Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. N

    LFG  Hitting the Ground Running (with threads!)

    Yo. So I'm looking to write with my girl here. I brought her over from another site because I'm bad at letting go of a character hey, why not keep writing a character you enjoy? She's a young, exceptionally grumpy Jedi/former Jedi that's very new to this Galaxy, after mysterious...
  2. Hexus Dominus

    LFG  THREAD 1/2 OPEN | Archaic Traffic | Mid Rim Rumble

    HEXUS CONTINGENT Hello organics, droids, and cyborg warriors. I'm planning on having a debut threat for Hexus Dominus, a rogue sleeper ship AI currently in the process of rebuilding an automated warfleet. Greater motivations won't matter for this thread, but after eons of floating in the...
  3. Percival Io

    Public  Come and get your threads

    I'm specifically looking for threads with Percival, since I've had more muse for him lately. He is a Chaplain Neutralizer Model 1, "the galaxy's first spiritual and community advisor droid", and he mainly hangs around the Scar Worlds, where he has been fighting Bryn'adul remnants, crime lords...
  4. G

    LFG  Threads with a Pirate?

    Fortune favors the infamous. And that is specially true when you are both a pirate lord and a merchant. My character runs the Northern Run Merchant Guild, a loose confederation of planetary merchants and independent sellers united underneath a single powerful guild. Beyond that my character was...
  5. K

    LFG  Looking for Denon Threads

    Anyone up for some denon threads? I am open to pretty much any idea. Kreasus owns the Oggor Merchant Empire, a confederation of merchant guilds within the Stenness Node Region. He is mostly known for his huge size and immense weight. Some people refer to him as the "The Glutton" within political...
  6. Corin Trenor

    LFG  Looking For Threads Near You

    So, as the title says I am out for some threads. I've not written a Jedi before, but should be fun and am first after some fun stories that can help me get a feel for the character. Corin is someone in the later-stages of his Padawan role and full of angst of the death of his old master and...
  7. Jho'Henig

    LFG  Threads for a Paaerduag smuggler

    Hello there! I'm looking for RPs that my unaligned smuggler can join. He is two headed (but you cannot hear his second head), he is very greedy and somehow, he is against slavery (only if you pay him low). I'm looking for any type of thread
  8. L

    LFG  New Senator looking for Threads

    As the name implies, I am looking for threads for my senator. He is the senator of had abbadon but hasn't attend any meetings of the senate (Current story since I just made him). A reclusive senator if you will who keeps to himself and governs his people alongside the planetary government. But...
  9. Tsheersk

    LFG  Threads for an edgy Trandoshan Jedi

    Hello there! So, I finally decided to try to roleplay as a force user. Compared to my previous characters, this one is darker and edgier. Basically, he is a Jedi Knight, who is very violent and regularly uses the dark side in secret, he is doing all of this, because he thinks that this will help...
  10. Starlin Rand

    Discussion  Advice on training threads?

    I recently embarked on my first attempt at writing a master in a master-apprentice storyline. Previously I had only written the apprentice role, so it's a new experience for me. I have some plans for how it will play out, but for the most part I'm kind of winging it. I wanted to ask if anyone...
  11. I

    LFG  The Time has Come

    Greetings I am looking for threads with Dark Dwarrow Sithy. He is the Forgemaster for the Brotherhood of Darkness as you can see by all the factory subs I’ve been putting out. Any kind of story is fine or even if you have something in mind for us to roleplay
  12. I

    LFG  Threads for a Padawan

    Hi guys, I am looking for some fun threads to jump in on for Iri Tuteru. Let me know if you want to get something together, or have a post I can jump in on. :)
  13. A

    LFG  Threads For The Thread God

    C'mon friends, don't be shy, I need moar of the roleplays... More I tell you! I'm currently writing a few different characters, and pretty much all of them are in dire need of a thread shake up! Overview w/ thread links following: Asha Hex, Je'daii Master. Always exploring random corners of...
  14. K

    LFG  Skraal looking for threads

    Greetings I am looking for roleplay with my Skraal Engineer. I had in mind that Ikit would be selling either wookieepedia items in a market stall thread or ransacking an abandoned temple. Of coruse I am open to other ideas as well if anyone wants to rp.
  15. Arekk

    LFG  WANTED: Threads, Again?

    Thinking of getting back into things. Those out there that know me, more than welcome to PM me. If you don't, feel free to leave a message. :D
  16. Amani Serys

    Thread Gremlin Asks Politely For More Threads

    Like last time I was here, not really searching for anything in particular, just tryna get back into exercising my writing muscles a bit. So if any of y’all think you'd be down to try something out, hit me up, wouldn’t mind seeing some familiar faces again. Amani is definitely the character...
  17. Jho'Henig

    LFG  Paaerduag smuggler seeking for threads

    Hi, everyone! My character is a Paaerduag smuggler and I'm currently looking for threads. Side of the conflict does not matter, money does.
  18. Koda Fett

    LFG  New Threads

    I've tried to come back a few times and I think the issue had been trying to lean too hard and overwhelmed myself, but I made a slower attempt this time and I'd like to think I'm able to take on some new threads now. Lot of familiar faces that I'd love the chance to write with again after all...
  19. Koda Fett

    delete pls

    i posted in the wrong area pls dont hurt me
  20. Lirka Ka

    LFG  On the prowl for threads

    What is life without loading myself up with too many threads? Boring that's what. If anyone wants to get some stuff set up this big mean elf is open for anything, social, combat, any of the stuff in between I'm willing to plot something out
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