Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Inanna Harth

    The Story So Far/Faction Threads

    While by no means complete, this is a more or less comprehensive list of threads constituting all the most important story beats in the Sithspawn Sanctorium's history. Birds of a Feather - Damsy Callat and The Doppelganger meet at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, where both are being confined...
  2. Credit Wizard

    LFG  Looking for Threads

    Greetings As the former account of Paranoda Mancheron Boggurobb. I am looking to get back into the Chaos Roleplaying Scene with my brand new main character on this site. Any kind of character v character interaction is much appreciated and I'd be willing to do any kind of thread if you would...
  3. A

    LFG  Jedi Healer looking for threads!

    Hey! Aleena here is my new Jedi Healer, and a fresh Jedi Knight :) I'm looking for some RP that she can play into nicely, whether that's other Jedi or people needing her healing skills, or just something social! She'll likely find herself in trouble with Sith or other threats at some point...
  4. Sakadi Marathi Sinvala

    LFG  Single Sephi looking for threads in your neighbourhood

    Hey hey everyone, It took me longer than I had expected, it seems like I'm finally reaching the end of my LOA. I've slowly been taking on some threads and while my activity is still spotty at best, I'm expecting that to change in the coming week. The challenge I'm facing now is to find or make...
  5. Aridius 'TK-1575'

    Looking for One on One Threads

    I'm new to this whole rp thing! My character is a Stormtrooper in the New Imperial Order who is force sensitive but doesn't know it yet, so I'm open to any new arcs with any type of character. He's 18, just out of the training academy and is yet to see the Galaxy. This means that encounters...
  6. Jademar Eurisa

    LFG  Threads - One on One roleplays.

    I am searching for a few threads that can be one on one with my character. If anyone is interested. Message me and we can dicuss it. i hoping to start some threads up again
  7. Jem Fossk

    LFG  Looking for chill development threads

    Heya, I've got this new character whose voice I haven't been able to pin down yet. Private threads usually do me wonders! Looking to write anything from a quick encounter -> complex moments -> to potential new connections All I got on her so far is she's keen to prove herself/ make a...
  8. Sanji Hoss

    LFG  Looking for Military Threads

    Hey, this character is very new and I wish to develop his Military mind, as well as other aspects of him. Sanji is a Armoured Unit Commander for the Elysium Empire and I wish to represent the Unit as well as the Elysium Empire. I am open for most Combat threads, so if you are interested please...
  9. Jademar Eurisa

    LFG  New threads

    Looking for a one on one thread. I am quite bored. anyone feel like starting a thread?
  10. Alina Tremiru

    LFG  Wanted: Threads

    Alright. Muse has picked back up and the wee ones have started to calm down so I've got some time again to start typing away. On what, I've no idea! Y'know that muse to write but you've no idea any specifics? That's me, well. Pretty much all the time, actually. Hence this thread! I've got three...
  11. Tefka

    Populate  Populate Threads | Cultural Victory Ruleset Unlocked

    Major Changes: 1. Provide a cost-effective way to expand on non-Map Game threads and still gain hexes. 2. Reflect the "behind the scenes" natural expansion of a successful faction in the Galaxy. 3. Provide in-character incentive for tracking a Major Faction's threads and forum activity. Link...
  12. Tefka

    Staff  Dominions/Junctions Refactoring | The Classification Of PvE Threads

    Major Changes: 1. Remove Hybrid Support Mandate. 2. Allow Junctions/Populate threads to be provided in place of Dominions. 3. Introduce the classification of "Player Vs Environment (PvE)" threads. 4. Classify Junctions, Dominions, and Populate threads as PvE threads. 5. Cap PvE threads at...
  13. Tefka

    Staff  Major Faction Rules | The Classification Of PvE Threads

    Major Changes: 1. Remove Hybrid Support Mandate. 2. Allow Junctions/Populate threads to be provided in place of Dominions. 3. Introduce the classification of "Player Vs Environment (PvE)" threads. 4. Classify Junctions, Dominions, and Populate threads as PvE threads. 5. Cap PvE threads at...
  14. Jademar Eurisa

    LFG  Looking for a few new threads if possible.

    Looking for a few threads, it doesn't matter what it is. I am little bored and with like some threads on the side while I wait for the others to continue. anyone wish to start a thread by chance or few people actually ? Even groups or even one on one threads would do. Someone cure my boredom :P
  15. K

    Current Faction Threads

    Invasions: Coming mid-late July Dominions: Dominion of Sarko IV Junctions: As the Dust Settles Other Faction Threads: Guns, Ammo, Shooting, War Stories, shots... you know... a Monday... (SJDF/Mando) Every Jedi deserves at least one amazing day (Open to any/all Jedi/Mando Cov) Ode to Sev...
  16. Viers Connory

    Private  Common Threads

    Aidan Kerelenko. The name lingered on the tip of her lips and haunted her mind. Over and over again, Viers played the memory back, trying to figure out what she could have done differently. Aidan Kerelenko. She couldn't say his name; the moment she said it, her life was over. Everything that...
  17. C

    Faction Active Threads

    Active Threads for Jedi to get involved in will be placed here every time a new RP Opportunity comes up for the Faction. Faction Threads: Answers, for those who Seek - Jedi Master Coren Starchaser invites Jedi from all origins to assist in the discovery of an ancient Jedi Temple having been...
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