Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Via Dolorosa

    Approved Species  Garhoon

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To add detailed information on the species ​Image Credit: N/A Canon: Garhoon Links: Garhoon GENERAL INFORMATION Name: Garhoon Designation: Sentient Homeworld: Nam Chorios Language: Garhoonian, Galactic Basic Average Lifespan: Males: 650-700 years...
  2. S

    Approved Species  The Knull

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Antagonist for a subfaction ​Image Credit: Canon:N/A Links: N/A GENERAL INFORMATION Name: Knull Designation: Sentient Homeworld: Korth IV Language: Knull (Needs technology to speak other languages) Average Lifespan: 250...
  3. WelshPsych

    Approved Species  Symbosys

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a new, unique species ​Image Credit: Image 1, Image 2, Image 3, Image 4, Image 5 Canon: N/A Links: N/A GENERAL INFORMATION Name: Symbosys Symbosysia(pl.) Designation: Sentient Homeworld: N/A Language: Galactic Basic, Average Lifespan: 1,000 years...
  4. Nisha Skaiyr

    Approved Species  Indoumodons

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To flesh out the otherwise completely generic sentient population of Indoumodo Image Credit: N/A Canon: N/A Links: N/A GENERAL INFORMATION Name: Indoumodons Designation: Sentient Homeworld: Indoumodo Language: The collection of languages and dialects spoken...
  5. Lief

    The Je'daii Observatory

    Please reply below if a creation made for the Je'daii is submitted and approved through the Codex, so it can be added to this list. PLANETS Aurum | Outer Rim | Je'daii FU Colony | Kaleth Lithios | Outer Rim | Je'daii NFU Colony Axiar Mellifers | Mid Rim | Je'daii Outpost Nordia | Outer...
  6. Res'uul Tevin

    Question on a certain race and the timeline

    I just had a quick question about the timeline so I know how to make my character. When exactly is this taking place (in what era, time period, etc) and my other question was about the species. Depending on the timeline, I'd like to make a Sith Pureblood character (I did not see these in the...
  7. Ponyoblue


    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: ​To create a speicies that fits my roleplay style and goals for a new character. ​Image Credit: Canon: ​N/A Links: ​N/A GENERAL INFORMATION Name: Miri Designation: ​Sentient Homeworld...
  8. Darth Empyrean

    Approved Species  Aeshma, The Hive Mind of Malachor

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To validate a synthetic creation designed by The Slave, and to be spread as a danger on planets in the Outer Rim. ​Image Credit: Here. Both come from the same page, the other being in the description. Canon: N/A Links: The Slave │ Bestia’s Holocron GENERAL...
  9. Quietus

    Species Templates 2.0

    Species Templates 2.0 Please choose from the following templates to use for submitting your species. Fauna Flora
  10. Kaitara

    Two Questions

    1) Are species from legends okay as characters? I am just making sure since Legends are technically not canon but were once before Disney bought the franchise. 2) I accidentally made two characters. Is it possible to delete them or at least change their name so I can use them as actual...
  11. Darth Strider

    Approved Species  Vedts

    Vedts (Vedt mercenary in full armor) Designation: Sentient Homeworld: Vedt (was named after the race since Vedts themselves don't refer to it by any name) Language: Vedt (despite being considered a language it mostly consists of moans, groans and gestures), Galactic Basic. Average...
  12. Ellie Mors

    How Many Species Have You Written?

    Out of curiosity, how many characters have you written that do not belong to the generic Human or Near-Human (Human off-shoots in origin, with very minor biological differences) species? What categories of species have you wrote? (Such as Avian, Amphibian, etc.)
  13. Siriwook

    Approved Species  Demi-Wookiee

    "I'd rather kiss a Wookiee" Images: My profile picture. Original derivative work. Original image: from Jacqueline Gallagher, direct link to image: Edited...
  14. L

    (Pre-Codex) Thopians

    Image Source: toherrys Name: Thopians Designation: Sentient Homeworld: Thopnir Language: Thope, Galactic Standard Basic Average Lifespan: 114 Estimated Population: As common as Zabrak's or Devaronian's, though mostly confined to the outer rim worlds. Average height of adults: 1.8 meters Average...
  15. Hype Darkwater


    Hype's worn Kum'rrk fighter roared through deep space. There was nothing here, absolutely nothing. The charts had been wrong. Hype slammed his fist onto his console in frustration. He wished he could wring the neck of that dealer. But, sitting here on the outer edges of the known galaxy, there...
  16. ninjacarrot01

    Approved Species  Korathians

    Korathians Source: Name: Korathians Designation: Sentient Homeworld: Korath. Language: Galactic Standard Basic, As well as a clicking language native to their Homeworld. Average height of adults: 2.5...
  17. Bryce Bantam

    Demonsgate Xenomorph

    Name: Po Sauʻai, Death fiend, "Bubble bees" Loyalties: Their brood queen who is fully sentient Role: Antagonist in Koltar Outback, NPC enemy Development Threads: She look at me with them big brown eyes Angles of Demonsgate (The Young) Angles of Demonsgate (Enemy Mine) Age: Centuries...
  18. Bryce Bantam

    Approved Species  Biituians

    Image from Name: Biituian (EU Canon race) Designation: Sentient Homeworld: Biitu Language: Biituian Average height of adults: Males average 1.7, Females 1.4 Skin color: Light green Hair color: Brown, red, black Breathes: Common Nitrogen / oxygen (Earth like)...
  19. Darth_Avarice

    Destruction of the entire Chors race. (Sith monsters only)

    "The master is hungry for the blood of those Chor's. Get me an army of monsters, General Mobillis" Aros ordered. "It shall be done" with that the General turned hurriedly away for fear that the towering giant would murder him at night, which, was a favored way of doing things for him...
  20. Iestyn Nova

    Approved Species  Lovalla

    [CENTER] Name: Lovalla Designation: Sentient Homeworld: Language: Their own three native languages (generally they know all three, one for each Race) and Basic. They have a remarkable aptitude to learn languages Average height of adults: 1.85 Female...
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