As the meeting broke up Siobhan headed out of the office to stock up on weapons, specifically grenades. As deadly as a lightsabre and the Force were, it would not do to rely on them. The experience of losing the Force, as brief as that had been, had certainly taught her that.
Some time afterwards she was in the hangar bay, where the Omega strike force was already assembling as per Tegaea's command. One of the mercenaries from her group, a grizzled, heavily scarred fellow called Thane, who incidentally had no relation to a certain cantankerous Jedi Master, approached her. "Look who comes from upstairs to grace us with her'am!" he quipped, but then Siobhan was sort of irreverent herself. "Will you enlighten us as to our noble venture?"
Siobhan elbowed him slightly. "Pirate fleet on Vandelhelm. Natives are helpless...yadda...yadda. Boss wants them dismembered. Full contingent's gonna hit 'em hard."
Thane made a show of snorting. "Pirates. When I signed up, there was no word about being so bloody noble. I should've read the fine print."
Siobhan chuckled a bit at that. "Be a good boy and blow up lots of scum and maybe the next time we can imperialistically seize a good of good guys."
"I recommend Naboo, easy pickings. Pretty handmaidens in the palace," he said to her with a wink. "If Game of Stars is to be believed. Destroy the Gungans, while we're at it." Game of Stars was a critically acclaimed, though according to certain commentators excessively raunchy and violent, holovid-series that posited to depict the true story of the fall of the old Republic.
"He's just sulky because he never got to hunt krayt dragons," a Zabrak woman, tall and wiry, with a cybernetic right ear and a long-barelled blaster rifle said, approaching them. "Gunn," she introduced herself laconically.
"Love the name. Hear you're a good shooter."
"I never miss."
"Now that's just begging for a contest. In heads," Thane threw in.
"You know it's not just size that matters," Siobhan said sardonically, she indicated the grizzled merc. "You're on heavy weapons duty, blow anything apart that gets in our way. Gunn, show us you don't miss. Bastards are well-entrenched, heavy repeater gun emplacements, turrets. Gotta fight our way through their space forces. Trouble for our corsair friends is that they ain't us, so at the end of the day they'll be a bunch of smoking corpses and the planet will be ours. We take the western camp, crush anything that gets in our way."
At that Thane raised his hand. "Is there a bonus if you deliver a large quote of heads? Dragon season is on, I could use some extra downtime."
Siobhan gave him a look. "Take that grenade launcher and blow up all the scum that gets in the way, then far as I care you can go and hunt as many dragons as you want and risk getting eaten. Just remember Omega insurance doesn't cover unofficial pleasure trips!"