Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Inanna Harth

    Known Sithspawn Species

    This is a list of known types of Sithspawn, with a focus on sentient species. We've endeavored to also include their point of origin. Darth Arcanix/Taeli Raaf Dyson Technobeast Kakija Duroki, "Memory Consumer" Kraujas Arana, "Blood Angel" Ardasa Arana, "Hell Angels" Mephit Spinners Subsumed...
  2. Glar Ulchtar

    Approved Species  Crystalisk

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide interesting and challenging enemies for a future RP. Image Credit: (Here) Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: N/A GENERAL INFORMATION Name: Crystalisk Designation: Non-sentient Origins: Orax Average Lifespan: 50 standard years Estimated...
  3. Kalie Alverez

    Approved Species  The Ashmaarians

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create an indigenous species native to the planet of Lujo in order to develop greater lore and RP possibilities. Image Credit: Enrique Urteaga on pinterest, MiroJohannes on Deviantart Canon: Planet Lujo Permissions: N/A Links: Planet Lujo, Beshnia Alpha...
  4. Darth Tennacus

    Should I sub a Xeno species?

    Hey guys, I am currently in the process of submitting a Combat Unit here for the Xenomorph species, but I want to do it right so I needed to know whether I should simply reference the Wookiepedia entry here or submit them as a whole species instead? I'm more than happy to create a species...
  5. Credit Wizard

    Approved Species  Mancharunk Species

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To make a new species for a upcoming planet submission; and to expand the history of the Mancheron Kajidic. Image Credit: Credit to Creator Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Paranoda Mancheron Boggurobb | Elemental Power Inspiration-Shapers of Kro Var...
  6. W

    Approved Species  Rhiinul Species

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: In general, they are a race of somewhat belligerent, and hulking, humanoids from the Unknown Regions. However, as of making this submission, they are also made to expand the Shadow Empire narrative happening in the Eternal Empire. Originally, they would be a...
  7. Sergeant Omen

    Character  Ellia "El" Arroh of CORSEC

    Ellia "El" Arroh FACTION: CorSec RANK: Academy Graduate SPECIES: Human AGE: 20 SEX: Female ATTRACTION: Bicurious HEIGHT: 5’4’ WEIGHT: 120 EYES: Blue HAIR: Short Black Hair as seen above SKIN: White FORCE SENSITIVE: No STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) ...
  8. S

    Codex Denied  Attendants species AKA Unidentified Insectoid Species (incomplete information)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: These guys are one of the cooler species in Star Wars, and although we don't know much about them, I still think they would make interesting species. Image Credit: N/A (There isn't much art of them that I know of) Canon: Yes, this species is canon...
  9. Grand Shepherd Burtch

    Question  First order species

    Hello, I’m slowly developing a crew for my ship and I’m wondering what species would be commonplace in the First Order Navy? So far I have Chiss and Humans, but is that all?
  10. Primal Architect

    Major Faction The Bryn'adûl | Introducing the Covenant of Species

    Not quite so out with the old... But sure enough, in with the new. Over the duration of the Bryn'adûl's time as a Major Faction, it has prided itself on its unique lore, being entirely homebrew and the only Faction comprised of a singular species. The latter is about to change, with the...
  11. Ettiene Kharne

    Approved Species  Immerin

    I M M E R I N Intent: To create a new species and further flesh out and develop the story and lore behind the planet Yesmireen Image Credit: Image 1 | Image 2 | Image 3 | Image 4 | Dividers made by myself Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Yesmireen Name: Immerin Designation: Sentient...
  12. Walker

    Approved Species  Voran

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A more intelligent species of Vash’s creation Image Credit: Inquissien Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: vash-walker, shekti, Force_sight. GENERAL INFORMATION Name: Voran Designation: Sentient Origins: Walker mostly aboard the Persistence lab. Average...
  13. Krae

    Approved Species  Osorae

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A dangerous prisoner force for Vran’Ti Image Credit: night-gaunt-statue Canon: No Permissions: n/a Links: vranti, Vran, Shgurak GENERAL INFORMATION Name: Osor (singular), osorae (plural) Designation: Sentient Origins: Slaves or prisoners who were...
  14. Krae

    Approved Species  Koroshkil (Screamers)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Flesh out more about Vran’Ti Image Credit: Hudson-Bug-Defiance-Games-342824823 Canon:No Permissions: N/A Links: vranti, Vran, Shgurak GENERAL INFORMATION Name: Koroshkil AKA “Screamers” Designation: Semi-sentient Origins: Lab altered Average Lifespan: 500...
  15. Mellifluous Magenta


    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To pursue a cool species idea that [member="Ryan"] came up with. Permission obtained via forum PM. ​Image Credit: PhotoshopSurgeon / YouTube (X), Mari945 / DeviantArt (X), Alita: Battle Angel (X), Amino (X) Canon: N/A Links: Engineered Variance...
  16. 4ND-R0


    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a predatory species native to Cuauhtlah that are analogous to large jungle cats. ​Image Credit: No images Canon: N/A Links: Nexu GENERAL INFORMATION Name: Nexulatl Designation: Non-Sentient Origins: Cuauhtlah Average Lifespan: 12-15 GSY Estimated...
  17. Mellifluous Magenta

    Approved Species  Qilin

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create my first species! ​Image Credit: Aoleev Canon: N/A Links: N/A GENERAL INFORMATION Name: Qilin Designation: Sentient Origins: Unknown Regions Average Lifespan: 500-750 GSY ​1-5 (Child) 5-18 (Adolescent) 18-500 (Adult) 500-750 (Elder) 750+ (Ancient...
  18. Ladybug


  19. Mauda

    Approved Species  S'kiss

    OOC INFO Intent: To sub the native species of Skism Image Source: Pinterest Canon: No Primary Source: None GENERAL INFO Name: S'kiss Designation: Sentient Origins: Skism / Natural Evolution Average Lifespan: 180 Estimated Population: 780 Billion / Planetary Description: A Humanoid...
  20. LaoTzu

    Approved Species  Zuverian

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: A Minor Race on the physical fringe of the Galaxy that has slowly been brought into the fold and as another playable race. ​Image Credit:: None Canon: N/A Links: None GENERAL INFORMATION Name: Zuverian Designation: Sentient Homeworld: Zumar Prime (Destroyed)...
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