Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Light in the Dark | Galactic Alliance Hex Dominion of Tython

@Pella Vun

Was it now? The Companion turned executive gave the appropriate arch of her brows to show a measure if interest. Investing in a few of the U-Wings could be another bridge to a longer relationship here on after.

"Is that so? " they crossed the large solarium glasteel threshold and into the chic atrium that would lead towards the various turbo lifts.

"Hmm, we have been exploring the conversion of Dark Energy into Quintessence." it could be that the Incom representative knew what she was talking about or not. She allowed the hook to lay in place to determine if the Nautalan understood the significance.

"Along with Isotope-5 microreactors that could potentially be just what you are looking for."
Target: Alsakan
Class: Terrestrial
Primary Terrain: Urban
Area of Operations: Xenvaer (capital)
Local Authorities: Uncertain, Unstable
Emergency Transmissions Received: Critical
Threat Level: Extreme
Risk of Darkside Influence: High
Mission Parameters: All available Justicars operating within adjacent sectors are to be emergency rerouted to deal with a near complete break down of law and order among the population of Alsakan. With the current regime collapsing under the sector's economic and ideological instability, anti-monarchist sentiment is at dangerous levels among the populace, and in some areas gang-lead and organized impromptu militias are taking to the streets to dispatch mob justice upon the ruling class. Such rapid escalations in tension lead High Command and the New Jedi Order to suspect the influence of Darkside cult activity.

Due to limited resources in the area, the SIS has agreed to dispatch a single Subversion-class Stealth Carrier to Alsakan's orbit. Upon rendezvous with the ANS Aryx, Justicar lead teams of Galactic Alliance Guard, SIS, and freelance operatives will take U-WING Stealth Transports down to the surface for strategic insertion into the heart of the unrest, the capital of Xenvaer, with the following orders:

Pacify all overt criminal activity.
Safeguard the well being of the aristocracy until order and a local justice system can be restored.
Investigate reports of unauthorized Force sect allegedly based in the Xenvaer Civic Auditorium.

Knight Oros of the Jedi Service Corps will remain on board the Aryx to provide strategic overwatch and tactical updates.
Objective: Retribution
Location: Tython
Allies: GA and friends [member="Ben Carlin"]
Enemies: Rogue One Sith
Post: 17/38


With another volley from the carrier's broadsides, two of the frigates were taken down by precise fire directed at their missile magazines on the nosecone: it was to be another weak point on these Boneshatters. But before they exploded, the remaining weapons on those frigates managed to fire on the escort frigates that came in tow, dealing some damage to their shields, and so did the enemy carrier: its crews despaired to be able to do some damage to somebody even though the situation was becoming less and less favorable. Outgunned by a wide margin, the remaining Boneshatters saw nothing better coming than to perform evasive maneuvers in an attempt to avoid the same fate when the bombers went for another pass, while the enemy interdictor cruiser was targeted by two artillery cruisers at long range. However, since they didn't have their weapons operating at full power, thanks to a stray enemy fighter disabling the Ziost battery of the Lothal, they didn't do that much damage to the interdictor's hull.

"Who interrupts my meditation?" Cathul asked.

"The enemy is being torn asunder right now, admiral. I believe we can let go of battle meditation" Tanith reported back.

Therapy Command vanguard:

Capital ships:

ANS Hero of Coruscant (Mateus-class fleet carrier) light hull damage
ANS Legacy (Legacy-class star destroyer) emergency hyperjump
ANS Lothal (Lothal-class assault cruiser) moderate hull damage
ANS Aleen (Lothal-class assault cruiser) moderate hull damage
ANS Andrew (Nebulon B7 frigate) heavy shield damage
ANS Draco (Nebulon B7 frigate) heavy shield damage
ANS Jacen (Nebulon B7 frigate) moderate shield damage

Attack craft:

65 B/E-3 B-Wings
17 BTL-S12 K-Wing Aerofortresses
30 D-Wings

Rogue One Sith fleet:

Capital ships:

Justicar (Wyyrlok-class Star Destroyer) detained on Coruscant
Wrack (Torment-class Star Destroyer) light shield damage
Charge (Vanguard-class heavy cruiser)
Restraint (Rhak Suri-class interdiction cruiser) light hull damage
Tython (Maladi-class strike frigate)
Anaxes (Maladi-class strike frigate)
Impale (Boneshatter-class assault frigate)
Slice (Boneshatter-class assault frigate)
Maul (Boneshatter-class assault frigate) heavy hull damage
Dismember(Boneshatter-class assault frigate) heavy hull damage

Attack craft:

83 TIE/LN fighters
30 TIE/SA bombers
Objective: Retribution
Location: Tython
Allies: GA and friends [member="Cathul Thuku"]
Enemies: Rogue One Sith
Post: 4

He kept flying, it had seem like forever, and he was one of the late ones to the fight, but he knew he couldn't tire now, he kept up the quick turns and the fire as they continued to fight the other fleet, the battle had taken a turn for the better and their side had been decimating the enemy they had been facing.

He watched the enemies fleet slowly dwindle, less and less fighters seemed to be there for him to fight, but he pressed the assault never giving into the thought of this making sure that he kept on his game and was fighting to peak efficiency. He turned sideways as another fighter decided to play chicken with him, he swung the ship around fast and hit the other fighter in the rear blowing it up, his eyes kept scanning constantly for more targets, and they continued to supply him with them.
Location: Coruscant
Objective: Develop SoroSuub Coruscant Branch, Prepare for Aargau Expansion
Allies: Galactic Alliance, [member="Aeri Vyn"], [member="Pella Vun"]
Post: 7 (SoroSuub: 3)

SoroSuub Cloudscraper, Core Plaza
Galactic City, Coruscant
The Core

The Public Relations executive's day steadily progressed from bad to worse, and Nathanos wiped away beads of sweat dripping down his brow as he wished silently that he could just take a taxi back to his apartment for a fix of glitterstim. Outside of the deputy director's modest, still unpainted and sparsely furnished office, the hammering noises of ongoing construction pounded at his nerves. With SoroSuub's acquisition of the new property in Core Plaza, there had come what felt like months now of refurbishing before the offices and provincial headquarters of the galaxy spanning megacorp had even been suitable for habitation, let alone cleared for upper management to begin the move in process.

Through the Solarium glasteel of his office door set on its opaque setting, he could make out the outlines of diminutive forms of Sullustans bustling back and forth down the hallway on various errands, as well as the occasional taller form of a near-human or other humanoid of similar stature. With all the construction crews crawling throughout the cloudscraper's guts, this was the most at home Darksword had felt since he had begun working at the company. The Sullustan natives tried to diversify their hiring processes as much as they could, Nathanos himself was as much an example of that as he was a curiosity within the upper management, but a company like SoroSuub just couldn't help an imbalance when they employed two thirds of their homeworld's population.

And yet, despite all the humans and near-humans uncharacteristically roaming the halls of the building, Nathanos had never felt so much an outsider.

It turned out, his fears about Aargau had been more of a paranoid overreaction to a rapidly drifting market, and already reports that both Arcenau and Incom had broken through the stone wall of the Bank and into more favorable negotiating grounds for a stake in the future of the finance world. Even now, the Sullustans were hard at work organizing their planned diplomatic mission to the nearby trade hub, and chances were high that they would expect him to be on the first wave team. Which meant that the plan he had set into motion with Cei Kyros to rob the Bank of Aargau had now become more of a personal liability than a savvy political maneuver.

All he could do was pack his bags, prepare for the shuttle to take him to his luxury yacht in orbit, and hope the operation didn't come back to haunt him.

At least there will be a little time for spice on the trip.
[member="Aeri Vyn"]

Since the dark ages had come to an end no one had really built like ATC, she thought. Plenty of governments and organisations invested in ships. But it was ATC that built structures that rivalled the great infrastructure of the past. Things like Cloud City.

"Sounds as if we have options," Pella replied. She wasn't quite up to date on what the bleeding edge was as far as ATC's reactor research was concerned. Some of her techies probably were. As the elevator doors shut Pella changed her tone slightly.

"To be entirely blunt there is an Alliance competition being realised for tender soon. We think they might see our name as risky against what they're looking for as it's outside what we're doing. We think a consortium would have a much greater chance and could benefit us both. Your name evokes thoughts of...reliability and ambition." Pella smiled. If ATC or one of their subsidiaries was already thinking of going in alone on the tender for light corvettes then she was about to be shown the door. In a long-winded manner.

The Jedi Academy Ruins
[member="Shamira Karuto"]

Rhen may not be quite knowledgeable of languages outside of the Corellian sector, but he had plenty of experience with the Mandalorians to understand the simple greeting used by the various clans.

"Ah, are you Mandalorian, Padawan Kaurto?" a perfectly understandable inquiry considering the method [member="Shamira Karuto"] had begun their conversation with.

A small wave of his fingers excused her tardiness. "It is quite alright. I am glad you caught up. The jungle is dangerous. There are still remnants of Yuuzhan Vong Creatures along with tribes of Flesh Raiders." turning he continued on ahead, pushing past large fronds for a path.

"We had once built a temple here, perhaps a decade back." he admitted, moving along. "After the Four Hundred Year darkness... a fledgling Galactic Republic had formed. Alongside them were a small gathering of Force users under the guidance of Master Teferti who instigated the organization of the Jedi Order after centuries of lost communication."
[member="Pella Vun"]

"A consortium?" a guard saw their approach and the attendant beside him took a few steps forward to swipe an access card. The turbo lift doors gave a slight hiss as they slid open, allowing entry for the pair.

"Then what exactly do you have planned?" with a swing of her legs, the woman leaned back against the clear glasteel wall of the turbo lift. From here they would move to the thirtieth level.

"And who else might be involved in this consortium?"

Shamira Karuto

Burn the past - Heal the future

The Jedi Academy Ruins
[member="Rhen Qel-Droma"]

With a small nod, the lithe togruta answered the greying knight’s question of her heritage. “Father was. I never went through the trials to become one, but I know quite a few phrases.” Her grin returned, eyes roaming the landscape once again.
The dangers the jedi knight mentioned made the padawan furrow her brow in slight worry, the focus of her looking around changing from looking at the beautiful ruins to looking for potential enemies to harass the group. Looking behind herself at the excavation team, she realized there wasn’t many suited to fight any enemies that might attack. That would leave it to those actually equipped to fight as well as the pair of the jedi to ward off any advances. Not exactly the most comforting thought to the padawan.
Her eyes focused back on the greying Jedi, smiling lightly as she listened to the story of the Temple and how it came to be. “How long do you think it will take to reclaim this area..? If it means so much to us, it shouldn’t be so long, right?”
Location: Coruscant
Objective: The Men in the High Castle
Allies: Galactic Alliance, [member="Vilin"],
Enemies: One Sith Remnant, [member="Darth Abyss"]
Post: 8

"We have to have to be flexible and keep a swift operation tempo in the core," Vilin had said. "Much like we did in the early days of the rim before the First Order came back in force. The forces still loyal to the Sith are small and agile and if we don't deal with them quickly they'll either do serious harm or join forces and retreat to rebuild. And then we'll have a war on two fronts."

"I don't know much about the glory days of the founding," Zark chuckled in response, "But I was flying the Rim around the time, and it taught me a thing or two about putting opportunists back on their heels. As far as your assessment, I couldn't agree more. This whole sector is a powder keg, all it would take is one spark in the wrong place at the wrong time to set the whole thing off. And if these Sith loyalists or some third party finds such a rallying point, I'm not sure the Alliance has the resources or manpower to put it out. Don't let the Supreme Commander know I told you so."

He winked at the Devaronian, already beyond late for his meeting but still much more willing to spend time with his fellow officer than the stern faces of High Command. Little did either of them know that even now, the highest elements of the Alliance's diplomatic and military arm was negotiating an armistice with this Grand Admiral Dennon Kyle in expectation of future recognition of Anaxes' sovereignty. Overtaxed and under-resourced throughout the region, the offices of both the Supreme Commander and Chief of State were placing all their hopes in the rumors that this leader was a moderate, and that his promises to deescalate the situation were genuine and most likely free of Darkside influence.

If Zark, Vilin, or practically anyone with a local view of the situation had had something to say on the matter, things may have gone differently. But as the two Alliance commanders both prepared for war, their task forces were being rerouted away from Anaxes to other troubled systems throughout the region.

The cloak of a U-Wing only went so far. In broad daylight people would notice a sudden breeze, the hum of repulsors and Justicars appearing out of thin air. Fortunately they'd found an abandoned speeder parking lot to land on.

Trextan headed down the stairs with several members of the Scarred. They wore riot gear and carried lightweight stun carbines. From the third floor they spotted a roaming gang of youths breaking into a shop front.

"How do we even pacify this?" Sergeant Raun asked. "Half the city is looting."

"Five hundred metres to the government plaza," Trextan murmured. "We get that far and hold out for reinforcements."

He was still considering the revelations of his journey. The classified stealth frigate, it turned out, was of the same class [member="Choli Vyn"] had recovered on after Mustafar. It explained why he was stonewalled in his questioning. It had also been a little window into her life. Conditions for the pilots on smaller carriers seemed to be quite cramped, with tightly arranged bunks. Still, even though the crew were quiet around outsiders Trextan got the feeling they were a tight knit community. He wasn't sure if that made him feel more distant from Choli and her life or not.
[member="Aeri Vyn"]

"We've got a small electronics firm from Fondor lined up and a consultancy firm to do the safety analysis. We think they'll tick some points in the "encouraging small enterprise" category that the GADF have suddenly taken an interest in. That's it so far. We haven't even got around to letting the marketing team come up with some appallingly pretentious name for the consortium yet.

"There is a rumour that CEC is putting a response together as well. We fully expect Koensayr to throw something into the mix as well, but word is they're not devoting the A-Team to the bid work as they've got too many projects in the pipeline already.

"Are you even vaguely interested in this point or would you prefer to discuss more of a supplier role."

Pella knew which she preferred. Arcenau's name on the bid and for the purpose of this particular bid exclusive access to their expertise. Hopefully the Zeltron wasn't holding things too close to her chest. Perhaps CEC had already been here courting them?
Objective: Retribution
Location: Tython
Allies: GA and friends [member="Ben Carlin"]
Enemies: Rogue One Sith
Post: 18/38

Since the Maul and the Dismember were on their last legs, they were taken out of the game easily, but not without landing some hits on the Jacen. But because most of the carrier's weapons were out of range, and that moving into range of the enemy cruisers would take a while, all that could be fired at them from the carrier were the HVCs; the dorsal batteries were too imprecise to fire at the enemy cruisers at that range. Clearly the crews of the enemy cruisers realized that they were losing steam too fast to actually attempt to return fire. Now the Rogue One Sith fleet shall be defeated: Midvinter was the beginning of the end for them, she thought, while realizing that TIE fighters without a mothership were vulnerable on their own. If they were to run out of fuel, or anything, then it would become all too easy to pick them off. Plus with one Ben Carlin in the area, whom Cathul realized just now was in the immediate area of Tython, taking out Graug-piloted TIE fighters that managed to hold on only because there was a Sith in the carrier. From what she knew about Graug, based on SIS reports, their competence depends on the presence or absence of dark-siders among their ranks.

"Commence our advance towards the enemy carrier: we shall crush the Rogue One Sith right here, and kill the Sith still onboard"

"Roger, roger" the carrier's pilot acknowledged, while activating the 30-second thrust boost.

Therapy Command vanguard:

Capital ships:

ANS Hero of Coruscant (Mateus-class fleet carrier) light hull damage
ANS Legacy (Legacy-class star destroyer) emergency hyperjump
ANS Lothal (Lothal-class assault cruiser) moderate hull damage
ANS Aleen (Lothal-class assault cruiser) moderate hull damage
ANS Andrew (Nebulon B7 frigate) heavy shield damage
ANS Draco (Nebulon B7 frigate) heavy shield damage
ANS Jacen (Nebulon B7 frigate) light hull damage

Attack craft:

60 B/E-3 B-Wings
16 BTL-S12 K-Wing Aerofortresses
27 D-Wings

Rogue One Sith fleet:

Capital ships:

Justicar (Wyyrlok-class Star Destroyer) detained on Coruscant
Wrack (Torment-class Star Destroyer) light hull damage
Charge (Vanguard-class heavy cruiser)
Restraint (Rhak Suri-class interdiction cruiser) heavy hull damage
Tython (Maladi-class strike frigate)
Anaxes (Maladi-class strike frigate)
Impale (Boneshatter-class assault frigate)
Slice (Boneshatter-class assault frigate)
Maul (Boneshatter-class assault frigate)
Dismember(Boneshatter-class assault frigate)

Attack craft:

66 TIE/LN fighters
23 TIE/SA bombers
Location: Hyperspace, Approaching Aargau
Objective: Develop SoroSuub Coruscant Branch, Begin Aargau Expansion
Allies: Galactic Alliance, [member="Aeri Vyn"], [member="Pella Vun"]
Post: 9 (SoroSuub: 4)

Observation Deck, SoroSuub Luxury 5000 Yacht Greater Fool
Aargau System, The Core

Nathanos plucked at the strings of the Hapan lute discordantly as his fingers danced subconsciously across the nalargon. While in a clearer mindset Nathanos was proficient enough at both of the instruments, in his current state, despite attentions divided between the two the melody he produced was wonderfully complex and interwoven. And yet the executive was hardly aware of the minor masterwork he was creating impromptu, as his mind was drifting along the cosmic strings of dust as they bounced at a breakneck pace down the hyperlane. Far from being any kind of savant, it was the effects of the potent glitterstim that the SoroSuub director had just ingested that allowed him such mental acuity and heightened telepathic awareness.

Dimly, he recalled the taxi ride from his offices in Core Plaza to the spaceport that had taken him here. In his chemically altered state of mind, the still half completed SoroSuub on the side of the building began to melt away in an inferno as his mood fluctuated with the effects of the narcotic and anxiety about the Aargau Job. It took the yacht's captain several failed attempts to raise him on the comms before coming directly to the observation deck to inform her charge of their impending arrival, and yet when Director Darksword glanced up from his musical improvisations he gave her a look as if to say that he had been expected the whole time, and simply nodded in wearied response to her unspoken information, and proceeded directly with his part of the conversation.

"Very good, Captain," he began, just as she had opened her mouth to speak, "I'll be down to the airlock at the appointed time. While we await clearance, please contact the first available Arcaneau trade representative you can find on the planet."

Thoroughly off put every time she had occasion to deal with her most frequent VIP passenger, the yacht's captain left the deck shaking her head, but the deputy director's thoughts were already elsewhere, in the future, on the planet below. Perhaps the Bank was skittish about dealing with a company so integrally tied to the bureaucracy of the Galactic Alliance. An intermediary, like Arcenau, with prior interests on the world might be beneficial in making plain that their intentions were to conduct and protect trade, not redistribute wealth or property.

When they reached street level they paused in the shadow of the doors. The machines for payment had been torn apart of steal whatever credit chits they had held. The stairwell held a distinctly unpleasant smell. Trextan eyed the gang carefully. Half of them were probably his own age.

A couple realised they were being watched and turned around. They puffed out their chests and shouted for the rest of the group.

Trextan stepped out in his armour. He ignored the gang and turned right down the street. The scarred followed. The teenagers hadn't expected a squad of armed soldiers. They shouted some insults and kept their distance.

"Move quickly, we don't want those idiots drawing attention," the sergeant called. Trextan nodded at the man. Like most of the Scarred he had artificial eyes. His men were at their most effective in the dark.
The Jedi Academy Ruins
@Shamira ​Karuto

"Well, we never know when we might follow the steps of our forefathers," Rhen said encouragingly. A small gesture came to himself. "I Corellian-born and bred; Not quite with the New Jedi Order. I'm a Corellian Green Jedi."

Now as for her inquiry. There were a few sounds of shuffling out into the jungle. Could that be Flesh Raiders? He gave a small rise of his hand to his companions?

"Keep an eye out... Arie, go on ahead with Marek."

"Yes, Master Qel-Droma." the Twi'lek Knight said while taking her Rodian companion with her.

Turning back to Shamira, he said, "We are close." a hand gestured towards the path ahead. There, green, vine covered debris would be visible. The remnants of the Jedi Temple's outer gardens.
Objective: Redemption
Location: Edge of the Valley
Enemies: [member="Darth Isolda"]?
Allies: Not-Isolda?

Only once had he been close, in all his years as a Jedi. Only once, 'once' describing a blur of time, had he been near enough to put this all to an end, and only since then had he the knowledge that he should have made the attempt to do so, had he been capable. Only once had he been near enough to touch her in this life, only once did he in fact, and the memory of when it was done, free will in abundance time and time again, bled in fresh the closer he got. He teetered on the edge of the valley, because he didn't need to be there to know what she would do, what she was going to do.

That had, after all, been him once.

Jan crouched, tail of his outer robes billowing out behind him and settling, as he raked his fingers across the parched dirt, scooping some in hand. The toxicity permeated down to the smallest grain and further, to the most indecipherable molecule, and he brought the handful to his nose, drawing in against the close of his fingers, eyes slipping shut. A moment passed, then two, and the flaps rose as he breathed out, revealing eyes nigh-devoid of their pigment, and affected with the barest glow. Then he slammed the handful of dirt into the earth, and sent himself out to her, along a channel he had accessed but once in his days as a padawan, and by accident, at that.


Could he take her eyes, as he had then?
Objective: Retribution
Location: Tython
Allies: GA and friends [member="Cathul Thuku"]
Enemies: Rogue One Sith
Post: 5

He started going after the bombers as they were still causing big damage to the fleet, he got behind them and did a slight right to left dodging motion. He continued the fire until one shot got to close for comfort, he took a quick right and started doing strafing runs from their sides, right-to-left left-to-right so they couldn't get at him. He picked them off one by one watching the explosions as the next one seemed to flawlessly take their place, it was a art for sure, to fly in formation like that, but he didn't think it was as safe as a good old dog fight.

As the bomber group he had been fighting dwindled to nothing he pulled off and began to aid some of the units who took heavy hits to finish off the remaining fighters, pulling alongside some of them with a gentle wing tip as he would take a fighter on someones tail or drew the attention away as some of the more damaged fighters retreated. He wanted no more from there side to die, but he knew it would happen, but at least he could save some lives.
Objective: Retribution
Location: Tython
Allies: GA and friends [member="Ben Carlin"]
Enemies: Rogue One Sith
Post: 19/38

The remaining enemy bombers managed to deal some damage to the carrier, tearing its vestigial bow door open, because the carrier was somehow too close to the enemy squadrons for its own comfort. And, in one desperate act, the enemy fighters made a beeline towards the carrier, not realizing that they were taking heavy point-defense fire and still being sandwiched between their target's point-defense and the Alliance starfighter squadrons. She realizes that the Graug pilots are getting slaughtered and also the massacre extends to the interdictor, whose explosion took out a few stray, foolish TIE/LNs and the enemy is down to just one bomber squadron. With the Rogue One Sith fleet being almost completely wiped out, the identification transponders finally returned a status beyond the ship's name and identification. So Eris Salazar was still alive? Maybe Eris would still be able to receive the transmission Cathul was about to send to both her and the Graug pilots (which might not understand what surrender even means):

"Open a channel over known naval Rogue One Sith channels"

"Channel open"

"The Galactic Alliance demands your surrender: if you surrender, you will agree to never again take up arms against the GA and you will not be mistreated"

Therapy Command vanguard:

Capital ships:

ANS Hero of Coruscant (Mateus-class fleet carrier) moderate hull damage
ANS Legacy (Legacy-class star destroyer) emergency hyperjump
ANS Lothal (Lothal-class assault cruiser) moderate hull damage
ANS Aleen (Lothal-class assault cruiser) moderate hull damage
ANS Andrew (Nebulon B7 frigate) heavy shield damage
ANS Draco (Nebulon B7 frigate) heavy shield damage
ANS Jacen (Nebulon B7 frigate) light hull damage

Attack craft:

56 B/E-3 B-Wings
15 BTL-S12 K-Wing Aerofortresses
24 D-Wings

Rogue One Sith fleet:

Capital ships:

Justicar (Wyyrlok-class Star Destroyer) detained on Coruscant
Wrack (Torment-class Star Destroyer) heavy hull damage
Charge (Vanguard-class heavy cruiser)
Restraint (Rhak Suri-class interdiction cruiser)
Tython (Maladi-class strike frigate)
Anaxes (Maladi-class strike frigate)
Impale (Boneshatter-class assault frigate)
Slice (Boneshatter-class assault frigate)
Maul (Boneshatter-class assault frigate)
Dismember(Boneshatter-class assault frigate)

Attack craft:

50 TIE/LN fighters
12 TIE/SA bombers
Objective: Retribution
Location: Tython
Allies: GA and friends [member="Cathul Thuku"]
Enemies: Rogue One Sith
Post: 6

He would continue his dogfights along with sticking with the smaller groups, the ones that took the hardest hits, although they might win this battle, there are men and women who lost their lives, and he knew it, nagging at the back of his mind the thoughts were there, but in the front the thought was clear, that's what happens in war, he had seen it first hand, he knew that death had to happen, he didn't like it, hated it in fact, but to win the war they had to lose some people.

His blasters lit up another target sending them into space dust, he didn't count, he hated that people did, it was disrespectful, they might be on the other side but their fighting for their own reasons, they didn't know the lives they had lived. They might not have had a choice, that might have been the only choice, and those counters, would never know. He shook the thoughts out of his head, focusing on the task at hand as another ship went down.

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