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Post: 1
Location: Dramath-Class Strike Frigate, nearing rogue planetoid mining colony in neutral space.
Allies: Adara Raxis Tuuli Miles First Sister Ghanima Zambrano Stardust Solus Skirae Valen Arenais
Opposing: Kanta Tukka Isidor Justeene
Objective: Lead, Plunder and find a new Ship’s...
If there are any other Pirate Characters that want to meet up, let me know!!!!
I'm willing to do a Public, or a Private.
Hopefully we can keep it going for a while
Got a thread in the planning stages where some of MandalArms beskar reserves are stolen by pirates! gasp! And a battle ensues first in space and then on board of one of the ships to reclaim the beskar.
Alls I need is a few space pirates daring enough to try it.... Anyone game for a bit of pew...
Corva Yag
Meet The Boss
Acquaint Yourself With The Exchange
The pirate sat on the large throne, two of his slaves on either side. A message had been out to a select few people that fit the bill perfectly for The Exchange. He needed new contacts and business partners if this...
Near The Planet Christophsis
Escape The Law
Get Rich
The Blue Pearl rocked to its side as it narrowly avoided blaster fire.
For the most part, the job on Christophsis went well. They got the rare crystals from the vaults, and they were now on their way back to Castilon...
Where are you pirates at?
Was thinking (no joke here) ...was thinking of doing some outrageous pirating. Adventurous pirating and lots of looting.
I've just discovered that I could actually commission my current vessel (steam punk tech) to be fitted with hyperdrives. This tech is...
You are one of the lucky ones that Captain Pyrrah has taking a liking to. This doesn’t happen often, so consider this a blessing.
He saw something in you. Whether that be a good pirate in the making, someone who won’t stab him in the back, or possibly you have good looks. No...
Intent: To fulfill Gunfist's desire to have a bounty on his Pirate Crew, and add some more drama to the situation
Compensation: N/a, for now
Axxila, often described as the Coruscant of the outer rim territories. As an ecumenopolis, it has vast wealth and population in equal amounts. Though much of the city is hidden beneath the surface, part in thanks to a hostile climate and an attempt to protect the wealthy industrial basin, it...
Durani's Rest
Mayagil Sector
Outer Rim
There were larger casinos in the galaxy. Richer, fancier-
Hell, easier to GET TO.
But Durani's Rest had something the others didn't. Well, two things really.
First, it was away from planetary influences. No local law enforcement to show up and make a...
Welcome to the Guild - the hub of mercenary activity within Confederate space. Within this primer, you will find everything you need in order to grow rich within our ranks. To be added to the roster, please post below. Note: If you believe your character...
"With the flip of a coin, we decide if your world prospers or if it becomes a world of nothing more than ruin, we are that coin fear us."
The universal constant across the galaxy is the love of the credit, the love of cash, the love of money, and Agents of Chaos does not pretend it is above it...
The fighter was a bit different, sure, but it was the type of fixer up import that Jared was definitely after. He’d been out here, wandering, picking up strays and bringing them back toward the Dawn Treader. The wandering Starchaser, the one who wasn’t quite sure where he stood. He was a Jedi...
Intent: The intent of the Suns of Darkness is to provide a pirate fleet within Black Sun for pirate archetypes
Image Credit: Black Sun image combined with Requitix Image modified by Mithias
Links: Black Sun, Interstellar Shipping Technologies, Rohak Vizsla, The Ego...
So I'm looking to aquire some Reeksa root for my little tea shop from the 'delightful' planet Iego. The problem is that it's just too close to [member="Darth Prazutis"] for my comfort zone. And besides...I can't let Lord Mayhem run the shop by himself...That'd be crazy...
So what I could REALLY...
Nantoon. The stories of old had it listed as a pirate's treasure chest. Of course these days it was difficult to say whether or not that was true. Any such treasures could be long gone by now.
It was the lure of treasure that had brought Lori there. Well, not directly. She had been hired to...