Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Darth Caedes

    Approved Species  Jen'koshû Species (Lit. "Shadow Born")

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a Sithspawn Wraith representing Darth Caedes' expertise in Sith Sorcery. Image Credit: MidJourney | Photoshop: Me! Color Code: Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Sith King, Dathka Graush Tsaiwinokka Hoyakut ( spell ) Based on the teachings of the...
  2. Tathra Khaeus

    The Draelvasier - In house species codex page

    The Draelvasier OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To keep an up to date, detailing of the The Draelvasier. Image Credit: Midjourney Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: GENERAL INFORMATION Name: The Draelvasier Designation: Sentient Origins: Extra-Galactic & Draemidus Prime Average...
  3. Roku

    Sub Species of Amarans (Vulmarian) and planet Zollo-3

    So this is What happens when you see a image of a fox holding a lightsaber combined with to mutch thought on how the body defends itself from foreign bodies and can reject Implants and the like. Then it kept spiraling untill i had this. And thus Eevee was born, i joke but i by the end of...
  4. I

    Question  Mechanical Species

    If I am wanting to create a race of mechanical sentient machines, do I need to make both a factory submission for the machine part and then a linked codex sub for the species? Or do I just need to make the species sub?
  5. Corbin Vasher

    Approved Species  Jalkare | Human/Miraluka/Nagai Hybrid Species

    Jalkare OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: For Corbin Vasher's Genetic Background Image Credit: n/a Canon: n/a Permissions: n/a Links: Miraluka, Nagai GENERAL INFORMATION Name: Jalkare Designation: Sentient Origins: Dyspeth Average Lifespan: 100 years Estimated Population...
  6. Kai Bamarri

    Private  Invasive Species

    Somewhere in the underworld of Coruscant... Claws skidded across the pavement. Four feet bounded across a puddle of dirty rainwater, splashing the sooty brick walls on either side of the alley. The air, thick with smog from a nearby factory, cast a cloudy film over the beast's vision. Through...
  7. Skellege Nauss

    Work In Progress  New species concept; Endermen

    That's right, it's happening. OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To give the outer reaches of the galaxy (and perhaps parts of the oblivion world if possible/allowed) some extra hostility! Image Credit: Canon: @The_Doctor8636) / Twitter Permissions: N/A Links: None GENERAL INFORMATION Name...
  8. Skellege Nauss

    Ready For Judge  New Species idea: Murk-kin

    Moved this here.
  9. Skellege Nauss

      New Species idea; Appothecrynians

    Ok, I know this one's a big, and I mean BIG stretch, but just hear me out yeah? OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To stretch the abilities of this small community to new heights Image Credit: Credit to H.P. Lovecraft for the above image Canon: N/A (obviously) Permissions: N/A Links: None...
  10. Skellege Nauss

    Ready For Judge  New Species; Skellegae

    moved this here.
  11. Ladybug

    Work In Progress  New Species

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To Create A Hybrid Species Image Credit: X Canon: N / A Permissions: N / A Links: Mikilanna Mihaly DNA {Felacat}, Krayt Dragon DNA, and Umbaran DNA GENERAL INFORMATION Name: Vathanit Designation: Sentient Origins: Mihaly Castle / Felacat Average Lifespan...
  12. Kal

    Approved Species  Qhivurine | Lorinian Sprites

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Creepy Fae/Fairy analogues. Some are nice, some want to eat your liver. Image Credit: Various (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) by Sandra Duchiewicz; the Unseelie Court by Gary Laib. Roon & The White Raven Illustrations by Gary Laib; The Changeling by Miles Collins...
  13. Scorp

    Request  Unknown Scorpion Species. Character

    So I need some help/advice on how to proceed. Just came back and apparently, I have this character linked to my account with no real information. I am thinking that I must have been wanting to create a character based on this avatar but can't quite remember. So starting fresh instead. With the...
  14. Kal

    Approved Species  Lorinian/Erakhian Dragon Turtles

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Massive turtle-like creature. Similarities with whales, crocodiles, and dolphins. Image Credit: 玄武 by Xision Wu and Ridgeback Dragon Turtle by Pencil Equipped. Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Subnautica (Especially the Reefback), Dragon Turtles (Artist...
  15. Jacen Nimdok

    Work In Progress  complete

  16. Nerd Wizard

    Suggestion  Undeveloped Species

    Anyone feel like giving these ugly little things some background lore, a home planet, some cultural history and inherent personality traits? Here's a link to something that's been overlooked for years on end: Maybe we can all come up...
  17. Amelia von Sorenn

    Work In Progress  Extinct Species | The Oruh

    Oruh Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam maximus rutrum lacus, id suscipit augue. Quisque tempus finibus justo, non cursus leo finibus consectetur. Ut tempor elit sit amet sapien sodales, non rutrum risus blandit. Aliquam lacinia est id fermentum blandit. Curabitur...
  18. Amelia von Sorenn

    Work In Progress  Extinct Species | The Kreegnaks

    Kreegnaks Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam maximus rutrum lacus, id suscipit augue. Quisque tempus finibus justo, non cursus leo finibus consectetur. Ut tempor elit sit amet sapien sodales, non rutrum risus blandit. Aliquam lacinia est id fermentum blandit...
  19. Amelia von Sorenn

    Work In Progress  Extinct Species | The Unzul

    The Unzul OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent Further flesh out the background and historical timeline of the planet Anu Prime Image Credit: [HERE] Canon: Placeholder Permissions: Placeholder Primary Source: Anu Prime GENERAL INFORMATION Name: Unzul Designation...
  20. Inanna Harth

    Request  Y'all got any Chaos Sithspawn Species subs?

    The Sithspawn Sanctorium, a minor faction made up of rogue Sithspawn seeking freedom and independence, is putting together a list of all known Sithspawn species in the galaxy. The list will mainly serve as a resource for character creation. In order to make the list as thorough as possible...
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