Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Lief

    Private  Threads of Change

    They'd been gone for a while now, mum, dad, and the twins, leaving their trio of older children to man the homestead. It wasn't uncommon for the adults to wander a little further afield than usual, even after so many years of existence on this backwater planet there was plenty that had remained...
  2. Salis

    Threads for a couple characters

    Looking for some not-too intense threads for a couple characters. Just a few 1-1's, maybe 3 people but still small. Czeru Dammor: I want to actually use this guy. He'll be staying sith, or at least calling himself one, pretty much regardless of what I do with him. At least that's the plan, at...
  3. Drydic Maxim

    Current Faction Threads

    I am hoping to begin the first fraction thread soon, we have been talking about it for a bit on our Discord server and have a few people to join. I will post a link here soon, as well as a ping to anyone interested.
  4. Dyans Keto

    Important Threads

    Important Threads to the Group will be listed here.
  5. Jax Thio

    LFG  A Lost Jedi Needs Threads

    Soooo for those of you who don't know, during the Invasion of Empress Teta Jax gave into the Dark Side to try to stop his father: Carnifex-Demiurge however this proved to be ineffective and Carnifex nearly killed Jax in the process before teleporting him to the fringes of the Galaxy. Now Jax is...
  6. G

    LFG  Old fish needs threads

    Just made this new character. He's an old Jedi Watchmen type who isn't really into the whole war thing. The character sorta just popped into my head, so my plans for him aren't concrete as of yet. So, I figured I'd see if anyone else would be interested in interacting with such a character. If...
  7. T

    LFG  Looking for Threads

    Heyo! Looking to start roleplaying with this new character and see where I can take his story. He's a pirate/salvager currently based out of Csilla, picking through the remains after the planet was destroyed as he has great respect for the Chiss species and their history. He of course isn't...
  8. K

    LFG  Mute Padawan threads

    Been feeling like writing this character more, so here goes! Kyell is a very average Jedi Padawan with a love for music, and a desire to help people. He's also mute and a bit awkward, so plenty of funny scenarios can pop up with him. I'm down for all kinds of threads, so if you'd like to...
  9. I

    LFG  GA Captain looking for threads

    Hullo o/ This is a fairly fresh character and my first ever attempt at fleeting as well, so I'm looking to develop her a bit more. Not just as a Naval captain but as a person too! In terms of fleeting, Izah is the Captain of the ANV Tython and as a person, she's a bit too focused on working and...
  10. Tefka

    Staff  Staff No Longer Judging PvP Threads

    The Annihilation was the best focal point to use as a shift in philosophy, so Val and I got to kicking the ol’ ball around and I’m putting some ideas into action. 1. We’re not going to be judging PvP threads anymore. This involves Invasions and Annihilations. However it resolves is up to the...
  11. Valery Noble

    LFG  Exciting threads

    It me again. This time I'm not really looking for anything too specific — just want some more fun and exciting threads going! So I'm open to all sorts of ideas, ranging from simple one-off adventures to creating larger stories. I'm up for writing with almost any kind of character, so if you're...
  12. Jem Fossk

    LFG  Resolution Threads

    Heyo, Coming out of a long and complex arc and I'm looking for peeps that might want to get something from it Who might be interested-- Jem's double cross affected many. Would you like answers? Would you like to confront, encourage, or just get closure? Jem is learning to find balance again...
  13. R

    LFG  Threads with a Noble

    Greetings I have recently made this new character, Reinhold Katzbalger whom is a noble from Onderon. As he is a brand new character I am looking for any kind of thread to shove him into. Weather that be casual interactions, underhanded deeds, connections with the galactic elite. Mingling with...
  14. Alina Tremiru

    LFG  Artifact Hunting Thread Ideas. I Just Want More Threads Though.

    Quite a bit, actually. And now I want more, specifically for Alina here. She's been going around getting relics now, so we're talking some tomb diving and artifact retrieval Indiana Jones style, but with more Sith Vampire themes. The Ascendant specifically have artifacts she wants even though...
  15. W

    LFG  Corpo Looking for Threads

    Greetings, everyone I am currently on the lookout for threads for my corporate character. He currently is the Group Conference President of the Fromco Group, a collection of businesses working together to increase profits across the board. Strassmann himself is a charitable corpo when compared...
  16. Ria the Cat

    LFG  Cat Needs Threads

    Title says it all folks, I need more threads for the Cat. If you need info on what the cat does read the bio, and also, definitely willing to steal, smuggle, and/or eat noodles. All up to you!
  17. Grand Shepherd Burtch

    RP threads

    Laminations: Admiral Burtch of the Elysium Empire rescues Willow & Ivy and brings them to Damascus Station. Pride of the Party: Loreena Arenais-Valhoun announces that her company will change its name to Dar’Manda Industries. The party is held on Damascus Station. Dorthea Dobson discusses a...
  18. Matsu Ike

    Current Faction Threads

    Invasions: Dominions: Manny Bothans Died Helping Us: Silver Concord Dominion of Bothawui and Moonus Mandel Junctions: Other Faction Threads: the New path begins Chp1 (open to Dawn Guard, and SJO on Midvinter) Testing Steel (SJC) The Star Ocean Political Intrigue Lessons Tutaminis...
  19. Lirka Ka

    LFG  Looking for some threads

    Been running a bit dry on things to write in, anyone looking to set some stuff up? This mean ol’ slaver is up for just about anything
  20. Hilal Vizsla

    LFG  More Threads for The Bounty Hunter!

    Sooo Hilal has just started on her Bounty Hunting career and is looking to make connections! That or to make friends! I want to expand Hilal's character and hopefully have her grow from her experiences! So, if anyone want to set up threads with her, please let me know!
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