Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Leshanna

    Character  Leshanna

    Leshanna Age 15 Species Human Gender Female Height 5'3"/60"/160 cm (current) Weight 128lbs/58 kg Force Sensitive Yes PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Petite and somewhat thin with a pale complexion, black hair that is shoulder length and has blue eyes. She stands around 5 feet tall but is...
  2. Micah tol Powl

    Private  Garoul Croft: Tomb Raider

    K O R R I B A N Valley of Golg [ post theme ] There was an explosion of energy. Hot plasma connected with an arc of electricity, spending sparks flying onto the rocky sands of the desolate valley. The young Cathar felt the sting of a few that rained over him, as the lithe youth darted back...
  3. Darth Caedes

    LFG  OOC Sign Up Thread For: New Blood // Inaugural Trials [Academy of Korriban]

    This is an OOC sign-up thread. Find your dance partners! Thread launches Sunday, October 20th, 2024. Below is a sneak peak of the fun to come. Look forward to seeing you there! The red sun, Horuset, hangs low over Korriban's jagged mountains, casting long shadows across the stone structures of...
  4. Darth Caedes

    LFG  Academy of Korriban | Acolytes and the Paths to Power

    WELCOME Korriban's recent history saw a significant turning point with the defeat of the Ashlan Crusader occupants, orchestrated by a coalition of prominent Sith. Following their victory, Darth Caedes and a select group of loyal and ambitious followers established Korriban as their home...
  5. Elmindra Xitaar

    Approved Tech  Vexthorite

    Vexthorite OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Mineable resource unique to Korriban which can be processed, manufactured and utilized in weaponry, armor, droids and other items or tools. Image Source: Heinrichite Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Loosely based on Blue Stone...
  6. Elmindra Xitaar

    Work In Progress  Vexthorite

    Vexthorite OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Mineable resource unique to Korriban which can be processed, manufactured and utilized in weaponry, armor, droids and other items or tools. Image Source: Heinrichite Canon Link: N/A Permissions: N/A Primary Source: Loosely based on Blue Stone...
  7. Kyraj

    Private  The Revel

    Korriban The Revel Opening Night Everything was going according to plan. The building had been completed several weeks earlier. The interior shortly after that. Staff had been hired and trained in the time since. Kyraj himself had sourced the food drink and various intoxicants to guarantee the...
  8. Darth Caedes

    Approved Starship  Locum Pacis

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Color Code: Image Source: MidJourney | Photoshop: me! Primary Source: Sith Meditation Sphere PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Sith Order | Bogan Fleet Systems Affiliation: Sith Order Material: Stygian-triprismatic Polymer, and Impervium Armor Plating...
  9. Elim Thorne

    Private  The Korriban Contact: II. Balance

    [Transmission/// secure comm channel l40-t4-09222024557] [to: Lao-ta ] [from: E. Thorne] Korriban || Initial Dossier ATTACHMENTS: [Archival Geologic Survey] [Summary of Ashlan Impact] [Historical Highlights] Lao-ta: Review attached for preliminary information on Korriban. I doubt there's...
  10. Elim Thorne

    Private  The Korriban Contact

    Overview Location: Corellia, Korriban Participants: Elim Thorne, an information broker Lao-ta, a Jedi Master [TBD] Summary: Lao-ta, a jedi master, reunites with a contact from her past to gather information on Korriban and its mysterious new King. Elim Thorne makes his way to the ancient...
  11. Elim Thorne

    Private  The Korriban Contact: I. Queen of Staves

    Tyrena, Corellia Mag Bathi's Music Cafe Tags: Lao-ta, (Darth Caedes, Madrona A’Mia, Elmindra Xitaar) Private Booth Early evening Elim Thorne sat cradled in the corner of the booth, a well-thumbed sabacc deck riffling through his hands absent-mindedly as he watched the door. One boot tapped...
  12. Damien Dooku

    Private  Chapter I: The Korriban Gambit

    CHAPTER I: THE KORRIBAN GAMBIT A year before the events on Jedha. Several days within the settlement of Dreshdae had left Damien in a much more foul mood than usual. It was a dying settlement filled with the likes of individuals that were not that far off from his own diverse resume of...
  13. Marcus Dinn

    Private  The Cave-In

    It happened suddenly. One minute, Marcus was with a small group of acolytes following a Master into a recently unearthed tomb in the Valley of the Dark Lords. They were each equipped with flashlights. Marcus swept his flashlight's beam over strange statues, stone reliefs and painted frescoes...
  14. G

    Private  Korriban Safari

    Korriban Saahar Let it never be said that a Sith couldn't indulge in hobbies. When not scouring for ancient texts and arcane secrets, Gorgon sought to expand his personal menagerie. Unique, exotic creatures fascinated him for collection and for study. To the latter end, avocation and ambition...
  15. Darth Caedes

    Approved Location  Kor'ethyr Academy [Academy of Korriban] [AoK]

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a clearly organized and well thought out Academy of Korriban that will encourage writers to explore interesting scenarios with student/ acolyte and teacher characters alike. The ultimate goal is to create a framework for more rich and diverse...
  16. Darth Caedes

    Kor'ethyr Academy [Academy of Korriban] [AoK] [WIP]

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a clearly organized and well thought out Academy of Korriban that will encourage writers to explore interesting scenarios with student/ acolyte and teacher characters alike. The ultimate goal is to create a framework for more rich and diverse...
  17. Madrona A’Mia

    Faction  Common Room Philosophy (Sith Academy of Korriban)

    The Academy of Korriban, whose official name would be announced in a few short weeks at the Opening Ceremony, had gradually grown busier over the past few months. Industry across the world was booming and Korriban's cities teemed with new life the way pelko bugs swarmed to Force rich things...
  18. Lyssa Clauda

    Private  A meeting in the shadows of the ancients

    Korriban - 900 ABY Korriban, or Moraband, as some chose to call it, was a desolate place. For miles, all the eye could see was the crimson desert, scattered with towering cliff faces which cast eerie shadows in the light of the sunset. Ancient ruins were scattered among the landscape, broken...
  19. Darth Strosius

    Private  Vulptex on the Run

    Dreshdae, the newly restored and reoccupied capital city of the ancient world Korriban, was certainly a sight to behold. Even with it still under construction and in the process of being brought back to its former, or even greater, glory. Alisteri had gotten a fairly decent look around on the...
  20. Akhuul Sautra

    Private  Meeting of Machines

    Location: Upper Chambers of the Tomb of a Forgotten Sith Lord Tags: Lucia Naberrie Equipment: In Bio The tomb was dark and silent. The whirring of the wind from the sandstorm outside, and the clanking of my metal feet on the sandstone floor, made for the only sounds picked up by my auditory...
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