@[member="Hevana Martin"], @[member="Cira"]
With the door blown to shreds the mercenary force penetrated the bunker, passing through the thick smoke. A good deal of the entrance had been wrecked by the explosion, they came across corpses of pirates. Warily they passed through a corridor, seemingly only coming across light resistance, but Siobhan was wary. The whole thing seemed fishy.
As they marched down a corridor after overcoming some scattered pirates, the team came to a halt when their point man signalled them. Siobhan walked onward, linking up with the mercenaries up front. It was all quiet, no turrets, no sign of booby traps, not even poorly aimed pirate blaster fire. In other words, something had to happen now.
The mercenaries levelled their blasters when suddenly they heard movement coming from an adjacent corridor, but instead of pirates bent on suicide by Omega the only being that emerged was a terrified looking miner wearing a thick vest. She looked looked frightened and held up her hands. "Please, don't hurt me. I'm not with them!" she exclaimed, breathing heavily. "They've...you must help me." Things would be much simpler if she just spat it out, but the rules of drama were in effect
"Major, we got a friendlie here," One Omega mercenary, the point man who had been looking for booby traps, perhaps feeling unusually noble of heroic, took a few steps closer to the frightened woman, levelling his gun.
Siobhan looked suspicious and tried to scan the area, seeking to reach out with the Force. "Stay where you are. Where's the rest of the pirates?" she demanded from the miner.
"They're down in the main control room. You gotta help me. They wired me with..." it was then that Siobhan heared the timer counting down and beheld the explosive belt. Immediately she produced a blaster pistol and shot the woman in the head, in the same motion she unleashed the Force to grip mercenaries standing ahead of her and fling them backwards so that they might be out of the blast radius.
Nonetheless, as the miner tumbled down dead the explosives she had been wired with detonated and a shockwave tore through the hall. While several mercenaries had been flung back through the Force in the nick of time, the cries of wounded soldiers were still heard. The wall behind the woman was ripped apart as a large hole was torn into it, evidently the damage could have been much worse. Siobhan, being slower to react due to her other focus, was caught in the shockwave and though the Force wrapped itself aorund her she was knocked and landed in the wall, then fell into the ground head-first.
Sharp shards and pieces of shrapnel released by the explosion flew through the air, hitting some of the soldiers. Kerrigan gritted her teeth at the pain after a large shard struck her face. "Shit, get up and kill those arseholes." She had scarcely said these words and pulled herself up when suddenly pirates started swarming them from the front and corridor to the right. The lights had been blasted out by the explosion. Admittedly the mercenaries had night vision googles and Siobhan had one cyborg eye, so it was overcome, but for a short moment it might be disorientating.
Siobhan heard hostiles coming in from an adjourning corridor and fired immediately with her blaster pistol at two figures, gunning them down. With a pull from the Force she pulled a damaged piece of wall plaiting free and tossed it at gunmen storming towards them, silencing the fire coming from that quarter. The mercenaries sought cover of their own and returned salvoes, then the pirates started lobbing grenades. Siobhan managed to drag a mercenary behind the cover of some bricks and wreckage. A grenade landed next to her and with lightning reflexes she tossed it back to the enemy, but then was knocked back when a blaster bolt grazed her shoulder and a stun bolt hit her in the stomach. Blaster shots and explosions resounded throughout the room and pure chaos descended on them she pulled herself up.
She spun her blade, deflecting shots from pirates who had used the mercenaries' distraction to emerge from cover and storm towards them. They were coming under fire from the pirates up ahead and those from the right corridor. Scanning as rounds bounced off her blade and she sought to evade grenades, she noticed that the left wall had been quite weakened by the explosion, with a hole in it. "Keep those arseholes busy and then advance, I'll take a group and come in from the left. We'll blow 'em to hell," she called out to Hevana.
More pirates emerged and assaulted them. One got his legs blown off when Siobhan reflected his bolts back and then fell to a buckshot round from a merc. Another heavily armoured one launched himself at her and slammed his repeater into her face, causing damage in her cyborg eye and struck a kick into her stomach. She up her blade to shore his gun in half and hit back with a bone-crunching punch from her droid arm into one of his ribs, making him stagger, then stabbed him.
Using the smoke and general confusion she emerged out, gesturing to Cira some mercs to follow her for the breakthrough Stray blaster bolts whizzed past her and with all the smoke it was difficult to deflect them, forcing her to just run. Releasing a grenade, she hurled it at the vulnerable piece of wall, guiding it with the Force. While this happened the mercs still in cover kept up a continuous volley of blasterfire and tossed in grenades to keep their enemies busy, making mayhem to cover them.