@[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
One can't quite hide their force signature and then still USE the Force. So while Siobhan was having her up and personal jaunt with the wurm, Cira followed up behind with what she could do sans Force, sending a volley of green bolts towards the wurm just as the large piece of the gunship slammed into it.
Distraction was the key, and the Major certainly provided it in spades! A hidden smirk drew across the Prex's lips at Siobhan's gusto. Well done, she thought to herself. She'd have words with the Major later, but for now... Her visored helmet jerked towards the worm. There were other pressing matters. Swinging the blaster rifle to her back, she pulled out two vibroshivs. This... was going to be fun.
Without further ado, as the wurm gave a terrifying screech at Siobhan, it's jaws and mantecles quivering as it attempted to clamp it's jaw over her again, Cira sprung forward, her body flying in the air onto the wurm's back. She landed hard, twin shivs digging deep into the wurm's back, providing her a method of climbing up behind it, almost riding it, as it howled.
It jerked, it's body recoiling in protest, but Cira pressed on, enjoying the wild ride. Legs swung, and her arms tensed as she held on, but she would not be bucked. She had a couple of grenades she'd been itching to use...
One can't quite hide their force signature and then still USE the Force. So while Siobhan was having her up and personal jaunt with the wurm, Cira followed up behind with what she could do sans Force, sending a volley of green bolts towards the wurm just as the large piece of the gunship slammed into it.
Distraction was the key, and the Major certainly provided it in spades! A hidden smirk drew across the Prex's lips at Siobhan's gusto. Well done, she thought to herself. She'd have words with the Major later, but for now... Her visored helmet jerked towards the worm. There were other pressing matters. Swinging the blaster rifle to her back, she pulled out two vibroshivs. This... was going to be fun.
Without further ado, as the wurm gave a terrifying screech at Siobhan, it's jaws and mantecles quivering as it attempted to clamp it's jaw over her again, Cira sprung forward, her body flying in the air onto the wurm's back. She landed hard, twin shivs digging deep into the wurm's back, providing her a method of climbing up behind it, almost riding it, as it howled.
It jerked, it's body recoiling in protest, but Cira pressed on, enjoying the wild ride. Legs swung, and her arms tensed as she held on, but she would not be bucked. She had a couple of grenades she'd been itching to use...