Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Sabetha Tag

    Fracas on Prakith

    Deep Core Prakith System Along the Byss Run They had descended like locusts. Dozens of pirate ships, wrecking havoc and drawing the trade flowing to and from Prakith to a stand still. Who were they? As for the what they wanted, that was clear. They wanted everything. Some ships hit heavily...
  2. Sabetha Tag

    Fracas on Prakith Skirmish OOC

    Welcome to the Fracas on Prakith. The thread is starting en media res. The set up is simple: Pirates attack Prakith. Prakith calls for Aid (THE BEACONS ARE LIT). Both CC and CIC respond and arrive as the pirate raid is in full swing. Will the two groups work together to end the threat? Will...
  3. Q

    Approved Location  The Captain's Lament

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To submit another in a line of the ORC Cantina series, a gathering place for pirates and potential hub for future organized activity. ​Image Credit: Pirate Tavern Canon: / Links: / SETTING INFORMATION Structure Name: The Captain's Lament Classification...
  4. K

    Approved Lore  Pirates of the Galaxy, A History; 1st Edition

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a neat history entry on Pirates in Chaos! Image Credit: Made by me with PNG Images; Triangle; Jedi Logo Canon: No Links: Below GENERAL INFORMATION Media Name: Pirates of the Galaxy; A History Format: Book, Holobook Distribution: Common Length: Long...
  5. Makai Dashiell

    Rock Me Amadeus

    [member="Max Firestorm"] | Unknown Regions Mining vessel trawled slowly through the asteroid field, barely moving in the thick field of rocks. Suddenly, a chubby furry Loth-cat jumped onto the console, demanding attention. The creature meowed and danced across the controls in a circular...
  6. Lirka Ka

    Like Scoundrels to an Open Purse [CIS]

    Complacency was the greatest sin that could befall any force in the Galaxy. Now this is not to call the forces of the Confederacy complacent, no, they were not complacent as their droids marched to the far recesses of the Galaxy to assail their foes. They were offensive. So much violence was...
  7. LT-137

    The Tython Pearl

    "The wider he smiled and called us friend, the tighter we clung to our purses." [ The Raid on the Tython Pearl. ] An Architect, who works with the Republic Engineering Corporation has requested our services to escort him as he journey's from the world of Tython to his homeworld of...
  8. Sabetha Tag

    The Raid of the Tython Pearl

    The Tython Pearl First Leg Outbound Tython to Coruscant Empty Space While the Galactic Alliance ruled the Core, travel was peaceful. They kept a firm hand on piracy and smuggling on the hyperlanes cutting across their territory. Civilian and passenger ships could move in relative safety, and...
  9. Riamah

    Shores of Vjun PM to join

    There had been some troubling news that reached the ears of Ra. She had been living on Vjun for several years now and had started to become known by the people there. The word passed onto her was pirates had been raiding some of the smaller towns and communities on the world. They wanted to know...
  10. Yasha Cadera

    Into the Eye of Kad: Mandalorian Dominion of Kadia HexAE20

    Into the Eye of Kad Mandalorian Empire Dominion of Kadia Location: The Defiant Mantis, debris field Objective: 1 Save the Prison Kadia, a cataclysmic system so close to Mandalore one could hit it with a bes’briik, has seen its’ last independent days. The debris field surrounding Dead End...
  11. Kingsley

    Interest Check - Return of the Mack [Black Bha'lir]

    >>> INCOMING TRANSMISSION >>> SOURCE UNIDENTIFIED >>> PROCESSING AUDIO >>> "Rrrraaaawk! Heard about a job, big shot gangster's lookin for recruits. If you're in the know, you've heard about the treasure fleets. Tribute convoys, they fly top secret routes from Corporate Sector space to the heart...
  12. R

    A Port in the Storm (Rylee Colton's Workshop)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: One of two badges of office signifying captainship of [Enter Crew Name Here] Image Source: Here Canon Links: Disruptor, Ripper Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Outer Rim Coalition Affiliation: Whoever claims Captainship of the [Enter...
  13. Nadir

    Approved Location  Tortuga Station

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Resubmit a cool grandfather. ​Image Credit: Pascal Beeckmans, edits by yours truly | Guardians of the Galaxy | Francesco Lorenzetti | Pringle art | Paul Chadeisson Canon: / Links: Dear Jamie Tortuga station Permission from OG submitter [X]...
  14. Nadir

    Approved Starship  Tortuga Station

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Resubmit a cool grandfather. Image Source: Pascal Beeckmans, edits by yours truly Canon Link: / Restricted Missions: / Primary Source: Dear Jamie Tortuga station Permission from OG submitter [X] PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer...
  15. Lilla Syrin

    The Blazing Claw strikes again

    “Filth, you will pay for your insolence.” “Insolence! We are pirates! We don't even know what that means.” ― Darth Maul and Hondo Ohnaka The term pirate referred to the variety of rogues that were scattered across the galaxy who would attack, rob or commandeer ships as they saw fit. While...
  16. Kanta Tukka

    When Falsehood Can Look Like Truth [SJO/ME]

    Garos Zila City “When falsehood can look so like the truth, who can assure themselves of certain happiness?” Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, Frankenstein The sea drifted across Kanta Tukka’s paws, which patted and splish-splashed at the shore. It wasn’t the Great Wavily-Wave, or the Smooth...
  17. RC 212

    Kings and Queens and Pirates

    Location: Tortuga Station Crew PC: [member="Culver Yardley"] Associates: [member="Aedan Miles"] Tortuga. The hive of scum and villainy. It was here her crew had made rest after their raid near the Naboo shipping lanes. She was in a cantina. The Drunken Freighter Cantina to be exact. Dusty...
  18. Isaac Damaris

    A Call In Distress

    The distress beacon rang out as loud as possible to all ships in the area. It wasn't subtle in the slightest, though Isaac assumed that beacons were not meant to be. They were calls to anyone listening that death was impending, and help needed to arrive now and not a moment later. Isaac had...
  19. Kurt Meyer

    A New Oasis

    Allecto City Kurt had never been to Allecto City, a place that had for all intense and purposes sprung up out of the middle of nowhere. The idea of it wasn't too foreign in the galaxy, and in a way the city itself made perfect sense for Tatooine. Generally there were two things that attracted...
  20. Yasha Cadera

    A Hela Good Time (Mandalorian Empire Dominion of Hela (AE22)

    A Hela Good Time Mandalorian Empire Dominion of Hela (Hex AE22) Brazen pirates struck an outpost between Wayland and Mandalore. Raiding the station for slaves and supplies, their armada fell back to Hela, a mere stone’s throw from sacred Manda’yaim. It was time to let loose the Mando’ade, and...
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