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I am looking for roleplay with my Skraal Engineer. I had in mind that Ikit would be selling either wookieepedia items in a market stall thread or ransacking an abandoned temple. Of coruse I am open to other ideas as well if anyone wants to rp.
Like last time I was here, not really searching for anything in particular, just tryna get back into exercising my writing muscles a bit. So if any of y’all think you'd be down to try something out, hit me up, wouldn’t mind seeing some familiar faces again.
Amani is definitely the character...
I've tried to come back a few times and I think the issue had been trying to lean too hard and overwhelmed myself, but I made a slower attempt this time and I'd like to think I'm able to take on some new threads now. Lot of familiar faces that I'd love the chance to write with again after all...
What is life without loading myself up with too many threads? Boring that's what. If anyone wants to get some stuff set up this big mean elf is open for anything, social, combat, any of the stuff in between I'm willing to plot something out
It me again!
Looking for a thread or two for Valery here!
I'm down for most things, so I'd be happy to plot something if there's a specific character you'd like to write with. Can be Jedi, Sith or NFU - I'm up for anything!
But if you have an idea for a thread you'd love, feel free to shoot...
//Denon: Yula's place
// Dagon Kaze
It was Dagon's turn to come home to an unexpected guest.
Kyra sat at the kitchen counter, back to the door as she organized a box of screws. "Wow, that noddle box was ready fast. You grab the pop and everything?" She chirped, the younger Perl speaking to the...
As a wonderfully new character (Who's species is in the process of being approved) I feel like reaching out and seeing if folks are interested in getting a story going with em. Straight up, I dunno what I plan to do with them yet, asides from being a Je'daii. How they get there, what that means...
//Scar Worlds: Honoghr
//Seed Vault Series
// Jend-Ro Quill
Today was not a good day. They still came to her sometimes, when the world was too loud and her anxiety crept over her like a fog. Her instinct was to recoil and retreat from anyone and everything that could disrupt the calm solitude...
Location: On board the Nautilus
Tags: Spindle
The soothing sounds of music cascaded across the lounge as Machinus enjoyed his cocktail. He had been in space for quite some time, having made several stops for business purposes in recent weeks. It would be a tiring process for most, but the...
I've been writing Briana for about a solid month now and I've found her to be rather enjoyable to write but, that doesn't mean others necessarily enjoy reading her. Ultimately, I want my writing partners to enjoy the experience as much as I am. So, here I am, seeking out the advice of other...
I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve. -a burglar
Hello! As the title may imply, I am looking for some threads for my paddy here.
I’m on board for all the usual Jedi stuff
I have a long term master but am open to...
This section displays a list of House Io Public threads, either ones started by the House or ones they jumped into. WIP
House Io: Base of Power (Faction) - A thread detailing House Io's arrival on the planet Khemost.
Midnight in the Forest (Public) - A treasure hunt thread that went awry...
It's me, hunting for more threads again. This time with a fresh new list of characters to choose from. But still with some familiar faces. Lets begin the list!
Iris - The one posting this. Young Padawan who's really started to pop off. I'd love to get her more involved with other groups of...
The Panteer Family was one of the longest ruling families in Alderaan history. They were quick to weigh their options and quickly determine what needed to be done. The mother was quick and the daughter well she had made herself Queen during the Sith Occupation, she worked with them to corrupt...
Greetings to you all. It is I, Monkrove Irs'Valachie Moldova
I have decided to create a Sith Necromancer to flesh out my character roster. So I figured now would be the best time to engage in interaction with either jedi or sith that currently roam the galaxy. For a little information about the...