Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Gilamar Skirata

    Approved Species  Guntha, The Concord Hound

    [Image Credit - Edxidium Corp.] Name: Guntha (GOON-tha) Designation: Non-Sentient Homeworld: Concord Dawn Language: Grunts Neighs Roars Average height of adults: 2.5 Meters Skin color: Black Dark Browns Black Stripes Hair color: Black Breathes: Type 1 Strengths: Quick Armored Head...
  2. Nyx

    Approved Species  The Qu'un

    Depicted are the two ethnic groups of the Qu'un: the Nar'iin (left) and Vax (right) Images: Image By Nebezial Name: The Qu'un Designation: Sentient Homeworld: Zarnathea Language: Among the Qu'un, there are two distinct languages, each spoken by the two main ethnic groups. The Nar'iin speak...
  3. Tanith Alde

    New Species

    So I'm planning on putting this up in species creation when the codex comes back up, but I'd like to work out as many kinks in it as I can before I do so heres what I have, please suggest any and all improvements you can think of Images: Credit: Photobucket Name: Nekotians...
  4. Mythos

    Approved Species  Giant Ants

    Images: Worker Ant: Queen Ant: Name: Giant Ants Designation: Non...
  5. Ellie Mors


    So I've never submitted a species until I resubmitted this one for edits (which basically ended up with a new write-up rather than really recycling anything but the original theme and idea, as best I could). In a way this isn't really my submission, since I've really just resubmitted it, but I'd...
  6. Valiens Nantaris

    New Species Template

    A new template has been added to the Species Creation Template thread. This is to be used for all Flora - non-sentient plants. All animals and semi/fully-sentient plants will use the existing template. Thank you to the suggestion.
  7. Alric Kuhn

    Approved Species  The Vaemath

    Name: Vaemath Designation: Sentient Homeworld: Baratia Average height of adults: Males; 2.7m Females: 2.3m Skin color: The Vaemath, like many other species, come in a range of different skin colors. The majority of the species have a deep gray color to their skin. This is however often...
  8. Kurogan

    Looking for Species Rank Title

  9. Emperor Xhinx

    Species Knojur Name: Knojur Designation: Sentient Homeworld: Knojur Language: Knojur (Force communication,) and Galactic Standard Average height of adults: 1.8 m Skin color: Pure black Hair color: N/A Breathes: Able to breath in open space/ Type IV...
  10. the_talenspawn

    Talenspawn (The image was unable to be posted: You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community. Credit to PhotoBucket) Name: Talenspawn (Plural: Same) Designation: Sentient...
  11. Joker


    Name: J'Saari Designation: Sentient. Homeworld: Endor. Language: Jesinii ( The J'Saari Language ) ,Shyriiwook, Ewokese, And galactic standard. Average Height for an Adult: 2.3 in stand. Skin color: Grey, Black. Hair color: White, Black, Grey, Light brown, Dark brown, Yellow, ( and some times...
  12. Onrai

    darth tavion

    Character images go here. NAME: darth tavion FACTION: sith empire RANK: sith apprentice SPECIES: human AGE:18 GENDER: male HEIGHT:6'0 WEIGHT: 200lbs EYES: red HAIR:bald SKIN: tan FORCE SENSITIVE: yes Attached Files darth tavion.jpg 8.17K 4 downloads
  13. Tefka

    Species Creation Template

    Please choose the appropriate template for your species submission from the following. If you have any questions regarding your species creation before submitting please ask them in the Species Creation Question thread.
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