Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hi's and Bye's

B'enor Benjeel

Head Engineer for Commenor
For those who don't know me, which is likely almost everyone, my name is B'enor Benjeel, though I go simply by Ben. I'm a slicer and engineer and now, after the biggest promotion of my short life *who said short?*, the new Head Engineer for Commenor.

I have a highly customized astromech/slicer droid that I named Shorty, despite being the same size as him. I have a height problem, but I won't admit it, and I won't let anyone else admit it either. I was hired by [member="Ghorua the Shark"] when Lady Kay went missing to help find her -- we failed to hilarious effect. Now, *looks over his shoulder* I'm hoping the Shark never finds out that I'm working with post abduction Kay. Nobody want's to be on his bad side... *looks around again*

My hobbies include drinking, gambling, tinkering, slicing, and generally involving myself in all manner of debauchery.

So, if anyone needs a bumbling, highly capable, hyperactive slicer or engineer with a hydrospanner in one hand and a blaster in the other and who is hopefully, at the very least, entertaining, I'm your pint-sized man.

*hears a noise, flinches*

B'enor Benjeel

Head Engineer for Commenor
Haha, well, [member="Darlyn Excron"], great security can't hurt... *hears chuckle* ... or can it?

I don't envy your job if the Shark comes crashing through, though.

Just a heads up, taging me doesn't work. As far as I can tell it's probably because of the apostrophe in my name, but I have too much invested in the name to change it now. I follow all the threads I'm in, but if you tag me in something new and I don't respond, it's not because I'm ignoring you, it's likely because I don't know I was tagged. So the best thing to do in the circumstance would be to just PM me.
There's always a way. But I'm too tired and don't have my computer to play with BBcode.

And I wouldn't worry about it. The old fish and I go back a bit. It'll be fine. Sides, I've more than a few tricks.

And the chuckle was over an accidental short joke.

B'enor Benjeel

Head Engineer for Commenor
No worries [member="Darlyn Excron"], I'm used to it by now, plus, the Star Wars RP site I used to RP on a few years ago didn't have a tagging system... at least, I don't remember it having one, so it's nothing new.

I'm pretty sure tagging me by writing it out long form works, so like [member="B'enor Benjeel"], that is to say [ member="the name here" ] without the extra space after the brackets, I think it's just the @Mention button that doesn't.

I also can't believe I missed that short joke. I love subtle jokes... and puns. I feel even better about your skills, just because of that, haha.
You're in luck, given my situation with Kay i've been very, very careful to watch what I say to her. NOt so far as how I say it...

I mean look at how I talk to her. That's hardly what you expect.

But the words exactly. Oh and don't you worry about puns, they are Common more so than you think. And it's good you have confidence in my abilities... I don't seem to have much in the way of superiors so I'm effectively higher up than I should be on this chain of defense.

I mean if my lightsabers and space magic don't kill em the puns certainly will. [member="B'enor Benjeel"] Lets see if that worked.

B'enor Benjeel

Head Engineer for Commenor
I have definitely noticed all the punny action in the faction, haha. Puns are certainly Commenor than one would think.

Lightsabers and space magic and puns! Oh my!

Now I'm not so sure my fix really fixes it. It obviously links to my account, but I only got a notification that someone had posted in the thread, not one that someone had mentioned me. So my fix probably isn't really a fix, which is alright, since it would be tiresome to explain to each new person what to do.
Hey it never hurts to experiment.

And correction: Lightsabers and blasters and space magic and puns.

Why so few jedi and sith in the original canon used blasters is beyond me. At point blank they are *extremely* effective, especially when your lightsaber is holding theirs off to the side.

B'enor Benjeel

Head Engineer for Commenor
That's a good question. It would seem that a blaster could come in handy. Maybe it has to do with the time it takes to draw one, or the detrimental nature of holding one in your other hand while fighting with a lightsaber, or maybe Sith just like to play more fair than they let on.
The trick is you make a new casing outta phrick.

I don't have that, but it still doesn't take much to deflect a blow and have the blaster ready anyways. Unless they're pretty well armored it's going to suck. Hard.

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