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Skynara had recently seen an uptick in traffic through its spaceports. Most logged themselves as tourists while it was plain to the dock workers that they were far from mere tourists. The credits however were good, and documentation passed through the customs checks without much notice of issue...
Kailani Fostu crossed his right leg over his left and settled himself into his command chair. The Peacemaker was making good time, with only ten minutes left in the journey to Unagin in Wild Space. The commander had been ordered to this out-of-the-way minor trade planet with reports of a growing...
New Character looking for cutthroats and scurvy smugglers to make a quick cred or two.
Where are the criminals at? Not organizations or world dominating folk but vagrants and vagabonds. Pirates of the galaxy!
Any takers?
Ideally a small fleet of pirates set on raiding other wealthier folk...
Alliance Outpost Saxum, Deep Core
Inside a hangar next to her ship, Minerva sat on a crate, sharpening her Kal dagger with a whetstone while fully clad in armor saved for the helmet. She could hear machinery at work all around her with some muffled voices. The Mandalorian didn't pay it any...
After coming up with some ideas for one-on-one threads a few days back, a new idea popped into my head. This is sort of my idea for a larger, group exploration thread. The location is Trask, the water moon from that season two episode of the Mandalorian. The goal would be to travel by sea to the...
Intent: To create pirate opposition for an upcoming thread.
Image Credit: Captain: ArtStation, Gungan: swagonline, Skeleton: Deviantart, Mirialan: ArtStation, Cerean: Wookieepedia, The New Essential Guide to Alien Species
Intent: To flesh out and codify the subfaction/fleet led by Khamesi Aivar, the Ash Dragon Pirates
Image Credit: Created by Thomas Shepler III - Flag Source
Permissions: Auora Industries Purchased Vessels
Links: Dominion of Subterrel
Intent: To flesh out and codify the subfaction/fleet led by Khamesi Aivar, the Ash Dragon Pirates
Image Credit: Created by Thomas Shepler III - Flag Source
Permissions: Auora Industries Purchased Vessels
Links: Dominion of Subterrel
Location: Low Bar (Cantina), Zoronhed , Zonju V
For thousands of years through the many dark ages of the Galaxy their stood Jedi and Sith Monoliths that scarred this Galaxy so deep those wounds can never be forgotten. The wounds always there but rarely ever is warning of them heeded and we...
He sipped the glass of tea, looking out the port window. Space, as far as the eye could see. It was beautiful, nothing could quite compare to the sight. Martin leaned back in the chair, placing the glass on the table. He turned his gaze to the man across from him, examining him. The old man...
Location: Nar Shaddaa, Pumping Pony Cantina
Tag: Lancer "Deadlock" Inek
"This place stinks." Braktus remarked, the ogre towered above the little witch at his elven point eight-meter height and her only standing one point sixish meters. He grumbled some more as they made their way through the...
Being a pirate was pretty great. Freedom to fly around, provided he didn't get caught. And so far? The Nameless hadn't been caught. Hell, the crew helped steal a damn casino. A casino. Xyoz let out a chuckle at the thought, his orange glowing eyes focused on the glow of hyperspace just outside...
Xyoz here is the pirate captain of a vessel called The Nameless. It's one of these bad bois, complete with sails and harpoons! As pirate as ya can get when you're out in space, I guess? Doesn't matter! Xyoz is the captain, but he sure as hell has no idea how to fly a ship. What keeps it running...
Pirates are going to steal a casino. You gonna stop em? Feel free! It's time to get some more pirate action on the board. Got questions or looking for opposition for it? Feel free to post here asking em and such. Otherwise, go nuts and have fun.
Some things are better left at rest~
You know why habit rhymes with rabbit? Because your whole life disappears down a rabbit hole. When you grow long sensitive ears to better hear the sounds of sirens coming for you, it becomes an instinct to escape down that hole before your predators find...
Ashlan Crusade dominion of Tiss'Sharl open to Kraken Coalition Pirates (other interested parties PM)
Once again the Ashlan crusade is on the move, reaching deeper into ex-sith empire space. But as they approach the galactic hyperlanes some of the less civilised systems...
Buisness District
Let’s Do Some Shady Deals
Evelynn Ostium | Kitter Bitters
The pirate rarely made visits to Coruscant.
His area of crime had exclusively been the Outer Rim, only leaving it when a good enough deal presented itself. And this happen to be one of those.
When he heard...
Nespis VIII
Loot & Scoot
Osam | Cass Gemini | Isidor Justeene
Another bolt flew past the Captain, colliding with the hull of his ship.
Now, The Blue Pearl had seen it’s fair share of battles, but running into the Bryn’adul was the last thing it needed right now. What they needed was to...