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Junction Cleansing of Ziost | AC & EE junction of Ziost and Empty Hex

Ashlan Crusade Narrator



Cleansing of Ziost - Ashlan and Eternal Empire Junction of Ziost and Empty hex above Zakuul​
For decades, Ziost has been held by The Sith Empire. It has been a beacon of darkness on the northern edge of the Stygian Caldera that acts as a rallying point and mocks the very existence of the other powers to the galactic North. The Ashlan Crusade, along with their new allies from the Eternal Empire have decided that now is the time that this all changes. The Sith are in hiding and their most powerful leaders have abandoned the place to its own devices.

Objective 1 - Cleanse, Commemorate, Concord

The Ashlan Crusade and the Eternal Empire need to cement their alliance and here is where it should happen, leaders of both sides are meeting at the site of the old Sith Senate building that now lies in ruins. The location is symbolic, but also practical. Ashlan Sisters and Imperial heavy infantry have cleared the local area of any potential interlopers, the lack of population making this particularly easy. Only a few hundred, die hard Adastrans have been forced to temporarily relocate, being treated with care an diplomacy, mostly.

Now the political elite from both factions meet to hash out a treaty, both sides desire candour and openness but the meeting is high stakes and there are elements within the Ashlan ranks who wonder how much the Empire could be bringing to the table in order to have them overlook past alliances.

Whilst this is going on, all across the planet, Jedi and other force adepts work to cleanse the dark spots where the Sith have poisoned the very planet itself. This is a delicate process, after the near disaster on Korriban, the Ashlans are taking the process more carefully, cleansing the area little by little, and then locking in the light by erecting shrines to Ashla. The greatest of these shrines is a towering structure dedicated to Ashla, carved with scripture of the light siders and and blessed by Pietro Demici himself.

Objective 2 - Hunt down the Sith

Once again, the most powerful Sith have left the planet, escaping true justice, but the Ashlans must still fight hard to deal with Sith holdouts. Orders from the top are to do this as peacefully as possible, and with the offer of surrender and conversion to the light as the first thing to be offered, but use of the blade is completely warranted in many situations. The Ashlan command will be monitoring the situation, as will the Imperials, there are many amongst the Imperials that may have alliances and blood ties with the Sith, can these people be trusted? Their actions at Ziost will hopefully prove them right.

Objective 3 - Fleet in hiding

After all the progress of the last few months, particularly after the victory at Ession, Sith ships have gathered behind the old defensive lines. Grand Admiral Isla Draellix, having fought over Ziost previously, is aware of the heavy Defenses over the planet including several large scale defensive platforms and hidden bases. The Ashlans would be stretched to cover the whole system and prevent further escape, so have called on the aid of the Eternal Empire fleet.

Grand Admiral Draellix was no glory hog and would share the Intel her allies needed to ensure the most efficient victory, there were a number of star destroyers and rumours had it that an old Sith dreadnaught was hidden in the asteroid field, they all needed destroying to clear space for the Ashlans to claim the world. Rumour had it that marauders also prowled this system, seeking to feed off the scraps of the collapsed empire. They too could be destroyed, or simply chased off, The Ashlans had no specific ill will towards them, but their kind were not welcome here.

Objective 4 - Visitors to a forsaken land

Ziost has a long and bloody history with much of its lands, including its capital in ruin, it is a haven for pirates and criminals looking for authorities that do not care about their actions, or even for archaeologists looking to understand ancient civilisations, uncovered by the blasting of the lands above them.

Bring your own objectives, and enjoy adding your lines to the book of Ziost.





Isla Draellix sat close to a podium in deep thought while she ate, she had asked not to be disturbed for a moment so she could think. The alliance today was an important project and she wanted a clear head. The only person near her was one of her Sister's standing guard silently. She looked at the Sister and felt pride. The last few weeks since Ession had changed something in them, they were evolving from more than a force, into a people of their own and they believed in their own agency, this was something Isla had hoped for, but it was more than she expected.

The Sister's of Ashla had always been flash trained with a the faith of Ashla burned into them and they were notably devout, observing the faith proudly and without hesitation. But now they were taking their faith and it was more to them than their flash training. Nobody had trained them to see Lady Eina as their Angelic Mascot, sure her chosen visage was close to some of the ancient drawings of Ashlan saints, but it was a movement that fueled itself and was now rooted as a core belief. Then at Ession, with the creation of the Crown of Ashla by Lady Eina and Lord Geiseric, she had heard murmurings from the sisters about a miracle of Ashla and a gift provided by their Saint, a word that she had not often heard used.

She knew how important it was when the Chaplains of the Order approached her as their Grand Marshall with a long written request, the majority of it was testimony from the Sisters and signatories for the request, but the overarching sentiment was that the day that the nexus was created, become a recognised day of religious observance for the Sister's of Ashla. They also requested that pilgrimage to the Crown of Ashla would be considered an act of religious observance when leave requests were considered to the Sisters. Isla was more than happy to approve these herself as the Grand Master, but she requested that Pietro Demici give his full approval first, she was grateful when his request was positive and the new religious laws were enshrined within days of the request. Already, numbers of Sisters were putting in leave applications to visit Ession, it would take time for them all to get a turn, there being a little over a million of them by now, but they would all eventually get their opportunity.

Isla herself had scheduled in her own leave to visit the place, after all, it was not doctrine of her own order, she had hoped that she could contact Eina and meet her there too, there was one more request contained within the package that would need to be addressed, but it would require her actions to be assessed by a senior panel of priests, the Sister's believed her actions creating the nexus to be miraculous, and now wished her to be made into a Saint. Isla wanted to talk to Eina before she submitted this request.

But for now she had pressing duties with Eina's mother, business that would give the Ashlans a powerful ally to call on, but also give the Ashlans certain responsibilities to reciprocate. She had prepared for this meeting for a while site her and Ingrid discussed the matter over Zygerria. It felt very strange to be on Ziost now ready to sign a formal treaty, but the signing at the old Sith Senate had a certain peotic justice to it. Looking around her, she saw several dignitaries with their own aides and retainers tending to them, she found she needed less aides since she had her bio-chip installed, but still liked to have her personal assistants on hand.


Several hours before events of Objective 1…

One Ballator Class an ancient dreadnaught, heavily modified over the years.

Numerous Dauntless cruisers

A dozen Turbulent star destroyers

Unclear number of Defense platforms

An assortment of various warships from different Sith and Sith affiliated factions

The Admiral was on the bridge of the Avenging Saint reviewing the data package that she had sent to her allies prior to entering the system. Her fleet had quickly fanned over a wide arc above the system plane with the asteroid field to their starboard and the planet of Ziost to their port. It was not far from here where Isla had arrived last Time she was in the system and then moved to attack a major installation. She was victorious in space that time, despite the overall battle resulting in defeat.

Her fleet were already beginning to engage in long range skirmishes against enemy warships, but it was the Bellator she was hunting. The ship had recently raided Ashlan colony worlds before retreating here and its arcane weaponry had exacted a heavy toll on the targets before reinforcements could be brought in to chase it of. The data she had in the warship was that it was largely intact, but several sections were heavily modified and it had a lot of unrecognised weaponry on it. It needed to be destroyed, her sources told her that it was currently hidden within the asteroid field, using a combination of the asteroids and its own stealth plating to avoid detection. It was a high risk strategy, it couldn't simply jump to hyperspace to escape while surrounded by asteroids, but would need to be visually spotted somewhere in a large area. This was the reason the Ashlans had requested assistance, they could not afford to let the giant ship escape and continue to cause mass casualties.

"Captain, please send a wide communication to our allied Fleet." there was a few moments for her to compose herself, then another delay before the image capturing sensors began to track her image and transmit it.
"This is Grand Admiral Isla Draellix of the Ashlan Crusade, welcome to the Ziost system. I hope you have all received my intelligence package. As you are aware, the cowardly Sith have taken refuge in this system, spread between the planet and the surroundings asteroid field. The main Ashlan heavies will engage the Sith vessels over the planet, but several vessels will be searching the asteroid field for hidden warships. Good hunting!"

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective II.: Make a treaty with the Ashlan Crusade
Location: Old Sith Senate, Ziost
Equipment: The Soulsabers (hidden) | Brynja coat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || ENS Crimson Empress (in space)
Writing With: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | Open
[ Rise of the Empire ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Another stepping stone to the Ashlan Crusade, and again Ziost. In fact, a more iconic planet could not have been chosen. This is where the relationship between the two factions began and they seal it here. It was here that the decision was made for the Eternal Empire to emerge from the Third Civil War. They did it just in time. Ironically, they have been at war with the Sith Empire ever since, thanks to the events in Panatha and the Worm Emperor's reign.

She could not deny that her daughter also played a major role in the upcoming contract. If Eina had no such close relationship with them, then that day might not have come. After her daughter was rescued, Ingrid wanted to bestow a noble title to Lord Geiseric Geiseric , but the man refused it, just like he refused the other gifts as well. Although the woman did not show it, the man earned the woman's respect and accepted him as Eina's chosen, and partner.

The man in this was like Ingrid, only the man had a choice; the woman could not refuse to return her gift to her own emperor at that time. The last time she helped Ashlan Crusade, she nearly died at Ession when her daughter and Geiseric created the Nexus. It was a very unpleasant and painful experience. After that, she couldn't go to the planet either. But that was the past, she didn't think about it, cared more about the present. And with the summit.

Since battles with the Sith could be expected, she brought the Crimson Empress; last but not least, it was an important meeting, it was appropriate to arrive with that ship. After arriving at the coordinates, Ingrid took a shuttle to the agreed location, be it the deck of another ship or a location on the planet. It didn't really matter. As usual, she was still wearing her usual uniform without rankings and decorations when she arrived at the meeting's place.

There were plans for the alliance, but now it was only up to the Ashlan Crusade to see what they wanted. When everyone arrives in the room, she starts to speak.

"Ladies and gentlemen! I believe that despite the shortness of time, our empires have gone through a lot. Panatha was a mistake and setbacks, but I’m glad the relations between our states didn't go astray. But this is the past. We are here today to talk and agree on the future. Well let’s deal with the future, which will hopefully be even more fruitful between Ashlan Crusade and the Eternal Empire, despite the distances between the two of us."


Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic mascot and representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild
Location: New Adasta, Ziost
Objective I.: Perform the ritual to cleanse Ziost and to put the dead souls to rest.
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (weapons) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Writing With: Open
[ Flúgva valkyrjur á val ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Eina has recovered quite nicely lately, and has typically spent her time in the Sanctuary, or just Ession; the two Nexus had a very good effect on the soul of the injured and greatly aided her recovery and regeneration. And of course Geiseric Geiseric . The Valkyrja was surprised when the crusader told her he wanted to be with her at the Sanctuary. She thought the man would prefer to stay in Realspace, so she was actually ready to tell the man that she would be happy to stay here with him if he wanted to, but it wasn’t needed. It was all too tempting thought to have months together at Netherworld while only days pass in Realspace. And during that time, no one will miss them at Ession because they can come back to help with the rebuilding.

It was also due to this that she was already better, although she still did not have full strength and at times had seizures. But she was much better than when she regained control of her body. True, she has been in a war ever since. Life took place everywhere and never stopped, not for a moment. Eina promised to come to Ziost and help clean up the planet. That was the least she could do. The souls which were trapped here and not rested belonged to the Netherworld, as a Valkyrja she needed to help them, this was her duty.

The Valkyrja arrived over the city through a rift; she was immediately visible now, not invisible. She held in her hand her recently made spear, with which she wanted to help the planet and the souls who were trapped here. Eina saw from above where the troops and units were in the ruined city. She knew that the Eternal Empire and Ashlan Crusade had met for the first time here, at this place, so she considered it a nice gesture to seal the diplomatic relations at this place. Through the Force, she felt where her friends, or even her mother, were.

However, she also sensed something that caused her to have a small panic attack. She was here too! Here was also the woman on the planet who almost killed her with the parasite. Luckily, she was still able to land near the sisters before she was ill. Eina looked around nervously and confused; the woman was far away, but she was still here on the planet. And she couldn't ask Gei to join her now because he wasn't around; he left behind in the Netherworld this time. So she could only tell it to one person because Isla was unlikely to understand. However, Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust possibly did, and she told him earlier what had happened.

~ Heinrich, she is here… here on Ziost! ~ her telepathic voice was very frightened and girly, as when she had seizures. ~ She is here on the planet, the eldritch creature who captured me on that planet and hurts me with the ritual! ~

She didn’t know what to do, what she should do, memories and fear paralyzed her that what had happened on the Dark Planet could happen again. Fortunately, this "seizure" could only be felt through the Force from its direction, an outside observer only seeing that Eina was very pale for something. What was perhaps even harder to notice because of her natural very pale skin.


Silhana Lolaes'ra
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid; The Angel-faced killer
Bounty Hunter, Verd'ika, member of the Clan Cadera; Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Hounty Hunters' Guild
Objective: Hunt down the Sith
Location: Surface, Ziost
Equipment: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Simple short sword | Light armour | Mandalorian vambrace || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Tags: Arturo Braga Arturo Braga | Open
[ Mando music ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

It was really a place Forceforsaken, where there really wasn’t too much thing after the collapsing of the TSE. I mean, there were things here, but what I knew about this place affected me quite uncomfortably. The Sith carried out a massacre on the planet, with countless casualties. The place was probably full of ghosts who could not rest in peace. Nevertheless, Arturo Braga Arturo Braga asked me to come and help the Sith. There were reportedly some ritualists and other enemies around here. Will he pay enough for it?

All right, all right, I know, as a Mandalorian it is my duty to fight them for the sins they have committed against my people. So there was really no question of me coming here and helping him. True, I was a little worried. Another project with Ashlan Crusade; although I was not there on Panatha, I heard that there were "minor troubles" and the two nations nearly started a war because of the Sith. But! A lot has changed since then and maybe it was time for the Sith to really pay for all the deeds and sins it did against my people.

Plus, I now had to bring an extra thing with me, because Braga had ordered a unique rifle from my company, and it was ready, so I had to bring it. It's like I'm a courier and not an owner. Unprecedented and unbelievable! I landed in the spaceport with my own ship and then from there I went to the agreed coordinates. I arrived a few minutes earlier than the scheduled time, so I might have had to wait. Whatever it is, when I finally meet him, I push the package into his hands.

"If you dare say it's not good, I'll press it down your throat!" I said grumbling. " I'm not a courier! Next time, go yourself for what you ordered!"

I really hoped he would like it; if not, I'm really going to shoot him with his own new weapon! I am not debating this. Dislike would really touch my ego a lot, even if it wasn’t me who made and designed it, but one of my engineers. They worked for me, like it was me. If they have success, that is, I was successful too, if they fail, that is, I will also fail. So simple, I wasn’t a hard and mean boss. Even if I grumble at times. As the man unfolds his gun and looks at it, I look around to see if there are others here.

"Will we be two, or will others come from the Eternal Empire?" I asked him.


Hyrva Vh'akli
Prophet of the Worm Emperor; Truthspeaker, The Prophet, Lady of Throdog N'ghftor, Witch Elder
Objective II.: Survive
Location: Sith catacombs, beneath New Adasta.
Equipment: Shield talisman | Shadow's Folly || Empyrean gland || OPBC-01s
Tags:: Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae | Open
[ Whispers and Madness ]
<"Dark words or ur-Kittât"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Ah'hri voices llll mgepnah lw'nafh.

Hyrva’s plan to get a Valkyrja with the parasite for herself was ultimately unsuccessful, and the Truthspeaker could only owe her life to a little luck. Which meant she wasn’t on Ession. She would have been there according to the original plans. Then she would be dead now. However, she was unaware that the Ashlan Crusade was coming to this planet right now. Hyrva had a few things to do here. So it was very unpleasant when the enemy arrived. Ever since Ashlan Crusade visited her planet, she has had to face them very often ever since. Their company was annoying for the woman.

Ah'hri voices llll mgepnah lw'nafh.

For safety, she summoned countless demons, eldritch creatures and undead to the area where she was. Not to the surface, of course, because she was in the underground catacombs. Based on the data, there were a few books still here, a document she needed. At least that was what the voices told her. And the demons and other creatures were perfect to gain time for the woman if she might have to flee. The Sith left quite a few things behind, and the woman had not yet found what she was looking for.

Ah'hri voices llll mgepnah lw'nafh.

The Truthspeaker was aware of the balance of power that theoretically ruled this neighbourhood. She did not deal with it, she did not consider the warlord a source of danger. Hyrva was just away from home and her strength was much weaker here, but she doesn't care this time. She wasn't specifically the warrior type anyway, the creatures fought instead of her. And there were countless souls here who could call to war, or just be able to summon other beings. It didn't really matter. She had walked through the huge underground library and collected some codex already.

Ah'hri voices llll mgepnah lw'nafh.

Of course, she felt the disturbance in the Force when the Ashlan Crusade and the Eternal Empire arrived, but she didn’t deal with them in particular. Collecting books was more important; the voices wanted that too. Exceptionally not Sith sounds, they haven't said anything about Worm Emperor in a while, the sounds considered Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis stronger and more interesting. Situations of power are changing and these political games and how to decipher them were interesting to Hyrva. If only because she did not want to rule outside her own planet. It was enough to serve her god there…

Ah'hri voices llll mgepnah lw'nafh.

Oh, another interesting book!






The ENS Blood Knight arrived in the system early, for reconnaissance reasons and also due to the fact that Captain En Kelsani was visiting old friends on Dathomir and so had found herself significantly closer to Ashlan space than Imperial Space when the call came in. Her conversations on the old world had been productive and she had secured a fresh shipment of most of her favourite herb, some of which she had taken great pains to try and grow aboard her ship, but without success.

The Ashlan fleet was large, and despite being allies she felt wary of it, her kind were not welcome amongst their ranks and she did fear that if found out she could be handed over as some kind of bargaining gift. She did not feel that the Empress would encourage this kind of treatment to her own officers, but there were some that would.

She looked at her comm as the Ashlan Admiral's message came through, she had read up on this Admiral, a young noblewoman, earned her commission by default it seems. Her record was not without victory and she had led the Ashlan armies for nearly four years on their expansion, but there was a few things that concerned her, and those same things concerned her about the wider Ashlan policies. Oh well, she was an ally today, she should be treated as such. "Night, please respond on the same channel, voice only please." Her AI smiled, knowing exactly why the Dathomiri didn't wish to share her face immediately. "You may speak when ready Captain"

Asaaj did not stand to speak but reclined in her elevated chair, feeling her own authority. "Thank you Admiral Draellix, this is the ENS Blood Knight we are cloaked not far from the asteroids and have been monitoring for scouting purposes. We will engage targets of opportunity, we are ready do board and eliminate and significant threat as required. En Kelsani out."

She cut the communication and began active scanning, her advanced cloak meant she could carry out most actions without giving away her positions. She did not care about the Ashlans, but her preferred fighting style made staying hidden until the last moment incredibly valuable. A few other Imperial vessels had also begun arriving and scanning sections of the asteroid field, it would not be long before the Sith were found and destroyed. The pure persecution of dark siders turned her stomach, even if the Sith themselves had been bitter enemies of the Dathomir at times in history.

Objective 2 - Hunt the Sith
Equipment: Lightsaber Claymore, explosives, Icarus gravpack, Ashlan Rosary, survival kit
Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir

The red headed and warpainted woman stood in front of the rapidly spinning wheel as its surface glowed. She very slowly and methodically drew her long blade against its spinning surface, watching sparks fly up into the air. It was an unecessary ritual but it gave her time to think. Was the Ashlan Crusade the right fit for her, she was masterless, still, and felt cast adrift amongst more powerful Jedi. Since her failings at Wgah'ngal and her conversation with the other padawan on Ession, she wondered if a different path would be right for her.

Her foot paddled gently, spinning up the sharpening stone faster and faster as she continued to work the full length of her blade, using the rhythmic noise to clear her mind and centre herself. She had come to Ziost alone and would find an ally where it was needed. She hoped to earn some respect by managing to convert Sith her, or collect heads, whichever the Sith decided. Her allies were here, but they were each busy on their own paths. Greer felt a presence, painfully similar to the monster on Wgah'Ngal and wondered whether it had tracked her here. The Jedi hadn't spoken much about that event, Geiseric had been cagey about it all, Heinrich seemed to follow Gei's lead on that, and the other guy, well he was someone Greer had not really gelled with and found him almost as strange as that horrible planet.

The whole table juddered as a chunk of the wheel cracked free and hit the wall behind, she should probably focus more on the task at hand, that is why she had come to this traditional blacksmith, it reminded her of home, it was abandoned and the gears took some grease but now it was spinning and the feel in her hand was so nostalgic. Maybe the woman, Lady Eina was one to talk to, she was another from outside of the Crusade, but she seemed to be growing in strength and influence where Greer was a nobody again. She sent a short message to the woman, she might listen to it, she might ignore it and carry on, everyone else seemed to treat Greer that way these days. She was assured it was in her head, but she wasn't karking stupid. Greer's message to Eina was simple, if she needed assistance on the planet to hunt Sith, Greer was available and wished to work along side her. It was to the point and didn't sound of someone desperate for guidance.

Greer was finished her, she allowed the wheel to spin, it's surface glowing hot from the work she had done. She held the blade up close to her face, its glowing blue plasma, inches from her eyes "perfectly sharp".
Objective 2 - hunting
Location - surface of ziost
Equipment - armor, Nova, Sabers

Normally she wouldn't bother with hunting down sith without reason, however the empress of the eternal empire had came to her personally for help, a witch had been plaguing them since ession and they wanted to ensure that their be no escape for it. So the emerald dragon would be sent to directly face this foe herself and destroy it. Star was faced however with the issue of having no armor on the account hers was on panatha in a melted together mess however the empress had taken care of such things and in accordance with stars new style she had been made a new set of armor that still aligned with her mandalorian beliefs while being more mystic like, a stark difference from her usual armor.

The flight to ziost was rather uneventful, stardust sat wih her voidstone ring on to hide her presence, it wouldn't come off till she had the witch in sight and then she would reveal herself! She didnt know who was going with her on this hunt but no other sith mattered to stardust and any in her wya would simply be disposed of even if it meant exposing herself before she could see the witch. A sigh escaped her lips as she could hear the movements of boots outside as everyone prepared for his hunt. Standing she grabbed the helmet and looked it over, it looked very very deceptive having no face plate at all, placing it on she heard everything linking up and the sound of the face shield coming online and activating. Opening the door she stepped out into the corridor as she looked at her armor in the light rolling her shoulders as she gave a chuckle and smiled

heh... they really made sure it was comfortable...gotta thank them later

Briskly moving to the hangar she boarded a shuttle and was sent down to the planet, sighing a little she watched as some were unloaded before they lifted up again and flew off towards the area stardust would be hunting, apparently the witch was in some catacombs...chuckling stardust checked the equiment and rolled her neck as she hopped off and stood tall and proud as she looked over the land...taking some time to wait for anyone who'd join her.
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Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir


Heinrich wasn't present at the battle upon the planet of Ziost. He didn't see wave after wave of soldiers crash against the unflinching defenses of the Sith. Yet, he didn't need to be there in order to understand the sacrifices made in an effort to liberate the planet. He was a soldier in Ashla's army, and as such, he understood the risks. He had to....

The plans to free the planet from the yoke of the Sith had finally begun to come fruition in recent weeks. As the Crusade had discussed their plans for the planet, they knew that the situation would need careful handling. Ziost had been a steadfast defensive position for the Sith, and though they were long since gone, their influence still remained. The liberation of the planet would be a delicate process, but the crusaders believed themselves to be up to the task.

Heinrich had been practicing his speech for some time now, pacing back and forth within the forward camp as he went over his intended words over and over again. The Crusade had decided to erect a monument upon the glassed remnants of New Adasta; a testament to the will of those that sought its liberation. It was originally intended for Cardinal Demici to preside over its unveiling, but with the inevitable treaty on the horizon with the Eternal Empire, the good cardinal had been rather busy. Thus, the task fell to Heinrich. The monument itself would serve as more than a memorial for the fallen. In the wake of the unraveling of the Bastion Pact, the monument would serve to remind people of when the powers of the galaxy united against the darkness as one.

Satisfied with his speech, Heinrich began the preparations for the unveiling of the monument. As he started for the door, a familiar voice found its way dancing into his mind, only to deliver troublesome news. He sent his own thoughts through the empyrean, taking a moment to address her concerns.

Eina... that is... certainly a problem. I cannot leave my post, but I urge you to seek out Juror Vaxis Vaxis . He's a good man, and will help you should the need arise.

He wished he could help her in that moment, but Vaxis was a trustworthy man, despite what his fellow jurors thought of him. For now, it would have to do. Heinrich cleared his throat, and made his way to the stage to give his speech. Today would be a significant moment, not just for the Crusade, but for the galaxy as a whole.


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Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim , Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana


Ziost... Pietro had become frustrated at the very mention of the planet. The march on New Adasta had been the first failure of the Crusade, leaving even the cardinal himself in a rough state after expending most of his power simply to stay alive. The Sith had dug in deep on the planet, beating back enemies time and again, even going as far as turning the capital to ruins. Pietro had gone over the situation countless times in his head, thinking about how the defeat could have been avoided, and yet the situation always ended the same. Nevertheless, they were finally here, and the work of purification and healing could finally begin.

He stood in the old halls of the Sith, eyeing the ruins of the once powerful Empire that had held Ziost in its diabolical clutches for so long. Now, the chamber was but a shell, a remnant of the war for the Tingel Arm. It was on this planet that lord Grayson had first convinced the Eternal Empress to abandon her long-standing alliance with the Sith, allowing an opportunity for future negotiations. Pietro wasn't the biggest supporter of the idea, and everyone knew it. Though he hadn't been publicly outspoken on the matter, it didn't take much to tell that his distrust of the Empire was strong. Yet, pursuing this alliance was something that begun here, under Cedric's orders, and as such, Pietro would see the plan through...

He owed at least that much to the man for all that he had sacrificed.

The cardinal stood in silence, eyes fixed upon Ingrid as she spoke of the past, present, and future. It took a bit of restraint to not show any sign of frustration at the mention of Panatha; the engagement there had left a sour taste in Pietro's throat. More failure... but no more. Pietro was done failing. Now, there would only be success for the Crusade, and Pietro would not allow his own frustrations to put that at risk. As Ingrid finished speaking, Pietro stepped forward.

"We have had our differences, to be sure. In the end, however, it is indeed beneficial for us to be here today."

He turned to the other dignitaries, his posture resembling the way he carried himself during his sermons.

"I'll be the first to admit that I had reservations of such an alliance. Perhaps I still do. Though this may be the case, I am but a man. It is not my will, but the will of Ashla that must be carried out, and should this alliance prove fruitful to the Crusade, then it is indeed Ashla's will that we see it done."

Pietro stepped back for a moment, allowing others the opportunity to speak before they began pouring over the finer points of the proposed treaty. Scanning the room, Pietro watched each person closely. One of the greatest advantages to such political gatherings was intelligence gathering. People carried a wealth of information within the way they spoke, stood, moved... every detail created potential. Every moment created opportunity.

Still going, despite everything.

Objective: Hunt Sith
Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera , Open
Kit: The Wolfhound, KC-77N Hybrid Pistol, Black Sun Armor Mark. I

Arturo had never been to Ziost before.

There was a darkness that hung in the air, a corruption that even he could sense. The planet's history was a mystery to the contractor, but he knew it must have been bloody indeed to warrant such a thorough
cleansing. Alone for now, Arturo stood at the edge of a precipice. Beneath him, the catacombs stretched as far as the human eye could perceive, probably further. Dark shapes moved amongst the burial site; friendly or not, they were disturbing the dead. And the dead, as Arturo had come to learn, were very restless on Ziost.

Taking one last drag of his cigarette, Arturo flicked the remnants away, before snatching up his helmet and putting it on.

Today's order of business: hunt Sith. Arturo had never been much of a warrior, and his talent for taking lives and names didn't normally include those of Sith. But he was the Director now, the big boss, the man his people looked to when the scary jobs crossed his desk. If he wasn't willing to hunt down Force-sensitive psychopaths, why should any of his men? Or so the argument went. Arturo thought it was a pretty weak one at that. But then credits weren't much use to a dead man.

And he was all about the money.

"If you dare say it's not good, I'll press it down your throat!" I said grumbling. " I'm not a courier! Next time, go yourself for what you ordered!"

"It's nice to see you too, Lynne." Arturo replied, laughter bubbling up at the twi'lek's hopefully feigned annoyance as he approached her. Putting out a hand, he took the weapon's bag from his ally, before laying it on the ground. Unzipping the bag, he pulled the flap back. Gear rustled as the Wolfhound - his order- filled the world beyond his visor. Picking it up, Arturo looped the sling over his right shoulder and extended the stock, before taking a handful of magazines and sliding them into his armor pouches. The last he slid into the weapon itself, listening contentedly as the bolt clicked forward, chambering a round.

"It's beautiful." Arturo said, picking up the bag and depositing it on the back of a nearby speeder bike. "Thanks, L."

"Will we be two, or will others come from the Eternal Empire?"

"Just us for now, though, I saw others moving amongst the ruins." Arturo replied, turning to the twi'lek. "There might be other operators down there, but who knows? Guess we'll find out for ourselves soon enough." Stepping over to her side, the contractor nodded. "You ready?"
Last edited:

Location: The frozen lake
Equipment: Beskar'gam, lightsabers, healing supplies, 3 thermal detonators, EF-M401e Rampage

Ship: Tal'din
Anashja had landed her ship and paced across the main hangar as speeders zipped put preparing to head to their staging points. A heavy speeder pained in red and white with the sigil of her clan on her side narrowly missed her "Watch your driving vod or you'll be cleaning the head for a month." She radioed to the driver, who if by magic, slowed down and remembered to signal before heading down the ramp and out into the sun.

This mission was overtly a healing mission, as they all were, Ziost was a wretched place that had endured years of suffering after countless wars from the Sith to the Crusaders, Anashja and her Vod would be able to help a few thousand of them in the short time they were on world, it was a drop in the ocean, but anything they could do would be a benefit. After watching her more barbaric cousins on Panatha, reminding her just how violent the galaxy was, it felt good to be a healer.

But more covertly, she was here to gather information, she wanted to know what the Empress and those in the command chain were up to. New Adasta had been cleared to make way for this treaty, Anashja valued peace, so usually a treaty would be a positive thing, but she wondered what the Empire had to gain from throwing the lot in with some light side warmongers from the other side of the galaxy. Maybe the Ashlans were the good people they claimed to be, but she had yet to see solid proof. They were crusaders, the Empire did not need to be pulled in to their genocidal campaigning against the Sith. Her Alor had told her several stories about them and their allies that made her very uncomfortable with the situation indeed. She felt a little nauseous this morning, she had for the last few mornings, she had wondered whether it was just nerves until a quick medical scan showed otherwise. It was wonderful news, and she would tell her husband the moment she returned to Tanaab.

But now for work, Anashja would scout the area, there was talk that the Ultranauts and Ashlan Sisters had met a little resistance during the relocation, it would not be hard to get clearance to come in an provide medical support, then hopefully set a listening post near enough to capture data. Anashja had a new 'medical volunteer' about, Kalic Daws Kalic Daws stood preparing his own gear as the togruta approached him. "It is good to have you aboard, I hope you enjoy your placement with us, I hope you will learn a lot" She would not speak openly about rebellion, there were maybe four people on this ship that knew of the Tal position, and she wasn't about to spread it further than necessary. "What do you think about all this? An alliance with the Ashlan Crusade, after the mess during their invasion, you'd think the Empress would have sent them packing back to their temples."

Mikilanna Mihaly (Darth Kauhu) - Overseer of Science Development, Director of The Royal Institute of Science


Location: Ziost, Ancient Tombs
Dark Blessings of Kuolema (Twin Lightsabers), Feravvax XVI (Cybernetic Eyes), PITA CV1 (Cybernetic / Bionic Tail), Omni VI (Bionic Arm), Varjokävely (Battle Outfit)
Ship: Aries XIII
Tags: Open


Unlike the tombs on Korriban, these ancient tombs where scattered about, each one designed with a twisting staircase that plunged deep into the darkness where the remains of a Sith rested. Most of the tombs, depending on the status and rank of the dead Sith, held a few antechambers; for the lesser of the Sith they were rewarded with barely a coffin to house their remains. Though they were scattered about, to the ground-level eye one would think the tombs made a muck of the landscape; but from above the view was different. The tombs were laid out in a precise pattern that when viewed from above it presented the onlooker with the symbol of the Sith Order. Mikilanna Mihaly, a.k.a. Darth Kauhu to very few livable sentients, found this to be rather interesting when her cybernetic eyes locked onto the image. She was Sith, an advent master of their philosophy, teachings, and code; but she hated the very existence of the collective Sith Order. Before her Master died, he had bestowed upon her his knowledge that the Sith would always be eternal if the old Rule of Two had still existed, but the Sith Order was like an endangered animal; the last of it's kind and dying from sickly wounds. The Sith Order was a cancerous bulb on the galaxy he told her. She vowed to her Master in his final breathes she would purge the galaxy of the Sith Order and usher in a new glorious era of the Sith.

She exited her ship, feeling the presence of the living and dead observing her. There is a fine line in the understanding that Sith could become Force Ghosts after their life passes. Some believe only the Jedi possess the ability to become these spirits, but those that believe that are wrong. Sith Ghosts usually attach themselves to one item or another, something usually important to them, that keeps them afloat in the realm of the living. More often than not, Sith Ghosts are violent and chaotic; like what the scholars who study the supernatural would call a poltergeist. The main difference between these two ghostly types is the Sith Ghosts are bound to the area where said attached item is placed and that is usually their tomb. She didn't concern herself with dead Sith. it was the living ones hiding out among the tombs she found more appetizing.

As suspected, it would be difficult to pinpoint any living Sith directly in hiding among the tombs. The dark side was indeed powerful here, giving her a cold feeling of pleasure, but it also masked the Sith in hiding through the Force. Her Force was also hidden from any Force user due to one of the applications from her lightsaber crystals. For the Sith in the tombs, the dark side hid them from others trying to discover them through the Force in a cheap, parlor trick way. They would not need to waste precious Force energy to block the scans. And as she already knew, the dark side here would make any Sith more powerful since they had the dark energy to repeatedly call upon; but it benefitted her too.

And it wasn't just Sith in hiding about. These tombs, unlike the ones on Korriban that were gaurded by tu'kata and hssiss, held their own guardians. Once they were called in ancient times The Sith Eternal, now they were nothing more than mindless puppets. However, these puppets could be dangerous. Trained in the arts of lightsaber combat, though not possessing any Force talent of their own, they were masters of melee combat. These fools where easy to pinpoint; their anger and hatred of her arrival was equally pleasurable as the dark side, and she wasted no time to draw them out. Even though they thrived in combat, they were also cursed with arrogance and pride. Collectively they could possibly kill her, but highly doubtful, but these guardians sought glory individually and fought as such; and that would be their undoing.

Unclasping her cloak and letting it drape to the ground behind her, she retrieved her two hilts and fell into her lightsaber form.
"My name is Darth Kauhu and I have come to kill your Masters," she bellowed in a provoking tone, "I do employ you to stand in my way."


Overseer of Imperial Armed Forces



OBJECTIVE: I - Cleanse, Commemorate, Concord
TAG: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana Pietro Demici Pietro Demici Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust

Among the ranks of the Imperial delegation, Baron Reinhardt Ström sat within the chair assigned to him, his Nelvaanian long sword sheathed within an ornate scabbard strapped to his side, and the Baron otherwise adorned in the finest stately attire befitting his station as both a Field Marshal of the Eternal Army, and the Baron of Søndheim. His dress uniform was pressed and painstakingly clean, with a series of regnal and military medals and decorations either worn across his neck or pinned on his chest; enough to achieve the desired effect without appearing overly gaudy or self indulgent.

At the Empress’s leave, he also brought with him several bataillions of his own men from the 1st Søndheim Korps to participate in the peacekeeping operations being conducted on the planet, along with partnering alongside the forces of the Ashlan Crusade in securing the ruin they met within. They would be safe enough within this meeting chamber from external threats, but it remained uncertain what would transpire within the room in the good Baron’s mind. To him, the Ashlan Crusade were a fanatical order of religious zealots, who cared not about the repercussions of their actions. Panatha was proof of that - despite the relative lack of deaths on the part of the planet’s populace, the infrastructure and reputation of the Empire took a hit nonetheless. To this day, Ström felt the Empire should have responded to the blatant act with equal and proportionate force rather than allowing it to occur unpunished, and he knew his opinion was not only held by him.

Yet, he trusted in the ‘wisdom’ of his sovereign. Over the passing months, much had occurred within the galaxy at large. Coruscant had been sacked, the Bastion Accord dissolved - the galaxy had once again begun a descent into dark days. Yet, the Empire was ascendant. Despite his misgivings, the Baron entered these talks with an open mind. Ultimately, the decision regarding the Empire’s stance on an alliance laid upon Empress L’lerim’s shoulders, but the Baron had served in the capacity of a trusted advisor to the Empress in recent months - evidenced by his very presence here today.

Given the role he was to play, Ström would wordlessly observe as his Empress began the proceedings with her speech whilst observing the reactions and subtle nuances of those who listened. He had not ascended as the Baron of Søndheim out of sheer luck; no, Reinhardt had maneuvered his way to the top, chiefly because of his skills in diplomacy and intrigue. Should something of note arise, he would be quick to catalogue it for future use when appropriate. For now, he would play the part of the older nobleman likely here to serve for posterity’s sake. No one would truly know how foolish that impression would be. That meant he was doing his job.


Kalic sat there, slowly slipping on a helmet to hide the fact he was a Miraluka. He looked around, seeing Anashja Tal Anashja Tal as she said she hoped he'd enjoy learning on this mission, slyly hiding why the hidden Rebel was actually there. He'd usually have Jee with him, but he couldn't get her repainted in medical paint in time, so it was just him with Clan Tal this time.

"I hope so too. Figure out some new stuff." Then came the question on what he thought about the Ashan's. He looked down, getting some things together, and hiding a folding rifle in a medical bag before anyone else could notice.

"From what little I've heard about them, I'm shocked it's even happened. Just seems like they're getting in bead with people who they'd hate."


The Eternal Empire.

It had been quite some time since Tristan had resigned his commission, since he simply 'up and left' as young people would put it. It could be considered fate that the Eternal Empire had went from the most steadfast defender of Sith values to the most powerful ally of the Ashlan Crusade. It was ironic. But then to them he was a traitor. Afterall, he left in the middle of a war. Empress Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim was in Alliance custody.

It didn't look good.

But then again, he knew Ingrid. She could be cold and calculating, but she had a heart. His loyalty to the ideals of the Crusade had long been embedded in him, since the days of the Grayson Imperium, that fateful day when Cedric Grayson made the decision to spare his life. In exchange Tristan agreed to command his armies with fealty to the Grayson line. When the Imperium was replaced by the Core Alliance, Evore choose to join the Directorate, then the Zweihander Union.

The return of Cedric years later only complicated his standing in the Eternal Empire once the Union fell. But, like any good citizen or leader, Tristan choose to put his political grievances to bed. He choose to attend the conference at Ziost, and if necessary, surrender himself to the authority of the Eternal Empire. One must lead by example, afterall.

His appearance in the chamber was not expected, however. For a long while, the Anzati warlord choose to isolate himself from the upper leadership of Kaiserarch following the seclusion of Cedric Grayson. He choose to tinker away at new starship designs, raise his armies in preparedness for the inetivble war against the vile Brotherhood of the Maw. For the most part, that complete. His fleets no longer needed him. If things went south, he would cede ultimate authority to Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana .

The specific uniform he choose to wear was simple, black lined with gold, The rank plate was missing however. His official stature in the Ashlan Crusade was never actually determined.

With a cautious smile, he took his seat next to the Cardinal and Grand Admiral.


Mikilanna Mihaly (Darth Kauhu) - Overseer of Science Development, Director of The Royal Institute of Science


Location: Ziost, Ancient Tombs
Dark Blessings of Kuolema (Twin Lightsabers), Feravvax XVI (Cybernetic Eyes), PITA CV1 (Cybernetic / Bionic Tail), Omni VI (Bionic Arm), Varjokävely (Battle Outfit)
Ship: Aries XIII
Tags: Open


Provoking the servants by means of proclaiming the death of their Masters was easy. It enraged them beyond comprehension, it also allowed their emotions to run their process. Her former Master taught her that a Sith relies on their dark emotions, but a Sith rules those emotions, not vice versa. Allow those emotions to pull your strings, and you are dead; simple conclusion. It took years under his tutelage for her to understand his lesson. She was brash, hot tempered, and easily provoked to strike without pause. Many nights she sat by the fires, licking her wounds from his harsh truths. She hated him. Wanted to kill him. And even after all her attempts to kill him, he laughed as he easily brushed her aside. Only after his death did she fully understand his lesson. Emotions where the backbone of survival. Emotions granted power, strength, and a clear mind; if you could control them. And she did, wisely and hauntingly.

Side-stepping from out behind a tree, a woman in rags wielding a red bladed lightsaber emerged. Spittle and saliva dripped unchecked from her cracked, weathered lips. There was a madness in her eyes. Her body was frail, her anger was power. Occasionally her lips would turn into a snarl, as she danced side to side measuring up the white hair Sith. From time to time she would strike the tip of her blade against a nearby stone, attempting to taunt and intimidate the woman across from her. Her failure was she didn't strike when the element of surprise was favoring her. The woman attempted to speak only to surprisingly behold her tongue began to twist uncontrollably in her mouth, then forced deep down her throat. In reaction, she dropped her weapon and clutched at the bulging of her throat. In seconds, her oxygen was depleted and she fell lifelessly to ground from choking on that pink muscle. Calling the hilt to her hand, the Sith observed it's cruel construction before smashing the fragile construct against the hull of her ship.

ext," she challenged. With every death of the servant that came next, those Sith in hiding began questioning why they stayed; knowing now they too would be sharing a tomb with those that proceeded them. And as every guardian fell before, she could sense the dark smile of her former Master applauding her. Next, it was time to send those water-downed Sith into oblivion.



“Heroes are made by the paths they choose, not the powers they are graced with.”

Ro-Tahn Mashayekhi - Knight Warden
Lightsaber / Winter Ring of the Snow Moon


Location: New Adasta, Ziost
Tags: Open


My assignment was not what I had hoped for, but it was equally as important than the other assignments handed to the Wardens. I wished I could have been assigned to hunting down the Sith, bringing them to justice for all the horrors they brought upon the galaxy, and by proxy, the planet of Ziost. But I was needed here in the capital city of New Adasta. With the Sith leaving the planet, pirates and other criminal institutes took up haven in the city; constructing hideouts in the Central District which I soon learned was in fact underground. The People's Tower had not been sparred, however that was not my destination assignment. I was headed underground. These nefarious groups dipped their paws into everything from kidnapping, to alien trafficking, to robbery, to outright murder. What businesses remained where being strong armed into paying protection fees; which I suspected was just a front to rob them. I had my work cut out for me.

The first spot I visited was a store, where the owner had personally sent a request for help through secret channels, to discuss his problem. When I entered his store, the man looked me up and down in suspecting eyes, then at the other patrons walking through examining the various products he displayed for sell. I nodded slightly at the owner and pretended to shop. I moved over to the counter to speak with the owner just as the last patron paid and exited the store. The owner, a small robust man with white wiry hair and an equally wiry mustache and trusting eyes, gestured me to wait as he rushed over to lock up his shop. He turned around, a nervous smile on his face. I understood this man was taking a great risk in which I needed to assure him he was safe to speak openly and freely.

ood afternoon, sir," I began extending my hand, "My name is Ro-Tahn Mashayeki, Knight Warden of the Eternal Empire." The man clasped his hand into mine, completing the open gesture of greeting, then he replied, "Thank you, thank you for coming. I didn't know who to turn to or trust. The previous usurpers did nothing, and now that they're gone, well, it's gotten worse."

Without having to prompt him to continue, he began to tell me everything that was going on around this part of the district. His shop, along with four others, where being shook down by some small time criminal organization known as The Black Skulls. Every two weeks they came to the shops collecting what they called a protection fee in the amount of five-hundred credits. The problem was, these shops where being robbed from time to time by what this criminal group called rivals. The criminals didn't do much in the way of protection, only spewing nonsense that it would only get worse without their protection. I quickly surmised the protectors and thieves were one in the same. I thanked the man for his time, his bravery, and assured him I would handle this situation.

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective II.: Make a treaty with the Ashlan Crusade
Location: Old Sith Senate, Ziost
Equipment: The Soulsabers (hidden) | Brynja coat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || ENS Crimson Empress (in space)
Writing With: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | Pietro Demici Pietro Demici | Baron Reinhardt Ström Baron Reinhardt Ström | Tristan Evore Tristan Evore | Open
[ Rise of the Empire ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Ziost; ironically, this was the planet where the Eternal Empire never intervened in the fighting with military forces. They didn’t even play a proper defensive role. Yes, during the first battle, that day Ingrid supported her later lover, Telis Taharin-Zambrano Telis Taharin-Zambrano , with A ali Wren in diplomatic talks against the NIO and GA. It happened shortly after Adrian’s death, it was the time Telis and the woman played that they are lovers. They weren't there then, only later happened this event. That day, the trio convinced the people of Tiss'sharl not to revolt against the TSE. They easily won the diplomatic battle.

The second case was much more interesting. They were not present at all in the second, and in fact the Sith Empire knew that Ingrid was at Kalidan during the battle. Officially, no Eternal Imperial troop or ship was present. Nothing stood further from the truth. The Empress betrayed her alliance with the TSE for the first time that day. The Sith Empire wanted to capture Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe that day, and Ingrid helped to escape to him and took the man home to Coruscant. No one knew how the current Chancellor had escaped that day.

Then came the third case, where the red-haired woman was in talks with Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson and led to the day after which the Eternal Empire ended the war, and they solved the Bryn'adûl's issue alone. And, of course, Lady Eina's presence was needed to this, who supported the Ashlan Crusade. She had no illusions and knew that without her daughter, this meeting, summit would probably never have happened.

It’s always easy with religious people, especially when someone’s daughter is treated in religious reverence for her actions. But no, Ingrid didn’t take advantage of it all, for her the family was sacred and inviolable, she would never have used any of her family members for her purposes. Not even for the sake of the Empire. However, Eina became influential in both places, so her presence could no longer be bypassed, so she had to make decisions about her daughter.

"First of all, we owe you a debt of gratitude, Lord Demici, for sticking to Lord Grayson's plans. You would have had every right to back down from that. That day, Lord Grayson was the only one in the Galaxy, on this planet who saw and understood why we helped the Sith Empire. I know, there is no excuse for their support, especially since Bryn'adûl did not head for the Core Worlds. I hope one day others will see why I wanted to use the Sith Empire, why I maintained the alliance with them, because I wanted to use them as a bastion to protect everyone else." she said.

These were the facts, this was stated openly before, and that was the reason they had never taken part in any offensive action after Byss. They just protected the civilians, the wounded. Ironically in part on both sides and from both sides. In the meantime, she was watching everyone, she was an agent and a spy, for her it was part of the job.

"And we have a bigger and common enemy. The Sith and Maw, who make up not only the Maw, but the remnants of the Sith Empire and Sith influence are everywhere in the galaxy. The Bryn'adûl is gone, but new enemies have emerged from the darkness, which we cannot fight alone. We need friends, allies across the galaxy. Especially now that the Bastion Accord has dissolved. I am not asking you to trust us immediately, Lord Demici, but rather to give us a chance to prove that we have nothing to do with the Sith and that we are ready to fight them and their worldview in any way we can. Let us be equal in the fight against them."

Tristan also arrived during her speech, looking at him with an ice-cold look. The fact that the man was sitting next to the two new leaders of the Imperium was a simple provocation. Lord Grayson was essentially "dead," the Cardinal and Grand Admiral led the Ashlan Crusade, and the traitor sat next to them, ranking himself with them. Luckily, this act did not evoke the slightest emotion in the woman.

"However, it is difficult to build any kind of trust if a person sits next to the two new leaders of the Ashlan Imperium, setting himself up as one of the leaders of the Imperium, whose career is surrounded by betrayal and last betrayed the Eternal Empire right in the middle of the war and simply deserted to join to the enemy." she said in an ice-cold voice as she looked into Tristan's eyes.



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