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50 Shades of Grey

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Romeo Sin"]

"Uh... so how do you even know if it will turn out is good... dont mean to be skeptical." She looked at the man with inquisitive eyes and even more so the dish he was preparing, curious and careful about what she was asking, her hand tapping at her side as she sat there. "Another question, why do you hate the Sith?"
Romeo through the vegetables in with the meat after flipping it over to cook on the other side. He turned towards Alex, and watched her carefully.
"They are insane, impractical, cruel, tad worse of all, liars. My father exiled me, and my mother is too scared to voice against him. My neither is sadistic, and wants to kill me..."
He paused to check the food, it was nearly done, but you had to mix the vegetables around to get their own flavor in the meat.
"They tortured me, exiled me, and exalted me. More so, I hate the Ember of Vahl more than a Sith, but I guess its hating the same thing."
[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Romeo Sin"]

"Im sorry, i didn't mean to bring that up if it was painful. I hope you dont mind my feeling pain for you, its a habit of mine..." She wasn't sure if he would find it as her taking pity on him or not, unsure how he takes his words. But pain she did feel for the man, to be betrayed by your family so would drive most crazy and break them, to imagine her own family having done that had they not died was something she could not understand.
"You're fine Alex...I've been given everything I've lost, and more, I worked for it, but I got it. Because of you, I'll get more."
He really didn't mind her feeling pain, pity wasn't feeling pain, it was feeling sorry. They were two different things.
"Ah its almost done. Tell me what do you know about the Tingel Arm?"
[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Romeo Sin"]

"Pft, you are kidding right, i explored the galaxy for months before starting my order, i know every knook and cranny there is. Why do you ask?" She turned her head slightly at the question posed to her.
He removed the meat, then the veges. He placed them on a plate with no sauce on it. The meat was cooked medium rare, not bloody, but still juicy pink. He placed the plate in front of Alex, pored her some wine of the red kind, and handed her the eating utensils.
He sat forward waiting for her to eat it, and then comment on his skills. To him it looked great actually, but for all he knew it was terrible. He hoped not.
"Why? Well...for one final...interesting fact about the Sin, I am ruler of a single planet, and king to a empire."
[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Well then your majesty, perhaps a toast then?" She smiled and turned her eyes to a second glass, pulling it over to her and taking it and the bottle in hand before pouring it for him. "To the king of an Empire and a friend of a hermit, Romeo Sin." She smiled and drank from her own glass, savoring the taste for a moment before looking at the food. "Yous sure you dont want some, as fun as it is to eat good food, i would love to share it with its maker."

[member="Romeo Sin"]
Romeo chuckled, abd pored himself some wine, and raised his glass as well. "To friends." He smiled, and sipped his wine. He got up form his chair, and carried it over next to her. "If you insist, test taste it first. Honestly, I'm not sure what meat that is, or what veges I added with it. I was expecting you to not believe me actually Alex. How many people go around claiming to be kings, and queens? Apart form the Sith?"
[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Romeo Sin"]

"Seeing as i had my own plans to make myself one, through subtle or loud means, that is why your claim does not surprise me." She cut into the meat and took a bite, not sure exactly which it was though it was good and she smiled as she looked at him. "That is indeed good, where exactly did a king learn how too cook like this?"
"Being an exile teaches one survival, so you cook whatever you can. If you want it to taste eatable, gotta go that extra length to find herbs that are natural." He said taking a bite from his cooked meal, and smiled at her, chewed, and swallowed.
"We are in the Tingel Arm if you ever wish to visit." Little did he know this didn't matter actually.
"I admit, being a king is certainly not where I expected for my life, and all that power? It means nothing. A king does not win a war, his soldiers win them, along with his ships. Funny though, a king with no queen...maybe one day."
[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"You could always track down your childs mother once more? It would seem to me that you miss her?" She stopped eating, more interested in the conversation than the food as she listened to him talk about how power was nothing to him. Truly not a Sith if he can utter such words, perhaps that is why she interested him, dark and hateful, a man who was given the power and had worked to master it did seem to hold no lust for more.

[member="Romeo Sin"]
"No, I do not miss her. Though I miss love. Not love of a father, but or a husband. It's quiet rejuvenating lying in bed with a lover, though I've only been with one. Apart from that Patricia does not deserve my love, had she decide to come back, and see her daughter I would allow, but one who is uncontrolled by themselves is not fit to lead. I do not believe in being serious all the time, but it cases of many it is called for."
He stared at the woman's eyes, actually lost in them. He also didn't realize he was starring.
"A king is only as good as his generals, his generals are only as good as his soldiers, and their only has good as their king they fight for. It's an endless circle." He made a circling motion with his hand.
" wanted to be a King? wanted to remove your womanly parts and be a man?" He made a playful and not so crude joke..least he thought. He understood perfectly well she meant queen, but he enjoyed jokes on and off.
[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Romeo Sin"]

"Im sorry, i do believe you know what i meant mister Sin and i think that you should watch your jokes far more carefully." She grinned widely and her eyes glow in humor at him thinking of what she had mean't by that. "Also... your missing of love, it is admirable. Everyone deserves that feeling, deserves that person to whom that feeling can be attained. You are correct to feel as such."
"My apologizes Alex." He made a small bow before her. "I sometimes make the wrong jokes I guess. We cant all be funny." He winked at her, then smiled softly at her comment on his missing feelings. "Do you have someone you love? Or does the miss Alexandra Cinthra have a lover hidden form all eyes? Oh that is a exciting thing to think about. Does the Grey Master have hidden guilty joys, and what are they? So mysterious!" He joked about, but also wanted answers to the questions.
[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"And what if i said i did mister Sin, what if i were to tell you the name or the person that they live for. I can tell you that there may be such things, hidden guilt not being one of them. Ask and i give you a name, don't and i dont. It is simply for you to call upon that knowledge if you so wish it to be surrendered." She smiled as he winked at her, studying how he would react to her own words, they were the truth after all.

[member="Romeo Sin"]
"I actually maybe a little jealous Alex, but please do tell me the name of your lover, allow me to torture myself for a short bit." He chuckled. There was Romeo in a serious mood, there was a angry mood, sad, and then there was this. You could possibly call it flirting, but that was Romeo. You got one taste of love, and bam! You taste becoming something possibly obnoxious. "Also a guilty joy is a hobby one likes but in secret."
[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
She bit her lip as she breathed in, almost saying his name and not the title he hid behind. "Darth Tsolan, ive known him for years before he became such and as much as he acts he is still the man i knew before then. That is who my love is for mister Sin, and im sorry that you feel a bit of Jealousy for that, i did not mean to cause you harm or pain, it was simply the truth in the matter."

[member="Romeo Sin"]
Romeo bursted out laughing with tears of joy running down his eyes, "I love it! It is so beautiful! The way your eyes dilate, the way you bite your lip, and your breathing changes so much. It is amazing! I am truly happy for you friend!" He bowed again before her in respect. Romeo was easily amused in things, and laughter was his way of expressing happiness.
"Please, please! Tell me about him! How did you meet? How did it become love? Does he return your love?"
[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Romeo Sin"]

"You are strange mister Sin. There isn't much i can tell you without you realizing whom he is behind the mask. We met though in the oddest ways, far back when i was still actually a sith and he a Jedi, at the cross of a blade... We then found eachother once more but on the same side during the Akala debacle, the funny part this time is we became friends and from there it just grew with each meeting... he does, it is simply a feeling i cant share without making that Jealousy of yours worse."

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