Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Jacen Nimdok

    Writer  On Training Threads (and Why They Suck)

    Despite the title of this post, this is not going to be about how we should all stop doing training threads. That would be silly. Instead, I’m going to look at why people tend to dislike training threads, and I’m also going to offer up some suggestions on how to make them better. I realize that...
  2. Beltran Rarr

    LFG  Easing back in, looking for threads.

    Hey all, So I've been on LOA for a bit. I'm looking to ease back in with one or two threads. Anyone who knows Beltran, or anyone who wants to get to know Beltran, hmu as the kids say.
  3. Zenda Tano-Bonteri

    LFG  Pregnant Jedi looking for threads

    So Zenda is a Knight in the SJC. She has a husband, Leehak Tano-Bonteri and two daughters, Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri and Darth Faef but doesn't know about Faef because she believes Shaalleesh (Faef's given name) is dead. She usually trains the younglings, but due to recent morning sickness, she has...
  4. Zaesthaoh Vizsla

    LFG  New Character, interesting concept, need ideas and threads

    So Zaesthaoh here, or Zae as some call her, is a Ghostling. Not only that, but she is also a Mandalorian. She was recently adopted into Clan Vizsla, and although she is at the age where most undergo their Verd'gotten, she is still in bajuur. I need ideas for what to do.
  5. Valin Stryder

    Sith Acolyte looking for Dev and Threads.

    Hello all II'm Valin, A Sith Acolyte looking for more Character Dev to take part in, as a Sith Acolyte of the Sith Empire, Kept locked away for years, tortured and turned to the dark side on the edge of insanity. Wearing a Sith Torture Mask to boost connection to both the dark side, and to see...
  6. Kyrel Ren

    Master of Ren seeking threads of all kinds.

    Hello all, while I have been going through a type of reduced posting, I realized I can still be game for a few more, and was wondering if there were perhaps new faces I haven't interacted with before. So I was wondering if any of you fine folks would love to thread with a Master within the...
  7. Kyrel Ren

    Looking to get outside of the box

    Hello all, today I have come with you to perhaps looking for stories, and or new factions that could be interesting. For the past two, maybe three years I have constantly written with a solid core group of writers. While that is not really necessarily a bad thing. It does drain the muse a bit...
  8. Huxy

    Looking for Threads

    I'm looking to figure out Lucas and how he fits into everything on the board and just how he works. So, if anyone wants to rp with a rich, deceptive, and cunningly handsome guy, you've come to the right place.
  9. Kyrel Ren

    Looking for some character development

    I am looking for some character dev as it is stated above, and more interesting threads to get to with some new characters, I am open for any ideas that anyone may have whether it be Kyrel as a love interest or exploring him as a Jedi Hunter hunting down various Jedi, or maybe you wish him to...
  10. Kyrel Ren

    Character Development

    Alright. Lately, I have been wanting to do more character dev with Kyrel. Whether it is him going into a romance, Jedi to hunt or quests to go on, I am looking for more interaction with characters. If anyone is interested PM me on here or Discord, or give a shout out on here. :)
  11. Poe

    Approved Tech  Personal Light Armor/Outift (Darth Sarcophago)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Personal Light Armor/Outfit For Darth Sarcophago Image Source: Canon Link: N/A Restricted Missions: N/A Primary Source: ​N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION...
  12. Térth Waiy

    You know the drill

    Lookin for threads, need to develop a GA pilot, anyone up?
  13. Sor-Jan Xantha

    SJ's Thread Tracker

  14. Ellie Mors

    Promotion Thread Tracker Reminder

    I am aware this has been stated several times now, but after looking through the Promotion Thread Tracker for someone's information/post history I've found quite the disappointing lack of members posting their own thread lists for references. Without posting a thread tracker this means that...
  15. Varus Shatterstar

    Open to Threading with Anyone(Open)

    If anyone needs a Jedi, though I am just a lowly Paddy ;), then let me know! I'm very active and always down for some character development or duels. Let me know here or via PM! -Varus
  16. Varus Shatterstar

    Get to work, Peons!

    Sometimes I forget were not as rude to one another as the Sith. >_> haha Really, though, the point of this thread is to see who wants to get rolling on a few things. First, I'm interested to see which padawans would be down to spar OR train together. Every little bit helps. :P Secondly I was...
  17. Satara Hawk

    Thread Trackers

    This is a thread meant for all the characters of the faction to use. What is it for? Simple. While you are more than welcome to use your biographies to list your thread, you also can use a post of this thread to list your threads that you roleplay here. Why is this good for you? For easier...
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