Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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50 Shades of Grey

Romeo raised a brow, and stretched. He had never seen one of these things before, but wasn't really all that interested in it. Animals never did interest Romeo all that much anyways.
" we walk?" He said, and and offered his arm for her. He liked to be moving when he spoke, even if he was moving slowly. [member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra's brow rose as he offered his arm to her and spoke. "Well, you are certainly a new one." Without expanding she took it and let him help her up as she dusted herself off. "Where are we walking too then, and are you going to offer me your arm during the entirety of the walk?"

[member="Romeo Sin"]
Romeo waited for her to situate herself, then answered questions.
"We may walk till we can walk no more, or you can show me around your garden. As to my arm would you except it if I did?" He said, and again offered his arm again to her. Romeo was a gentleman around woman, having never actually hit a woman, but once in his entire life, and that was Isis..oh so long ago in a duel. Whether the woman took was up to her, and it mattered not to Romeo, he was just being polite. "It takes odd to know odd." [member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Romeo Sin"]

She smiled and took the man's arm as they would start walking, Daeda making his way up to her shoulder and sitting between them before looking at Alexandra and having a silent conversation with her on something though that something remained unknown. "So, what is it you wish to ask me mister, Sin may i call you?" She looked past the Ashlan at Romeo Sin, her brow raised as the question was posed to him.
He drew up a theory that the wolf thing had more to it than meets the eye, and decided it best to leave it be.
With that said, WHAT did Romeo want to ask her? He wasnt even sure yet.
"I'll let you know when I figure out the right question Alexandra, and you may call me Sin if you wish, though I dont mind my first name."
As they walked, Romeo admired the garden, it was peaceful here. He wondered how long it took to grow all these plants, [member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Right..." She moved slowly and thought to herself as she walked, letting him choose when to start up the conversation to a greater amount. "And i understand, but out of habit i will call you by your surname." She crossed her other hand behind her as she walked, her eyes drifting to Sin again as she told Daeda to continue to watch for any weapons.

[member="Romeo Sin"]
The only weapon visible was the lightsaber, and that was the only physical weapon he had on him, he saw the creature in the corner of his eyes never taking his own eyes off Romeo.
"So Cinthra...I have my question." He smirked at her. This was going to be a good question.
"What are the possibilities of Sith to become rulers of the galaxy...and what would it take to stop that from happening? From a Darksider's view."
[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Low, and as for stopping that, worry not. Sith are morons, they only last as long as they can work together, and that never happens for more than a few Generations at most. Sith are worthless, only a means to a end in which the result is to save this world from its demise without things being too long." She walked with him, holding his arm as she waved her hand. "And the name is Alex."

[member="Romeo Sin"]
Romeo chuckled a sorta jolly laugh at her comments about what the Sith were. What she said was quite true, but the Sith could be unpredictable sometimes, get a lucky break. Hopefully that didn't happen.
"I like you, I like you a lot. So what does that make dark Jedi? Bigger morons? Most people say we have smaller ambitions compared to Sith, I say those people don't know what they are talking about...Alex. If you're gonna be called Alex gotta stop with the whole Sin thing...unless you like that." [member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Dark Jedi are just the middle ground, but every bit as stupid as Jedi and Sith, just as Jentaari are and so many other groups including my own. Each group holds its own brand of stupidity and moronicy. Its easier to just call you Sin, if you dont mind. And thank you for the compliment."

[member="Romeo Sin"]
Romeo was quiet for awhile, hewing on these words. What was his stupidity? Probably his ignorance, he looked over at her. "I know my stupidity too well. Ignorance, but sometimes ignorance is bliss, sometimes." He sighed, and playfully tugged on her arm with his. "What's the plans for the Grey anyways? Sit here, and talk about air?
[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Romeo Sin"]

She glanced down at his arm with a confused glance before raising her brow and looking back up at Sin. "What was with the tug for a moment? And no, we don't just talk about air. The Order's purpose is s[read knowledge, not care about the fighting between Sith or Jedi. That is where our stupidity lays."
"Apparently you don't get out very much. It was playful." He raises his brow back in a mocking manner. "It would seem its nearly impossible to not care for that...were all dragged in eventually." He said. [member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Oh, that is true. Infact it is why i even fight for the Sith as a hire on. You see, the order may be neutral, but because of that we pick our sides and when we are fighting we fight as if enemies. But at this temple, we are at peace, Sith and Jedi can come to learn and not worry about one or the Other being effected."

[member="Romeo Sin"]
Romeo's body tensed up, and he stopped in mid step. "I believe we've found your chose a side." He looked deeply in the woman's eyes. He wondered if she knew what she had sided herself with.
"I don't think you know those people as well as you think...other wise you wouldn't be with them as hired help. If money is tight over here...there's better ways to make it than killing innocence, and slaughtering armies." [member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Romeo Sin"]

"I dont fight for them solely for money, they have something of mine and then once i have it back i wont even be in this galaxy long enough to choose a side after. You are actually one of the last people to talk to me Mister Sin, and with that said that is where my stupidity lies. Not in my choosing a side, but in knowing the death of Alexandra Cinthra." She stopped and watched as he stared at her, her mind locked up and emotions gone from her face in that moment, she had no reason to let him pry on them or her thoughts. "Find what you are looking for in this conversation?"
Romeo was confused, and for some reason a little sad. He couldn't understand her words, and thus step closer to her.
Then it hit him and he understood. He didn't know what it was they had of hers, but he knew what she was doing.
"My apologizes for a wrong assumption." He didn't take his eyes away from hers.
"...I wanted a friend...will you be my friend?" That was the right question. Romeo had friends, but none with the wisdom like this woman. He wanted to express his worries, and feelings to a friend. Wanted a person whom he help without second thought. Someone he loved.
His friends he cared for, but no true love existed in those relationship. He wanted a being he could love.
"I think we both could use a friend actually.."
[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
She laughed as he asked that and shook her head. "Dont worry about your assumptions, i have no reason. Further, i would be glad to have a friend for the time that i have left in the galaxy." She smiled and looked at the man for a few more moments before glancing at area around them once more.

[member="Romeo Sin"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"What do you mean help you understand, you seem to have a good grip on the world around you from what you have spoken." She took the arm once more and began walking with him, her eyes watching him and the area around them at the same time. She was curious what he was talking about though, he had asked a blunt question the moment before then when back to asking for her help in understanding something that to her was unclear.

[member="Romeo Sin"]

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