Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Kahlil Noble

      Kahlil Feedback: Noble Edition

    Usually I do these like, once a month because I love getting pats on the back and constructive criticism. Been slacking on that, which is my own fault. But hey, now I hit 3k so why not start it up again! First time I've done that since [redacted] did like six years ago, which should say a lot...
  2. Cailen Corso

      Feedback: Cailen Corso

    Haven't been around as long as most people, but I'm struggling to find some direction for Cailen and thought I'd come here! So, have at it! Feedback, criticism, or advice on how to develop a Padawan (outside of duels and battle) would be greatly appreciated!
  3. Tegan Starfall

      Feedback: Tegan Bacquin/Starfall

    Give me your best shot! Mainly I am talking the character. I know my writing sucks I am probably my biggest critique on that. I have struggled a great many years to get to the point of writing somewhat decently. Given my background it was hard considering I was nearly illerate for a good part...
  4. Briana Sal-Soren

      Feedback: Briana

    Being that it's been a little over a year since I started writing Briana, the daughter of my oldest RP character, Teyla (with consideration of the brief hiatus I took from the character), I thought I would put one of these out there and see what people think of her as she inches closer to...
  5. Iris Arani

      2k Posts, So Why Not Do This Feedback Thing Again

    These are always some of my favorite threads to post up, mostly because there's always things I don't think about or see when I write my characters that can be changed to help make em better. And I like making my characters better. This time though it's gonna be specifically about Iris here. 2k...
  6. Minuteman75

      Feedback: Minerva Fhirdiad

    Hello gang, hope everyone is doing well. For this occasion I was hoping for some feedback on my Mandalorian character, Minerva Fhirdiad. Specifically, how does she come across as a character personality-wise? I'm hoping some different points of view would give insight if anyone is interested in...
  7. Matsu Ike

    Silver Rest project Feedback and suggestions

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To sub the rebuilt Silver Rest Image Credit: Reddit: Falconia Render Love Between Fairy and Devil Canon: N/A Permissions: [Please link any Marketplace purchase or similar approvals to use other Writers' content as part of this submission.] Links: Silver...
  8. K

      Crocodile Feedback

    As far as my character goes; I was really impressed with how karkosuchus turned out when compared to my other abandoned ideas such as Darth Mordheim or Paranoda. Writing a mostly savage and unintelligent monster was never my actual goal but somehow the character seemed to fit right in within the...
  9. Valery Noble

      Feedback: Valery

    Alrighty! I've seen a bunch of these pop up during my time here and figured it was time I made one as well. Originally, I joined in March of 2021, so a little past the one-year mark, but after about of month of occasional writing, I already went on a long LoA mostly for personal reasons. But...
  10. Jax Thio

      1,000 Post Feedback!

    Well here it is! I'm at 1,000 posts and boy looking back characters like Jax had been through the ringer! I've enjoyed my time at Chaos but I want to improve as a writer. So I'm looking for anyone who wrote with Jax or any other of my OCs over the past year and give out your honest opinion in...
  11. Gwyneira Vizsla

      Gwyneira Krayt Feedback

    F E E D B A C K Hello there! GENERAL KENOBI Since I'm finally branching out with two more characters, decided to post a character feedback thread for Gwyneira Craft Krayt. She has evolved in ways I had not dreamed or imagined, a truly glorious thing. But I'm wondering how I'm portraying her...
  12. Ishani Dinn

      I'll give you some UCks for character feedback

    Or eh, idk, maybe we can thread? I've seen some people celebrating various milestones for their characters with feedback threads. I've never done one for Ishani, she's at more than a thousand posts, I've been writing her for almost a year, and she's managed to survive the death of the faction...
  13. Arcturus Dinn

      100 RP Thread Feedback!

    It feels like forever since I last did one of these, and frankly I don't think I've ever done one for Arcturus, but here I go all the same. Arcturus just recently hit 100 RP Threads! That milestone came with the decision to finally Knight him. I must say he's probably had the longest journey to...
  14. Elpsis Kerrigan

      Feedback for the Fire Princess. Year Seven

    So I just looked at Elpsis' profile today and noticed that she's almost 7 years old oocly. To be precise, I created the profile on 4 March 2015. A lot's happened since then. She lost lots of body parts because she had to catch up to her adoptive mother, and got a clone, who has her own solo...
  15. Iris Arani

      New Month, New Feedback

    Aww yeah it's that time again. I think I forgot to post one last month, but who can blame me. Covid is ruthless. Gonna focus in on Iris here specifically! She's been through a lot since the last time I put one of these threads out. She's learned a lot, lost a lot, gained a lot, and so on. What...
  16. M

      Feedback: One Month

    I know it might seem a lil early to be doing one of these, but I didn't do many when I was on Chaos some moons ago, and I wanted to establish a better routine for it! I'm thinking every 1-2 months, maybe three. Still trying to decide. Anyways I'd love some feedback, mostly on how I've been...
  17. Briana Sal-Soren

      One of those feedback threads

    I've been writing Briana for about a solid month now and I've found her to be rather enjoyable to write but, that doesn't mean others necessarily enjoy reading her. Ultimately, I want my writing partners to enjoy the experience as much as I am. So, here I am, seeking out the advice of other...
  18. Credit Wizard

      Character Feedback

    As I consider myself a relatively new person on chaos and not that well known within the community. Being a new writer on forum rps compared to discord rp servers where pagaraphs and interactions are not necessary needed to make a good story but the people within it that make the story so...
  19. Iris Arani

      Feedback: Iris Edition

    I'm a feedback addict, mostly because I crave the approval of others n' any excuse to have someone go "You're doing great!" is one I'll gladly use. But the more impactful side of constructive criticism is the real reason I make these. I love writing my characters, but sometimes I feel iffy on...
  20. Subject 73 Red

      Long Overdue Feedback

    Well, yeah, this is quite overdue. I've been here for two years, and I wanna know what you people have to say about my writing. Needless to say, this feels needed. Do you ever get a certain feeling? You know, like your writing is missing something? Like it's lacking something to make it...
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