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A shadow had begun to spread, the specter of the Sith haunting their former worlds. It began at Dromund Kaas, a great show of force that smashed the Ashlan Remnants still clinging to their precious light, scattering them to the stellar winds. New Kaas City was liberated both from without and...
To be a sith, is to be exactly what you want to be….
The slender hull of the LICV-1 Transport glinted in the distorted sunlight, where it rested. The gentle whisper of sand scattering across it echoed through its silent interior as Lina wrapped her head in a black scarf, eyes distant and...
To think it was here.
He had been here just days ago.
He had been here just a year before that.
Malum grasped the amulet around his neck with the severity of a desperate man and the faith of a pious man.
Its warmth was his hope, its heat was his truth.
Malum trudged along the sand of...
Korriban. She'd been to the academy here, once. So long ago it felt. Not that she looked any different than she had at the time. The blessing and curse of the Sangnir left her unchanging, unaging. Maybe that'd be a blessing here, today, though. The subtle changes in her face she could do were...
Ruins of the Royal Academy, Korriban
Ishani expected to wind up here eventually. The mysterious force which had propelled her around the galaxy, through time and space and even into alternate realities had followed a set pattern. Every place, person, or object she encountered was a part of...
During the Era of the Republic…and the infamous order 66 that turned the galaxy upside down, Tali was a general commanding officer in the 133rd faction of the republican army. During this time, serving under the Command of regimens within the sanctioned order of General Obi-Wan Kenobi, Tali...
Okay fellow writers, I am super happy but also wasn't entirely sure how this was going to catch on...I am super happy to see that people are wanting to take part in it! I think the best way to create an immersive story is to weave characters together, and memories that are more tangible than...
Valley of the Dark Lords Excavation Site, Korriban, Ashlan Crusade Militarized-Zone
The excavations had been carried out in secret for several months now, any purview into the valley prohibited by word of the Ashlan Kaiser. The official reasoning behind the dig was to search for any Sith...
During the Era of the Republic…and the infamous order 66 that turned the galaxy upside down, Tali was a general commanding officer in the 133rd faction of the republican army. During this time, serving under the Command of regimens within the sanctioned order of General Obi-Wan Kenobi, Tali...
During the attempted annihilation of Korriban…
Ishani was leaving the library, her arms laden with books, when something made her halt. An eerie silence seemed to have descended upon the empty corridors of the Academy, like the calm before a storm. She hadn’t noticed it that morning, as she had...
Ishani stood in the oasis, but didn’t feel like she was truly, fully there. She’d left some part of herself on Folende, it seemed—left it there until she returned to claim the agriworld in full with Arcturus.
In light of all that had happened there, it was strange to come back to the Academy...
"Nothing, in truth, can ever replace a lost companion. Old comrades cannot be manufactured. There is nothing that can equal the treasure of so many shared memories, so many bad times endured together, so many quarrels, reconciliations, heartfelt impulses...One by one our comrades deprive us of...
He didn't know why he'd done it.
Perhaps he really had left his mind behind in the Dreaming Dark. Perhaps all sense had fled him. He'd been in a relative haze ever since the events of Coruscant, a haze which had forced his body into autopilot. Having commandeered a ship, from Force knew where...
It was a beautiful day on Korriban, meaning Jorus Merrill hated every moment of it. As one of the race's ground techs, his main job was dragging busted podracers off the track, and today that was going to mean plenty of trudging through sand dunes. Some jackass had set up the starting line in a...
23:00 (Korriban Time)
[ERROR] / [ERROR] / 869 ABY
"Keep us low, we can't attract any unwanted...
Wearing: Naath Cowling (Custom Appearance, White Color)
Armed with: Elaine Tear's Lightsaber (Corrupted)
Current Objective: Visit Laertia
Aboard: The Blood of Sarka (Arquitens Cruiser)
The Battalion knelt in front of Xiphos's Bacta tank, surrounded by a circle of blood wards in a white...
Wearing: Naath Cowling (Custom, White Colored)
Armed with: Dragon's Breath (Purple Split-Saber, Barab Ingot)
Objective: Recover Cult Treasures
They had finally left.
The Ashlan Crusade had finally packed their bags, unable to sustain their presence on the dead, deserted world.
It never...
Here again we have the second Annihilation for the forum. This one was a much less frenetic affair, but has provided a good second data point for our analysis of this thread type.
In the end despite some good writing the judges felt the thread was quite conclusive.
An easy result...
The house of cards has finally collapsed. One by one, each of the Sith states have fallen in upon themselves, pressures from within and without proving to be too much for the disparate nations that once claimed sovereignty over the east. Some worlds sought independence, whilst others descended...
The Sith are beaten, but in time they will return. This has often been the creed by which the great powers that have undone the Sith in the past have lived by; the threat is over, but not extinguished. The conflict, while quieted for now, ever remains. The Crusaders of the Ashlan Goddess are not...