Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. The Quartermaster

    Skirmish  Scourge of the Past | Enclave Skirmish of Sith Eternal-held Korriban

    K O R R I B A N T H E M E Mandalore burned. The inferno had not been lighted at any one, specific moment. It had raged for centuries now, first fueled by inter-Mandalorian conflicts before the Sith even set their eyes on the heart of the Mandalorian Empire. When the Sith Empire had struck...
  2. The Quartermaster

    Skirmish  Scourge of the Past | Enclave Skirmish of Sith Eternal-held Korriban [OOC]

    [] THREAD BEGINS 5.5.2021 [] The Sith believe that they have won this war. Through destroying our home, they believe they have broken our people. They have never been more wrong. We strike for the heart of the Sith. A homeworld for a homeworld. Our justice is cold steel, and they shall know...
  3. Cato Demora

    Public  LOTS │ Rebuilding [Open To All]

    Korriban, 864ABY A dingy bar... There was a certain musk in the air Cato could not deny; heavy and burdensome on the nose, he never seemed to be able to escape it. If it weren't the cold, or the dust, it was that itching feeling one got around the Sith that bothered him. Also driving its way of...
  4. Arcturus Dinn

    Private  By Light of Moon and Ray of Star

    Oh Korriban, graveyard of the Ancient Sith whose majesty lingered still within tombs beneath red sandstone. There dust storms kicked up at a mere gust of wind, limiting vision and aching eyes of those who wandered through regardless. Though Horuset beat down upon its craggy face by day, by night...
  5. Darth Voyance

    Minor Faction The Sith'ari Wills It [Warlords of the Sith]

    [THEME MUSIC] For too long the Way of the Sith has acquiesced. Acquiesced to the vanity of Emperors, Claimant and Self-Styled Dark Lords of the Sith. Sith bent to venerate their titles and sit in gluttonous content in illusory power, stagnating, and blaspheming against the Sith Code...
  6. Daeron

    Private  Tomb Raiding on Korriban

    Korriban, sometime before the Galactic Alliance attacked it. Deep within the Sith Academy, Overseer Wachi gave instructions to Daeron on his next task. “Acolyte,” the Overseer began, “Lord Aviva’s come to find information of a newly discovered secret chamber deep within the Tomb of Tulak Hord...
  7. Alke'nesh Malekor

    Looking For A Roleplay On Korriban.

    Im Looking For Members Who would Like To join This Roleplay.It Will Take place near The Sith Temple On Korriban.(Specific Details will be Shown in rp.) (Reply if you wish to join) Note that this isin't where The Actuall rp Takes Place. .
  8. Darth Voyance

    Skirmish  Duel of Faiths [Warlords of the Sith Story Campaign]

    WHAT IS "The DUEL OF THE FAITHS"? The DUEL OF FAITHS is a Story-Driven Side Story set in the aftermath of the Galactic Alliance and Sith Empire Invasion Thread - Return of the Jedi. It is the jumping-off point for a larger story campaign currently being developed called "Warlords of the Sith"...
  9. Darth Carnifex

    Approved Location  The Temple of Sacrifice [Korriban/Moraband]

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create an atmospheric location on Korriban Image Credit: Click - Christian Herman Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: N/A SETTING INFORMATION Nexus Name: Temple of Sacrifice Nexus Alignment: Dark Side Location: Korriban/Moraband Affiliation: The Sith Empire...
  10. Valin Stryder

    The Ways of Combat

    While Valin had known combat for a time when he was a Jedi Padawan, he had all but forgotten such ways in his isolation on Korriban, and now only having been released his wished to conduct his training as a Sith, while he could spend hours into sacred texts and ancient texts on Sith Magic...
  11. Valin Stryder

    Valley of the Dark Lords

    Valin had only been released days ago. His first steps into the dark side just beginning. He walked out of the facility he was kept in, his own insanity barely kept at bay his Sith Toture Mask shined a bright red visor. Giving him a view of the landscape. He had nothing but his views into the...
  12. Mauda

    Expedition Team/Individual for Korriban/Moraband (Satisfied)

    Ignore this. Team is made xoxo
  13. Skice Variger

    Skices Quest to korriban to find artifacts

    Skice Walked through the endless alleyways of Coruscant's lower levels where the sun never reached and if you didn't look over your shoulder every five seconds there was a high chance of getting mugged and you would have to squeeze through hundreds of people to take 3 steps. But Skice wasn't...
  14. R

    Jedi Hunting

  15. Dethroned King

    Blades of Night

    SITH ACADEMY, KORRIBAN Korriban. The tombworld of the Sith. It had originally been the homeworld of the red-skinned Sith Species before they had been massacred in the Sith Holocaust. Since then it had been revered as a holy world of the Sith, where the great Dark Lords of the Sith were entombed...
  16. Lief

    Dream No More

    Ruins of Deprivation Korriban How long she had remained in this suspended state she could not say. All memories of a time before were blurred and unintelligible. The Matador felt more like a figment of her imagination, in fact in her minds eye she saw a literal depiction of a Bull in place of...
  17. Jairus Starvald

    Approved Location  Korriban City [Location Contest]

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To make something for the new Codex Challenge and submit a city I came up with many moons ago, which has been host to a number of storylines. ​Image Credit: [x] | [x] | [x] Canon: / Links: REBELLION | RESTORATION | ATONEMENT SETTING INFORMATION City Name...
  18. Darth Voyance

    Lords of the Sith [Training Thread 1]

    LORDS OF THE SITH PART 1: MASTER and APPRENTICE Aboard the Dark Lord's Transport Outside Korriban Pythia awoke from her meditations. Weeks had passed since the Dark Lord of the Sith [member="Darth Carnifex"], had freed her from her enslavement as a spice dancer at Grebb's Slaver's Bazaar...
  19. Mythos

    Warfare on Ancient Ground. (Darth Ananta Vs. Lord Mythos)

    It was the first month after the dig site was complete and Mythos had entierly emptied the dig, every artifact was sealed by curators and transported to a secret location to be safeguarded until sale or traded. Mythos stood in the middle of the digsite as almost all his men left the planet one...
  20. Jaedan Fray

    Will of The Damned

    Korriban The birthplace of the sith, it has endure ages after age in the wheel of time, it has seen empires rising and falling, lords ascending beyond mortal ambition and apprentices perish at the before the merciless revenge of the fate. It is on this planet where Jaedan's ship lands, in the...
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