're transports failed outside the city."

"How far out?" Haastal asked. The communications officer looked back up to the terminal before cursing. "Far, sir."

"When is Command dispatching a pick-up?" The answer to that question was one that Haastal could swear he'd heard enough times in his past as a mercenary. "As soon as a team is available...but with the men escorting all the civis to shelter, it could be a while."

Haastal snorted, pressing a hand to his blaster pistol as he kicked off the side of the transport. "
Kark that. A unit just became available." He said, before tapping into his comm unit. "First Cav, light em. We're movin' out man." He called out over his comm unit. The Dauntless Commandos all exchanged glances before nodding, hopping onto their speeder bikes while Haastal made his way over to a few of the Silver Jedi's Rangers. "Yo. We got civilians outside the gates. I'm movin' my cav unit out to go get them, I know ya'll were tasked to work with my unit, but we're movin' out. Ride with us or stay behind."

When the communications officer walked over to Haastal, the Mandalorian was mounting a speeder bike. "Sir, what do I tell War Marshal Luna Terrik Luna Terrik ? She ordered us to stay here..."

Haastal activated the speeder before shrugging. "Tell her someone had some nuts and decided to make a move." With that, Haastal brought his speeder bike to the front of the column. Hopefully they could deploy out of the city before the War Marshal found out.

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